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  1. Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation.Hazel R. Markus & Shinobu Kitayama - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (2):224-253.
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  • Postmodern Sophistications: Philosophy, Architecture, and Tradition.David Kolb - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Kolb discusses postmodern architectural styles and theories within the context of philosophical ideas about modernism and postmodernism. He focuses on what it means to dwell in a world and within a history and to act from or against a tradition.
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  • Moral Perception and Particularity.Lawrence A. Blum - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine the moral import of emotion, motivation, judgment, perception, and group identifications, and explore how all these psychic capacities contribute to a morally good life. They examine moral exemplars and the "moral saints" debate, the morality of rescue during the Holocaust, role morality as lying between "personal" and "impersonal" perspectives, Carol Gilligan's theory of women and morality, Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy, and moral responsiveness in young children.
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  • Raging Hormones, Regulated Love: Adolescent Sexuality and the Constitution of the Modern Individual in the United States and the Netherlands.Amy T. Schalet - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (1):75-105.
    Theories of sexuality, culture and modern personhood rarely take account of differences in the construction of sexuality between advanced industrial nations. This article reveals different conceptions and management of adolescent sexuality among white, middle-class American and Dutch parents of teenagers. The American parents describe adolescent sexuality as a biologically driven, individually based activity which causes disruption to the teenager as well as to the family. The Dutch parents, by contrast, emphasize the love relationships and social responsibility of teenagers which make (...)
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  • Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership.Bernard M. Bass & Paul Steidlmeier - manuscript
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  • Friendship, politics, and Augustine's consolidation of the self.Vander Valk Frank - 2009 - Religious Studies 45 (2):125-146.
    Friendship plays a central role in Augustine's thought. It also played a crucial role in structuring the political and social world of the ancient Greeks. Augustine's treatment of friendship, especially in his Confessions, retains some of the terminology that was central to the Greek account, but it simultaneously transforms friendship, and with it the relationship between individual and community. Augustine's formulation of the inner life is reflected in his transformation of friendship, which loses its inherently social character and political dimension (...)
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  • Transforming everyday life: Islamism and social movement theory. [REVIEW]Cihan Tuğal - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (5):423-458.
    The Islamist movement in Turkey bases its mobilization strategy on transforming everyday practices. Public challenges against the state do not form a central part of its repertoire. New Social Movement theory provides some tools for analyzing such an unconventional strategic choice. However, as Islamist mobilization also seeks to reshape the state in the long run, New Social Movement theory (with its focus on culture and society and its relative neglect of the state) needs to be complemented by more institutional analyses. (...)
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  • Psychology as a Moral Science: Aspects of John Dewey’s Psychology.Svend Brinkmann - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):1-28.
    The article presents an interpretation of certain aspects of John Dewey’s psychological works. The interpretation aims to show that Dewey’s framework speaks directly to certain problems that the discipline of psychology faces today. In particular the reflexive problem, the fact that psychology as an array of discursive practices has served to constitute forms of human subjectivity in Western cultures. Psychology has served to produce or transform its subject-matter. It is shown first that Dewey was aware of the reflexive problem, and (...)
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  • Community, immunity, and the proper an introduction to the political theory of Roberto Esposito.Greg Bird & Jonathan Short - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (3):1-12.
    This article underlines and draws attention to critical insights that Esposito makes regarding the prospects of rethinking community in a globalized world. Alongside Agamben and Nancy, Esposito challenges the property prejudice found in mainstream models of community. In identity politics, collective identity is converted into a form of communal property. Borders, sovereign territories, and exclusive rights are fiercely defended in the name of communal property. Esposito responds to this problem by developing what I call a “deontological communal contract” where being (...)
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  • The Idea of Trans-national Public Philosophy as a Comprehensive Trans-Discipline for the 21st Century.Naoshi Yamawaki - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):135-149.
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  • J. G. A. Pocock's republicanism and political theory: A critique and reinterpretation.Ian Shapiro - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (3):433-471.
    A growing sense of the exhaustion of both liberalism and Marxism has fueled a revival of interest in civic republicanism among historians, political theorists, and social commentators. This turn is evaluated via an examination of the normative implications off. G. A. Pocock's account of civic republicanism. Arguing that what is at issue between liberals and republicans has been misunderstood by both sides in the debate, the author shows that the turn to republicanism fails to address the most vexing problems liberalism (...)
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  • The cultural development of three fundamental moral ethics: Autonomy, community, and divinity.Lene Arnett Jensen - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):150-167.
    Abstract. In this essay, I describe my Cultural-Developmental Template Approach to moral psychology. This theory draws on my research with the Three Ethics of Autonomy, Community, and Divinity, and the work of many other scholars. The cultural-developmental synthesis suggests that the Ethic of Autonomy emerges early in people's psychological lives, and continues to hold some importance across the lifespan. But Autonomy is not alone. The Ethic of Community too emerges early and appears to increase in importance across the life course. (...)
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  • Normative And Empirical Business Ethics: Separation, Marriage Of Convenience, Or Marriage Of Necessity?Linda Klebe Trevino - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):129-143.
    Abstract:This paper outlines three conceptions of the relationship between normative and empirical business ethics, views we refer to asparallel, symbiotic, andintegrative. Parallelism rejects efforts to link normative and empirical inquiry, for both conceptual and practical reasons. The symbiotic position supports a practical relationship in which normative and/or empirical business ethics rely on each other for guidance in setting agenda or in applying the results of their conceptually and methodologically distinct inquiries. Theoretical integration countenances a deeper merging ofprima faciedistinct forms of (...)
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  • The Space of Argumentation: Urban Design, Civic Discourse, and the Dream of the Good City. [REVIEW]David Fleming - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (2):147-166.
    In this paper, I explore connections between two disciplines not typically linked: argumentation theory and urban design. I first trace historical ties between the art of reasoned discourse and the idea of civic virtue. I next analyze discourse norms implicit in three theories of urban design: Jane Jacobs' The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), Christopher Alexander's A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (1977), and Peter Katz's The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community (1994). I then propose (...)
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  • Capitalism and Socialism: How Can they be Compared?Peter Rutland - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (1):197.
    How is one to set about the task of comparing capitalism and socialism in a systematic fashion? The contest between capitalism and socialism has many facets. It is both an intellectual debate about the relative merits of models of hypothetical social systems and a real and substantive historical struggle between two groups of states seen as representing capitalism and socialism. Perhaps the intellectual challenge to capitalism thrown down by Marxist thinkers and the “cold war” contest between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. (...)
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  • On making a cultural turn in religious ethics.Richard B. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):409-443.
    This essay critically explores resources and reasons for the study of culture in religious ethics, paying special attention to rhetorics and genres that provide an ethics of ordinary life. I begin by exploring a work in cultural anthropology that poses important questions for comparative and cultural inquiry in an age alert to "otherness," asymmetries of power, the end of value-neutrality in the humanities, and the formation of identity. I deepen my argument by making a foundational case for the importance of (...)
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  • The ethics of inarticulacy.Will Kymlicka - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (2):155 – 182.
    In his impressive and wide?ranging new book, Sources of the Self, Charles Taylor argues that modern moral philosophy, at least within the Anglo?American tradition, . offers a ?cramped? view of morality. Taylor attributes this problem to three distinctive features of contemporary moral theory ? its commitment to procedural rather than substantive rationality, its preference for basic reasons rather than qualitative distinctions, and its belief in the priority of the right over the good. According to Taylor, the result of these features (...)
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  • Natural rights and the individualism versus collectivism debate.Susan Leigh Anderson - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (3):307-316.
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  • Authenticity.Charles Guignon - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (2):277–290.
    This article discusses the ordinary, the existentialist, and the virtue‐ethics senses of the word ‘authenticity’. The term ‘authentic’ in ordinary usage suggests the idea of being ‘original’ or ‘faithful to an original’, and its application implies being true to what someone (or something) truly is. It is important to see, however, that the philosopher who put this technical term on the map in existentialism, Martin Heidegger, used the word to refer to the human capacity to be fully human, not to (...)
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  • Saving the World? How CSR Practitioners Live Their Calling by Constructing Different Types of Purpose in Three Occupational Stages.Enrico Fontana, Sanne Frandsen & Mette Morsing - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (4):741-766.
    Much attention in the meaningful work literature has been devoted to calling as an orientation toward work characterized by a strong sense of purpose and a prosocial motivation beyond self-gain. Nonetheless, debate remains as to whether individuals change or maintain their calling, and especially whether they live their calling differently in different occupational stages. In this article, we respond to this conundrum through an analysis of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupation—substantiated by interviews with 57 CSR practitioners from Swedish international (...)
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  • Toward a Culture-Analytical and Praxeological Perspective on Decision-Making.Robert Schmidt - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (4):653-671.
    This article outlines a culture-analytical alternative in, and to, decision science. In contrast to the predominant individualistic and mentalistic conceptions of decision making an empirical and praxeological perspective is proposed. Beginning with empirical processes and situated practices of decision-making, this perspective aims to decenter the decision-making subject. The author revisits Harold Garfinkel’s analyses of actual decision-making behavior amongst jurors in court proceedings and Ludwig Wittgenstein’s reflections on rule-following to develop this critical perspective on decision-making necessities in contemporary culture and everyday (...)
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  • Are you a neoliberal subject? On the uses and abuses of a concept.Galen Watts - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):458-476.
    A spate of social scientific literature gives the impression that societies in the twenty-first century are overrun with ‘neoliberal subjects’. But what does it actually mean to be a neoliberal subject? And in what ways does this concept relate to ‘neoliberalism’, more generally? In this article, I distinguish between four common ways of thinking about ‘neoliberalism’: as a set of economic policies, as a hegemonic ideological project, as a political rationality and form of governmentality and as a specific type of (...)
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  • Filosofie van het luisteren: partituren van het Zijn.Hub Zwart - 2012 - Nijmegen, Nederland: Vantilt.
    De moderne filosofie lijdt aan muziekvergetelheid. Opvallend is echter dat filosofen, wanneer ze toch aandacht schenken aan muziek, hun aandacht bij voorkeur op één bepaald genre richten, namelijk de opera. Filosofen zoals Søren Kierkegaard en Friedrich Nietzsche lieten hun gedachten over Don Giovanni, Parsifal en Carmen gaan, terwijl omgekeerd de filosofie van Arthur Schopenhauer de opera heeft beïnvloed via Wagner. Diens werk lijkt zich op het snijpunt van het grensverkeer tussen moderne filosofie en moderne muziek te bevinden. Het was zijn (...)
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  • Feminist Spirituality as Lived Religion: How UK Feminists Forge Religio-spiritual Lives.Kristin Aune - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (1):122-145.
    How do feminists in the United Kingdom view spirituality and religion? What are their religious and spiritual attitudes, beliefs, and practices? What role do spirituality and religion play in feminists’ lives? This article presents findings from an interview-based study of 30 feminists in England, Scotland, and Wales. It identifies three characteristics of feminists’ approaches to religion and spirituality: They are de-churched, are relational, and emphasize practice. These features warrant a new approach to feminists’ relationships with religion and spirituality. Rather than, (...)
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  • Rethinking individualization: The basic script and the three variants of institutionalized individualism.Rudi Laermans & Liza Cortois - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):60-78.
    This article proposes a more culturalist and variegated conception of the individual than that presented by individualization theorists. Inspired by the approach of the individual advocated by Émile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons and John Meyers, it first outlines the general script of the individual-as-actor that informs modern individualism as well as the generic characteristics that are routinely attributed to persons such as agency and free will. It subsequently reconstructs three predominant interpretations of this general script, i.e. utilitarian, moral and expressive individualism. (...)
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  • Ecological Imagination and Aims of Moral Education Through the Kyoto School and American Pragmatism.Steven Fesmire - 2012 - In Paul Standish & Naoko Saito (eds.), Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 109-130.
    Cross-cultural dialogue between the Kyoto School of modern Japanese philosophy and the classical pragmatist tradition in American philosophy can help educators to clarify aims for greater ecological responsiveness in moral education. This dialogue can contribute to meeting an urgent practical need to cultivate ecological imagination, and an equally practical need to make theoretical sense of the way in which ecological perception becomes relevant to moral deliberation. The first section of this chapter explores relational thinking in the Kyoto School and American (...)
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  • Digital hyperconnectivity and the self.Rogers Brubaker - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):771-801.
    Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. In addition to recasting social interaction, culture, economics, and politics, it has profoundly transformed the self. It has created new ways of being and constructing a self, but also new ways of being constructed as a self from the outside, new ways of being configured, represented, and governed as a self by sociotechnical systems. Rather than analyze theories of the self, I focus on practices of the self, using this expression in (...)
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  • “We Ought to Eat in Order to Work, Not Vice Versa”: MacIntyre, Practices, and the Best Work for Humankind.Matthew Sinnicks - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):263-274.
    This paper draws a distinction between ‘right MacIntyreans’ who are relatively optimistic that MacIntyre’s vision of ethics can be realised in capitalist society, and ‘left MacIntyreans’ who are sceptical about this possibility, and aims to show that the ‘left MacIntyrean’ position is a promising perspective available to business ethicists. It does so by arguing for a distinction between ‘community-focused’ practices and ‘excellence-focused’ practices. The latter concept fulfils the promise of practices to provide us with an understanding of the best work (...)
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  • “Just do your job”: technology, bureaucracy, and the eclipse of conscience in contemporary medicine.Jacob A. Blythe & Farr A. Curlin - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6):431-452.
    Market metaphors have come to dominate discourse on medical practice. In this essay, we revisit Peter Berger and colleagues’ analysis of modernization in their book The Homeless Mind and place that analysis in conversation with Max Weber’s 1917 lecture “Science as a Vocation” to argue that the rise of market metaphors betokens the carry-over to medical practice of various features from the institutions of technological production and bureaucratic administration. We refer to this carry-over as the product presumption. The product presumption (...)
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  • Fred Dallmayr’s postmodern vision of Confucian democracy: a critical examination.Sungmoon Kim - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (1):35-54.
    As an advocate of ‘comparative political theory,’ Fred Dallmayr has long engaged with Confucianism with a new vision for democracy suitable in East Asia but little attention has been paid to his idea of Confucian democracy, which he presents as a specific mode of ethical or relational democracy. This paper investigates Dallmayr’s ethical vision of Confucian democracy, first, by articulating his postmodern reconceptualization of democracy in terms of post-humanism and, second, by examining his post-humanist reevaluation of Confucian virtue ethics as (...)
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  • A focus on getting along: respect, caring and diversity.Lori G. Beaman - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (1):81-92.
    Drawing inspiration om Joseph T. O’Connell’s work on socio‐cultural integration, this pa‐ per connects the notion of ‘deep equality’ with two broad lessons that can be taken om O’Connell’s approach that pertain to the study of religious diversity in contemporary life. The rst is the recognition of the amorphous nature of religious identity, and the second is the necessity to search for models of socio‐cultural integration in the face of di erence. These lessons are valuable in providing an alternative discourse (...)
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  • East Meets West: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Cultural Variations in Idealism and Relativism.Donelson R. Forsyth, Ernest H. O’Boyle & Michael A. McDaniel - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):813-833.
    Ethics position theory (EPT) maintains that individuals’ personal moral philosophies influence their judgments, actions, and emotions in ethically intense situations. The theory, when describing these moral viewpoints, stresses two dimensions: idealism (concern for benign outcomes) and relativism (skepticism with regards to inviolate moral principles). Variations in idealism and relativism across countries were examined via a meta-analysis of studies that assessed these two aspects of moral thought using the ethics position questionnaire (EPQ; Forsyth, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology39, 175–184, 1980). (...)
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  • Solidarity, justice, and recognition of the other.Ruud ter Meulen - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):517-529.
    Solidarity has for a long time been referred to as the core value underpinning European health and welfare systems. But there has been debate in recent years about whether solidarity, with its alleged communitarian content, can be reconciled with the emphasis on individual freedom and personal autonomy. One may wonder whether there is still a place for solidarity, and whether the concept of justice should be embraced to analyse the moral issues regarding access to health care. In this article, I (...)
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  • Solidarity and Justice in Health Care. A Critical Analysis of their Relationship.Ruud ter Meulen - 2015 - Diametros 43:1-20.
    This article tries to analyze the meaning and relevance of the concept of solidarity as compared to the concept of justice. While ‘justice’ refers to rights and duties , the concept of solidarity refers to relations of personal commitment and recognition . The article wants to answer the question whether solidarity and liberal justice should be seen as mutually exclusive or whether both approaches should be regarded as complementary to each other. The paper starts with an analysis of liberal theories (...)
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  • Stout, Rawls, and the Idea of Public Reason.Phil Ryan - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):540-562.
    Jeffrey Stout claims that John Rawls's idea of public reason (IPR) has contributed to a Christian backlash against liberalism. This essay argues that those whom Stout calls “antiliberal traditionalists” have misunderstood Rawls in important ways, and goes on to consider Stout's own critiques of the IPR. While Rawls's idea is often interpreted as a blanket prohibition on religious reasoning outside church and home, the essay will show that the very viability of the IPR depends upon a rich culture of deliberation (...)
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  • Tools from moral psychology for measuring personal moral culture.Stephen Vaisey & Andrew Miles - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3-4):311-332.
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  • The Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Attitudes.Ante Glavas & Ken Kelley - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (2):165-202.
    ABSTRACT:We explore the impact on employee attitudes of their perceptions of how others outside the organization are treated above and beyond the impact of how employees are directly treated by the organization. Results of a study of 827 employees in eighteen organizations show that employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility are positively related to organizational commitment with the relationship being partially mediated by work meaningfulness and perceived organizational support and job satisfaction with work meaningfulness partially mediating the relationship but not (...)
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  • Developing Automated Deceptions and the Impact on Trust.Frances S. Grodzinsky, Keith W. Miller & Marty J. Wolf - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):91-105.
    As software developers design artificial agents , they often have to wrestle with complex issues, issues that have philosophical and ethical importance. This paper addresses two key questions at the intersection of philosophy and technology: What is deception? And when is it permissible for the developer of a computer artifact to be deceptive in the artifact’s development? While exploring these questions from the perspective of a software developer, we examine the relationship of deception and trust. Are developers using deception to (...)
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  • Civic agriculture and community engagement.Brian K. Obach & Kathleen Tobin - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):307-322.
    Several scholars have claimed that small-scale agriculture in which farmers sell goods to the local market has the potential to strengthen social ties and a sense of community, a phenomenon referred to as “civic agriculture.” Proponents see promise in the increase in the number of community supported agriculture programs, farmers markets, and other locally orientated distribution systems as well as the growing interest among consumers for buying locally produced goods. Yet others have suggested that these novel or reborn distribution mechanisms (...)
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  • The Soviet Communist Party and the Other Spirit of Capitalism.Anna Paretskaya - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (4):377 - 401.
    Based on qualitative analysis of the Soviet press and official state documents, this article argues that the Communist Party was, counter intuitively, an agent of capitalist dispositions in the Soviet Union during 1970s-1980s. Understanding the spirit of capitalism not simply as an ascetic ethos but in broader terms of the cult of individualism, I demonstrate that the Soviet party-state promoted ideas and values of individuality, self-expression, and pleasure seeking in the areas of work and consumption. By broadening our conception of (...)
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  • Self and society in the claims of individualism.Frederick Stoutland - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (2):105-137.
    The paper argues that an assessment of individualism requires distinguishing five individualistic claims about the self and society: 1) Philosophical Individualism holds that individuals are distinct from society in their reality and capacity for knowledge; 2) The dignity of the individual is a moral belief about the status of human beings; 3) The ideal of individuality is a value belief about the value of diversity; 4) Moral individualism is a comprehensive moral theory based upon philosophical individualism; 5) Political liberalism is (...)
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  • Healthcare as a Commons.Nancy S. Jecker & Albert R. Jonsen - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):207.
    In September 1994, theNew York Timescarried a front page article declaring healthcare reform dead in Congress. The obituary on healthcare followed a Congressional decision not to pursue the issue further in 1994. Although Congress and the President will likely revisit healthcare reform during 1995, the choices may be between various incremental steps, rather than substantive changes to bring about universal coverage.
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  • The development of computer ethics: Contributions from business ethics and medical ethics.Kenman Wong - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (2):245-253.
    In this essay, we demonstrate that the field of computer ethics shares many core similarities with two other areas of applied ethics, Academicians writing and teaching in the area of computer ethics, along with practitioners, must address ethical issues that are qualitatively similar in nature to those raised in medicine and business. In addition, as academic disciplines, these three fields also share some similar concerns. For example, all face the difficult challenge of maintaining a credible dialogue with diverse constituents such (...)
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  • The specter of authenticity: Social science after the deconstruction of Romanticism.Galen Watts & Dick Houtman - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (5):45-67.
    In a long-forgotten essay, Alvin Gouldner defended the distinctive contributions of Romantic social science. Today, half a century later, very few would risk making a similar plea. Owing to its deconstruction, the discourse of Romanticism has increasingly fallen out of favor in the social sciences, meaning social scientists have progressively come to see Romanticism as less a resource for critique than a bourgeois ideology warranting critical scrutiny. Yet the truth is quite a bit more complicated. For despite its disapproval at (...)
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  • Individualismo y participación política.Herzt Indalecio Vidal Jiménez - 2023 - Metanoia 8 (1):160-176.
    Los efectos del individualismo en la participación política son aspectos tratados por Charles Taylor en su obra, preocupado porque ello está menguando el involucramiento de los individuos en el destino de la sociedad. Las personas se alejan de la sociedad sin percatarse que podrían estar camino a su autodestrucción, en tanto se forjen débiles frente al poder del Estado. Serán los actores estatales quienes aprovechen este escenario de desconexión para tomar decisiones que controlen esa “individualidad”. Ello podría estar beneficiando a (...)
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  • Reflections on the Methodology of a Cross-Cultural Dialogue Between China and the ‘West’.Karl-Heinz Pohl - 2023 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 6 (1):101-116.
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  • Friendship and solidarity.Harry Blatterer - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2):217-234.
    This article explores a particular connection between friendship and social solidarity and seeks to contribute to understanding the societal significance of non-institutionalised relationships. Commonly the benefits of friendship are assumed to accrue to friends only. But this is only part of the story. Friendship, as instantiation of intimacy and site of moral learning, is conducive to solidarity understood as felt concern for unknown others. That potentiality rests on a specific characteristic: friendship’s loose institutional anchorage. Beginning with an explanation of friendship’s (...)
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  • Mary Anne Warren and the Boundaries of the Moral Community.Timothy Furlan - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (2):230-246.
    In her important and well-known discussion “On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion,” Mary Anne Warren regrets that “it is not possible to produce a satisfactory defense of a woman’s right to obtain an abortion without showing that the fetus is not a human being, in the morally relevant sense.” Unlike some more cautious philosophers, Warren thinks that we can definitively demonstrate that the fetus is not a person. In this paper, Warren’s argument is critically examined with a focus (...)
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  • Distributive effervescence: emotional energy and social cohesion in secularizing societies.Kevin McCaffree & F. LeRon Shults - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (2):233-268.
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  • (1 other version)Academic Freedom in the Religious College and University: Confronting the Postmodernist Challenge.Elmer J. Thiessen - 1996 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 10 (1):3-16.
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