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  1. Sociopolitical action, ethics and the power of literature.Seumas Miller - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (3):93-110.
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  • (2 other versions)Il migliore dei naturalismi possibili.Mario De Caro & Alberto Voltolini - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 44:157-169.
    In this paper, we first set out three requirements that each e-theory – a theory whose task is to explain data – must fulfill in order to be one such good theory: i) an ontological requirement, i.e. adequate simplicity, ii) a methodological requirement, i.e. plurality of research procedures, iii) an epistemological requirement, i.e. compatibility with the best available epistemical procedures. Moreover, we will claim that from the metaphilosophical point of view, unlike scientific naturalism on the one hand and supernaturalism on (...)
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  • Gender, Class and Ideology: The Social Function of Virgin Sacrifice in Euripides' Children of Herakles.David Kawalko Roselli - 2007 - Classical Antiquity 26 (1):81-169.
    This paper explores how gender can operate as a disguise for class in an examination of the self-sacrifice of the Maiden in Euripides' Children of Herakles. In Part I, I discuss the role of human sacrifice in terms of its radical potential to transform society and the role of class struggle in Athens. In Part II, I argue that the representation of women was intimately connected with the social and political life of the polis. In a discussion of iconography, the (...)
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  • Power and Knowledge: A Dialectical Contradiction.Garry Potter - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (2):133-154.
    This article theorizes the inseparable relationship of power and knowledge. It argues that there is a transhistorical constant in the production and dissemination of knowledge: a dialectical contradiction within its institutional heart. The production, dissemination and, importantly, the consolidation of knowledge, is bound up with the obfuscation of this and restriction or prevention of knowledge dissemination. These latter processes are part of the concept I call structural mystification. The article explains and theoretically justifies this concept and details the manner of (...)
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  • Politics of critical pedagogy and new social movements.Seehwa Cho - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (3):310-325.
    The proponents of critical pedagogy criticize the earlier Neo‐Marxist theories of education, arguing that they provide only a ‘language of critique’. By introducing the possibility of human agency and resistance, critical pedagogists attempt to develop not only a pedagogy of critique, but also to build a pedagogy of hope. Fundamentally, the aim of critical pedagogy is twofold: 1) to correct the pessimistic conclusions of Neo‐Marxist theories, and 2) to transform a ‘language of critique’ into a ‘language of possibility’ . Then, (...)
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  • Republicanism and domination by capital.Mark Losoncz & Szilárd János Tóth - 2021 - In Vesna Stanković Pejnović (ed.), Beyond Neoliberalism and Capitalism. pp. 141-156..
    This article is a review of the contemporary ‘leftist’ republican project. The project stands on two legs, and we examine them both in turn. The first leg is a novel reading of history. This reading suggests, on the one hand that, contrary to some popular assumptions, republicanism does have a leftist, even a radical stream. But on the other hand, it also suggests that several authors and movements that did not self-identify as republicans actually did, in fact, employ a characteristically (...)
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  • (1 other version)Cognition as a Social Skill.Sally Haslanger - 2019 - Tandf: Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (1):5-25.
    Much contemporary social epistemology takes as its starting point individuals with sophisticated propositional attitudes and considers (i) how those individuals depend on each other to gain (or lose) knowledge through testimony, disagreement, and the like and (ii) if, in addition to individual knowers, it is possible for groups to have knowledge. In this paper I argue that social epistemology should be more attentive to the construction of knowers through social and cultural practices: socialization shapes our psychological and practical orientation so (...)
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  • Explaining Ideology: Mechanisms and Metaphysics.Matteo Bianchin - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (4):313-337.
    Ideology is commonly defined along functional, epistemic, and genetic dimensions. This article advances a reasonably unified account that specifies how they connect and locates the mechanisms at work. I frame the account along a recent distinction between anchoring and grounding, endorse an etiological reading of functional explanations, and draw on current work about the epistemology of delusion, looping effects, and structuring causes to explain how ideologies originate, reproduce, and possibly collapse. This eventually allows articulating how the legitimating function of ideologies (...)
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  • Mathematical Modelling and Ideology in the Economics Academy: competing explanations of the failings of the modern discipline?Tony Lawson - 2012 - Economic Thought 1 (1).
    The widespread and long-lived failings of academic economics are due to an over-reliance on largely inappropriate mathematical methods of analysis. This is an assessment I have long maintained. Many heterodox economists, however, appear to hold instead that the central problem is a form of political-economic ideology. Specifically, it is widely contended in heterodox circles that the discipline goes astray just because so many economists are committed to a portrayal of the market economy as a smoothly or efficiently functioning system or (...)
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  • Brilliant Dynasts: Power and Politics in the "Oresteia".Mark Griffith - 1995 - Classical Antiquity 14 (1):62-129.
    Intertwined with the celebration of Athenian democratic institutions, we find in the "Oresteia" another chain of interactions, in which the elite families of Argos, Phokis, Athens, and even Mount Olympos employ the traditional aristocratic relationships of xenia and hetaireia to renegotiate their own status within-and at the pinnacle of-the civic order, and thereby guarantee the renewed prosperity of their respective communities. The capture of Troy is the result of a joint venture by the Atreidai and the Olympian "family" . Although (...)
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  • Power on the margins: A new place for intellectuals to be. [REVIEW]John Shotter - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (1):95-113.
    This paper is concerned with rethinking the nature of social life in terms of how it appears — not to us academics at the centre of it, as consisting in a system, or a plurality of systems -but how it might appear from a position more in on the margins, at those moments when ordinary people must relate themselves to each other, unsystematically and practically. To do this, we must also rethink the nature of language and thought as possessing within (...)
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  • Weltanschauung as a priori: sociology of knowledge from a 'romantic' stance.Tamás Demeter - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):39-52.
    In this paper I reconstruct the central concept of the young Lukács’s and Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge, as they present it in their writings in the early decades of the twentieth century. I argue that this concept, namely Weltanschauung, is used to refer to some conceptually unstructured totality of feelings, which they take to be a condition of possibility of intellectual production, and this understanding is contrasted to an alternative construal of the term that presents it as logically structured, quasi-theoretical (...)
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  • Distilling a Value Theory of Ideology from Volume Three of Capital.Beverley Best - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):101-141.
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  • Teaching for patient-centred ethics.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (3):285-293.
    In this paper three models of teaching and learning medical ethics are discussed critically, the traditional and revised vocational models, and the patient-centred model. The autonomy-oriented patient-centred ethics of Beauchamp and Childress is rejected in favour of a hermeneutic practical ethics. A performative conception of ethics teaching is recommended as the most appropriate model for use in the theory and practice of ethics pedagogy.
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  • Essays: Religious medical ethics: A study of the rulings of rabbi waldenberg.Yitzhak Brand - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):495-520.
    This article seeks to examine how religious ideas that are not the focus of a particular halakhic question become the crux of the ruling, thereby molding it and dictating its bias. We will attempt to demonstrate this through a study of Jewish medical ethics, based on some of the rulings of one of the greatest halakhic decisors of the previous generation: Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg (1915–2006). Rabbi Waldenberg molds his rulings on the basis of a religious principle asserting that the (...)
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  • From ‘recharger’ to ‘gidi-power’.Grace Diabah - 2015 - Critical Discourse Studies 12 (4):377-397.
    Gender and advertising research have often centered on gender stereotypes, most of which emphasize the representation of women as ‘sex objects'. The representation of men in sexual stereotypes are often not dealt with, even though an increasing number of advertisements are now showing men as sex objects. In its contribution to gender, language and advertising research, this study looks at how men are represented in sexual stereotypes in Ghanaian radio commercials. Using a Feminist Critical Discursive Approach, six adverts on products (...)
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  • (1 other version)Imagining Critical Cosmic Pedagogy nested within Critical Pedagogy.I. Isaacs Tracey - 2015 - Философия И Космология 14 (1):161-172.
    The infinite problems attendant with mass public schooling requires evermore resilient and innovative theories to buttress an account of education that is socially defensible. While educational inequality could previously be attributed to developing nations due to their economic underdevelopment, developed nations too, with growing rapidity have to confront their internal burgeoning crises in education. It is against this backdrop that I focus on the possibility of expanding a notion of critical pedagogy by nesting the concept of cosmic pedagogy therein. As (...)
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  • Nietzsche: Philosophizing with the Body.Bill Hughes - 1996 - Body and Society 2 (1):31-44.
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  • The Labor Question in America: Economic Democracy in the Gilded Age, Rosanne Currarino, Champaign, IL.: University of Illinois Press, 2011.Alex Gourevitch - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (2):179-190.
    It is said we live in a second Gilded Age, which makes our understanding of the first all the more relevant. Rosanne Currarino’sThe Labor Question in Americamakes the bold claim that, far from being a period of defeat for the Left, the original Gilded Age saw an expansion of democratic citizenship. A group of economists, social reformers and labour organisers transformed our understanding of political participation from the earlier, producerist to a more modern, consumerist ideal of social inclusion and collective (...)
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  • Foucault and Rorty on truth and ideology: A pragmatist view from the left.Chandra Kumar - 2005 - Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (1):35-94.
    An anti-representationalist view of language and a deflationary view of truth, key themes in contemporary pragmatism and especially Richard Rorty, do not undermine the notion, in critical theory, of ideology as 'false consciousness'. Both Foucault and Marx were opposed to what Marxists call historical idealism and so they should be seen as objecting to forms of ideology-critique that do not sufficiently avoid such an 'Hegelian' perspective. Foucault's general views on the relations between truth and power can plausibly be construed in (...)
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  • Interpretation and the Problem of Domination: Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics.Zeus Leonardo - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (5):329-350.
    Hermeneutics, or the science of interpretation,is well accepted in the humanities. In thefield of education, hermeneutics has played arelatively marginal role in research. It isthe task of this essay to introduce thegeneral methods and findings of Paul Ricoeur'shermeneutics. Specifically, the essayinterprets the usefulness of Ricoeur'sphilosophy in the study of domination. Theproblem of domination has been a target ofanalysis for critical pedagogy since itsinception. However, the role of interpretationas a constitutive part of ideology critique isrelatively understudied and it is here thatRicoeur's (...)
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  • The Dreadful Credibility of Absurd Things: A Tendency in Fantasy Theory.Mark Bould - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (4):51-88.
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  • Land use planning, supermarkets and reciprocated ideologies: the construction and mediation of articulated discourses 1979-1999.Michael T. Casselden - 2001 - Dissertation, Loughborough University
    A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University.
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  • Tarih ve Toplum Bağlamında Benjamin’in Eleştirel Teori’deki Yeri.Erdal İşbir - 2016 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 9 (2).
    Marx’ın nesne ve yöntem tartışmalarının dar kalıbıyla açıklanamayan tek bilimi, insani ihtiyaçlara yanıt vermeyi amaçlaması bakımından bir idealdir. Frankfurt Okulu’nun eleştirel toplum analizi tam olarak bu ideali gerçekleştirme denemesidir. Frankfurt Okulu, mevcut toplumsal yapı ile insani gereksinimler arasındaki ilişkiyi bir bilinç geliştirime sorunu olarak görmekte ve bu soruna aydınlanmacı eleştiri fikrini tarihsel materyalizmin temel savlarıyla birleştirerek çözüm sunmaktadır. Bu girişim, eleştiriyi epistemolojinin alanı dışına taşıdığı gibi tarihi de doğru biçimde toplumun ontolojik zemini haline getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Horkheimer, Adorno ve Marcuse’ün (...)
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  • Semiotics of ideology.Winfried Nöth - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (148):11-21.
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  • Marx's critique of ideology for discourse analysis: from analysis of ideologies to social critique.Benno Herzog - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (4):402-413.
    ABSTRACTThe notion of ideology is related to social and material reality and especially to the processes of social reproduction. Therefore, the analysis of ideology seems to fall into the domain of discourse analysis. The analysis of language and practices of signification in social contexts constitutes the basic triangle of discourse analysis. However, the Marxist concept of ideology always refers to some kind of falsity, that ultimately enables the researcher to not only analyse but also to criticize ideologies. Ideologies are always (...)
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  • Defending Joy against the Popular Revolution: legitimation and delegitimation through songs.Francesco Screti - 2013 - Critical Discourse Studies 10 (2):205-222.
    In this paper, I will analyze, as an example of political discourse, the songs used by Spain's two main political parties in the 2008 general elections. Just like other texts used in political electoral discourse, these songs form a part of a public and ideological discourse aimed at the election of a candidate. The whole of the candidate's discourse is aimed at convincing the electorate that she/he and his/her party are the best choice, while the opposing candidate is the worst. (...)
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  • En diálogo crítico con el marxismo: el concepto de ideología en Luis Villoro.Sergio Pérez Cortés - 2016 - Signos Filosóficos 18 (35).
    El concepto de ideología es emblemático en el pensamiento y la trayectoria de Luis Villoro. El presente trabajo se propone examinar dicho concepto en relación con el diálogo que Villoro estableció con la obra de Karl Marx y la tradición marxista posterior. Dos cuestiones respecto a la dimensión política preocupan al autor. La primera debido a lo impreciso del término; la segunda, por el uso represivo de Marx en los Estados que pretendían ser sus herederos. Mi tesis principal es que (...)
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  • Discourse and human agency.Roland Bleiker - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (1):25-47.
    The conceptualization of human agency is one of the oldest and most debated challenges in political theory. This essay defends the continuous relevance of this endeavour against a proliferating theoretical pessimism. Instead of engaging the much rehearsed structure-agency debate, the author conceptualizes agency in relation to discourses. However, such an approach inevitably elicits suspicion. Is discourse not merely a faddish term, destined to wax and wane with fleeting intellectual trends of the postmodern and poststructural kind? Does the concept of discourse, (...)
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  • La práctica ortográfica del movimiento neógrafo chileno como acto glotopolítico.Natalia Villarroel - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):348-363.
    La presente investigación analiza la práctica de la ortografía rrazional propuesta por los neógrafos chilenos, un grupo de intelectuales radicales que retomó la discusión lingüística en los últimos años de la reforma ortográfica chilena, a fines del XIX y comienzos del XX, para establecer un proyecto ideológico que no solo se ocupaba del aspecto lingüístico. A partir del uso de esta ortografía no oficial, considerada como un acto glotopolítico en sí mismo, se pudo observar que los neógrafos también difundieron con (...)
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  • Rethinking Marxist approaches to transition: A theory of temporal dislocation.Ilhan Onur Acaroglu - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Birmingham
    This dissertation seeks to reactivate the Marxist transition debate, by conceptualising transition as a problem in its own right, moving away from a stagist vision of the development of modes of production. Part I outlines the historical materialist parameters of the ontology of transition, and traces the concept across classical and western Marxism. This section draws from Althusserian theory to sketch out a conception of historical time as a multiplicity of dislocated trajectories. This is followed by a critique of post-Marxism, (...)
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