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Le toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy

Editions Galilée (2000)

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  1. Now This : On the Gradual Production of Justice Whilst Doing Law and Music.Claudius Messner - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (2):187-214.
    This paper examines the role of performance in law and music as a structural means of their self-programming construction. Music and law are considered as parallel social practices or performative doings. The paper begins with a critical analysis of the special aesthetical features of present-day juridical practice as exemplified by legal trial and legal expertise. Drawing upon reflections on the modern discourse on aesthetics and art, the article then examines in greater detail the specific traits of performance in law and (...)
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  • What Can You Say, Words It Is, Nothing Else Going.Pierre Legrand - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (4):805-832.
    This essay examines the capacity of language (‘word’) to convey what there is (‘world’). It draws on philosophical thought, which it seeks to apply to law while making specific reference to comparative legal studies, that is, to the investigation of law that is foreign to its interpreter.
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  • Derrida as an object of the history of philosophy: the concept of aporia in terms of the universality problem.Anna Ilyina - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (1):6-26.
    The idea of aporia, according to the author, leads to the transformation of Derrida’s philosophy on the basis of a new kind of universalism. This new universalism is based on the principles of relation and difference; it involves the concept of“radically Other” (in particular, in the modes of particularity and singularity) into the field of the Universal. As an essential factor of binarism’s deconstruction, an aporia leads to undermine a paradigm of choice. Derrida substitutes this paradigm with an attitude to (...)
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  • At the same time: Continuities in Derrida’s readings of Husserl.Robin Durie - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (1):73-88.
    The essay on Husserl’s phenomenology of touch in Derrida’s recent On Touching—Jean-Luc Nancy represents his only substantial re-engagement with Husserlian phenomenology to be published following the series of texts dating from the period marked by his Mémoire of 1955 through to the essay ‘Form and Meaning’ included in Margins (1972). The essay, devoted to some key sections of Husserl’s Ideas II, appears to break new ground in Derrida’s readings of Husserl, but in fact demonstrates a profound continuity with his earlier (...)
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  • The Philosopher of Modern Life.Duane H. Davis - 2016 - In Duane Davis (ed.), Merleau-Ponty and the art of perception. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 165-185.
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  • The Art of Perception.Duane H. Davis - 2016 - In Duane Davis (ed.), Merleau-Ponty and the art of perception. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 3-52.
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  • Merleau-Ponty and the art of perception.Duane Davis (ed.) - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Philosophers and artists consider the relevance of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy for understanding art and aesthetic experience. This collection of essays brings together diverse but interrelated perspectives on art and perception based on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Although Merleau-Ponty focused almost exclusively on painting in his writings on aesthetics, this collection also considers poetry, literary works, theater, and relationships between art and science. In addition to philosophers, the contributors include a painter, a photographer, a musicologist, and an architect. This widened (...)
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  • The Enunciation of the Subject: Sharing Jean-Luc Nancy’s Singular Plural in the Classroom.Ashok Collins - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (8):774-785.
    This article seeks to explore the implications of Jean-Luc Nancy’s reading of the subject for educational philosophy by connecting his re-interpretation of Descartes to his later thinking on what he names the ontological singular plural. Nancy’s re-imagining of the Cogito coalesces around the figure of the mouth through which the subject enunciates itself within the world. Reading this extension of the ego through the mouth as an enunciation of ontological singular plurality exposes a speaking subject that communicates via a sharing (...)
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  • Handshake.Geoffrey Bennington - 2008 - Derrida Today 1 (2):167-184.
    How might Derrida be said to greet Jean-Luc Nancy in Le Toucher? What kind of handshake does he offer? Derrida explicitly mentions the handshake at the very centre of his book, in the tangent devoted to Merleau-Ponty. A reading of this moment reveals an exemplary case of what happens when Derrida reads apparently ‘fraternal’ texts, and opens up further levels of difference. What then if we consider Nancy's response to Derrida, when the recipient of the handshake shakes back? By examining (...)
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  • Lessons to Live (1): Posthumous Fragments, for Jacques Derrida.Zsuzsa Baross - 2008 - Derrida Today 1 (2):247-265.
    Written as a last, long posthumous letter to Jacques Derrida, the essay turns to the philosopher's last and, for the living, most important lesson – on ‘learning to live.’ In particular, it addresses – as constitutive of his unique ‘heterodidactics’ – two discrete communications on the subject. The first, in Spectres de Marx (1993), declares the lesson to be at once impossible and necessary, that is, ‘ethics itself’; in the second, the last interview ‘Je suis en guerre contre moi-même’ published (...)
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  • Słowa i obrazy. Próba koncyliacji na przykładzie twórczości Witkacego.Monika Murawska - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 39:65-78.
    The article discusses Paweł Polit’s book on the philosophy and painterly oeuvre of S. I. Witkiewicz that relates both areas of Witkiewicz’s work based on his idea of “unity of personality.” Exploring Witkacy’s theory, also contained in his literary works, Polit confronts it with the philosophical sources of his thought, as well as with Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and Deleuze’s and Derrida’s reflections on painting that bring to the fore its corporeal, haptic dimension. The idea of the “unity of personality” is, according (...)
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  • Food as Touch/touching the Food: The body in‐place and out‐of‐place in preschool.Nina Rossholt - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (3):323-334.
    The article explores the need to eat as a biological and social practice among children in a preschool in Norway. The children in this preschool are aged from one to two years of age, and some of them have just started there. Different events from mealtimes relate to Derrida's concept of touch and Grosz's notion of bodies in‐place and out‐of‐place. How food touches the children and the practitioners is further discussed through a consideration of body/place relations, which are both material (...)
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  • Aporías de la Deconstrucción. Entorno a la filosofía de la alteridad en Jacques Derrida.Guerrero Salazar William Felipe - 2017 - Bogotá: Universidad Libre.
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  • Right Outta' Nowhere: Jean-Luc Nancy, phenomenon and event ex nihilo.Hakhamanesh Zangeneh - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):363-379.
    This essay proposes to read Jean-Luc Nancy’s references to creation ex nihilo as both an intervention in the French debate concerning eventness, and as a transformative rethinking of the status of phenomenality. Nancy’s position is roughly triangulated relative to key remarks from other thinkers and, above all, its distinctive components (temporality, negativity, spatiality) are elucidated through historical glosses. Articulating the overall architecture of this theory serves to illustrate the Heideggerian access to the event debate. It also deepens aspects only elliptically (...)
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  • Vivermos juntos: tangências entre Derrida e Nancy.Hugo Monteiro - 2014 - Agora 33 (1):101-121.
    La deconstrucción, en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida y Jean-Luc Nancy, expresa loslímites del «ser en conjunto», al desafiar los conceptos tradicionales de fraternidad, amistado democracia. En este texto pretendemos incidir en la tangente entre Derrida y Nancy,poniendo en cuestión la prescripción ético-política inherente a la expresión «vivir juntos».Intentamos recorrer la línea, sutil pero decisiva, que marca la distancia y, como tal, lasingularidad de estos pensamientos en la filosofía contemporánea.
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  • Maurice Merleau-ponty.Bernard Flynn - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Affektion und Zeitlichkeit bei Kant und Husserl.Alice Mara Serra - 2016 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 8 (2):482-501.
    In Critics of pure reason the notion of affection appears at first in the "Transcendental Aesthetic" and is unfolded on the notion of self-affection in the "Transcendental Analytic". Husserl, in manuscripts written from 1918, presents some developments of these Kantian notions. If by affection Kant explains that something can be given to the subject from the sensibility, that is, something that affects oneself from the external and the internal sense, however, Husserl extends the analysis of affection toward a broad spectrum (...)
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  • Heart of the matter: Bodies without organs and biopolitics in organ transplant films.Patricia Pisters - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (4):23-36.
    :In this essay I will look at four recent films that have organ transplantations “at their heart”: 21 Grams, L'Intrus, Dirty Pretty Things and Heart of Jenin. Each film in its own way shows how Nancy's concept of the intruder balances in a different dynamics between biopolitical and biophilosophical concerns and proposes in various ways a changed concept of sacrifice, transforming sacrifice from religious offering into political or ethical resistance and allowing a-religious strivings to persist.
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  • “All things considered:” sensibility and ethics in the later Merleau-Ponty and Derrida.Ann V. Murphy - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (4):435-447.
    It is one of Jacques Derrida’s later texts, Le Toucher—Jean-Luc Nancy , wherein one finds his most sustained commentary on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. I argue that Derrida’s criticisms of Merleau-Ponty in this text conceal a significant proximity between his own elaboration of sensibility and that of Merleau-Ponty. Their respective accounts of sensibility are similar in two respects. Firstly, for them both, sensibility is born of a parsing of the self in a hiatus or interval that disrupts the movement (...)
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  • (1 other version)Desde el cuerpo a la materialidad. Contribuciones de Jean- Luc Nancy.Valentina Bulo Vargas - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 76:29-37.
    En el presente texto proponemos realizar un primer trazado de una zona de correspondencia entre cuerpo y materialidad, para replantear esta materialidad a partir de ciertas categorías conceptuales. La hipótesis planteada es que hay determinadas concepciones del cuerpo en el pensamiento del siglo XX en adelante que suponen una materialidad no reductible a principios de determinación, una materialidad emparentada con la libertad, donde la necesidad se subsume a la contingencia concreta de los cuerpos. Nos proponemos bosquejar una construcción conceptual de (...)
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  • (1 other version)Hermenéutica Y desconstrucción.Rafael A. Castellanos - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (130):3-21.
    Se busca resaltar el topos de la proximidad en la lectura que hace Derrida de Heidegger, conectándolo con la presuposición de la unidad de la palabra en tanto que núcleo de la posibilidad del sentido del ser, y con la autoafección como condición de la unidad del sentido y de la proximidad, condición..
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