Results for 'Mitsuharu Omine'

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  1. More on the ostrich scenes from Milan Kundera: the perverse zoo interpretation.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper presents an alternative interpretation of what Milan Kundera tells us about the contents of the ostriches’ speech, which does not involve a satirical puncturing of the ominous atmosphere. Their talk sounds like human talk earlier in the book because they are being turned into parrots.
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  2. Poetics of Sentimentality.Rick Anthony Furtak - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):207-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 207-215 [Access article in PDF] Notes and Fragments Poetics of Sentimentality Rick Anthony Furtak IN HIS MAJOR WORK, The Passions, Robert Solomon argues that emotions are judgments. 1 Through a series of persuasive examples, he shows that emotions are best understood as mental states which involve certain beliefs about the world. This means that every emotion has an object: if I am angry at (...)
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  3. The Role of Information Technology in Enhancing National Security in Nigeria (2001 -2020).E. Offiong Ekwutosi, Eke Nta Effiong & Etim Bassey Inyang - 2021 - Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies 1 (1):44-53.
    The security problems of Nigeria have continued to stare at her very ominously and intermittently harass her, both within and outside her shores. These have lingered on and have created a clog on the wheel of the country's progress, indeed dramatically stagnating, and to say the least, truncating the mainstay of the country's survival. Several interpretations, theories, analyses, syntheses, and jingoistic conceptualization have been propagated, all producing the same result. From scientific to technological approach, religious to ritualist approach, political to (...)
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    Dystopian Screen Media Overthrows Utopic Conventions: The Australian Landscape as an Enigma.Jytte Holmqvist - 2021 - European Association for Studies of Australia 12 (EASA | | Special issue, Vol. 12,):103-123.
    From Joan Lindsay and cinematic master Peter Weir to Ted Kotcheff and Warwick Thornton, over past decades authors, screenwriters and filmmakers have produced films that depict the vast Australian landscape—simply referred to as terra nullius during colonial times by settlers literally confronting a continent vastly different from anything they were culturally and geographically accustomed to—as mysterious, impenetrable and ominous. Just like the dark cold of Scandinavia lends itself perfectly to contemporary Nordic Noir, the Australian New Wave or Australian Film Revival (...)
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  5. Integral Ecology, Epigenetics and the Common Good.Russell A. Butkus & Steven A. Kolmes - 2017 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 14 (2):291-320.
    With the release of Laudato Si (2015) Pope Francis has introduced new conceptual language into Catholic social teaching (CST), what he has called "integral ecology." His intent appears to be grounded in the realization that "It is essential to seek comprehensive solutions which consider the interactions with natural systems themselves and with social systems" (LS, no. CXXXVIII). Pope Francis goes on to make the case that ''We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but (...)
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  6. Arthur Schopenhauer e a exaltação da moral cristã em Para além de bem e mal de Friedrich Nietzsche.Josadaque Martins Silva, Cristiane da Silva Ferreira & Juliano Batista dos Santos - 2021 - Revista Alembra 3 (6):79-87.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo mostrar que no quinto capítulo, § 186, de Para além de bem e mal, Nietzsche critica a pretensão clássica dos filósofos de fundamentar a moral e de formular uma ciência da moral, porém sem jamais indagar-se sobre o sentido da própria moral e sua problemática. E mais, expor que tal crítica nietzscheana atinge Arthur Schopenhauer, cuja fundamentação da moral estaria implícita na seguinte asseveração: “neminen laede, imo omines, quantum potes, iuva! – não faças mal a (...)
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    Manifestation of Power: Toopkhaneh Square, Tehran.Asma Mehan - 2017 - Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and Extraurban Studies 8 (2):77-88.
    Urban design and architecture are used as manifestations of power and control over a society. The city square is not just an architectural element; its structure has a nature that weaves together its contemporary social and political atmosphere and brings a new meaning and concept to the square. This paper aims to clarify the formation of Toopkhaneh Square (“The Place of Cannons,” or “Artillery Barracks” Square) whose military function and ominous name were physical evidence of the use of urban design (...)
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  8. Europäische Union - ein Schritt näher.Monika Kucner - 2002 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 3:229-249.
    Idea integracji europejskiej nie jest wymysłem naszych czasów. Jest to proces złożony, który dojrzewał na przestrzeni kilku wieków i który w naszym stuleciu zaczął nabierać wyrazistych kształtów. Społeczeństwa europejskie znużone bezsensem wzajemnie wyniszczających wojen, zaczęły poszukiwać takiej formy koegzystencji, która umożliwiłaby im wspólne decydowanie o polityce, gospodarce czy kulturze. W roku 1950 francuski minister spraw zagranicznych Robert Schuman zadeklarował gotowość rządu francuskiego do współpracy z rządem niemieckim w sektorze węgla i stali, w celu zagwarantowania pokoju na kontynencie. Plan Schumana urzeczywistnił (...)
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