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  1. Splittings.A. Kamburelis & B. W’Glorz - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (4):263-277.
    We investigate some notions of splitting families and estimate sizes of the corresponding cardinal coefficients. In particular we solve a problem of P. Simon.
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  • Special ultrafilters and cofinal subsets of $$({}^omega omega, <^*)$$.Peter Nyikos - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):1009-1026.
    The interplay between ultrafilters and unbounded subsets of \ with the order \ of strict eventual domination is studied. Among the tools are special kinds of non-principal ultrafilters on \. These include simple P-points; that is, ultrafilters with a base that is well-ordered with respect to the reverse of the order \ of almost inclusion. It is shown that the cofinality of such a base must be either \, the least cardinality of \-unbounded set, or \, the least cardinality of (...)
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  • Halfway new cardinal characteristics.Jörg Brendle, Lorenz J. Halbeisen, Lukas Daniel Klausner, Marc Lischka & Saharon Shelah - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103303.
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  • -Ultrafilters in the Rational Perfect Set Model.Jonathan Cancino-manríquez - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):175-194.
    We give a new characterization of the cardinal invariant $\mathfrak {d}$ as the minimal cardinality of a family $\mathcal {D}$ of tall summable ideals such that an ultrafilter is rapid if and only if it has non-empty intersection with all the ideals in the family $\mathcal {D}$. On the other hand, we prove that in the Miller model, given any family $\mathcal {D}$ of analytic tall p-ideals such that $\vert \mathcal {D}\vert <\mathfrak {d}$, there is an ultrafilter $\mathcal {U}$ which (...)
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  • Consistency results about filters and the number of inequivalent growth types.Andreas Blass & Claude Laflamme - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (1):50-56.
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  • Ramsey ultrafilters and the reaping number—con(r.M. Goldstern & S. Shelah - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 49 (2):121-142.
    We show that it is consistent that the reaping number r is less than u , the size of the smallest base for an ultrafilter. To show that our forcing preserves certain ultrafilters, we prove a general partition theorem involving Ramsey ideals.
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  • Unbounded families and the cofinality of the infinite symmetric group.James D. Sharp & Simon Thomas - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (1):33-45.
    In this paper, we study the relationship between the cofinalityc(Sym(ω)) of the infinite symmetric group and the minimal cardinality $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\thicksim}$}}{b} $$ of an unbounded familyF of ω ω.
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  • On the cofinality of ultrapowers.Andreas Blass & Heike Mildenberger - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):727-736.
    We prove some restrictions on the possible cofinalities of ultrapowers of the natural numbers with respect to ultrafilters on the natural numbers. The restrictions involve three cardinal characteristics of the continuum, the splitting number s, the unsplitting number r, and the groupwise density number g. We also prove some related results for reduced powers with respect to filters other than ultrafilters.
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  • Groupwise density and related cardinals.Andreas Blass - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):1-11.
    We prove several theorems about the cardinal $\mathfrak{g}$ associated with groupwise density. With respect to a natural ordering of families of nond-ecreasing maps fromω toω, all families of size $< \mathfrak{g}$ are below all unbounded families. With respect to a natural ordering of filters onω, all filters generated by $< \mathfrak{g}$ sets are below all non-feeble filters. If $\mathfrak{u}< \mathfrak{g}$ then $\mathfrak{b}< \mathfrak{u}$ and $\mathfrak{g} = \mathfrak{d} = \mathfrak{c}$ . (The definitions of these cardinals are recalled in the introduction.) Finally, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Strong measure zero sets without Cohen reals.Martin Goldstern, Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (4):1323-1341.
    If ZFC is consistent, then each of the following is consistent with ZFC + 2ℵ0 = ℵ2: (1) $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}$ is of strong measure zero iff |X| ≤ ℵ1 + there is a generalized Sierpinski set. (2) The union of ℵ1 many strong measure zero sets is a strong measure zero set + there is a strong measure zero set of size ℵ2 + there is no Cohen real over L.
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  • Products of hurewicz spaces in the Laver model.Dušan Repovš & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):324-333.
    This article is devoted to the interplay between forcing with fusion and combinatorial covering properties. We illustrate this interplay by proving that in the Laver model for the consistency of the Borel’s conjecture, the product of any two metrizable spaces with the Hurewicz property has the Menger property.
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  • The Cichoń diagram.Tomek Bartoszyński, Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):401 - 423.
    We conclude the discussion of additivity, Baire number, uniformity, and covering for measure and category by constructing the remaining 5 models. Thus we complete the analysis of Cichon's diagram.
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  • The Rudin-Blass ordering of ultrafilters.Claude Laflamme & Jian-Ping Zhu - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (2):584-592.
    We discuss the finite-to-one Rudin-Keisler ordering of ultrafilters on the natural numbers, which we baptize the Rudin-Blass ordering in honour of Professor Andreas Blass who worked extensively in the area. We develop and summarize many of its properties in relation to its bounding and dominating numbers, directedness, and provide applications to continuum theory. In particular, we prove in ZFC alone that there exists an ultrafilter with no Q-point below in the Rudin-Blass ordering.
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  • Covering the Baire space by families which are not finitely dominating.Heike Mildenberger, Saharon Shelah & Boaz Tsaban - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 140 (1):60-71.
    It is consistent that each union of many families in the Baire space which are not finitely dominating is not dominating. In particular, it is consistent that for each nonprincipal ultrafilter , the cofinality of the reduced ultrapower is greater than . The model is constructed by oracle chain condition forcing, to which we give a self-contained introduction.
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  • Combinatorial images of sets of reals and semifilter trichotomy.Boaz Tsaban & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1278-1288.
    Using a dictionary translating a variety of classical and modern covering properties into combinatorial properties of continuous images, we get a simple way to understand the interrelations between these properties in ZFC and in the realm of the trichotomy axiom for upward closed families of sets of natural numbers. While it is now known that the answer to the Hurewicz 1927 problem is positive, it is shown here that semifilter trichotomy implies a negative answer to a slightly stronger form of (...)
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  • A posteriori convergence in complete Boolean algebras with the sequential topology.Miloš S. Kurilić & Aleksandar Pavlović - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 148 (1-3):49-62.
    A sequence x=xn:nω of elements of a complete Boolean algebra converges to a priori if lim infx=lim supx=b. The sequential topology τs on is the maximal topology on such that x→b implies x→τsb, where →τs denotes the convergence in the space — the a posteriori convergence. These two forms of convergence, as well as the properties of the sequential topology related to forcing, are investigated. So, the a posteriori convergence is described in terms of killing of tall ideals on ω, (...)
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  • Cardinal invariants of the continuum and combinatorics on uncountable cardinals.Jörg Brendle - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):43-72.
    We explore the connection between combinatorial principles on uncountable cardinals, like stick and club, on the one hand, and the combinatorics of sets of reals and, in particular, cardinal invariants of the continuum, on the other hand. For example, we prove that additivity of measure implies that Martin’s axiom holds for any Cohen algebra. We construct a model in which club holds, yet the covering number of the null ideal is large. We show that for uncountable cardinals κ≤λ and , (...)
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  • On some small cardinals for Boolean algebras.Ralph Mckenzie & J. Donald Monk - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):674-682.
    Assume that all algebras are atomless. (1) $Spind(A x B) = Spind(A) \cup Spind(B)$ . (2) $(\prod_{i\inI}^{w} = {\omega} \cup \bigcup_{i\inI}$ $Spind(A_{i})$ . Now suppose that $\kappa$ and $\lambda$ are infinite cardinals, with $kappa$ uncountable and regular and with $\kappa \textless \lambda$ . (3) There is an atomless Boolean algebra A such that $\mathfrak{u}(A) = \kappa$ and $i(A) = \lambda$ . (4) If $\lambda$ is also regular, then there is an atomless Boolean algebra A such that $t(A) = \mathfrak{s}(A) = (...)
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  • On Milliken-Taylor Ultrafilters.Heike Mildenberger - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (4):381-394.
    We show that there may be a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter with infinitely many near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω, answering a question by López-Abad. We show that k -colored Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters have at least k +1 near coherence classes of ultrafilters in its projection to ω. We show that the Mathias forcing with a Milliken-Taylor ultrafilter destroys all Milliken-Taylor ultrafilters from the ground model.
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  • More on Halfway New Cardinal Characteristics.Barnabás Farkas, Lukas Daniel Klausner & Marc Lischka - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-16.
    We continue investigating variants of the splitting and reaping numbers introduced in [4]. In particular, answering a question raised there, we prove the consistency of and of. Moreover, we discuss their natural generalisations $\mathfrak {s}_{\rho }$ and $\mathfrak {r}_{\rho }$ for $\rho \in (0,1)$, and show that $\mathfrak {r}_{\rho }$ does not depend on $\rho $.
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  • Lebesgue Measure Zero Modulo Ideals on the Natural Numbers.Viera Gavalová & Diego A. Mejía - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-31.
    We propose a reformulation of the ideal $\mathcal {N}$ of Lebesgue measure zero sets of reals modulo an ideal J on $\omega $, which we denote by $\mathcal {N}_J$. In the same way, we reformulate the ideal $\mathcal {E}$ generated by $F_\sigma $ measure zero sets of reals modulo J, which we denote by $\mathcal {N}^*_J$. We show that these are $\sigma $ -ideals and that $\mathcal {N}_J=\mathcal {N}$ iff J has the Baire property, which in turn is equivalent to (...)
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  • Forcing Minimal Degree of Constructibility.Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):769.
    In this paper we will study four forcing notions, two of them giving a minimal degree of constructibility. These constructions give answers to questions in [Ih].
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  • Localizations of infinite subsets of $\omega$.Andrzej Rosłanowski & Saharon Shelah - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (5-6):315-339.
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  • Groupwise dense families.Heike Mildenberger - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (2):93-112.
    We show that the Filter Dichotomy Principle implies that there are exactly four classes of ideals in the set of increasing functions from the natural numbers. We thus answer two open questions on consequences of ? < ?. We show that ? < ? implies that ? = ?, and that Filter Dichotomy together with ? < ? implies ? < ?. The technical means is the investigation of groupwise dense sets, ideals, filters and ultrafilters. With related techniques we prove (...)
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  • Q-pointness, p-pointness and feebleness of ideals.Pierre Matet & Janusz Pawlikowski - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):235-261.
    We study the degree of (weak) Q-pointness, and that of (weak) P-pointness, of ideals on a regular infinite cardinal.
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  • Exactly two and exactly three near-coherence classes.Heike Mildenberger - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (1).
    We prove that for [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] there is a forcing extension with exactly n near-coherence classes of non-principal ultrafilters. We introduce localized versions of Matet forcing and we develop Ramsey spaces of names. The evaluation of some of the new forcings is based on a relative of Hindman’s theorem due to Blass 1987.
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  • Nice ℵ 1 generated non‐P‐points, Part I.Saharon Shelah - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (1):117-129.
    We define a family of non‐principal ultrafilters on which are, in a sense, very far from P‐points. We prove the existence of such ultrafilters under reasonable conditions. In subsequent articles, we intend to prove that such ultrafilters may exist while no P‐point exists. Though our primary motivations came from forcing and independence results, the family of ultrafilters introduced here should be interesting from combinatorial point of view too.
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  • Near coherence and filter games.Todd Eisworth - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (3):235-242.
    We investigate a two-player game involving pairs of filters on ω. Our results generalize a result of Shelah ([7] Chapter VI) dealing with applications of game theory in the study of ultrafilters.
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  • Upward directedness of the Rudin-Keisler ordering of p-points.Claude Laflamme - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):449-456.
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  • Increasing the groupwise density number by c.c.c. forcing.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 149 (1-3):7-13.
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  • M-separable spaces of functions are productive in the Miller model.Dušan Repovš & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (7):102806.
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  • On the length of chains of proper subgroups covering a topological group.Taras Banakh, Dušan Repovš & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (3-4):411-421.
    We prove that if an ultrafilter \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{L}}$$\end{document} is not coherent to a Q-point, then each analytic non-σ-bounded topological group G admits an increasing chain \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\langle G_\alpha:\alpha < \mathfrak b(\mathcal L)\rangle}$$\end{document} of its proper subgroups such that: (i) \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\bigcup_{\alpha}G_\alpha=G}$$\end{document}; and (ii) For every σ-bounded subgroup H of G there exists α such that \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} (...)
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  • Ideal independent families and the ultrafilter number.Jonathan Cancino, Osvaldo Guzmán & Arnold W. Miller - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):128-136.
    We say that $\mathcal {I}$ is an ideal independent family if no element of ${\mathcal {I}}$ is a subset mod finite of a union of finitely many other elements of ${\mathcal {I}}.$ We will show that the minimum size of a maximal ideal independent family is consistently bigger than both $\mathfrak {d}$ and $\mathfrak {u},$ this answers a question of Donald Monk.
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  • There May be Infinitely Many Near-Coherence Classes under u < ∂.Heike Mildenberger - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1228 - 1238.
    We show that in the models of u < ∂ from [14] there are infinitely many near-coherence classes of ultrafilters, thus answering Banakh's and Blass' Question 30 of [3] negatively. By an unpublished result of Canjar, there are at least two classes in these models.
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  • Cardinal invariants of monotone and porous sets.Michael Hrušák & Ondřej Zindulka - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):159-173.
    A metric space (X, d) is monotone if there is a linear order < on X and a constant c such that d(x, y) ≤ c d(x, z) for all x < y < z in X. We investigate cardinal invariants of the σ-ideal Mon generated by monotone subsets of the plane. Since there is a strong connection between monotone sets in the plane and porous subsets of the line, plane and the Cantor set, cardinal invariants of these ideals are (...)
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  • Property {(hbar)} and cellularity of complete Boolean algebras.Miloš S. Kurilić & Stevo Todorčević - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):705-718.
    A complete Boolean algebra ${\mathbb{B}}$ satisfies property ${(\hbar)}$ iff each sequence x in ${\mathbb{B}}$ has a subsequence y such that the equality lim sup z n = lim sup y n holds for each subsequence z of y. This property, providing an explicit definition of the a posteriori convergence in complete Boolean algebras with the sequential topology and a characterization of sequential compactness of such spaces, is closely related to the cellularity of Boolean algebras. Here we determine the position of (...)
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  • Creatures on ω 1 and weak diamonds.Heike Mildenberger - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):1-16.
    We specialise Aronszajn trees by an $\omega ^\omega $ -bounding forcing that adds reals. We work with creature forcings on uncountable spaces. As an application of these notions of forcing, we answer a question of Moore, Hrušák and Džamonja whether ◇(b) implies the existence of a Souslin tree in a negative way by showing that "◇∂ and every Aronszajn tree is special" is consistent relative to ZFC.
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  • Finding generic filters by playing games.Heike Mildenberger - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (1):91-118.
    We give some restrictions for the search for a model of the club principle with no Souslin trees. We show that ${\diamondsuit(2^\omega, [\omega]^\omega}$ , is almost constant on) together with CH and “all Aronszajn trees are special” is consistent relative to ZFC. This implies the analogous result for a double weakening of the club principle.
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  • Many countable support iterations of proper forcings preserve Souslin trees.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):573-608.
    We show that many countable support iterations of proper forcings preserve Souslin trees. We establish sufficient conditions in terms of games and we draw connections to other preservation properties. We present a proof of preservation properties in countable support iterations in the so-called Case A that does not need a division into forcings that add reals and those who do not.
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  • The club principle and the distributivity number.Heike Mildenberger - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):34 - 46.
    We give an affirmative answer to Brendle's and Hrušák's question of whether the club principle together with h > N₁ is consistent. We work with a class of axiom A forcings with countable conditions such that q ≥ n p is determined by finitely many elements in the conditions p and q and that all strengthenings of a condition are subsets, and replace many names by actual sets. There are two types of technique: one for tree-like forcings and one for (...)
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  • Around splitting and reaping for partitions of ω.Hiroaki Minami - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (4):501-518.
    We investigate splitting number and reaping number for the structure (ω) ω of infinite partitions of ω. We prove that ${\mathfrak{r}_{d}\leq\mathsf{non}(\mathcal{M}),\mathsf{non}(\mathcal{N}),\mathfrak{d}}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d}\geq\mathfrak{b}}$ . We also show the consistency results ${\mathfrak{r}_{d} > \mathfrak{b}, \mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathfrak{d}, \mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathfrak{r}, \mathfrak{r}_{d} < \mathsf{add}(\mathcal{M})}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d} > \mathsf{cof}(\mathcal{M})}$ . To prove the consistency ${\mathfrak{r}_{d} < \mathsf{add}(\mathcal{M})}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{d} < \mathsf{cof}(\mathcal{M})}$ we introduce new cardinal invariants ${\mathfrak{r}_{pair}}$ and ${\mathfrak{s}_{pair}}$ . We also study the relation between ${\mathfrak{r}_{pair}, \mathfrak{s}_{pair}}$ and other cardinal invariants. We show (...)
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  • The Filter dichotomy and medial limits.Paul B. Larson - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (2):159-165.
    The Filter Dichotomy says that every uniform nonmeager filter on the integers is mapped by a finite-to-one function to an ultrafilter. The consistency of this principle was proved by Blass and Laflamme. A medial limit is a universally measurable function from [Formula: see text] to the unit interval [0, 1] which is finitely additive for disjoint sets, and maps singletons to 0 and ω to 1. Christensen and Mokobodzki independently showed that the Continuum Hypothesis implies the existence of medial limits. (...)
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  • The combinatorics of splittability.Boaz Tsaban - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):107-130.
    Marion Scheepers, in his studies of the combinatorics of open covers, introduced the property asserting that a cover of type can be split into two covers of type . In the first part of this paper we give an almost complete classification of all properties of this form where and are significant families of covers which appear in the literature , using combinatorial characterizations of these properties in terms related to ultrafilters on . In the second part of the paper (...)
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  • Distributive proper forcing axiom and cardinal invariants.Huiling Zhu - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):497-506.
    In this paper, we study the forcing axiom for the class of proper forcing notions which do not add ω sequence of ordinals. We study the relationship between this forcing axiom and many cardinal invariants. We use typical iterated forcing with large cardinals and analyse certain property being preserved in this process. Lastly, we apply the results to distinguish several forcing axioms.
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  • Continuum Cardinals Generalized to Boolean Algebras.J. Donald Monk - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (4):1928-1958.
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