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  1. Towards a Phenomenological Theory of Violence: Reflections Following Merleau-Ponty and Schutz.Michael Staudigl - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (3):233-253.
    This paper lays the groundwork for developing a thorough-going phenomenological description of different phenomena of violence such as physical, psychic and structural violence. The overall aim is to provide subject-centered approaches to violence within the social sciences and the humanities with an integrative theoretical framework. To do so, I will draw primarily on the phenomenological accounts of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Alfred Schutz, and thereby present guiding clues for a phenomenologically grounded theory of violence.
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  • The Pluralistic Concept of the Life-World and the Various Fields of the Phenomenology of the Life-World in Husserl.Nam-In Lee - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (1):47-68.
    The life-world is a central topic of Husserl’s phenomenology. He addresses this issue in some of the works published during his lifetime and attempts to analyze the life-world extensively in many of his works and posthumously published research manuscripts. The life-world is one of the topics that have been discussed most extensively in phenomenology. However, there are many misunderstandings of Husserl’s phenomenology of the life-world. One misunderstanding concerns the variety of concepts of the life-world in Husserl and the possibility of (...)
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  • Getting Fra Angelico’s splotch out: rehabilitating visual cognitive semiotics.Ian Verstegen - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):1-18.
    Most contemporary approaches to meaning presume the limitation of semiotics (Didi-Huberman, Gumbrecht, Belting). The question of what kind of “semiotics” is required has not been asked. However, without some general science of meaning it is impossible to reform theory without committing past errors or ignoring progress. In the interest of reconnecting contemporary interests in “presence” to long-evolving needs, I review the ossification and decline of one theory of semiotics that serves as the tacit model rejected today. I return to problems (...)
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  • Life-World, Sub-Worlds, After-Worlds: The Various ‘Realnesses’ of Multiple Realities.Ruth Ayaß - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):519-542.
    This paper will discuss the correlation between the world of everyday life, finite provinces of meaning, and religion. To this end, the paper will start out by explaining Schutz’ considerations on “paramount reality” of the world of everyday life as well as the theory of “multiple realities” and “finite provinces of meaning”. Schutz’ considerations will then be elaborated upon and taken a step further in a discussion of the various ‘realnesses’ of the multiple realities. Special attention will be paid to (...)
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  • Typification in Society and Social Science: The Continuing Relevance of Schutz’s Social Phenomenology.Kwang-ki Kim & Tim Berard - 2009 - Human Studies 32 (3):263-289.
    This paper examines Alfred Schutz’s insights on types and typification. Beginning with a brief overview of the history and meaning of typification in interpretive sociology, the paper further addresses both the ubiquity and the necessity of typification in social life and scientific method. Schutz’s contribution itself is lacking in empirical application and grounding, but examples are provided of ongoing empirical research which advances the understanding of types and typification. As is suggested by illustrations from scholarship in the social studies of (...)
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  • Intersubjectivity, Empathy, Life‐World, and the Social Brain: The Relevance of Husserlian Neurophenomenology for the Anthropology of Consciousness.Charles D. Laughlin - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (1):229-260.
    Our species of hominin, Homo sapiens, is an extremely social animal. We are born with social brains. The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl is a methodological approach to social consciousness that offers significant advantages in terms of uncovering and describing the essential structures of our social perceptions and actions. This is especially true in this period of post-neuro-turn social science, because the structures described by Husserlian “pure” phenomenology with its emphasis upon “returning to the things,” performing reductions, and developing the skills (...)
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  • Toward a General Theory of Understanding. Schutzian Theory as Proto-hermeneutics.Dániel Havrancsik - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (3):333-369.
    This paper aims to explore the relations between Schutzian theory and hermeneutics. After presenting the connections between hermeneutic thought and Schutz’s work from a historical point of view, it will argue that despite its significant differences from hermeneutic theory, Schutzian theory can be utilized as a kind of proto-hermeneutics. By now, the heterogeneous movement of the interpretive social sciences has reached an established position, but with their growing reliance on the impulses coming from philosophical hermeneutics, the latent problem comes to (...)
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  • The Transcendence and Non-Discursivity of the Lifeworld.Wing-Chung Ho - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (3):323-342.
    This paper points to two little-discussed interrelated features—among sociologists—about the nature of the lifeworld (Lebenswelt): that the experience of transcendence is an essential component of human actions, and that lived experience (Erlebnis) is founded on the non-discursivity of the lifeworld, i.e., the pre-predicative background expectancies from which the discursive arises. I examine the intellectual route of Alfred Schutz who developed his mundane lifeworld theory from appropriating Edmund Husserl’s notions of appresentation and apperception. Harold Garfinkel later extended Schutz’s concept of lifeworld (...)
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  • Communication, risk, trust.Barna Kovács - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (1):91-101.
    Communication presumes trust, but trust presumes risk. The main characteristic of trust is that it offers social stability, gives strength for mutual expectations and makes possible the construction of a common world. These traits make possible to present the temporal, spatial and identical aspects of trust. The confrontation of ‘traditional’ and online trust shows that there is not an essential difference between them but a relational one, the essence of trust appears on his relational mode. The relational approach makes evident (...)
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  • Phenomenology of friendship: Construction and constitution of an existential social relationship. [REVIEW]Jochen Dreher - 2009 - Human Studies 32 (4):401-417.
    Friendship, as a unique form of social relationship, establishes a particular union among individual human beings which allows them to overcome diverse boundaries between individual subjects. Age, gender or cultural differences do not necessarily constitute an obstacle for establishing friendship and as a social phenomenon, it might even include the potential to exist independently of space and time. This analysis in the interface of social science and phenomenology focuses on the principles of construction and constitution of this specific form of (...)
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