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  1. The lottery preparation.Joel David Hamkins - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (2-3):103-146.
    The lottery preparation, a new general kind of Laver preparation, works uniformly with supercompact cardinals, strongly compact cardinals, strong cardinals, measurable cardinals, or what have you. And like the Laver preparation, the lottery preparation makes these cardinals indestructible by various kinds of further forcing. A supercompact cardinal κ, for example, becomes fully indestructible by <κ-directed closed forcing; a strong cardinal κ becomes indestructible by κ-strategically closed forcing; and a strongly compact cardinal κ becomes indestructible by, among others, the forcing to (...)
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  • Destruction or preservation as you like it.Joel David Hamkins - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 91 (2-3):191-229.
    The Gap Forcing Theorem, a key contribution of this paper, implies essentially that after any reverse Easton iteration of closed forcing, such as the Laver preparation, every supercompactness measure on a supercompact cardinal extends a measure from the ground model. Thus, such forcing can create no new supercompact cardinals, and, if the GCH holds, neither can it increase the degree of supercompactness of any cardinal; in particular, it can create no new measurable cardinals. In a crescendo of what I call (...)
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  • Identity crises and strong compactness.Arthur Apter & James Cummings - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1895-1910.
    Combining techniques of the first author and Shelah with ideas of Magidor, we show how to get a model in which, for fixed but arbitrary finite n, the first n strongly compact cardinals κ 1 ,..., κ n are so that κ i for i = 1,..., n is both the i th measurable cardinal and κ + i supercompact. This generalizes an unpublished theorem of Magidor and answers a question of Apter and Shelah.
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  • Patterns of compact cardinals.Arthur W. Apter - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2-3):101-115.
    We show relative to strong hypotheses that patterns of compact cardinals in the universe, where a compact cardinal is one which is either strongly compact or supercompact, can be virtually arbitrary. Specifically, we prove if V “ZFC + Ω is the least inaccessible limit of measurable limits of supercompact cardinals + ƒ : Ω → 2 is a function”, then there is a partial ordering P V so that for , There is a proper class of compact cardinals + If (...)
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  • Exactly controlling the non-supercompact strongly compact cardinals.Arthur W. Apter & Joel David Hamkins - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):669-688.
    We summarize the known methods of producing a non-supercompact strongly compact cardinal and describe some new variants. Our Main Theorem shows how to apply these methods to many cardinals simultaneously and exactly control which cardinals are supercompact and which are only strongly compact in a forcing extension. Depending upon the method, the surviving non-supercompact strongly compact cardinals can be strong cardinals, have trivial Mitchell rank or even contain a club disjoint from the set of measurable cardinals. These results improve and (...)
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  • Reflection and not SCH with overlapping extenders.Moti Gitik - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):591-597.
    We use the forcing with overlapping extenders to give a direct construction of a model of \SCH+Reflection.
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  • Another method for constructing models of not approachability and not SCH.Moti Gitik - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (3):469-475.
    We present a new method of constructing a model of \SCH+\AP.
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  • Level by level inequivalence beyond measurability.Arthur W. Apter - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (7-8):707-712.
    We construct models containing exactly one supercompact cardinal in which level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness holds. In each model, above the supercompact cardinal, there are finitely many strongly compact cardinals, and the strongly compact and measurable cardinals precisely coincide.
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  • Some remarks on indestructibility and Hamkins? lottery preparation.Arthur W. Apter - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):717-735.
    .In this paper, we first prove several general theorems about strongness, supercompactness, and indestructibility, along the way giving some new applications of Hamkins’ lottery preparation forcing to indestructibility. We then show that it is consistent, relative to the existence of cardinals κ<λ so that κ is λ supercompact and λ is inaccessible, for the least strongly compact cardinal κ to be the least strong cardinal and to have its strongness, but not its strong compactness, indestructible under κ-strategically closed forcing.
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  • On the indestructibility aspects of identity crisis.Grigor Sargsyan - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (6):493-513.
    We investigate the indestructibility properties of strongly compact cardinals in universes where strong compactness suffers from identity crisis. We construct an iterative poset that can be used to establish Kimchi–Magidor theorem from (in The independence between the concepts of compactness and supercompactness, circulated manuscript), i.e., that the first n strongly compact cardinals can be the first n measurable cardinals. As an application, we show that the first n strongly compact cardinals can be the first n measurable cardinals while the strong (...)
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  • All uncountable cardinals in the Gitik model are almost Ramsey and carry Rowbottom filters.Arthur W. Apter, Ioanna M. Dimitriou & Peter Koepke - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (3):225-231.
    Using the analysis developed in our earlier paper, we show that every uncountable cardinal in Gitik's model of in which all uncountable cardinals are singular is almost Ramsey and is also a Rowbottom cardinal carrying a Rowbottom filter. We assume that the model of is constructed from a proper class of strongly compact cardinals, each of which is a limit of measurable cardinals. Our work consequently reduces the best previously known upper bound in consistency strength for the theory math formula (...)
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  • Characterizing strong compactness via strongness.Arthur W. Apter - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (4):375.
    We construct a model in which the strongly compact cardinals can be non-trivially characterized via the statement “κ is strongly compact iff κ is a measurable limit of strong cardinals”. If our ground model contains large enough cardinals, there will be supercompact cardinals in the universe containing this characterization of the strongly compact cardinals.
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  • A new proof of a theorem of Magidor.Arthur W. Apter - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (3):209-211.
    We give a new proof using iterated Prikry forcing of Magidor's theorem that it is consistent to assume that the least strongly compact cardinal is the least supercompact cardinal.
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  • Aspects of strong compactness, measurability, and indestructibility.Arthur W. Apter - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):705-719.
    We prove three theorems concerning Laver indestructibility, strong compactness, and measurability. We then state some related open questions.
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  • On a problem of Foreman and Magidor.Arthur W. Apter - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):493-498.
    A question of Foreman and Magidor asks if it is consistent for every sequence of stationary subsets of the ℵ n ’s for 1≤n<ω to be mutually stationary. We get a positive answer to this question in the context of the negation of the Axiom of Choice. We also indicate how a positive answer to a generalized version of this question in a choiceless context may be obtained.
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  • Steel’s Programme: Evidential Framework, the Core and Ultimate- L.Joan Bagaria & Claudio Ternullo - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):788-812.
    We address Steel’s Programme to identify a ‘preferred’ universe of set theory and the best axioms extending $\mathsf {ZFC}$ by using his multiverse axioms $\mathsf {MV}$ and the ‘core hypothesis’. In the first part, we examine the evidential framework for $\mathsf {MV}$, in particular the use of large cardinals and of ‘worlds’ obtained through forcing to ‘represent’ alternative extensions of $\mathsf {ZFC}$. In the second part, we address the existence and the possible features of the core of $\mathsf {MV}_T$ (where (...)
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  • Laver and set theory.Akihiro Kanamori - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):133-164.
    In this commemorative article, the work of Richard Laver is surveyed in its full range and extent.
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  • Level by level equivalence and strong compactness.Arthur W. Apter - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (1):51.
    We force and construct models in which there are non-supercompact strongly compact cardinals which aren't measurable limits of strongly compact cardinals and in which level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness holds non-trivially except at strongly compact cardinals. In these models, every measurable cardinal κ which isn't either strongly compact or a witness to a certain phenomenon first discovered by Menas is such that for every regular cardinal λ > κ, κ is λ strongly compact iff κ is (...)
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