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    How to attain oneness through internal affectivity (neigan)? Divergent responses in the philosophy of the Cheng brothers.Yuanping Shi - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-14.
    This article examines the neo-Confucian response to the question, “How to achieve the state of oneness,” as put forth by Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao. While both philosophers achieve this state through internal affectivity, their interpretations diverge significantly. Cheng Yi views internal affectivity as an inherent goodness that emanates from the pre-manifested mind but warns against emotional instability and desires. He thus rejects the notion of “teaching benevolence through perception.” (yijue xunren) and instead emphasizing the primacy of the unmanifested mind (...)
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  2. How Can Humans Attain a Harmonious Cosmic Order? Max Scheler’s Insights into Religious Experience in the Middle Period.Yuanping Shi - 2024 - Religions 15 (1248):1-15.
    This paper critically examines Scheler’s mid‑period religious theory, focusing on his pursuit of a harmonious cosmic order and religious experience by integrating Catholic theology and phenomenology. The argument has four key stages. First, I argue that the realization of this cosmic order, which enables communion with both the cosmos and God, relies on three elements: spiritual intuition, love, and faith in God’s reality. Second, I contend that these elements, in turn, originate from God’s self‑revelation and divine love, which establish a (...)
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  3. 內在感應何以可能?——基於對張載與程頤感應說的考察 How is Internal Resonance Possible? — An Inquiry into Resonance Theories Advanced by Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi.Yuanping Shi - 2024 - Култура 51 (600):181-194.
    北宋理學家張載和程頤創造性地提出了內在感應論及其實踐問題。張載認為內在感應論以「靜中之動」的動力模式為特徵,且十分強調「至靜」的境界在道德實踐中的重要性。「神」和「地氣」為至靜的太虛能夠產生內在感應活 動提供了動力。相較之下,程頤明確反對「靜中之動」的模式,他通過揭示天理在兩端的互動中持續向內感發,闡明瞭天理擁有不竭內在動力的可能性。這種可能性在主體層面體現為主動的誠意在與邪念的抵抗中不斷湧現。總體 而言,張載和程頤的感應論分別以太虛的「靜中之動」和天理的「恆久之動」為特徵,代表了兩種不同的感應動力模式和修養路徑。兩位儒者從各自獨特的視角論證了內在感應的可能性,從而為傳統感應論注入了新的理論意涵。 Abstract: Northern Song Confucian scholars Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi creatively formulated the theory of internal resonance along with its practical implications. Zhang Zai posited that internal resonance manifests as a dynamic pattern of “motion within stillness,” emphasizing the significance of the state of “ultimate tranquility” in moral refinement. The “numinous” (shen) and “earthly energy” (diqi) serve as the driving forces for the emergence of internal resonance activities within the state of the great void tranquility. In contrast, Cheng Yi (...)
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