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Linnaeus as a second Adam? Taxonomy and the religious vocation.Peter Harrison - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):879-893.details
What does explanatory coherence explain?Ronald N. Giere - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):475-476.details
Philosophy According to Tacitus: Francis Bacon and the Inquiry into the Limits of Human Self-Delusion.Guido Giglioni - 2012 - Perspectives on Science 20 (2):159-182.details
Extending explanatory coherence.Paul Thagard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):490-502.details
Coherence and abduction.Paul O'Rorke - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):484-484.details
Theory autonomy and future promise.Matti Sintonen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):488-488.details
Are explanatory coherence and a connectionist model necessary?Jerry R. Hobbs - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):476-477.details
Optimization and connectionism are two different things.Drew McDermott - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):483-484.details
Psychology, or sociology of science?N. E. Wetherick - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):489-489.details
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From Charity to the Care of the Self: Thomas Browne’s Religio Medici.Simone Guidi - 2021 - In Joaquim Braga & Mário Santiago de Carvalho (eds.), Philosophy of Care. New Approaches to Vulnerability, Otherness and Therapy. Advancing Global Bioethics, vol. 16. Cham, Suiça: Springer. pp. 259-274.details
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Experiments at the intersection of experimental history, technological inquiry, and conceptually driven analysis: A case study from early nineteenth-century France.Ursula Klein - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (1):1-48.details
Nietzsche en España y Colombia (los casos de maría Zambrano y Carlos Arturo torres.Damián Pachón Soto - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):59-76.details
Introduction to "Experience in Natural Philosophy and Medicine".Alberto Vanzo - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (3):255-263.details
Probability and normativity.David Papineau - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):484-485.details
New science for old.Bruce Mangan & Stephen Palmer - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):480-482.details
Anti-System in the Philosophical Practice of Francis Bacon.Robert Miner - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (2):115-135.details
Explanation and acceptability.Peter Achinstein - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):467-468.details
(1 other version)Trinitarian Roots of Francis Bacon’s Pragmatism.Aderemi Artis - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (2).details
When weak explanations prevail.Carl Bereiter & Marlene Scardamalia - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):468-469.details
Explanatory coherence as a psychological theory.P. C.-H. Cheng & M. Keane - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):469-470.details
Assimilating evidence: The key to revision?Michelene T. H. Chi - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):470-471.details
Two problems for the explanatory coherence theory of acceptability.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):471-471.details
Thagard's Principle 7 and Simpson's paradox.Robyn M. Dawes - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):472-473.details
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What's in a link?Jerome A. Feldman - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):474-475.details
Coherence: Beyond constraint satisfaction.Gareth Gabrys & Alan Lesgold - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):475-475.details
Faces in disguise. Masks, concealment, and deceit.Remo Gramigna - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):741-753.details
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Natural Histories of Religion: A (Baconian) “Science”?James A. T. Lancaster - 2012 - Perspectives on Science 20 (2):246-267.details
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Explanationism, ECHO, and the connectionist paradigm.William G. Lycan - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):480-480.details
Acceptability, analogy, and the acceptability of analogies.Robert N. McCauley - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):482-483.details
Religion and Francis Bacon's scientific utopianism.Stephen A. McKnight - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):463-486.details
Controversy Spaces: The Dialectical Nature of Change in the Sciences and Philosophy.Oscar Nudler - 2011 - In Controversy Spaces: A Model of Scientific and Philosophical Change. John Benjamins. pp. 10--9.details
Explanatory coherence in understanding persons, interactions, and relationships.Stephen J. Read & Lynn C. Miller - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):485-486.details
Measuring the plausibility of explanatory hypotheses.James A. Reggia - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):486-487.details
ECHO and STAHL: On the theory of combustion.Herbert A. Simon - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):487-487.details
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