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Le Bergsonisme..

Paris,: Presses universitaires de France (1966)

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  1. Einstein Vs. Bergson: An Enduring Quarrel on Time.Alessandra Campo & Simone Gozzano (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book brings together papers from a conference that took place in the city of L'Aquila, 4–6 April 2019, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the earthquake that struck on 6 April 2009. Philosophers and scientists from diverse fields of research debated the problem that, on 6 April 1922, divided Einstein and Bergson: the nature of time. For Einstein, scientific time is the only time that matters and the only time we can rely on. Bergson, however, believes that scientific time (...)
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  • Two Sources of Knowledge: Origin and Generation of Knowledge in Maine de Biran and Henri Bergson.Lauri Myllymaa - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    It is important for the theory of knowledge to understand the factors involved in the generation of the capacities of knowledge. In the history of modern philosophy, knowledge is generally held to originate in either one or two sources, and the debates about these sources between philosophers have concerned their existence, or legitimacy. Furthermore, some philosophers have advocated scepticism about the human capacity to understand the origins of knowledge altogether. However, the developmental aspects of knowledge have received relatively little attention (...)
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  • Bergson ja intuitio filosofian metodina.Katariina Lipsanen - 2021 - Tiede Ja Edistys 46 (3):133–146.
    Tässä artikkelissa käsittelen Henri Bergsonin (1859–1941) intuition käsitettä ja sen suhdetta hänen filosofiseen menetelmäänsä. Bergsonin on nähty tarkoittavan intuitiolla yhtäältä filosofian metodia ja toisaalta tiettyä älyyn verrattavaa filosofialle ainutlaatuista tiedon muotoa. Esitän, että Bergsonille intuitio on samanaikaisesti näitä molempia. Se on todellisuuden ajattelemista kestona, sisäistä jatkuvuuttamme muistuttavana liikkeenä. Intuitiossa tavoitetaan todellisuuden luonne sikäli kuin se on läsnä myös meissä itsessämme tällaisena jatkuvuutena. Metodologisesti se on todellisuuden tarkastelua ajallisuuden ja muutoksen perspektiivistä. Tiedon muotona se on välitöntä ymmärrystä tarkastelun kohteesta itsestään.
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  • Silêncio e Poesia em Teixeira de Pascoaes.Rodrigo Michell dos Santos Araujo - 2020 - Dissertation, Universidade Do Porto
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  • Multiplying Resistance: the power of the urban in the age of national revanchism.Asma Mehan & Ugo Rossi - 2019 - In Jeff Malpas & Keith Jacobs (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of the City: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 233-244.
    In this chapter, we evaluate the politically generative dynamic of urban space. Notably, we put forward the notion of the ‘multiplier effect’ of the urban, referring to its ingrained tendency to multiply resistance to oppression and violence being exerted against subaltern groups and minorities and, in doing so, to turn this multiplied resistance into an active force of social change. We, therefore, look at the twofold valence of ‘resistance’: negative and affirmative. Resistance initially takes form as a defensive response to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Donación de la vida y fenomenología de la percepción.Eric Pommier - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:231-249.
    Planteamos el problema del aparecer de la hylè husserliana, lo que nos conduce al problema de la auto-donación de la vida como condición de una fenomenología de la percepción. Para solucionar este problema, establecemos las condiciones de un diálogo entre Michel Henry, que pone énfasis sobre la auto-afección de la vida inmanente, y Merleau-Ponty, que privilegia una concepción intencional del cuerpo mundano. Tal diálogo nos permite identificar un prejuicio común, cuya superación podría ofrecer la posibilidad de una solución al problema (...)
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  • The Comprehensive Meaning of Life in Bergson.Florence Caeymaex - 2013 - In Scott M. Campbell & Paul W. Bruno (eds.), The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 47.
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  • Deleuze, Nietzsche, and the overcoming of nihilism.Ashley Woodward - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1):115-147.
    This paper critically examines Deleuze’s treatment of the Nietzschean problem of nihilism. Of all the major figures in contemporary continental thought, Deleuze is at once one of the most luminous, and practically a lone voice in suggesting that nihilism may successfully be overcome. Whether or not he is correct on this point is thus a commanding question in relation to our understanding of the issue. Many commentators on Nietzsche have argued that his project of overcoming nihilism is destined to failure (...)
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  • The memory of another past: Bergson, Deleuze and a new theory of time.Alia Al-Saji - 2004 - Continental Philosophy Review 37 (2):203-239.
    Through the philosophies of Bergson and Deleuze, my paper explores a different theory of time. I reconstitute Deleuze’s paradoxes of the past in Difference and Repetition and Bergsonism to reveal a theory of time in which the relation between past and present is one of coexistence rather than succession. The theory of memory implied here is a non-representational one. To elaborate this theory, I ask: what is the role of the “virtual image” in Bergson’s Matter and Memory? Far from representing (...)
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  • Deleuze y Merleau-Ponty. La carne del Mundo.Gonzalo Montenegro - 2010 - Polisemia (ISSN 1900-4648):45-55.
    Despite the distance between the philosophies of Merleau-Ponty and of Deleuze, it is possible to discover not only analogue complicity with regard to thecriticism addressed to Husserl. In the aesthetic, for example, we note that the last thoughtsof Merleau-Ponty, present mainly in The visible and the invisible, are a constant referencefor the works that Deleuze dedicates to the painter Francis Bacon. In the present researchwe expect to define the passages on account of the reading of Husserl, and to show thepoint (...)
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  • Intensive Technics: Immediate Materiality and Creative Technicity in Gilles Deleuze’s Philosophy.Julius Telivuo - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    This work examines Gilles Deleuze’s concept of intensity and the role of this concept in his philosophy of technology. The work has two main objectives. First, it analyses the role of Deleuze’s theory of intensity in his metaphysical system and in his philosophy of technology. Second, on the basis of this theory, it presents an original analysis of the creative potential of technology. The importance of the concept of intensity in Deleuze’s philosophy has been acknowledged, but so far, his views (...)
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  • The Temporality of Life: Merleau‐Ponty, Bergson, and the Immemorial Past.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):177-206.
    Borrowing conceptual tools from Bergson, this essay asks after the shift in the temporality of life from Merleau‐Ponty's Phénoménologie de la perception to his later works. Although the Phénoménologie conceives life in terms of the field of presence of bodily action, later texts point to a life of invisible and immemorial dimensionality. By reconsidering Bergson, but also thereby revising his reading of Husserl, Merleau‐Ponty develops a nonserial theory of time in the later works, one that acknowledges the verticality and irreducibility (...)
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  • Complexiones : sobre "cómo" hacer filosofía con palabras.Federico Rodríguez Gómez - 2011 - Endoxa 28:287.
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  • On second-order observation and genuine pretending.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 143 (1):28-43.
    This paper discusses the meaning of the concept of ‘second-order observation’ used by Niklas Luhmann (1927–1998). Luhmann identifies second-order observation as a defining characteristic of modern world society. According to Luhmann, all social systems construct a social reality on the basis of the observation of observations. Rating agencies in the economy or the peer-review process in the academic system are examples of social mechanisms manifesting second-order observation. Social media also represent organized second-order observation. The paper suggests that in a society (...)
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  • The Limits of Conceptual Thinking.Rudolf Bernet - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (3):219-241.
    Philosophers have thought more about the nature of thinking than about anything else. After Plato and Aristotle, philosophers’ main concern was to promote good, that is, correct, thinking. Because correct thinking was achieved best in propositional statements, thinking became a matter of logic, and logic became a discipline dealing with the formulation of true predicative sentences.In the twentieth century, many philosophers expressed their dissatisfaction with this view. Some, such as Heidegger, have pointed to the ontological presuppositions of a logic that (...)
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  • El problema de la utopía en Gilles Deleuze.Marcelo Antonelli - 2012 - Isegoría 47:519-539.
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  • (1 other version)Bergson leitor de Leibniz: Os possíveis, as tendências E a individuação.Maria Fernanda Novo dos Santos - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:163-190.
    Partimos da perspectiva que nos convida a observar que a leitura que Bergson faz sobre Leibniz tanto nos seus cursos, quanto em Possível e o Real e em A Evolução Criadora participam da construção de um modelo de individuação no âmbito filosofia bergsoniana. No curso sobre o opúsculo De rerum natura originatione, Bergson propõe uma avaliação sobre o finalismo metafísico leibniziano a partir da noção do possível e sua relação com o princípio da harmonia pré-estabelecida. Neste artigo, pretende-se mostrar que (...)
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  • Intuição e Exercícios Espirituais.Evaldo Sampaio - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (2).
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  • Being Time: Zen, Modernity, the Contemporary.James Adam Redfield - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (4):88-103.
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  • Quiasmo e imaginación en el “último” Merleau-Ponty.Germán Osvaldo Prósperi - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):71-95.
    Resumen El concepto de “quiasmo” es fundamental en la filosofía del “último” Merleau-Ponty. Me interesa retomar este concepto para mostrar que, en la nueva ontología esbozada en Le visible et l’invisible y en las notas de la misma época, su función guarda correspondencia con la tarea que, a lo largo de la historia de la filosofía, ha desempeñado la imaginación. En este sentido, una ontología del quiasmo supone por necesidad pensar una ontología de la imaginación. Además, este concepto permite arrojar (...)
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  • Politics in the Middle: For a Political Interpretation of the Dualisms in Deleuze and Guattari.Rodrigo Nunes - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (Suppl):104-126.
    The paper identifies three recent lines of interpretation of the politics that can be derived from Deleuze and Guattari, all of which share a way of reading the dualisms in their work that can be traced back to how they understand the actual/virtual partition, and to an alleged pre-eminence of the virtual over the actual. It is argued that this reading is not only inaccurate, but obscures the political dimension of Deleuze and Guattari's work. Clarifying the latter requires a reinterpretation (...)
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  • Filosofía del espacio y teoría de la acción en Gilles Deleuze.Rafael E. Mc Namara - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (2).
    Nos proponemos pensar una teoría de la acción implícita en la filosofía deleuziana del espacio. El concepto de profundidad, en el que se despliega el carácter de la intensidad como afirmación de la diferencia, funciona como presupuesto de esta teoría. A partir de dos textos de Ruyer y Simondon mencionados por Deleuze, los afectos aparecen como expresión de aquella dimensión espacial en el sujeto. La profundidad se articula a su vez con las síntesis temporales en un recorrido que encuentra en (...)
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  • Concepto, método y sistema de "Différence et répétition" de Gilles Deleuze.Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):759-779.
    Este artículo propone una explicación e interpretación del contenido y estructura de Différence et répétition de Gilles Deleuze. La obra expone un sistema de filosofía contemporánea cuyo objetivo es determinar las condiciones de la experiencia real. El sistema se compone de varias partes: crítica de la forma y contenido del concepto filosófico; métodos filosóficos; estesiología trascendental; dialéctica de las Ideas; estética de las intensidades. Esta interpretación muestra el recorrido y función de la razón suficiente en varios descubrimientos: el método como (...)
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  • Les tendances divergentes du bergsonisme de Deleuze.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (2).
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  • Between logos and doxa: The Intelligence of a Machine.German A. Duarte - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (1):113-134.
    This paper deals with Parmenides of Elea’s way of inquiry about reality and the opposition emerging from it. In more detail, it analyses how Parmenides’ concepts of logos and doxa present some analogies with Bergson’s thoughts about duration and Time and how these theories influenced the understanding of visual media, especially the cinematographic camera. This survey will allow us to demonstrate that some scientific theories about space that accompanied the development of the cinematographic camera progressively allowed for the birth of (...)
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  • Movement, Memory and Mathematics: Henri Bergson and the Ontology of Learning.Elizabeth de Freitas & Francesca Ferrara - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):565-585.
    Using the work of philosopher Henri Bergson to examine the nature of movement and memory, this article contributes to recent research on the role of the body in learning mathematics. Our aim in this paper is to introduce the ideas of Bergson and to show how these ideas shed light on mathematics classroom activity. Bergson’s monist philosophy provides a framework for understanding the materiality of both bodies and mathematical concepts. We discuss two case studies of classrooms to show how the (...)
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