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From Non-cognitivism to Global Expressivism: Carnap’s Unfinished Journey?Huw Price - forthcoming - In Christian Dambock & Georg Schiemer (eds.), Rudolf Carnap Handbuch. Metzler Verlag.details
Eliminativism and Reading One's Own Mind.T. Parent - manuscriptdetails
Gibbard on Quasi-realism and Global Expressivism.Huw Price - 2023 - Topoi 42 (3):683-697.details
Global expressivism and alethic pluralism.Huw Price - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-55.details
Pluralism, Realism and the Units of Selection.Sandy C. Boucher - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 1 (39):47-62.details
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Global Expressivism by the Method of Differences.Huw Price - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:133-154.details
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