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  1. From moral autonomy to relational responsibility.Kenneth J. Gergen - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):204-223.
    Abstract. Given that the conception of the person as an autonomous agent is a cultural construction, inquiry is directed to its potentials and shortcomings for cultural life. While such a conception contributes to sustaining the moral order, it also supports an individualist ideology and social divisiveness. As an alternative to the conception of moral autonomy, I explore the potentials of relational being, an orientation that views relational process (as opposed to individual agents) as the wellspring of all meaning. Such an (...)
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  • (1 other version)O intuicji w analitycznych teoriach prawa.Maciej Dybowski - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1):31-45.
    Contemporary analytic theories of law attempt to provide hermeneutic answers to the metaphysical question about the nature of law with intuition playing a pivotal role in these attempts. It is doubtful, however, whether intuition can meet metaphysical and hermeneutic expectations of such theories. The article points out divergent ways of understanding intuition in analytic theories of law. Moreover, such theories face a dilemma of choosing between the „hard” ontology of law, to which intuition would have a privileged epistemic access, and (...)
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  • Augustine’s Ostia Revisited: a Plotinian or Christian Ascent in Confessiones 9?Anthony Dupont & Mateusz Stróżyński - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (1-2):80-104.
    Augustine converted to Christianity in 386 and described his conversion in his Confessiones a decade later. Much ink has been spilled concerning the question of the specific nature of Augustine’s conversion and the ‘historical accuracy’ of his description thereof 10 years later. The Confessiones seem to describe a volte face: he radically embraced Christianity. But to what kind of Christianity did he convert? We will readdress this question, not by investigating his conversion, but by a close exegesis of Confessiones 9, (...)
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  • A Multidisciplinary Approach to Research in Small-Scale Societies: Studying Emotions and Facial Expressions in the Field.Carlos Crivelli, Sergio Jarillo & Alan J. Fridlund - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:204619.
    Although cognitive science was multidisciplinary from the start, an under-emphasis on anthropology has left the field with limited research in small scale, indigenous societies. Neglecting the anthropological perspective is risky, given that once-canonical cognitive science findings have often been shown to be artifacts of enculturation rather than cognitive universals. This imbalance has become more problematic as the increased use of Western theory-driven approaches, many of which assume human uniformity (“universality”), confronts the absence of a robust descriptive base that might provide (...)
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  • Philosophical and religious origins of the private inner self.Phillip Cary - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):121-134.
    Abstract. The modern concept of the inner self containing a private inner world has ancient philosophical and religious roots. These begin with Plato's intelligible world of ideas. In Plotinus, the intelligible world becomes the inner world of the divine Mind and its ideas, which the soul sees by turning “into the inside.” Augustine made the inner world into something merely human, not a world of divine ideas, so that the soul seeking for God must turn in, then up: entering into (...)
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  • Communication, Punishment, and Virtue.Richard Bourne - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (1):78-107.
    This essay suggests that while Antony Duff's model of criminal punishment as secular penance is pregnant with possibilities for theological reception and reflection, it proceeds by way of a number of separations that are brought into question by the penitential traditions of Christianity. The first three of these—between justice and mercy, censure and invitation, and state and victim, constrain the true communicative character of his account of punishment. The second set of oppositions, between sacrament and virtue, interior character and external (...)
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  • Le moi et l’intériorité. [REVIEW]László Bene - 2010 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4 (2):201-208.
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  • Ratio in subiecto? The Sources of Augustine’s Proof for the Immortality of the Soul in the Soliloquia and its Defense in De immortalitate animae.Christian Tornau - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (3):319-354.
    This paper argues that Augustine did not take the proof inSoliloquia2.22-4, which centers on the Aristotelian notion of ‘being in a subject’, from a single source but constructed it in a deliberately imperfect manner from several passages from Porphyry’s works on Aristotle’sCategoriesin order to supplement it with further arguments in Book Three. InDe immortalitate animaeAugustine explicitly discloses the weaknesses of the proof and repairs them by means of a Neoplatonic notion of causality.
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  • Externalism, relational selves, and redemptive relationships.John A. Teske - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):183-203.
    Abstract. The dangerous level of individuality in contemporary Western culture is informed by a conception of mind, self, and soul as internal to the central nervous system. The historical development of this view has produced a bounded and self-contained individual at odds with communal life. Happily, scientific and philosophical studies of mind are coming to view the human mind as embodied, enactive, encultured, and embedded in social and technical networks, and as a construction not limited to the boundaries of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)God and the Soul: Augustine on the Journey to True Selfhood.Terence Sweeney - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (3):678-691.
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  • Colloquium 5: Consciousness and Introspection in Plotinus and Augustine.Suzanne Stern-Gillet - 2007 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 22 (1):145-183.
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  • A Genealogy of Emancipatory Values.Nick Smyth - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    Analytic moral philosophers have generally failed to engage in any substantial way with the cultural history of morality. This is a shame, because a genealogy of morals can help us accomplish two important tasks. First, a genealogy can form the basis of an epistemological project, one that seeks to establish the epistemic status of our beliefs or values. Second, a genealogy can provide us with functional understanding, since a history of our beliefs, values or institutions can reveal some inherent dynamic (...)
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  • Ohjelmoinnin fenomenologisista lähtökohdista. Fernando Floresin reduktio.Juha Himanka - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):205-230.
    Fernando Floresin ja Terry Winogradin Understanding Computers and Cognition poikkeaa perinteisistä ohjelmoinnin lähtökohtien pohdinnoista. Teoksessa asetetaan syrjään lähtökohta, jota tekijät kutsuvat rationalistiseksi perinteeksi, ja syvennytään sen sijaan fenomenologiaan. Keskeinen tekijä tässä siirtymässä on representaationhypoteesin hylkääminen. Kirjoittajat nojaavat lähinnä Martin Heideggerin, Hans-Georg Gadamerin ja Humberto Maturanan tuotantoon, mutta tässä artikkelissa lähden liikkeelle Edmund Husserlin fenomenologisesta reduktiosta. Tulkitsen Floresin suorittaneen reduktion hänen päätyessään hylkäämään representaatiot.
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  • (1 other version)Reduction in Practice: Tracing Husserl's Real-Life Accomplishment of Reduction as Evidenced by his Idea of Phenomenology Lectures.Juha Himanka - 2019 - Phenomenology and Practice 13 (1):7-19.
    Husserl claimed that reduction is the true starting point of phenomenological research, but to figure out how this deed should actually be accomplished has turned out to be a very challenging task. In this study, I explicate how Husserl accomplished reduction during his series of lectures entitled The Idea of Phenomenology. He does not state it explicitly, but what actually happened on the last day of the lectures can be seen as consistent with his descriptions of reduction as an act. (...)
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  • Science, conscience, consciousness.Boris Hennig - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (3):15-28.
    Descartes’ metaphysics lays the foundation for the special sciences, and the notion of consciousness (conscientia) belongs to metaphysics rather than to psychology. I argue that as a metaphysical notion, ‘consciousness’ refers to an epistemic version of moral conscience. As a consequence, the activity on which science is based turns out to be conscientious thought. The consciousness that makes science possible is a double awareness: the awareness of what one is thinking, of what one should be doing, and of the possibility (...)
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  • (5 other versions)Личносна димензија времена (Personalistic Dimension of Time).Aleksandar Djakovac - 2017 - Crkvene Studije 14 (1):97-111.
    У античкој философској традицији, време је поимано као кинетичка просторност. Св. Августин задржава овакво поимање времена али га такође одређује и као памћење и очекивање, који означују сопство као место пресека вечног и пролазног, које он дефинише као временски простор. Св. Максим Исповедник, ослањајући се на Кападокијске Оце, даје одлучујући допринос конституисању нарочитог хришћанског схватања времена и просторности, сагледавајући га у контексту есхатолошке персоналности. Творевина треба да превазиђе временску и просторну интервалност која истовремено представља услов могућности промене начина постојања творевине (...)
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  • Free Will versus Determinism - As Determined by Radical Conceptual Changes.Nancey Murphy - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 23 (3):29-50.
    My objective in this article is to question whether the problem of free will can, within our current conceptual system, be framed coherently. It is already widely recognized that a mental faculty, the will, needed to initiate action, no longer fits with current thought. However, we can still ask whether human decisions and actions are determined by something other than the agent. So the important question is whether we still have a cogent concept of determinism. The two prevalent alternatives are (...)
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  • Inward turn and the Augustinian self.Kerem Eksen - 2010 - Diametros 25:132-145.
    The aim of the present paper is to reconsider Augustine’s role in the history of the concept of self. Our analysis is based on Charles Taylor's account of the Augustinian inward turn. Taylor argues that Augustine's project played a key role in the development of the modern notion of self, because the idea of "inward turn" led the thinker to give the idea of "self-reflexivity" a major position and made him the forefather of the Cartesian cogito. However, we think that (...)
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  • De relato a reflexión en el problema del yo Para leer las Confesiones de San Agustín.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:211-244.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela una (...)
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  • Itsetietoisuus, ensimmäisen persoonan kokemus ja identiteetti keskiajalla.Ritva Palmén - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):263-282.
    Artikkelini käsittelee Jari Kaukuan monografiaa ’Self-awareness in Islamic Philosophy’. Kommenteissani pohdin ensimmäisen persoonan tematiikkaa ja ensimmäisen persoonan kokemusta keskiajan filosofiassa, sekä keskustelen lyhyesti Avicennan kuuluisasta lentävää miestä koskevasta argumentista. Tämän lisäksi esittelen latinalaisen keskiajan perinteen parissa käytyä tematiikkaa niin sanotusta kristillisestä sokratismista. Tässä yhteydessä kysyn, onko islamilaisessa perinteessä vastaavia näkemyksiä siitä, miten ihmisen itseen suuntautuva tutkimus voi toimia lähtökohtana Jumalan ymmärtämiselle. Antamani esimerkit ja paralleelit sijoittuvat 1100-luvun latinalaiseen mielenfilosofiaan. Toisena artikkelini teemana on tätä laajempi mielenfilosofinen kysymys minän rakentumisesta. Erityisen kiinnostava (...)
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  • Aristotle on the Individuality of Self.Juha Sihvola - 2008 - In Pauliina Remes & Juha Sihvola (eds.), Ancient philosophy of the self. London: Springer. pp. 125--137.
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  • Illuminating Modern Western Skepticism.Nancey Murphy - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 21 (3):5-26.
    The goal of this article is to explain how the concept of Illumination came to be a source of skepticism in the modern West. In ancient and medieval Christian thought it was essentially tied not only to Plato’s philosophy, but especially to Augustine’s invention of the notion that the soul is an inner chamber containing all his knowledge, but also the locus of his encounter with God. The concept of the soul or mind as an inner chamber re-emerged in early (...)
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