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  1. Mathias–Prikry and Laver–Prikry type forcing.Michael Hrušák & Hiroaki Minami - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (3):880-894.
    We study the Mathias–Prikry and Laver–Prikry forcings associated with filters on ω. We give a combinatorial characterization of Martinʼs number for these forcing notions and present a general scheme for analyzing preservation properties for them. In particular, we give a combinatorial characterization of those filters for which the Mathias–Prikry forcing does not add a dominating real.
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  • Mad families, splitting families and large continuum.Jörg Brendle & Vera Fischer - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):198 - 208.
    Let κ < λ be regular uncountable cardinals. Using a finite support iteration (in fact a matrix iteration) of ccc posets we obtain the consistency of b = a = κ < s = λ. If μ is a measurable cardinal and μ < κ < λ, then using similar techniques we obtain the consistency of b = κ < a = s = λ.
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  • Forcing indestructibility of MAD families.Jörg Brendle & Shunsuke Yatabe - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (2):271-312.
    Let A[ω]ω be a maximal almost disjoint family and assume P is a forcing notion. Say A is P-indestructible if A is still maximal in any P-generic extension. We investigate P-indestructibility for several classical forcing notions P. In particular, we provide a combinatorial characterization of P-indestructibility and, assuming a fragment of MA, we construct maximal almost disjoint families which are P-indestructible yet Q-destructible for several pairs of forcing notions . We close with a detailed investigation of iterated Sacks indestructibility.
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  • Splittings.A. Kamburelis & B. W’Glorz - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (4):263-277.
    We investigate some notions of splitting families and estimate sizes of the corresponding cardinal coefficients. In particular we solve a problem of P. Simon.
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  • Special ultrafilters and cofinal subsets of $$({}^omega omega, <^*)$$.Peter Nyikos - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):1009-1026.
    The interplay between ultrafilters and unbounded subsets of \ with the order \ of strict eventual domination is studied. Among the tools are special kinds of non-principal ultrafilters on \. These include simple P-points; that is, ultrafilters with a base that is well-ordered with respect to the reverse of the order \ of almost inclusion. It is shown that the cofinality of such a base must be either \, the least cardinality of \-unbounded set, or \, the least cardinality of (...)
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  • Bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness.Jörg Brendle & Dilip Raghavan - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):631-651.
    We investigate some aspects of bounding, splitting, and almost disjointness. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the bounding number, the closed almost disjointness number, the splitting number, and the existence of certain kinds of splitting families.
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  • Combinatorial properties of Hechler forcing.Jörg Brendle, Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 58 (3):185-199.
    Brendle, J., H. Judah and S. Shelah, Combinatorial properties of Hechler forcing, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 185–199. Using a notion of rank for Hechler forcing we show: assuming ωV1 = ωL1, there is no real in V[d] which is eventually different from the reals in L[ d], where d is Hechler over V; adding one Hechler real makes the invariants on the left-hand side of Cichoń's diagram equal ω1 and those on the right-hand side equal 2ω and (...)
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  • Partition numbers.Otmar Spinas - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 90 (1-3):243-262.
    We continue [21] and study partition numbers of partial orderings which are related to /fin. In particular, we investigate Pf, be the suborder of /fin)ω containing only filtered elements, the Mathias partial order M, and , ω the lattice of partitions of ω, respectively. We show that Solomon's inequality holds for M and that it consistently fails for Pf. We show that the partition number of is C. We also show that consistently the distributivity number of ω is smaller than (...)
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  • Template iterations with non-definable ccc forcing notions.Diego A. Mejía - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (11):1071-1109.
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  • Towers in [ω]ω and ωω.Peter Lars Dordal - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):247-276.
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  • Disjoint Borel functions.Dan Hathaway - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (8):1552-1563.
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  • Construction with opposition: cardinal invariants and games.Jörg Brendle, Michael Hrušák & Víctor Torres-Pérez - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):943-963.
    We consider several game versions of the cardinal invariants \, \ and \. We show that the standard proof that parametrized diamond principles prove that the cardinal invariants are small actually shows that their game counterparts are small. On the other hand we show that \ and \ are both relatively consistent with ZFC, where \ and \ are the principal game versions of \ and \, respectively. The corresponding question for \ remains open.
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  • Van Douwen’s diagram for dense sets of rationals.Jörg Brendle - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 143 (1-3):54-69.
    We investigate cardinal invariants related to the structure of dense sets of rationals modulo the nowhere dense sets. We prove that , thus dualizing the already known [B. Balcar, F. Hernández-Hernández, M. Hrušák, Combinatorics of dense subsets of the rationals, Fund. Math. 183 59–80, Theorem 3.6]. We also show the consistency of each of and . Our results answer four questions of Balcar, Hernández and Hrušák [B. Balcar, F. Hernández-Hernández, M. Hrušák, Combinatorics of dense subsets of the rationals, Fund. Math. (...)
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  • Co-analytic mad families and definable wellorders.Vera Fischer, Sy David Friedman & Yurii Khomskii - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):809-822.
    We show that the existence of a ${\Pi^1_1}$ -definable mad family is consistent with the existence of a ${\Delta^{1}_{3}}$ -definable well-order of the reals and ${\mathfrak{b}=\mathfrak{c}=\aleph_3}$.
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  • Questions on cardinal invariants of Boolean algebras.Mario Jardón Santos - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (7):947-963.
    In the book Cardinal Invariants on Boolean Algebras by J. Donald Monk many such cardinal functions are defined and studied. Among them several are generalizations of well known cardinal characteristics of the continuum. Alongside a long list of open problems is given. Focusing on half a dozen of those cardinal invariants some of those problems are given an answer here, which in most of the cases is a definitive one. Most of them can be divided in two groups. The problems (...)
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  • Strongly unfoldable, splitting and bounding.Ömer Faruk Bağ & Vera Fischer - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (1):7-14.
    Assuming, we show that generalized eventually narrow sequences on a strongly inaccessible cardinal κ are preserved under a one step iteration of the Hechler forcing for adding a dominating κ‐real. Moreover, we show that if κ is strongly unfoldable, and λ is a regular cardinal such that, then there is a set generic extension in which.
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  • Pseudo P-points and splitting number.Alan Dow & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):1005-1027.
    We construct a model in which the splitting number is large and every ultrafilter has a small subset with no pseudo-intersection.
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  • Generalized Tower Spectra.Vera Fischer & Silvan Horvath - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-17.
    We investigate the tower spectrum in the generalized Baire space, i.e., the set of lengths of towers in $\kappa ^\kappa $. We show that both small and large tower spectra at all regular cardinals simultaneously are consistent. Furthermore, based on previous work by Bağ, the first author and Friedman, we prove that globally, a small tower spectrum is consistent with an arbitrarily large spectrum of maximal almost disjoint families. Finally, we show that any non-trivial upper bound on the tower spectrum (...)
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  • In memoriam: James Earl Baumgartner (1943–2011).J. A. Larson - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7):877-909.
    James Earl Baumgartner (March 23, 1943–December 28, 2011) came of age mathematically during the emergence of forcing as a fundamental technique of set theory, and his seminal research changed the way set theory is done. He made fundamental contributions to the development of forcing, to our understanding of uncountable orders, to the partition calculus, and to large cardinals and their ideals. He promulgated the use of logic such as absoluteness and elementary submodels to solve problems in set theory, he applied (...)
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  • The γ-borel conjecture.Arnold W. Miller - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (4):425-434.
    Abstract.In this paper we prove that it is consistent that every γ-set is countable while not every strong measure zero set is countable. We also show that it is consistent that every strong γ-set is countable while not every γ-set is countable. On the other hand we show that every strong measure zero set is countable iff every set with the Rothberger property is countable.
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  • Around splitting and reaping for partitions of ω.Hiroaki Minami - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (4):501-518.
    We investigate splitting number and reaping number for the structure (ω) ω of infinite partitions of ω. We prove that ${\mathfrak{r}_{d}\leq\mathsf{non}(\mathcal{M}),\mathsf{non}(\mathcal{N}),\mathfrak{d}}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d}\geq\mathfrak{b}}$ . We also show the consistency results ${\mathfrak{r}_{d} > \mathfrak{b}, \mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathfrak{d}, \mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathfrak{r}, \mathfrak{r}_{d} < \mathsf{add}(\mathcal{M})}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d} > \mathsf{cof}(\mathcal{M})}$ . To prove the consistency ${\mathfrak{r}_{d} < \mathsf{add}(\mathcal{M})}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathsf{cof}(\mathcal{M})}$ we introduce new cardinal invariants ${\mathfrak{r}_{pair}}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{pair}}$ . We also study the relation between ${\mathfrak{r}_{pair}, \mathfrak{s}_{pair}}$ and other cardinal invariants. We show (...)
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