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The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger

Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press (1991)

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  1. Why are professors liberal?Neil Gross & Ethan Fosse - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (2):127-168.
    The political liberalism of professors—an important occupational group and anomaly according to traditional theories of class politics—has long puzzled sociologists. This article sheds new light on the subject by employing a two-step analytic procedure. In the first step, we assess the explanatory power of the main hypotheses proposed over the last half century to account for professors’ liberal views. To do so, we examine hypothesized predictors of the political gap between professors and other Americans using General Social Survey data pooled (...)
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  • Symbolic revolutions. Mobilizing a neglected Bourdieusian concept for historical sociology.Martin Petzke - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):487-510.
    The article builds on a recent literature that has sought to underscore the relevance of Bourdieu’s field theory for historical-sociological analysis. It draws attention to symbolic revolutions, a concept that has been given short shrift in this literature and even in Bourdieu’s own expositions of his field-theoretical apparatus. The article argues that symbolic revolutions denote a universal mechanism of field-internal change which extends and complements a conceptual battery of mostly structural universals of fields. In a synoptic reading of Bourdieu’s field-theoretical (...)
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  • I and Thou: The educational lessons of Martin Buber's dialogue with the conflicts of his times.W. J. Morgan & Alexandre Guilherme - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (9):979-996.
    Most of what has been written about Buber and education tend to be studies of two kinds: theoretical studies of his philosophical views on education, and specific case studies that aim at putting theory into practice. The perspective taken has always been to hold a dialogue with Buber's works in order to identify and analyse critically Buber's views and, in some cases, to put them into practice; that is, commentators dialogue with the text. In this article our aims are of (...)
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  • Fields and individuals: From Bourdieu to Lahire and back again.Will Atkinson - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (2):195-210.
    Bernard Lahire’s critique of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology aims to establish a ‘dispositionalist-contextualist’ vision of human agency capable of fully sociologising biography and individuality. While accepting the utility of the notion of field, Lahire emphasises the plurality of non-field entities – including games, worlds and figurations – shaping people’s dispositions and the contexts in which they come to act, leading him to downgrade the notion of habitus and cast fields as only a small part of the picture. While appreciating the motivation (...)
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  • Positioning Theory and Intellectual Interventions.Patrick Baert - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):304-324.
    This article sets out the basic principles of a new theory of intellectual interventions centred round the notion of positioning. Intellectual interventions are seen as ways in which intellectuals locate themselves in the socio-political and intellectual field, thereby also positioning others. The existing contributions to the study of intellectuals often take the self-concepts or dispositions of intellectuals to be fixed, and they tend to focus on the causes and motivations behind intellectual interventions. Challenging this perspective, the theory proposed substitutes a (...)
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  • How to become an iconic social thinker: The intellectual pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault.Dominik Bartmanski - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4):427-453.
    The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into (...)
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  • The trap of intellectual success: Robert N. Bellah, the American civil religion debate, and the sociology of knowledge.Matteo Bortolini - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (2):187-210.
    Current sociology of knowledge tends to take for granted Robert K. Merton’s theory of cumulative advantage: successful ideas bring recognition to their authors, successful authors have their ideas recognized more easily than unknown ones. This article argues that this theory should be revised via the introduction of the differential between the status of an idea and that of its creator: when an idea is more important than its creator, the latter becomes identified with the former, and this will hinder recognition (...)
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  • Activating Aesthetics: Working with Heidegger and Bourdieu for engaged pedagogy.Elizabeth Grierson - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (6):546-562.
    This article seeks to investigate art in public urban space via a process of activating aesthetics as a way of enhancing pedagogies of engagement. It does this firstly by addressing the question of aesthetics in Enlightenment and twentieth-century frames; then it seeks to understand how artworks may be approached ontologically and epistemologically. The discussion works with the philosophical lenses of two different thinkers: Heidegger, in ‘Building Dwelling Thinking’ and ‘The Origin of the Work of Art’, and Marxist sociologist, Bourdieu with (...)
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  • The particularity of the universal: critical reflections on Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and the state.Stephen Quilley & Steven Loyal - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):429-462.
    A critical review of Bourdieu’s theory of the state is developed here against the backdrop of both his wider theoretical project and empirical studies. Elaborating the concepts of symbolic capital, symbolic violence, and symbolic domination, the centrality that Bourdieu accords to symbolic forms is compared to benchmark Weberian accounts that start with the state monopoly of violence. Reviewing also some of the burgeoning secondary literature discussing his theory of the state, Bourdieu’s writings, which encompass various antinomies, are shown to vacillate (...)
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  • Sharing the 'now': Heidegger and the temporal co-constitution of world.Irene McMullin - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):201-220.
    In this paper I respond to the view that Heidegger is unable to account for the possibility of immediately experiencing others in their concrete particularity. Critics have argued that since Mitsein characterizes Dasein’s mode of being regardless of the presence or absence of others, Heidegger has essentially granted it the status of an a priori category. In doing so, they argue, Heidegger reduces the other to a mere interchangeable token whose uniqueness is subsumed under the generality of the established category. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Eavesdropping on Bourdieu’s philosophers.Ghassan Hage - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 114 (1):76-93.
    While working on an auto-ethnographic account of my deafness and concurrently offering a seminar on the philosophical dimensions of Pierre Bourdieu’s work, I was struck by how permeated my ethnographic language was with the very Bourdieu-ian concepts I was examining. Initially, some of the moments captured in the ethnography played docilely a function of exemplification of Bourdieu’s theories and the philosophies behind them. At times, however, I found that my description of certain states of being/hearing invited a more complex three-way (...)
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  • Introduction to special issue: The sociology of Randall Collins.Siniša Malešević & Steven Loyal - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 154 (1):3-10.
    This introduction to a special issue outlines the significance of Randall Collins’s contribution to sociology. The first section briefly reviews Collins’s main books and assesses their impact on social science. The second section offers a summary overview of the papers that comprise the special issue.
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  • Constituting community: Heidegger, mimesis and critical belonging.Louiza Odysseos - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):37-61.
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  • Phenomenological Additions to the Bourdieusian Toolbox: Two Problems for Bourdieu, Two Solutions from Schutz.Will Atkinson - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (1):1-19.
    In constructing his renowned theory of practice, Pierre Bourdieu claimed to have integrated the key insights from phenomenology and successfully melded them with objectivist analysis. The contention here, however, is that while his vision of the social world may indeed be generally laudable, he did not take enough from phenomenology. More specifically, there are two concepts in Alfred Schutz 's body of work, which, if properly defined, disentangled from phenomenology, and appropriated, allow two frequently forwarded criticisms of Bourdieu's perspective to (...)
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  • Lost and (not yet) found.Giles R. Scofield - 1996 - HEC Forum 8 (6):372-391.
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  • Demos, Polis, Versus.James Griffith - 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia: Krtika & Kontext. Edited by Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith.
    This is the Introduction to a collected volume.
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  • The Double-Edged Sword of Reason: The Scholar's Predicament and the Sociologist's Mission.Loïc Wacquant - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):275-281.
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  • Heidegger, Hermeneutics and History: Undermining Jeff Malpas’s Philosophy of Place.David Clarke - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (3):571-591.
    Most works about the philosophy of Martin Heidegger either disregard Heidegger’s attachment to National Socialism or assume the ‘minimalist’ view that his attachment was a brief political aberration of no consequence for his philosophy. This paper contends that the minimalist view is not only factually wrong but also that its assumption promotes methodological errors and poor philosophy. To assess this contention we examine two important texts from one of the more fertile fields in current philosophy: Jeff Malpas’s Heidegger’s Topology: Being, (...)
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  • From Demonization of the Masses to Democratic Practice in the Work of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault.Jill Hargis - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):373-392.
    This paper argues that the dichotomy between individuals, as bearers of unique and freely chosen identities, and the masses, as the large numbers of others who are conforming and uncritical, should be understood as a constructed dichotomy. This dichotomy is both supported and dismantled in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Michel Foucault. Each of these thinkers reinforced the idea that there exist conforming and threatening masses from which individuals should separate themselves. And yet by theorizing the limitations (...)
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  • Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler.Aret Karademir - unknown
    Martin Heidegger was not only one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century but also a supporter of and a contributor to one of the most discriminatory ideologies of the recent past. Thus, "the Heidegger's case" gives us philosophers an opportunity to work on discrimination from a philosophical perspective. My aim in this essay is to question the relationship between freedom and discrimination via Heidegger's philosophy. I will show that what bridges the gap between Heidegger's philosophy and a discriminatory (...)
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  • Mutiny on board modernity: Heidegger, Sorel and other fascist intellectuals.Elliot Neaman - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (3):371-401.
    Zeev Sternhell and Hans Sluga show that fascism and Nazism were part of an early twentieth?century intellectual rebellion against universalism, liberalism, and Enlightenment rationalism. Western technology, values, and political institutions were seen as outmoded, but instead of wanting to return to the traditions of the past, as conservatives wished, these intellectuals thought that fascism could transcend modernity. Sorel, Heidegger, and other fascist modernists offered different radical solutions to what was conceived of as the decadence of liberal Western civilization. It remains (...)
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  • Discourse and leadership: using the paradigm of the permanent state of emergency.Ron Kerr - 2008 - Critical Discourse Studies 5 (3):201-216.
    In this paper I use critical discourse theory to understand the strategies of the ‘princes’ of the contemporary world. Using Bourdieu's concepts of ‘field’ and ‘homology’ and Agamben's postulate of the ‘permanent state of emergency’, I address data from the political field and from the corporate field to ask whether the discourse of the ‘leader’ as authentic decision-maker can be transferred across fields and whether the associated paradigm of ‘the permanent state of emergency’ may also be circulating between the political (...)
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  • Interpretation in Design: The Problem of Tacit and Explicit Understanding in Computer Support of Cooperative Design.Gerry Stahl - 1993 - Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder
    This work analyzes the central role of interpretation in non-routine design. Based on this analysis, a theory of computer support for interpretation in cooperative design is constructed. The theory is grounded in studies of design and interpretation. It is illustrated by mechanisms provided by a software substrate for computer-based design environments, applied to a sample task of lunar habitat design. ;Computer support of innovative design must overcome the problem that designers necessarily make extensive use of situated tacit understanding while computers (...)
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  • Metontology , moral particularism, and the “art of existing:” A dialogue between Heidegger, Aristotle, and Bernard Williams. [REVIEW]Lauren Freeman - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (4):545-568.
    An important shift occurs in Martin Heidegger’s thinking one year after the publication of Being and Time , in the Appendix to the Metaphysical Foundations of Logic . The shift is from his project of fundamental ontology—which provides an existential analysis of human existence on an ontological level—to metontology . Metontology is a neologism that refers to the ontic sphere of human experience and to the regional ontologies that were excluded from Being and Time. It is within metontology, Heidegger states, (...)
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  • Sobre o ser e a essência nas Quaestiones in Metaphysicam de Sigério de Brabant.Luiz Fernando Pereira de Aguiar - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Sao Paulo
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  • Accommodating thrown-being in the world.Terrilyn Sweep - unknown
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  • Hegel's Phenomenology in Translation: A comparative analysis of translatorial hexis.David Graham Charlston - unknown
    The thesis adapts Bourdieu’s theory of hexis as a method for approaching the Baillie (Hegel/Baillie, 1910/1931) and Pinkard (Hegel/Pinkard, 2008) translations of Hegel’s Die Phänomenologie des Geistes (Hegel, 1807/1970) as embodiments of a translatorial practice informed by social and philosophical contextual factors. The theoretical concept of a translatorial hexis is analogous to Bourdieu’s habitus but differs in that the translatorial hexis embodies a specifically dominant, honour-seeking stance of the translator with regard to the micro-dynamics of the surrounding sub-fields; the translatorial (...)
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  • Bourdieu and Science Studies: Toward a Reflexive Sociology. [REVIEW]David J. Hess - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):333-348.
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  • The sudden rise of French existentialism: a case-study in the sociology of intellectual life. [REVIEW]Patrick Baert - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (6):619-644.
    This article offers a new explanation for the sudden rise in popularity of French existentialism, in particular of Sartre’s version, in the mid-1940s. It develops a multidimensional account that recognizes both structural and cultural factors. The explanation differs from, and more fully addresses the complexity of the situation than, the two most prominent existing explanations: namely Anna Boschetti’s Bourdieu-inspired account and Randall Collins’s network-based approach. It is argued that, because of specific socio-political circumstances, the intellectual establishment became tainted and lost (...)
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