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In Marc Richir & Etienne Tassin (eds.), Merleau-Ponty: Phã©Nomã©Nologie Et Expã©Riences. Jã©Rã´Me Millon (1992)

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  1. A phenomenological ontology for physics: Merleau-ponty and qbism.Michel Bitbol - 2020 - In Harald A. Wiltsche & Philipp Berghofer (eds.), Phenomenological Approaches to Physics. Springer (Synthese Library).
    Few researchers of the past made sense of the collapse of representations in the quantum domain, and looked for a new process of sense-making below the level of representations: the level of the phenomenology of perception and action; the level of the elaboration of knowledge out of experience. But some recent philosophical readings of quantum physics all point in this direction. They all recognize the fact that the quantum revolution is a revolution in our conception of knowledge. In these recent (...)
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  • The understanding of the body and movement in Merleau-Ponty.Patricia Moya Cañas - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):201-226.
    : The author seeks an explanation for Merleau-Ponty's expression "the body understands", to which a real value is applied: the objects of the world have a signification that the body grasps by way of perception. The analysis focuses on Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of perception and on notes from two of his courses, Le monde sensible et le monde de l'expression and La nature. In these works, there is a constant allusion to the I can as an underlying and grounding mode with (...)
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  • Sensibility and the otherness of the world: Levinas and Merleau-Ponty.Paula Lorelle - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (2):191-201.
    Sensibility has traditionally been defined as a relation with the world’s exteriority. However, a certain post-husserlian phenomenology tends to reverse this definition and to redefine sensibility as an internal relation that takes place from within the world. This article focuses on this phenomenological concept of “sensibility” in Levinas and Merleau-Ponty and intends to show that this concept rests upon the presupposition of an alternative according to which we would have whether a sensible experience of identity, or an acosmic experience of (...)
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  • A Critique of the Husserlian and Heideggerian Concepts of Earth: Toward a Transcendental Earth that Accords with the Experience of Life.Andrew Tyler Johnson - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (3):220-238.
    This paper presents an exposition and critical appraisal of the concepts of earth that appear almost simultaneously in essays by Husserl and Heidegger in the mid 1930s. I argue that while both of these earths are noteworthy insofar as they suggest, each in its own way, the isolation of a non-worldly dimension of disclosure, nevertheless, neither Husserl nor Heidegger succeeds in fully emancipating the earth from the logic of the world. In Husserl's case, the earth is implicated in a fourfold (...)
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  • (1 other version)Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty on The World of Experience.Hanne Jacobs - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 650-675.
    This chapter focuses on a number of respects in which Husserl’s, Heidegger’s, and Merleau-Ponty’s accounts of the world differ, despite other significant commonalities. Specifically, I discuss how both Heidegger’s and Merleau-Ponty’s accounts of our experience of the world challenge Husserl’s assertion of the possibility of a worldless consciousness; how Heidegger’s discussion of the world entails a rejection of Husserl’s claim that the world is at bottom nature; and how Merleau-Ponty puts pressure on Husserl’s account of the necessary structure of the (...)
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  • Reversibility and chiasm: false equivalents? An alternative approach to understanding difference in Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy.Fiona Hughes - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):356-379.
    The chiasm is usually considered the key notion for Merleau-Ponty’s later philosophy. I argue against a common conclusion, namely that ‘the chiasm’ is equivalent to ‘reversibility’. Even when the two terms are not taken as interchangeable, the precise nature of their relation has not been adequately established. Focusing exclusively on ‘reversibility’ has implications for a range of philosophical issues, including relations between self and other. The danger of substituting one term for the other is that existential relations are construed as (...)
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  • How we affect each other. Michel Henry's 'pathos-with' and the enactive approach to intersubjectivity.Hanne De Jaegher - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (1-2):112-132.
    What makes it possible to affect one another, to move and be moved by another person? Why do some of our encounters transform us? The experience of moving one another points to the inter-affective in intersubjectivity. Inter-affection is hard to account for under a cognitivist banner, and has not received much attention in embodied work on intersubjectivity. I propose that understanding inter-affection needs a combination of insights into self-affection, embodiment, and interaction processes. I start from Michel Henry's radically immanent idea (...)
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  • Reversibility and Intersubjectivity in Merleau-Ponty's Ontology.Beata Stawarska - 2002 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (2):155-166.
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  • (1 other version)Le partage du monde: Husserl et la constitution des animaux comme "autres moi".Christiane Bailey - 2013 - Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought 15:219-250.
    Alors que les phénoménologues prétendent avoir dépassé le solipsisme, la plupart n’ont en fait que repousser les frontières de l’intersubjectivité des individus humains aux individus des autres espèces. Pourtant, Husserl reconnaît l’existence d’une intersubjectivité interspécifique, c’est-à-dire d’une intersubjectivité dépassant les limites de l’espèce. Il va même jusqu’à affirmer qu’on comprend parfois mieux un animal familier qu’un humain étranger. Toutefois, même s’il admet que plusieurs animaux sont capables d’une vie de conscience subjective et qu’ils vivent dans un monde de sens partagé, (...)
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  • Sentido encarnado y expresión en Merleau-Ponty.Leonardo Verano Gamboa - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 44:105-116.
    El texto se propone abordar el problema de la expresión en la filosofía de Merleau-Ponty bajo tres aspectos generales: 1. Hacia una ontología de lo sensible, 2. Expresión y diferencia corporal y 3. Cuerpo y expresión creadora. A partir de la noción de naturaleza se busca, con el primer apartado, destacar el carácter ontológico de la percepción, con el fin de comprender por qué la percepción es ya expresión. En segundo lugar, se pretende ahondar en la tesis del cuerpo como (...)
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  • Phenomenology and Artificial Life: Toward a Technological Supplementation of Phenomenological Methodology.Tom Froese & Shaun Gallagher - 2010 - Husserl Studies 26 (2):83-106.
    The invention of the computer has revolutionized science. With respect to finding the essential structures of life, for example, it has enabled scientists not only to investigate empirical examples, but also to create and study novel hypothetical variations by means of simulation: ‘life as it could be’. We argue that this kind of research in the field of artificial life, namely the specification, implementation and evaluation of artificial systems, is akin to Husserl’s method of free imaginative variation as applied to (...)
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  • Niekończące się pragnienie, czyli o fenomenologii życia Renaud Barbarasa.Marek Drwięga - 2012 - Diametros 31:1-21.
    In the article the author would like to draw the readers’ attention to the philosophy of a contemporary French thinker, Renaud Barbaras. The main point in his investigations is the philosophy of life ; however, he does not belong to the movement called “Lebensphilosophie”. Barbaras has built up his own philosophy in long discussions and polemics with other philosophers, especially those who like E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, J. Patočka, E. Levinas or M. Henry are connected with phenomenology. One of the (...)
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  • L’altérité de Merleau‐Ponty à Lévinas.Olivier Samson - 2022 - Ithaque 30:63-88.
    Dans ce texte, nous tentons de montrer qu’à partir de son traitement de l’altérité d’autrui, la philosophie de Lévinas peut être présentée comme le dépassement intérieur de la phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty développée dans la Phénoménologie de la perception. Nous commençons par exposer la conception de l’altérité exposée dans la Phénoménologie en éclairant l’intersubjectivité corporelle au fondement de la socialité. Nous tentons ensuite d’en dégager les possibles fondements d’une éthique merleau-pontienne axée sur l’expression-responsive, éthique qui ferait preuve d’une considération importante envers (...)
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  • L’opacité de la transparence: conscience perceptive et méconnaissance de soi chez Merleau-Ponty.Paula Galhardo - 2017 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (51):163-178.
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  • Corps animal et corps humain.Anne Gléonec - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:109-132.
    The purpose of this article is to show that in Merleau-Ponty’s lesser known works, one can find a path leading toward a phenomenology of the body that would not risk the “ambiguity of the flesh,” as The Visible and the Invisible is often charged with, but instead would sustain the ontology of nature that one finds in the “Working Notes” added to Merleau-Ponty’s last writings. Analyzing first his concept of nature, as it was developed in his courses at the Collège (...)
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  • Qu'y at-il de vital dans un organisme vivant?Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2005 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 1.
    Introduction 1) Une épistémologie non fondationnelle § 1. Concernant l?usage philosophique de l?adjectif « vital », on s?attend à voir surgir une distinction entre le vivant et le vécu, comme si d?emblée nous pouvions et devions accepter que le vital soit aussi quelque chose d?éprouvé par la conscience, par opposition au vivant qui serait simplement observé et expliqué par la science. Pourquoi, dès lors, faudrait-il rechercher dans ou chez les êtres vivants quelque chose de vital ? Cela ne reviendrait-il pas (...)
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  • Husserl'de öznellik ve deneyim.Gülșah Namli Türkmen - 2018 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 11 (1).
    Bu yazının temel amacı, statik fenomenoloji içerisinde kalarak, Husserl düşüncesini oluşturan bazı temel kavramları incelemek ve düşünürün özgün yaklaşımını yakalamaktır. Yazının daha dolaylı amacı, Husserl fenomenolojisinin, genellikle sunulanın aksine, bir zihin felsefesi, algı teorisi ya da tartışmalı bir idealizmden daha fazlası olduğunu ortaya çıkarmaktır. Buna ek olarak, Husserl’i kendisinden önce gelen filozoflarla kıyaslayarak okumak kadar kendisinden sonra gelen filozofların Husserl yorumlarından öğrenmenin de düşünürü anlamayı zorlaştırdığı fikri yazının arka planını oluşturmaktadır. Açık ki Husserl radikal bir dünya deneyimi ve öznellik anlayışına (...)
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  • Renaud Barbaras, Le désir et le monde, Hermann , París, 2016, 233 pp. [REVIEW]Jorge Nicolás Lucero - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):167-175.
    Resumen La historia ocupa un papel marginal en las teorías actuales de la globalización. Esto no deja de sorprender, pues “globalización” es, en esencia, un concepto que describe un proceso de la historia. Menos aún se habla de la filosofía de la historia, sobre todo porque ha caído en descrédito. Sin embargo, casi todas las argumentaciones emplean modelos de interpretación propios de la filosofía de la historia. Se conjetura qué tendencias generales le son inherentes a la globalización y si apuntan (...)
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  • Europe's Zwischendeutigkeit.Marcia Schuback - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (1):11-26.
    The aim of the present essay is to contribute to a phenomenological concept of Europe, taking as its starting point the idea of Europe developed by Jan Patŏcka as “Post-Europe.” Following the phenomenological account of self-transformation as the infinite task and eternal care for the soul, the essay discusses critically the phenomenological account of the self-differentiation of identity, which in turn introduces Hölderlin’s and Heidegger’s respective conceptions of “becoming in dissolution” to this discussion. It shows that the dialectic of identity (...)
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  • Habitar la finitud: El primer movimiento de la existencia humana como asentamiento residencial en el pensamiento fenomenológico de Jan Patocka.Jaime Llorente Cardo - 2018 - Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (1).
    To dwell in finitude. The first movement of human existence as residential settlement in Jan Pato?ka’s phenomenological thought Resumen: El presente estudio se centra en la interpretación del primero de los tres movimientos de la existencia humana postulados por el fenomenólogo checo Jan Patocka, como un procedimiento orientado a ocultar la originaria alteridad del Ser y, consecuentemente, a favorecer el habitar humano en el mundo. La propia estructura de nuestra percepción y nuestra relación original con los otros formarían parte de (...)
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  • La especularidad de la carne: Sobre el sentido del "giro ontológico" en Le Visible et l'invisible de Merleau-Ponty.Jaime Llorente - 2014 - Dianoia 59 (72):85-111.
    El propósito del presente estudio es clarificar el modo en el que los últimos desarrollos de la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty tratan de abordar el problema de la escisión entre conciencia y objetividad que aún se hallaba presente en las primeras obras de este pensador francés. A este respecto, la noción de "carne del mundo" desempeña un papel decisivo, dado que en torno a ella Merleau-Ponty construye -en su obra póstuma e inconclusa Lo visible y lo invisible- una teoría narcisista de (...)
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  • (1 other version)El consuelo como solicitud Una aproximación fenomenológica.Patricio Andrés Mena Malet - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):229-246.
    El artículo examina el consuelo como una cuestión filosófica en cuanto que con-creción de la solicitud, y muestra los recursos que aporta para comprender al ser humano como sujeto sufriente y respondiente. Se analiza el consuelo en cuanto que fenómeno de acceso a otras dimensiones constitutivas del ser humano, como la afec-tividad, la apelación y el cuidado.
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  • Philosophical Readings XI 2019 – Special Issue: "Philosophy in and from Colombia".María Del Rosario Acosta López - 2019 - Philosophical Readings 11 (3):131-234.
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  • Corporalidad y percepción como claves de la crítica Meleau-Pontiana a Bergson.Esteban Andrés García - 2017 - Aufklärung 4 (3):73-88.
    El propósito de este trabajo es relevar la importancia crucial de las cuestiones de la corporalidad y la percepción para la comprensión de las múltiples lecturas que Merleau-Ponty realizó de diversos aspectos de la filosofía bergsoniana. El análisis se enfoca en los cursos dictados por Merleau-Ponty en 1947-1948, donde el filósofo advierte la ausencia de una verdadera teoría bergsoniana del cuerpo percipiente, a pesar de las equívocas figuras de una percepción y memoria corporales que Bergson expone en Matière et mémoire. (...)
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  • Patočka, Merleau-Ponty et la question des limites de la phénoménologie.Ovidiu Stanciu - 2013 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (1):40-60.
    The purpose of this paper is to lay out the similarities between the philosophical projects of Patočka and Merleau-Ponty, with respect to the question of the “limits of phenomenology”. We suggest that both these authors propose two complementary strategies in their attempt of overcoming the Husserlian phenomenology. The first one consists in extending the field of phenomenology so as for it to be able to encompass phenomena either insufficiently explored or misinterpreted by the conceptuality that Husserl put forth; the second (...)
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  • Los ojos del universo : la existencia como origen afectivo den sentido en el pensamiento de Jan Patôcka.Ángel E. GarridoMaturano - 2014 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 41:127-147.
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  • Metaphor and Flesh—Poetic Necessity in Merleau-Ponty.Berndt Sellheim - 2010 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41 (3):261-273.
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  • The role of habit in human behavior according to M. Merleau-Ponty.Patricia Moya - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (3).
    The issue of habit appears frequently in the Phenomenology of Perception, but nowhere in this book does Merleau-Ponty treat it in an exclusive way. He uses it rather to explain the pre-reflective nature of the original relationship of the person with the world that surrounds him or her, a theme that runs throughout all his work. This article first presents some ideas regarding the Structure of Behavior that serve as a background to understand Merleau-Ponty’s view of habit. The analysis then (...)
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  • Primacy of perception and other characteristic features from Merleau-Ponty ’s theory of knowledge.Patricia Moya Cañas - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45:99-120.
    Resumen El artículo parte del supuesto que Merleau-Ponty realiza en su filosofía una formulación y caracterización del conocimiento humano. Se explican cuatro notas que dan cuenta, no exhaustiva, de los rasgos centrales de su pensamiento gnoseológico. La característica principal, de la que se desprenden las otras tres notas, es la primacía de la percepción. La segunda nota, que dice relación con la opacidad del conocimiento, se explica tomando una expresión de Bech: “el pensamiento de la no-coincidencia”. La tercera nota corresponde (...)
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  • A experiência perceptiva e os ecrãs: novas perspectivas de investigação.José Pinheiro Neves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):86-94.
    This article is part of an initial exploration of concepts as part of my plan for post-doctoral research. Aims to contribute to a better understanding of phenomena of the technologies of communication and perception, focusing particularly on the screens in situations of social-networking. More precisely, to know these new processes that have the support the new media in their additive effects related to perception. A work that relies on the collaboration of an informal network of researchers around the concept of (...)
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  • La lecture de Merleau-Ponty par Renaud Barbaras.Jiří Pechar - 2015 - Ostium 11 (2).
    Barbaras underscores the role of linguistics in the late philosophy of Merleau-Ponty. Analogically to words of a language also that perceived by senses relates to the whole of which it is a part: the perceived opens in every single case new dimension in relation to which all subsequent experience is perceived. Merleau-Ponty not only rejects autonomisation of Husserl’s essences but also demonstrates that the identity of ideas inscribed in the perceptible requires articulation of the visible with that visibility of the (...)
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  • Fenomenológia dotyku.Petra Hroncová - 2009 - Ostium 5 (2).
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