Results for 'slang'

8 found
  1. Dicionário de gírias: estreitamento e percepção do capital cultural e do habitus linguístico a partir da relação com os dicionários de Língua Portuguesa.Samuel Cibils & Ana Maria Bueno Accorsi - 2017 - Línguas E Instrumentos Linguísticos 1 (40):139-150.
    The present paper has as its theme the sociological aspect of the use of slang in a socio educational environment. Its main purpose is to describe and analyze the social distance in a learning environment, according to Bourdieu's concepts of cultural capital and habitus. In order to develop the classwork, some workshops about a slang dictionary have been held. The qualitative data provided by the pedagogical practice are presented, based on the reports of the meetings so that we (...)
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  2. Slurs and register: A case study in meaning pluralism.Justina Diaz-Legaspe, Chang Liu & Robert J. Stainton - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (2):156-182.
    Most theories of slurs fall into one of two families: those which understand slurring terms to involve special descriptive/informational content (however conveyed), and those which understand them to encode special emotive/expressive content. Our view is that both offer essential insights, but that part of what sets slurs apart is use-theoretic content. In particular, we urge that slurring words belong at the intersection of a number of categories in a sociolinguistic register taxonomy, one that usually includes [+slang] and [+vulgar] and (...)
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  3. Double Consciousness in Today’s Black America.L. E. Walker - 2019 - Stance 12 (1):117-125.
    In The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois introduces double consciousness as a result of racial prejudice and oppression. Explained as a state of confliction felt by black Americans, Du Bois presents double consciousness as integral to understanding the black experience. Later philosophers question the importance of double consciousness to current race discussions, but this paper contends that double consciousness provides valuable insights into black and white relations. To do this, I will utilize the modern slang term, “Oreo,” (...)
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  4. Holy shit! Consuming oneself through taboo speech-acts.George Rossolatos - 2015 - Chinese Semiotic Studies 13 (2):151-170.
    This paper addresses the scarcely scrutinized topic in the consumer culture literature regarding how a social actor consumes himself through speech acts. More specifically, by introducing a new type of speech act, viz. the taboo speech act, and by effectively differentiating it from expletives, slang, and swearing words and expressions, I outline how subjectivity appropriates and individuates its systemic underpinning as other or linguistic system (Saussure) and wall of language (Lacan) in linguistic acts of transgression. Taboo speech acts do (...)
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  5. Automated Cyberbullying Detection Framework Using NLP and Supervised Machine Learning Models.M. Arul Selvan - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):421-432.
    The rise of social media has created a new platform for communication and interaction, but it has also facilitated the spread of harmful behaviors such as cyberbullying. Detecting and mitigating cyberbullying on social media platforms is a critical challenge that requires advanced technological solutions. This paper presents a novel approach to cyberbullying detection using a combination of supervised machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, enhanced by optimization algorithms. The proposed system is designed to identify and classify cyberbullying (...)
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  6. Machine Learning-Based Cyberbullying Detection System with Enhanced Accuracy and Speed.M. Arulselvan - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):421-429.
    The rise of social media has created a new platform for communication and interaction, but it has also facilitated the spread of harmful behaviors such as cyberbullying. Detecting and mitigating cyberbullying on social media platforms is a critical challenge that requires advanced technological solutions. This paper presents a novel approach to cyberbullying detection using a combination of supervised machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, enhanced by optimization algorithms. The proposed system is designed to identify and classify cyberbullying (...)
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  7. Що успадкували сучасні львів’яни від розбишак міжвоєнного часу: до питання актуалізації батярського жаргону.Liudmyla Pidkuimukha - 2018 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 4:80-94.
    Статтю присвячено актуалізації батярського жаргону, одному із різновидів розмовного мовлення Львова в міжвоєнний період. Проаналізовано основні групи лексики, зафіксовані в романах Юрія Винничука «Цензор снів» (2013) і «Танґо смерті» (2016). Визначено функції львівського лексикону в художніх текстах, схарактеризовано образ батяра. Особливу увагу приділено вивченню жаргону цієї соціальної групи як мовно-психологічної характеристики персонажів.
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  8. «Тяжко його було переїхати і стрілити у ворота». Жаргонізми в українській футбольній лексиці першої половини хх століття.Iryna Protsyk - 2018 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 4:95-110.
    Предметом розгляду в статті є жаргонізми, що функціювали в українському футбольному дискурсі першої половини ХХ ст. Проаналізовано семантику жаргонних лексичних одиниць та покласифіковано їх на групи за тематичним принципом. Детально зосереджено увагу на з’ясуванні особливостей жаргонізмів із тематичної групи назв футбольних дій та процесів, зокрема описано їхнє походження та способи їхнього творення.
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