- Continuities and Extensions of Ethical Climate Theory: A Meta-Analytic Review.Kelly D. Martin & John B. Cullen - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):175-194.details
Environmental influences on ethical decision making: Climate and environmental predictors of research integrity.Michael D. Mumford, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ryan P. Brown & Lynn D. Devenport - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (4):337 – 366.details
Ethical Culture, Ethical Intent, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit.Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):95-108.details
Organizational Governance and Ethical Systems: A Covenantal Approach to Building Trust.Cam Caldwell & Ranjan Karri - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):249-259.details
Ethics in the Family Firm: Cohesion through Reciprocity and Exchange.Rebecca G. Long & K. Michael Mathews - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):287-308.details
Improving the “Leader–Follower” Relationship: Top Manager or Supervisor? The Ethical Leadership Trickle-Down Effect on Follower Job Response.Pablo Ruiz, Carmen Ruiz & Ricardo Martínez - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):587-608.details
Religiosity, CSR Attitudes, and CSR Behavior: An Empirical Study of Executives’ Religiosity and CSR.Corrie Mazereeuw-van der Duijn Schouten, Johan Graafland & Muel Kaptein - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):437-459.details
Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.details
Leadership, Trustworthiness, and Ethical Stewardship.Cam Caldwell, Linda A. Hayes & Do Tien Long - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):497 - 512.details
Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics.Omar S. Itani, Fernando Jaramillo & Larry Chonko - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):417-438.details
The Relationship Between Informal Controls, Ethical Work Climates, and Organizational Performance.Sebastian Goebel & Barbara E. Weißenberger - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):505-528.details
Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship.Cam Caldwell, Do X. Truong, Pham T. Linh & Anh Tuan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):171-182.details
Business Dilemmas and Religious Belief: An Explorative Study among Dutch Executives.Johan Graafland, Muel Kaptein & Corrie Mazereeuw-van der Duijn Schouten - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):53-70.details
Social Desirability Response Bias, Gender, and Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment: An International Study.Richard A. Bernardi & Steven T. Guptill - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):797-809.details
Practicing what we teach – ethical considerations for business schools.Cam Caldwell, Ranjan Karri & Thomas Matula - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (1):1-25.details
Principal Theory and Principle Theory: Ethical Governance from the Follower’s Perspective.Cam Caldwell, Ranjan Karri & Pamela Vollmar - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):207-223.details
Enacting Ecological Sustainability in the MNC: A Test of an Adapted Value-Belief-Norm Framework.Lynne Andersson, Sridevi Shivarajan & Gary Blau - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (3):295-305.details
Ethical Climate in Government and Nonprofit Sectors: Public Policy Implications for Service Delivery.David Cruise Malloy & James Agarwal - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):3-21.details
Building trust in business schools through ethical governance.Ranjan Karri, Cam Caldwell, Elena P. Antonacopoulou & Daniel C. Naegle - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (2-4):159-182.details
The Relationships Between Ethical Climates, Ethical Ideologies and Organisational Commitment Within Indonesian Higher Education Institutions.Martinus Parnawa Putranta & Russel Philip John Kingshott - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (1):43-60.details
Exposure to Unethical Career Events: Effects on Decision Making, Climate, and Socialization.Lynn D. Devenport, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):351-378.details
Organizational Role and Environmental Uncertainty as Influences on Ethical Work Climate in Military Units.James Weber & Virginia W. Gerde - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (4):595 - 612.details
Formal and Informal Benevolence in a Profit-Oriented Context.Guillaume Mercier & Ghislain Deslandes - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):125-143.details
Ethical Culture and Employee Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Organization Fit. [REVIEW]Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Ricardo Martínez-Cañas & Joan Fontrodona - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (1):173-188.details
Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus. [REVIEW]Constantin Blome & Antony Paulraj - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):567-585.details
Cultural insights to justice: A theoretical perspective through a subjective lens. [REVIEW]Patrick S. M. Primeaux, Ranjan Karri & Cam Caldwell - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):187-199.details
A Two-Component Compliance and Ethics Program Model: An Empirical Application to Chilean Corporations. [REVIEW]Nicolas S. Majluf & Carolina M. Navarrete - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (4):567 - 579.details
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical Climates: An Employee Perspective. [REVIEW]M. Guerci, Giovanni Radaelli, Elena Siletti, Stefano Cirella & A. B. Rami Shani - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-18.details
Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence. [REVIEW]Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Jonathan Post & Gaynor Cheokas - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):175-187.details
Repentance and Continuous Improvement: Ethical Implications for the Modern Leader. [REVIEW]Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Ryan Atkins & Stefan M. Dowdell - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (3):473-487.details
Leading with Meaning: Using Covenantal Leadership to Build a Better Organization - Leading with Meaning: Using Covenantal Leadership to Build a Better OrganizationMoses Pava New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 192 pp. ISBN 1403961328, hc., $25. [REVIEW]Cam Caldwell - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):499-505.details