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Equivalential logics (II)

Studia Logica 40 (4):355 - 372 (1981)

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  1. Equivalential and algebraizable logics.Burghard Herrmann - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (2-3):419 - 436.
    The notion of an algebraizable logic in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi [3] is generalized to that of a possibly infinitely algebraizable, for short, p.i.-algebraizable logic by admitting infinite sets of equivalence formulas and defining equations. An example of the new class is given. Many ideas of this paper have been present in [3] and [4]. By a consequent matrix semantics approach the theory of algebraizable and p.i.-algebraizable logics is developed in a different way. It is related to the (...)
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  • Logical matrices and the amalgamation property.Janusz Czelakowski - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):329 - 341.
    The main result of the present paper — Theorem 3 — establishes the equivalence of the interpolation and amalgamation properties for a large family of logics and their associated classes of matrices.
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  • Juxtaposition: A New Way to Combine Logics.Joshua Schechter - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):560-606.
    This paper develops a new framework for combining propositional logics, called "juxtaposition". Several general metalogical theorems are proved concerning the combination of logics by juxtaposition. In particular, it is shown that under reasonable conditions, juxtaposition preserves strong soundness. Under reasonable conditions, the juxtaposition of two consequence relations is a conservative extension of each of them. A general strong completeness result is proved. The paper then examines the philosophically important case of the combination of classical and intuitionist logics. Particular attention is (...)
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  • An abstract algebraic logic approach to tetravalent modal logics.Josep Font & Miquel Rius - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):481-518.
    This paper contains a joint study of two sentential logics that combine a many-valued character, namely tetravalence, with a modal character; one of them is normal and the other one quasinormal. The method is to study their algebraic counterparts and their abstract models with the tools of Abstract Algebraic Logic, and particularly with those of Brown and Suszko's theory of abstract logics as recently developed by Font and Jansana in their "A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics". The logics studied (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Categorical abstract algebraic logic: Equivalent institutions.George Voutsadakis - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (1-2):275 - 311.
    A category theoretic generalization of the theory of algebraizable deductive systems of Blok and Pigozzi is developed. The theory of institutions of Goguen and Burstall is used to provide the underlying framework which replaces and generalizes the universal algebraic framework based on the notion of a deductive system. The notion of a term -institution is introduced first. Then the notions of quasi-equivalence, strong quasi-equivalence and deductive equivalence are defined for -institutions. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the quasi-equivalence and (...)
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  • The Beth Property in Algebraic Logic.W. J. Blok & Eva Hoogland - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):49-90.
    The present paper is a study in abstract algebraic logic. We investigate the correspondence between the metalogical Beth property and the algebraic property of surjectivity of epimorphisms. It will be shown that this correspondence holds for the large class of equivalential logics. We apply our characterization theorem to relevance logics and many-valued logics.
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  • Algebraic study of Sette's maximal paraconsistent logic.Alexej P. Pynko - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (1):89 - 128.
    The aim of this paper is to study the paraconsistent deductive systemP 1 within the context of Algebraic Logic. It is well known due to Lewin, Mikenberg and Schwarse thatP 1 is algebraizable in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi, the quasivariety generated by Sette's three-element algebraS being the unique quasivariety semantics forP 1. In the present paper we prove that the mentioned quasivariety is not a variety by showing that the variety generated byS is not equivalent to any algebraizable (...)
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  • Matrices, primitive satisfaction and finitely based logics.Janusz Czelakowski - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (1):89 - 104.
    We examine the notion of primitive satisfaction in logical matrices. Theorem II. 1, being the matrix counterpart of Baker's well-known result for congruently distributive varieties of algebras (cf [1], Thm. 1.5), links the notions of primitive and standard satisfaction. As a corollary we give the matrix version of Jónsson's Lemma, proved earlier in [4]. Then we investigate propositional logics with disjunction. The main result, Theorem III. 2, states a necessary and sufficient condition for such logics to be finitely based.
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  • Sentential logics and Maehara interpolation property.Janusz Czelakowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (3):265 - 283.
    With each sentential logic C, identified with a structural consequence operation in a sentential language, the class Matr * (C) of factorial matrices which validate C is associated. The paper, which is a continuation of [2], concerns the connection between the purely syntactic property imposed on C, referred to as Maehara Interpolation Property (MIP), and three diagrammatic properties of the class Matr* (C): the Amalgamation Property (AP), the (deductive) Filter Extension Property (FEP) and Injections Transferable (IT). The main theorem of (...)
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  • Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Models of π-Institutions.George Voutsadakis - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (4):439-460.
    An important part of the theory of algebraizable sentential logics consists of studying the algebraic semantics of these logics. As developed by Czelakowski, Blok, and Pigozzi and Font and Jansana, among others, it includes studying the properties of logical matrices serving as models of deductive systems and the properties of abstract logics serving as models of sentential logics. The present paper contributes to the development of the categorical theory by abstracting some of these model theoretic aspects and results from the (...)
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  • On the Closure Properties of the Class of Full G-models of a Deductive System.Josep Maria Font, Ramon Jansana & Don Pigozzi - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):215-278.
    In this paper we consider the structure of the class FGModS of full generalized models of a deductive system S from a universal-algebraic point of view, and the structure of the set of all the full generalized models of S on a fixed algebra A from the lattice-theoretical point of view; this set is represented by the lattice FACSs A of all algebraic closed-set systems C on A such that (A, C) ε FGModS. We relate some properties of these structures (...)
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  • Some theorems on structural entailment relations.Janusz Czelakowski - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):417 - 429.
    The classesMatr( ) of all matrices (models) for structural finitistic entailments are investigated. The purpose of the paper is to prove three theorems: Theorem I.7, being the counterpart of the main theorem from Czelakowski [3], and Theorems II.2 and III.2 being the entailment counterparts of Bloom's results [1]. Theorem I.7 states that if a classK of matrices is adequate for , thenMatr( ) is the least class of matrices containingK and closed under the formation of ultraproducts, submatrices, strict homomorphisms and (...)
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  • Epimorphisms, Definability and Cardinalities.T. Moraschini, J. G. Raftery & J. J. Wannenburg - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):255-275.
    We characterize, in syntactic terms, the ranges of epimorphisms in an arbitrary class of similar first-order structures. This allows us to strengthen a result of Bacsich, as follows: in any prevariety having at most \ non-logical symbols and an axiomatization requiring at most \ variables, if the epimorphisms into structures with at most \ elements are surjective, then so are all of the epimorphisms. Using these facts, we formulate and prove manageable ‘bridge theorems’, matching the surjectivity of all epimorphisms in (...)
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  • Negation by iteration.I. L. Humberstone - 1995 - Theoria 61 (1):1-24.
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  • Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Prealgebraicity and Protoalgebraicity.George Voutsadakis - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (2):215-249.
    Two classes of π are studied whose properties are similar to those of the protoalgebraic deductive systems of Blok and Pigozzi. The first is the class of N-protoalgebraic π-institutions and the second is the wider class of N-prealgebraic π-institutions. Several characterizations are provided. For instance, N-prealgebraic π-institutions are exactly those π-institutions that satisfy monotonicity of the N-Leibniz operator on theory systems and N-protoalgebraic π-institutions those that satisfy monotonicity of the N-Leibniz operator on theory families. Analogs of the correspondence property of (...)
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  • Algebraizability and Beth's Theorem for equivalential logics.Burghard Herrmann - 1993 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 22:85-88.
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  • Beyond Rasiowa's Algebraic Approach to Non-classical Logics.Josep Maria Font - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (2):179-209.
    This paper reviews the impact of Rasiowa's well-known book on the evolution of algebraic logic during the last thirty or forty years. It starts with some comments on the importance and influence of this book, highlighting some of the reasons for this influence, and some of its key points, mathematically speaking, concerning the general theory of algebraic logic, a theory nowadays called Abstract Algebraic Logic. Then, a consideration of the diverse ways in which these key points can be generalized allows (...)
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  • (1 other version)Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: More on Protoalgebraicity.George Voutsadakis - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (4):487-514.
    Protoalgebraic logics are characterized by the monotonicity of the Leibniz operator on their theory lattices and are at the lower end of the Leibniz hierarchy of abstract algebraic logic. They have been shown to be the most primitive among those logics with a strong enough algebraic character to be amenable to algebraic study techniques. Protoalgebraic π-institutions were introduced recently as an analog of protoalgebraic sentential logics with the goal of extending the Leibniz hierarchy from the sentential framework to the π-institution (...)
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  • Axiomatization of semigroup consequences.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (2):111-123.
    We show (1) the consequence determined by a variety V of algebraic semigroup matrices is finitely based iffV is finitely based, (2) the consequence determined by all 2-valued semigroup connectives, Λ, ∨, ↔, +, in other words the collection of common rules for all these connectives, is finitely based. For possible applications see Sect. 0.
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  • (1 other version)Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Referential π-Institutions.George Voutsadakis - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):33-51.
    Wojcicki introduced in the late 1970s the concept of a referential semantics for propositional logics. Referential semantics incorporate features of the Kripke possible world semantics for modal logics into the realm of algebraic and matrix semantics of arbitrary sentential logics. A well-known theorem of Wojcicki asserts that a logic has a referential semantics if and only if it is selfextensional. Referential semantics was subsequently studied in detail by Malinowski and the concept of selfextensionality has played, more recently, an important role (...)
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  • Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Behavioral π-Institutions.George Voutsadakis - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (3):617-646.
    Recently, Caleiro, Gon¸calves and Martins introduced the notion of behaviorally algebraizable logic. The main idea behind their work is to replace, in the traditional theory of algebraizability of Blok and Pigozzi, unsorted equational logic with multi-sorted behavioral logic. The new notion accommodates logics over many-sorted languages and with non-truth-functional connectives. Moreover, it treats logics that are not algebraizable in the traditional sense while, at the same time, shedding new light to the equivalent algebraic semantics of logics that are algebraizable according (...)
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  • 2003 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.Andreas Blass - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):120-145.
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  • Malinowski modalization, modalization through fibring and the Leibniz hierarchy.M. A. Martins & G. Voutsadakis - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (5):836-852.
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  • Pseudo-referential matrix semantics for propositional logics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (3):90-96.
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  • General Theory of the Commutator for Deductive Systems. Part I. Basic Facts.Janusz Czelakowski - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):183-214.
    The purpose of this paper is to present in a uniform way the commutator theory for k-deductive system of arbitrary positive dimension k. We are interested in the logical perspective of the research — an emphasis is put on an analysis of the interconnections holding between the commutator and logic. This research thus qualifies as belonging to abstract algebraic logic, an area of universal algebra that explores to a large extent the methods provided by the general theory of deductive systems. (...)
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  • Logics and operators.Janusz Czelakowski - 1995 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 3:87-100.
    Two connectives are of special interest in metalogical investigations — the connective of implication which is important due to its connections to the notion of inference, and the connective of equivalence. The latter connective expresses, in the material sense, the fact that two sentences have the same logical value while in the strict sense it expresses the fact that two sentences are interderivable on the basis of a given logic. The process of identification of equivalent sentences relative to theories of (...)
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  • Freeness in classes without equality.Raimon Elgueta - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1159-1194.
    This paper is a continuation of [27], where we provide the background and the basic tools for studying the structural properties of classes of models over languages without equality. In the context of such languages, it is natural to make distinction between two kinds of classes, the so-called abstract classes, which correspond to those closed under isomorphic copies in the presence of equality, and the reduced classes, i.e., those obtained by factoring structures by their largest congruences. The generic problem described (...)
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  • Possible Worlds in Use.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2011 - Studia Logica 99 (1-3):229-248.
    The paper is a brief survey of the most important semantic constructions founded on the concept of possible world. It is impossible to capture in one short paper the whole variety of the problems connected with manifold applications of possible worlds. Hence, after a brief explanation of some philosophical matters I take a look at possible worlds from rather technical standpoint of logic and focus on the applications in formal semantics. In particular, I would like to focus on the fruitful (...)
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  • (1 other version)Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Truth-Equational $pi$-Institutions.George Voutsadakis - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (2):351-378.
    Finitely algebraizable deductive systems were introduced by Blok and Pigozzi to capture the essential properties of those deductive systems that are very tightly connected to quasivarieties of universal algebras. They include the equivalential logics of Czelakowski. Based on Blok and Pigozzi’s work, Herrmann defined algebraizable deductive systems. These are the equivalential deductive systems that are also truth-equational, in the sense that the truth predicate of the class of their reduced matrix models is explicitly definable by some set of unary equations. (...)
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  • Singulary extensional connectives: A closer look. [REVIEW]I. L. Humberstone - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (3):341-356.
    The totality of extensional 1-ary connectives distinguishable in a logical framework allowing sequents with multiple or empty (alongside singleton) succedents form a lattice under a natural partial ordering relating one connective to another if all the inferential properties of the former are possessed by the latter. Here we give a complete description of that lattice; its Hasse diagram appears as Figure 1 in §2. Simple syntactic descriptions of the lattice elements are provided in §3; §§4 and 5 give some additional (...)
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  • Constructible models of orthomodular quantum logics.Piotr Wilczek - unknown
    We continue in this article the abstract algebraic treatment of quantum sentential logics Wil. The Notions borrowed from the field of Model Theory and Abstract Algebraic Logic - AAL (i.e., consequence relation, variety, logical matrix, deductive filter, reduced product, ultraproduct, ultrapower, Frege relation, Leibniz congruence, Suszko congruence, Leibniz operator) are applied to quantum logics. We also proved several equivalences between state property systems (Jauch-Piron-Aerts line of investigations) and AAL treatment of quantum logics (corollary 18 and 19). We show that there (...)
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