Results for 'Naim Bro'

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  1. Fragmentos de Jena. Escritos sobre las raíces de la filosofía clásica alemana en tiempos de indigencia.Naim Garnica & Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo (eds.) - 2024 - Madrid: Ediciones sequitur.
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  2. Evidence of Evidence as Higher Order Evidence.Anna-Maria A. Eder & Peter Brössel - 2019 - In Mattias Skipper & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen (eds.), Higher-Order Evidence: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 62-83.
    In everyday life and in science we acquire evidence of evidence and based on this new evidence we often change our epistemic states. An assumption underlying such practice is that the following EEE Slogan is correct: 'evidence of evidence is evidence' (Feldman 2007, p. 208). We suggest that evidence of evidence is best understood as higher-order evidence about the epistemic state of agents. In order to model evidence of evidence we introduce a new powerful framework for modelling epistemic states, Dyadic (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Asimilación y rechazo de la filosofía francesa en Alemania. La recepción de Manfred Frank: romanticismo, hermenéutica y deconstrucción.Naím Garnica - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 22 (4):37-67.
    El ensayo pretende reconstruir los debates filosóficos franco-alemanes de los años 80. La llegada del pensamiento francés de Derrida, Foucault, Lacan, etc., generó en la filosofía alemana la polaridad asimilación-rechazo. Sostenemos que dicha polaridad es producto del rechazo o integración de las propias tradiciones alemanas que los autores franceses poseen. En consecuencia, creemos que son claves las obras de Manfred Frank sobre el pensamiento francés para entender tanto el debate como sus derivaciones en las discusiones sobre modernidad-posmodernidad, sujeto-no-sujeto, deconstrucción-hermenéutica, racionalidad-irracionalidad.
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  4. Solving the Authority Problem: Why We Won’t Debate You, Bro.Chris Cousens - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):469-480.
    Public arguments can be good or bad not only as a matter of logic, but also in the sense that speakers can do good or bad things with arguments. For example, hate speakers use public arguments to contribute to the subordination of their targets. But how can ordinary speakers acquire the authority to perform subordinating speech acts? This is the ‘Authority Problem’. This paper defends a solution inspired by McGowan’s (Australas J Philos 87:389–407, 2009) analysis of oppressive speech, including against (...)
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  5. Solving the Authority Problem: Why We Won’t Debate You, Bro.Chris Cousens - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):469-480.
    Public arguments can be good or bad not only as a matter of logic, but also in the sense that speakers can _do_ good or bad things with arguments. For example, hate speakers use public arguments to contribute to the subordination of their targets. But how can ordinary speakers acquire the authority to perform subordinating speech acts? This is the ‘Authority Problem’. This paper defends a solution inspired by McGowan’s (Australas J Philos 87:389–407, 2009) analysis of oppressive speech, including against (...)
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  6. Stoicism Sucks: How Stoicism Undervalues Good Things and Exploits Vulnerable People.Boomer Trujillo Jr, Glenn - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):25-34.
    Stoicism deserves everything that Broic$ are doing to its movement. This is because Stoics stuff the value of everything into their own heads, thus denying that external things are good and that other people have intrinsic value. Stoics are psychopathic narcissists and axiological solipsists. And this makes Stoicism easy to coopt into bro-y, shallow, self-help-y garbage.
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    The Sacrament of Marriage.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald (25):4.
    The PDF uploaded is ENTIRELY different from the two links provided. Please download the PDF and then read the given links. This has NOTHING to do with philosophy or literature. This is being put up here in the memories of Bro. Cal Whiting cfc and Fr. Larry Abello SJ. This is more of a record for those interested. The full names of the Christian Brother from Australia is Br Robert Cataldus Whiting who is also mentioned among notable Christian Brothers in (...)
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  8. Je li Matija Vlačić Ilirik zagovornik hermeneutičkog realizma?Jure Zovko & Maja Ferenec Kuća - 2022 - Prilozi Za Istrazivanje Hrvatske Filozofske Baštine 48 (1):151-174.
    Ugledni mislitelji hermeneutičke filozofije Wilhelm Dilthey i Hans-Georg Gadamer okarakterizirali su Matiju Vlačića Ilirika kao klasika hermeneutičkog pristupa filozofiji. Taj sud dodatno dobiva na snazi jer su Dilthey i Gadamer okarakterizirani kao pristaše relativističke hermeneutike, dok je Vlačić inzistirao na adekvatnom razumijevanju i interpretiranju teksta. Uzevši u obzir da je za Vlačića ključno pravilo bilo da tekst treba tumačiti sukladno njegovu imanentnom smislu, razradio je dvije interpretacijske maksime, skop i hermeneutički krug, presudne za daljnji razvoj i konstituiranje hermeneutike kao metode (...)
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  9. gender and Judaism: in three popular texts.Paul Bali - manuscript
    gender and Judaism in A Serious Man [Coen Bros, 2009], An American Dream [Norman Mailer, 1965] and the Pericope Adulterae.
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  10. the Romantic fragment.Paul Bali - manuscript
    contents: -/- 1. the Romantic fragment 2. life would want to die, a little 3. pain itself is the meaning, in Nietzsche 4. martyrs do not underrate the body 5. inwardly, an Actor prepares 5b. brother, bro: it's only you that overhears you 5c. J is like Hamlet / Herzog / Holden Caulfield / Raskolnikov 5d. they take him to a basement and they feed him METH 6. a surface is revealed / the depths are all inferred 6b. my Self (...)
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  11. Kvajnov naturalistički empirizam protiv epistemološkog nihilizma.Jelena Mijic - 2015 - Theoria: Beograd 58 (4):77-95.
    Cilj ovog rada je da razmotrimo zašto, i na koji način se Kvajn pozicionira između logičkih pozitivista i epistemoloških nihilista u pogledu shvatanja empirijskog svedočanstva. Naime, on će na nov način formulisati kriterijume opservacionalnosti s namerom da prevaziđe probleme koji su za logički pozitivizam bili nepremostivi, a da time ne žrtvuje objektivnost nauke poljuljanu krahom tradicionalnog pristupa epistemološkim pitanjima. Privučeni provokativnošću Kvajnovog istovremenog ispoljavanja radikalnih, ali i konzervativnih tendencija, odnosno namere da održi balans između stanovišta tradicionalne filozofije i epistemološkog nihilizma, (...)
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  12. Ethik in Computerspielen.Samuel Ulbricht - 2023 - In Ralf Biermann, Johannes Fromme & Florian Kiefer (eds.), Computerspielforschung: Interdisziplinäre Einblicke in das digitale Spiel und seine kulturelle Bedeutung. Verlag Barbara Budrich. pp. 171-190.
    Die Frage nach der Ethik in Computerspielen fragt im Kern danach, wie Computerspiele moralische Fragen aushandeln können. Ausgangspunkt ist die folgende Beobachtung: Situationen und Tätigkeiten, die in Wirklichkeit¹ moralisch brisant wären, sind seit jeher ein beliebter Gegenstand von Computerspielen. Seien es spielerische Umsetzungen von Kriegssituationen wie in den Reihen Call of Duty oder Metal Gear Solid, seien es heftige körperliche Auseinandersetzungen wie in Tekken oder auch in Super Smash Bros., seien es bleihaltige Abenteuer wie in Uncharted oder Tomb Raider – (...)
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    The Christian Brothers in Calcutta in the early 1990s: The Unsung Heroes.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald (29):9.
    This is a non-philosophical essay. Its value lies in highlighting the selfless work done by the Christian Brothers in the early 1990s in Calcutta/Kolkata. This essay should be read against the backdrop of the scandal which continues to haunt the Brothers globally. If we allow ourselves to forget the Brothers during that time at Calcutta, we fail to map the intellectual and interior lives they successfully created in Calcutta in their communities when there were no mobiles or the internet in (...)
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