Results for 'Mitja Peruš'

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  1. Etično načelo saturiranosti u organizaciji rada. Oprimjereno razmatranjem znanstvene djelatnosti u vrijeme COVID–19 pandemije.Luka Perušić - 2023 - In Ivan Koprek (ed.), Pandemija, ekonomija i poslovna etika. Fakultet filozofije i religijskih znanosti. pp. 163-184.
    Rad pripremno ocrtava etično načelo saturiranosti u svrhe boljeg razumijevanja zdravog radnog okruženja. Načelo se oprimjeruje razmatranjem zajedničke biti ljudskih problema vezanih za uzrok, razvoj, učinke i posljedice COVID–19 virusne pandemije koja je potvrdila dugo znane, sustavne probleme opterećenja u ljudskom društvu, naročito u području poslovanja. Posebno treba istaknuti područje kadrovski i financijski potkapacitiranih nacionalnih sustava, poput znanstvenog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, u kojem vlada i problem višestrukog radnog identiteta. Izabrana optika motrenja služi približavanju moralne i organizacijske važnosti i korisnosti (...)
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  2. Negative Impact of Political Exceptionalism on National Trust as Evidenced by the COVID-19 Crisis.Luka Perušić - 2023 - Ethical Studies 8 (1):70-85.
    The correct identification of the abuse of political power during the COVID-19 crisis remains a challenge because officially declaring the pandemic allowed political representatives to exercise additional power disguisable as the maintenance of functioning social order under the principle of preserving humankind. One way to observe the abuse of power in its excess is the degree of compliance exhibited by the people who laid juridical restrictions for the purpose of combating COVID-19. The behaviour of political representatives was evidence of political (...)
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  3. Being Praxis: The Structure of Praxis Philosophy – Outlined by the Refutation of Contemporary Criticism.Luka Perušić - 2018 - In Dominik Novkovic & Alexander Akel (eds.), Karl Marx – Philosophie, Pädagogik, Gesellschaftstheorie und Politik. Kassel: Kassel University Press. pp. 174-196.
    Before it succumbed to political censorship in Croatia in 1974 and afterward, a movement known as praxis philosophy reached its pinnacle as a critical response to the conceptually and socially corrupted dialectical and historical materialism which dominated the former Yugoslavian region. Two of the most prominent philosophers of "praxis movement" – Milan Kangrga and Gajo Petrović – the Praxists – remained to be an inspirational source for junior and senior scholars to date. Recently, a debate was initiated regarding the value (...)
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  4. Filozofijska dimenzija pripovjednog sadržaja videoigara.Luka Perušić - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (1):57-78.
    In the paper, laid out are the categories of the presence of the philosophical dimension of narrative content in video games, to establish a ground for more thorough thinking of practical and historical relation of philosophy and video games. In the introductory, described is the appearance of the philosophical dimension of the narrative content in the fifth generation of video games, and the importance of that happening is highlighted. The central part of the paper describes the categories of the presence, (...)
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  5. Kozmobioetika: uvodna rasprava o bioetičkim aspektima kozmičkog društva.Luka Perušić - 2018 - Obnovljeni Život 73 (3):311-328.
    Heuristička propulzivnost bioetike u posljednjih trideset godina potaknula je na značajno proširenje područnog opsega: na metodološkom planu razvoj je obilježen kretanjem od disciplinarnosti do transdisciplinarnosti, a na problemskom planu od biotehničkih izazova do mišljenja cjeline živog svijeta. Međutim, bioetička ispitivanja još uvijek u obzir ne uzimaju probleme iz humanističke i prirodoznanstvene kozmologije, čak ni u sklopu projekta integrativne bioetike, što je izrazito problematično s obzirom na važnost njihovih jezgri znanja. Razvijanje ljudskog društva prema objedinjavanju s prostorom izvan planeta Zemlje te (...)
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  6. Biće — bit — bitak — bivstvovanje. Prilog raspravi o problemu sadržaja i primjene temeljnih pojmova.Luka Perušić - 2022 - In Goran Sunajko, Hrvoje Jurić & Marija Selak (eds.), Praktička ontologija. Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo. pp. 149-194.
    Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu, tragom prethodnih istraživanja, prvenstveno Petrovićevih i Marottijevih, ispitujem sadržaj i primjenu temeljnog filozofijskog pojmovlja zasnovanoga na riječi i pojmu biti, pri čemu je glavna primijenjena strategija filozofijsko tumačenje mišljenja tvorenog putem mehanizama hrvatskoga jezika. U drugom dijelu, tragom Veljakovih istraživanja o metafizičkim utvarama, ispitujem opasnosti usvajanja moguće nepotpuno razumljenog pojmovlja pomoću kojega oblikujemo predodžbe o (društvenoj) zbilji i po njoj djelujemo. Sidrište je razmatranja problem hipostaze jednoga, a u dijalogu s Veljakovim (...)
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  7. Euthanasia in Video Games – Exemplifying the Importance of Moral Experience in Digital Gameworlds.Luka Perušić - 2022 - Pannoniana 6 (1):53-98.
    The paper classifies euthanasia and discusses its typological presence in storytelling video games. It aims to illustrate the importance of experiencing simulated moral challenges in the context of gameworlds as a significantly influential, exponentially growing form of interactive media. In contrast to older works of art and media, such as film and literature, the difference should be emphasized in light of the player’s ability to make choices in video games. Although the influence of gameworld content depends on the player, the (...)
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  8. Fritz Jahr as Methodological Paradigm in Bioethical Education.Luka Perušić - 2019 - Jahr 10 (2):287-310.
    The paper examines Fritz Jahr as a possible role-model in bioethical education. It consists of two parts. The first part builds upon the acknowledged data and theories about how Fritz Jahr proposed the bioethical imperative and changed his way of thinking. It provides arguments for and against known claims and expands the knowledge background with the focus on reconstructing the thought process and some presumptions that led to the formulation of bioethical imperative. The second part uses these results to infer (...)
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  9. Am Abgrund des Nichts und des Gotteswesens. Über das Problem einer angemessen fundierten Erklärung der Schöpfung und des Ursprungs des Universums.Luka Perušić - 2020 - In Damir Smiljanić (ed.), Gotteshinterfragungen. Philosophische Beiträge zur Religionskritik. Aschaffenburg: Alibri Verlag. pp. 243-293.
    Die zentralen Fragestellungen bezüglich der wahren Beschaffenheit des Universums betreffen Folgendes: seinen Ursprung, seine Entstehung, die Existenz und Kontingenz seiner Gesetze, seine Intentionalität, Fassbarkeit, Transzendenz und die Anwendung erster Grundsätze, die diesen Phänomenen zugrunde liegen. Häufig sind die entsprechenden Untersuchungen jedoch belastet von (1) einer „semantischen Transmutation“ von Konzepten und Begriffen zwischen und innerhalb von drei allgemeinen Wissensfeldem - dem physikalischen, philosophischen und theologischen - sowie von (2) den Einschränkungen der anfänglichen Leitgedanken des Betrachters, die oft von skeptischen Annahmen geleitet (...)
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  10. On the Social Nature of Linguistic Prescriptions.Marcin Miłkowski - 2013 - Psychology of Language and Communication 17 (2):175-187.
    The paper proposes an empirical method to investigate linguistic prescriptions as inherent corrective behaviors. The behaviors in question may but need not necessarily be supported by any explicit knowledge of rules. It is possible to gain insight into them, for example by extracting information about corrections from revision histories of texts (or by analyzing speech corpora where users correct themselves or one another). One easily available source of such information is the revision history of Wikipedia. As is shown, the most (...)
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  11. Wachten op beeld - De tragische retorica van Iconische foto’s.Rob van Gerwen - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (1):40-54.
    Iconic photographs are visual arguments depicting an, often dramatic, particular situation showing victims of disasters. Spectators watching the photo of the particular situation, empathise with it, and project the feelings evoked onto the events that form the context for the scene in the picture. This mobilises them into political action. In the process, however, the depicted personal misery is perused to exemplify the larger events. The tragedy of iconic photographs is analysed not as the misery experienced by the depicted persons, (...)
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    The pursuit of “useless knowledge”.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    It is not always obvious for even well-trained researchers to appreciate their peer’s scientific pursuits. In many cases, research results obtained from strenuous work processes could even be regarded as “useless knowledge”. -/- Only in very few places on this planet had the notion of useless knowledge been respected and sought after. That’s the famous IAS of Princeton University powered by the conception of the usefulness of useless knowledge of Abraham Flexner. That’s why brilliant scientists such as Albert Einstein, Kurt (...)
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  13. Transporte de Gametas, Fertilização e Segmentação.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    TRANSPORTE DE GAMETAS, FERTILIZAÇÃO E SEGMENTAÇÃO -/- • _____OBJETIVO -/- O entendimento do desenvolvimento embrionário nos estágios iniciais, desde a deposição dos espermatozoides na fêmea, passando pela fertilização deste no ovócito e na formação do zigoto, é de suma importância para diferenciar especialistas em reprodução e manejo reprodutivo no mercado de trabalho e, também, durante a vida acadêmica. Compreender os processos que levam à formação do zigoto na fêmea é essencial para avaliar a capacidade reprodutiva dos animais e, mediante técnicas, (...)
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  14. Islamification vs. Islamophobia: A Message to the Youth in the Occident: Critical & Rhetorical Inquiries.Bahram Kazemian - 2021 - Journal of Language Teaching and Research 12 (5):786-799.
    Drawing upon the recent theoretical framework of Burkean concept of identification (ID), the current study aims at probing the interaction of content and form in two letters penned by Iran’s Supreme Leader and addressed to the Youth on Jan. and Nov. 2015. To this end, the study seeks (i) to determine a role ID takes in the conveyance of intended assumptions to the targeted readers; and (ii) to observe if the writer’s objectives, i.e. to identify himself with the readers and (...)
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  15. Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction as Outcomes of Psychological Contract: Evidence from the South African Workplace.David Isaac Ntimba, Karel Frederick Lessing & Ilze Swarts - manuscript
    The study examined the influence that the psychological contract has on the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees in the South African workplace. It also studied in detail, the effect that psychological contract breach and fulfilment have on the satisfaction of employees with regard to their work, fellow-employee, supervisor, and the as a whole organisation. The data for this study therefore, was collected through perusal of existing scientific articles/papers, published/unpublished dissertations and theses, text books and other relevant informative documents. This (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Doing a Double Take: (Further) Against the Primary Sound Account of Echoes.Jeff Hawley - unknown
    Presented at Philosophy Across Disciplines Conference 2021, Newcastle University. -/- As noted by philosopher Robert Pasnau, “our standard view of sound is incoherent” at best. A quick perusal of how we discuss and represent sound in our day-to-day language readily highlights a number of inconsistencies. Sound might be described roughly as emanating from the location of its material source (the ‘crack of the snare drum over there’ distal theory), as a disruption somewhere in the space in-between the sounding object and (...)
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  17. Plotinus and Spinoza: A Comparative Analysis of Their Notion of Evil.Latif Kadri - manuscript
    The problem of evil has always haunted theologians and philosophers. Throughout the course of this paper I will peruse the concepts of evil put forth by Spinoza and Plotinus. These two notions of evil have many similarities, yet there are some vital distinctions between the two. Plotinus and Spinoza both had rather unique views on the concept of evil that seemed to be ahead of their time in many ways. These two philosophers’ outlook on the notion of evil departs from (...)
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  18. Definitions of Art, by Stephen Davies. [REVIEW]Peg Brand - 1994 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (2):492-494.
    Davies presents the reader with a sterling review of the literature--the recent history of the interest in defining "art" through the writings of Anglo-American philosophers that follow Morris Weitz' well-known 1956 essay, "The Role of Theory in Aesthetics"--and a stimulating discussion of the role of conventions in the making and appreciating of contemporary art. His emphasis on the social nature of art leads one to wonder how other recent inquiries into the multilayered contextually of the artistic enterprise might fare under (...)
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  19. The Mind of the Lord and the Cosmos.G. B. James Lascelles - manuscript
    Instead of the usual dialectics that have now become very familiar to the evolution vs creation polemic, this article examines the different views rationally by adopting an eclectic approach that peruses evidence from secular history, cosmology, existential philosophy, systematic theology, and Biblical manuscripts in order to better understand the mind of God and the cosmos.
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  20. The New Testament Writers (Introduction to Book).Lascelles G. B. James - forthcoming - Self Published.
    The style, tone and tenor of the New Testament writers are unique and exceptional. Jesus of Nazareth, Hebraic roots, Old Testament literature, oral tradition, Hellenistic influence, Roman governance, 1st century socio-politics, and multifarious linguistic elements combined to immortalize their literary records and make them indelible in the minds of contemplative readers. This book acknowledges previous work and seeks to connect the thoughts gleaned from them to seminal ideas that have their locus in the inquiry of how language can influence thought (...)
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