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  1. Semiosis and Information: Meeting the Challenge of Information Science to Post-Reductionist Biosemiotics.Arran Gare - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (3):327-346.
    The concept of information and its relation to biosemiotics is a major area of contention among biosemioticians. Biosemioticians influenced by von Uexküll, Sebeok, Bateson and Peirce are critical of the way the concept as developed in information science has been applied to biology, while others believe that for biosemiotics to gain acceptance it will have to embrace information science and distance biosemiotics from Peirce’s philosophical work. Here I will defend the influence of Peirce on biosemiotics, arguing that information science and (...)
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  • Against Posthumanism: Posthumanism as the World Vision of House-Slaves.Arran Gare - 2021 - Borderless Philosophy 4:1-56.
    One of the most influential recent developments in supposedly radical philosophy is ‘posthumanism’. This can be seen as the successor to ‘deconstructive postmodernism’. In each case, the claim of its proponents has been that cultures are oppressive by virtue of their elitism, and this elitism, fostered by the humanities, is being challenged. In each case, however, these philosophical ideas have served ruling elites by crippling opposition to their efforts to impose markets, concentrate wealth and power and treat everyone and everything (...)
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  • The Politics of Orientation: Deleuze Meets Luhmann.Hannah Richter - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    The Politics of Orientation provides the first substantial exploration of a surprising theoretical kinship and its rich political implications, between Gilles Deleuze's philosophy and the sociological systems theory of Niklas Luhmann. Through their shared theories of sense, Hannah Richter draws out how the works of Luhmann and Deleuze complement each other in creating worlds where chaos is the norm and order the unlikely and yet remarkably stable exception. From the encounter between Deleuze and Luhmann, Richter develops a novel take on (...)
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  • Affectivity in mental disorders: an enactive-simondonian approach.Enara García - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-28.
    Several enactive-phenomenological perspectives have pointed to affectivity as a central aspect of mental disorders. Indeed, from an enactive perspective, sense-making is an inherently affective process. A question remains on the role of different forms of affective experiences (i.e., existential feelings, atmospheres, moods, and emotions) in sense-making and, consequently, in mental disorders. This work elaborates on the enactive perspective on mental disorders by attending to the primordial role of affectivity in the self-individuation process. Inspired by Husserl’s genetic methodology and Simondonian philosophy (...)
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  • Enactive and simondonian reflections on mental disorders.Enara García & Iñigo R. Arandia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As an alternative to linear and unidimensional perspectives focused mainly on either organic or psychological processes, the enactive approach to life and mind—a branch of 4-E cognitive theories—offers an integrative framework to study mental disorders that encompasses and articulates organic, sensorimotor, and intersubjective dimensions of embodiment. These three domains are deeply entangled in a non-trivial manner. A question remains on how this systemic and multi-dimensional approach may be applied to our understanding of mental disorders and symptomatic behavior. Drawing on Gilbert (...)
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  • Interactive Computation and Artificial Epistemologies.Luciana Parisi - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (7-8):33-53.
    What is algorithmic thought? It is not possible to address this question without first reflecting on how the Universal Turing Machine transformed symbolic logic and brought to a halt the universality of mathematical formalism and the biocentric speciation of thought. The article draws on Sylvia Wynter’s discussion of the sociogenic principle to argue that both neurocognitive and formal models of automated cognition constitute the epistemological explanations of the origin of the human and of human sapience. Wynter’s argument will be related (...)
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  • Instinct, consciousness, life.Raymond Ruyer, Tano S. Posteraro & Jon Roffe - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (5):124-147.
    The question of Ruyer’s relationship to Bergson remains under-theorized. This article attempts to address that problem by introducing a little-known essay written by Ruyer on the topic of B...
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  • A Vindication of Simondon’s Political Anthropology.Andrea Bardin & Pablo Rodriguez - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):54-61.
    This article questions Balibar’s claim that Simondon’s concept of the transindividual does not fulfil all the requirements for a materialist ‘philosophical anthropology’. In fact, we demonstrate that Simondon’s philosophy of individuation, and notably his concept of the transindividual, can be, as it were, included in a genealogy of aleatory materialism. Simondon’s philosophy of individuation is indeed a philosophy of the transindividual insofar as it involves the constant revision of the different historical forms taken by social relations in the coevolution of (...)
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  • Philosophy as political technē: The tradition of invention in Simondon’s political thought.Andrea Bardin - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):417-436.
    Gilbert Simondon has recently attracted the interest of political philosophers and theorists, despite the fact that he is renowned as a philosopher of technics – author of Of the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects – who also elaborated a general theory of complex systems in Individuation in the Light of the Notions of Form and Information. A group of scholars has developed Gilles Deleuze’s early suggestion that Simondon’s social ontology might offer the basis for a re-theorisation of radical democracy. (...)
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  • Being with Technique–Technique as being-with: The technological communities of Gilbert Simondon.Susanna Lindberg - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (3):299-310.
    I present Gilbert Simondon’s thinking of technics, that I take to be so compelling today because it articulates technological reality in ecological terms as a technogeography and life as being-with-the-machines. I will flesh out Simondon’s program for a being-with-the-machines, show how it corresponds to the essence of the technical objects described in terms of milieu and relation indicate how this is based on Simondon’s ontology of individuation suggest a criticism of Simondon, insofar as he would underestimate the technicality of the (...)
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  • Simondon Contra New Materialism: Political Anthropology Reloaded.Andrea Bardin - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (5):25-44.
    This paper responds to an invitation to historians of political thought to enter the debate on new materialism. It combines Simondon’s philosophy of individuation with some aspects of post-humanist and new materialist thought, without abandoning a more classically ‘historical’ characterization of materialism. Two keywords drawn from Barad and Simondon respectively – ‘ontoepistemology’ and ‘axiontology’ – represent the red thread of a narrative that connects the early modern invention of civil science (emblematically represented here by the ‘conceptual couple’ Descartes-Hobbes) to Wiener’s (...)
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  • Neosubstantivism as cosmotechnics.Andrés Vaccari - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (4):39-53.
    Yuk Hui refers to cosmotechnics as the deep interweaving of human action and technology as shaped by diverse moral universes. In this article, I pit two views of cosmotechnics against each other. I...
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  • ¿Un nuevo a priori histórico? Análisis de propuestas de renovación de las Humanidades centradas en la noción de información.Roberto Rubio & Pablo Rodríguez - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):167-196.
    Este artículo analiza dos proyectos de renovación programática de las Humanidades, los cuales se centran en la noción de información. Consideraremos, por una parte, la propuesta de Friedrich Kittler acerca de un materialismo teórico-informacional, y por otra, la axiomática de las ciencias humanas de Gilbert Simondon. La pregunta que guía nuestro examen crítico es la siguiente: ¿de qué manera, en cada uno de esos proyectos, la noción de información funge como centro para una propuesta renovadora de las Humanidades? Nuestra hipótesis (...)
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  • Gilbert Simondon and Different Senses of “Evolution”.Daniela Voss - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (5):97-113.
    This article explores the influence of Bergsonian ideas on Simondon’s thought. In his main thesis Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information, Simondon parts ways with Bergson, in spite of parallel ideas, insofar as he favours a physical paradigm of individuation, applicable to all kinds of dynamic systems. Hence it is not just life that manifests a tendency toward individuation. The Bergsonian influence becomes manifest in Simondon’s complementary thesis On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, where he (...)
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  • On the individuation of complex computational models: Gilbert Simondon and the technicity of AI.Susana Aires - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The proliferation of AI systems across all domains of life as well as the complexification and opacity of algorithmic techniques, epitomised by the bourgeoning field of Deep Learning (DL), call for new methods in the Humanities for reflecting on the techno-human relation in a way that places the technical operation at its core. Grounded on the work of the philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon, this paper puts forward individuation theory as a valuable approach to reflect on contemporary information technologies, offering (...)
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  • El proyecto simondoniano: la individuación del ser en devenir.Isabella Builes Roldán, Horacio Manrique Tisnés & Carlos Mario Henao Galeano - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (26):177-205.
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  • Simondon, Control and the Digital Domain.Juho Rantala & Mirka Muilu - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):23-40.
    Deleuze put forth a description of fluid control in computerized society in his text ‘Postscript on Control Societies’. With the help of the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon, we can broaden and complexify this view and understand digital systems through the concept of modulation. These modulatory systems intervene in human individuation by controlling individuals as ‘dividuals’. In contemporary digital technologies, like blockchain platforms, the modulatory dividual control can be fierce and even total. Simondon’s concepts of pre-individual, individuation, and transindividuation present us (...)
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  • The Changing Nature of the Public Sphere.Chris Henry & Iain MacKenzie - 2023 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2 (2):175-190.
    Can the public sphere be conceptualised in a manner that is non-reductive and inclusive? In this article, we survey the main literature on the public sphere and demonstrate that, despite apparent diversity, the dominant approaches to its conceptualisation share the same ‘matter and form’ or hylomorphic assumptions. In challenging these assumptions, our aim is to demonstrate that it is the hylomorphic model of the public sphere that prevents non-reductive conceptualisation of its essentially changing nature. Hylomorphic models of the public sphere, (...)
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  • Technology of Neo-Colonial Epistemes (Special Issue on Gilbert Simondon).Anaïs Nony - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):731-744.
    This article reevaluates the historical conditions of the concomitant rise of computational systems and DNA-coding in the 1950s and addresses the implementation of behavioral psychology and cybernetic technologies of control after the Second World War. From this historical perspective, this article interrogates the intersectional relation that automatic systems of control share with models of segregation and structures of knowledge oppression. It engages with the work of French philosopher Gilbert Simondon and poses Simondon’s cybernetic theory as an opportunity to question systems (...)
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  • Lost in Transduction: From Law and Code’s Intra-actions to the Right to Explanation in the European Data Protection Regulations.Miriam Tedeschi & Mika Viljanen - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):635-652.
    Recent algorithmic technologies have challenged law’s anthropocentric assumptions. In this article, we develop a set of theoretical tools drawn from new materialisms and the philosophy of information to unravel the complex intra-actions between law and computer code. Accordingly, we first propose a framework for understanding the enmeshing of law and code based on a diffractive reading of Barad’s agential realism and Simondon’s theory of information. We argue that once law and code are understood as material entities that intra-act through in-formation, (...)
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  • Shall we forget human nature? Political anthropology and technics from Marx and Engels to Simondon.Andrea Bardin & Fabio Raimondi - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (1):24-45.
    Human nature is something of a taboo on the left wing of contemporary political theory and scarcely more than a commonsense assumption on its right wing. This article aims to expose the taboo and to challenge the assumption. There is no way, we argue, to defeat conservative political theory without delving into political anthropology. With this purpose in mind, our article analyses the writings of Marx and Engels, and Simondon’s concepts of the transindividual and technics. It shows that Simondon’s theory (...)
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  • Notas sobre a mentalidade técnica: a intenção pedagógica e a ênfase ativa na filosofia da técnica de Gilbert Simondon.Diego Viana - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (1).
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  • Figure, Ground and the Notion of Equilibria in the Work of Gilbert Simondon and Gestalt theory.Jacqueline Bellon - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (3):293-317.
    Summary Based on Clausius’ phrasing of a “transformational content” and the resulting 2nd law of thermodynamics, I demonstrated that Gilbert Simondon’s On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects is historically situated at the threshold of understanding open systems thermodynamics and the related concepts of balance. Furthermore, I showed that Gestalt theory, as represented by Wolfgang Köhler, at least reproduced, if not partially anticipated or even prepared this development of 20th century thinking. Finally, I gave some short examples of how (...)
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  • Sobre o conceito de invenção em Gilbert Simondon.Marcos Camolezi - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):439-448.
    ResumoNo início do século xviii, Isaac Newton publicou seu principal trabalho sobre óptica, o Opticks. Impregnado por uma perspectiva indutiva, o livro logo se tornou a principal referência para os estudos sobre a luz e as cores, sendo amplamente popularizado pelos seguidores de Newton. Neste artigo, analisamos como dois importantes livros contribuíram para essa popularização e também qual era a imagem de ciência que tencionavam propagar, o Élements de la philosophie de Newton de Voltaire e o Newtonianismo per le dame (...)
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  • El cosmopolitismo a la luz de la allagmática.Luis Armando Hernández Cuevas - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (1):55-72.
    El escrito, adentrándose en la teoría allagmática de Gilbert Simondon, tiene como objetivo provocarle al concepto de cosmopolitismo variantes ontológicas, epistemológicas y éticas. Se piensa, dichas variantes, al romper con los primados sustancialitas que sitúan el principio de individuación como algo consumado, idean un horizonte de sentido que se muestra capaz de expresar al cosmopolitismo, no como un ideal regulativo, sino como un proceso. De este modo, pensar al cosmopolitismo como un proceso, reclama asumir los movimientos ontológicos, epistemológicos y éticos, (...)
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  • Discusiones simondonianas entre las tecnologías digitales y lo transindividual.Juan Manuel Heredia - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-22.
    En la última década se observa una recurrente rehabilitación de la filosofía de Gilbert Simondon para pensar el sentido y los desafíos de las tecnologías digitales para las sociales contemporáneas. En este marco, teniendo como eje las efectuaciones de la noción simondoniana de lo transindividual y la caracterización de las tecnologías digitales (Web 2.0, Big data y machine learning), el artículo reconstruye el campo problemático que establecen un conjunto de lecturas entre 2012 y 2016, particulariza sus operaciones teóricas y pondera (...)
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  • Elementos para pensar el problema de la tecnocracia en Gilbert Simondon.Juan Manuel Heredia - 2020 - Isegoría 63:507-524.
    After posing the problem of technocracy according to the debate between Marcuse and Habermas, the article situates Simondon’s perspective and, thematizing the relations between society, culture and technological development, it analyzes a series of ethical and political elements involved in his philosophy. In this vein, the paper addresses Simondon’s criticism of the technocratic utopia, introduces his conceptualization of the technique and examines the three concepts he provides to rethink political practice.
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  • Desigualdad intergeneracional y sistemas de pensiones.José Manuel Gragera Junco - 2021 - Isegoría 64:12-12.
    This paper examines the various theories of intergenerational justice and its implications in the practical context of pension systems. In this context the sustainability of the system appears to be compromised by demographic projections. This fact has an unquestionable relevance for the future of this very important public service and the intergenerational commitment that this implies. In this sense if a pension system wants to be fair it has to look in three directions: pensioners, workers and future generations. So, a (...)
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  • Technological Evolution and Cooperative Identity: A Genealogical Analysis using Simondon's Cybernetic Process Philosophy.Camilo Osejo-Bucheli - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (3):353-376.
    This paper explores the evolution of cooperative societies through the lens of Gilbert Simondon's cybernetic process philosophy, emphasizing the preservation of cooperative identity. Cooperative societies, which promote values such as equality and solidarity, face challenges in maintaining their identity amidst technological advancements and changing socio-economic conditions. Traditional theories of organisational identity, which focus on centrality, distinctness, and continuity, fall short in addressing the dynamic nature of cooperative evolution. Simondon's philosophy offers a robust framework for understanding these transformations. Key concepts like (...)
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  • Ambivalence in machine intelligence: the epistemological roots of the Turing Machine.Belen Prado - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):54-73.
    The Turing Machine presents itself as the very landmark and initial design of digital automata present in all modern general-purpose digital computers and whose design on computable numbers implies deeply ontological as well as epistemological foundations for today’s computers. These lines of work attempt to briefly analyze the fundamental epistemological problem that rose in the late 19th and early 20th century whereby “machine cognition” emerges. The epistemological roots addressed in the TM and notably in its “Halting Problem” uncovers the tension (...)
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  • How to Make a Difference in the Anthropocene? On Stiegler’s Call for Bifurcation.Martin Ritter - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (4):1-18.
    Characterizing the contemporary world as massively entropic and pointing to the proletarianization of human beings, Bernard Stiegler claims that we need to “bifurcate”. This paper clarifies what he means by bifurcation and examines the conditions necessary for its occurrence. After explaining how Stiegler’s general organology provides a framework for his assessment of our present, the paper focuses on how humans can become capable of producing bifurcations. Emphasizing that bifurcation must occur in relation to technology, the paper identifies it as an (...)
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  • Individuation, Sexuation, Technicity.Stephen D. Seely - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (4):23-45.
    Within the context of questions raised by gender and sexuality studies about the relationship between sex and technics, I develop a theory of sexuation derived from Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of individuation. First, I provide an overview of Simondon’s philosophy of individuation, from the physical to the collective. In the second section, I turn to the question of sexuality, outlining an ontogenetic account in which sexuation is conceived as a process of both individuation and relation that is fundamental to certain living (...)
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  • The "Triplex" of Information – The Dynamics of Transduction, Modulation, and Organization in Living Beings.Juho Rantala - manuscript
    [DRAFT] Paper presented at Congress for Doctoral Researchers in Philosophy, Tampere University, 25.–27.10. 2021. The Paper strives to flesh out Gilbert Simondon's notion of information as a multifaced process (transduction-modulation-organization) from the viewpoint of living (/biological) beings.
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  • La invención de la individuación a la luz de una problemática histórico-epistemológica.Juan Manuel Heredia - 2016 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 17 (20):59-82.
    El artículo reflexiona en torno a la génesis y el sentido de la noción de transducción y, tras reconstruir el estado del arte en torno a la cuestión, defiende la hipótesis según la cual cabe pensar la producción y el sentido de dicha noción en el marco de una problemática epistemológica de carácte.
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