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  1. Picturing Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in Science.Brian Scott Baigrie (ed.) - 1996 - University of Toronto Press.
    List of Illustrations Introduction 1 The Didactic and the Elegant: Some Thoughts on Scientific and Technological Illustrations in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 3 2 Temples of the Body and Temples of the Cosmos: Vision and Visualization in the Vesalian and Copernican Revolutions 40 3 Descartes’s Scientific Illustrations and ’la grande mecanique de la nature’ 86 4 Illustrating Chemistry 135 5 Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth Century 164 6 Visual Representation in Archaeology: Depicting the Missing-Link in Human (...)
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  • Laboratory Space and the Technological Complex: An Investigation of Topical Contextures.Michael Lynch - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (1):51-78.
    The ArgumentThere can be no doubt about the moral and epistemological significance of what Shapin calls the “physical place” of the scientific laboratory. The physical place is defined by the locales, barriers, ports of entry, and lines of sight that bound the laboratory and separate it from other urban and architectural environments. Shapin's discussion of the emergence of the scientific laboratory in seventeenth-century England provides a convincing demonstration that credible knowledge is situated at an intersection between physical locales and social (...)
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  • Wizualizacja i poznanie: zrysowywanie rzeczy razem.Bruno Latour - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (T).
    The author of the present paper argues that while trying to explain the institutional success of the science and its broad social impact, it is worth throwing aside the arguments concerning the universal traits of human nature, changes in the human mentality, or transformation of the culture and civilization, such as the development of capitalism or bureaucratic power. In the 16th century no new man emerged, and no mutants with overgrown brains work in modern laboratories. So one must also reject (...)
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  • Keplerian Illusions: Geometrical Pictures "vs" Optical Images in Kepler's Visual Theory.Antoni Malet - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (1):1.
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  • Experiments in Visual Perspective: Size Experience.Brentyn Ramm - 2020 - Argumenta 5 (5):263-278.
    Phenomenal objectivism explains perceptual phenomenal character by reducing it to an awareness of mind-independent objects, properties, and relations. A challenge for this view is that there is a sense in which a distant tree looks smaller than a closer tree even when they are the same objective size (perceptual size variation). The dual content view is a popular objectivist account in which such experiences are explained by my objective spatial relation to the tree, in particular visual angle (perspectival size). I (...)
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  • Ptolemy, Alhazen, and Kepler and the Problem of Optical Images.A. Mark Smith - 1998 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 8 (1):9.
    “Although up to now the [visual] image has been [understood as] a construct of reason,” Kepler observes in the fifth chapter of his Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena, “henceforth the [visible] representations of objects should be considered as paintings [ picturae ] that are actual[ly projected] on paper or some other screen.” While not intended as a historical generalization, this claim nonetheless reflects historical reality. Virtually all visual theorists before Kepler did, in fact, conceive of optical images as subjective, not objective constructs (...)
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  • The Despotic Eye.Robert D. Romanyshyn - 2008 - Janus Head 10 (2):505-527.
    The claim of metabletic phenomenology about the changing nature of reality is a claim about the relation etween humanity and reality. First, it indicates that reality is a reflection of human life. Second, metabletic phenomenology indicates that the mirror relation between humanity and reality is one of participation. The example of linear perspective painting will illustrate these points. In turn, four psychological themes are identified in Van den Berg's work. The first and second themes concern, respectively, the character and place (...)
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  • The externalized retina: Selection and mathematization in the visual documentation of objects in the life sciences. [REVIEW]Michael Lynch - 1988 - Human Studies 11 (2-3):201 - 234.
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  • Could Perspective ever be a Symbolic Form? Revisiting Panofsky with Cassirer.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2 (1):51-72.
    Erwin Panofsky’s essay “Perspective as Symbolic Form” from 1924 is among the most widely commented essays in twentieth-century aesthetics and was discussed with regard to art theory, Renaissance painting, Western codes of depiction, history of optical devices, psychology of perception, or even ophthalmology. Strangely enough, however, almost nothing has been written about the philosophical claim implicit in the title, i.e. that perspective is a symbolic form among others. The article situates the essay within the intellectual constellation at Aby Warburg’s Kulturwissenschaftliche (...)
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  • Machiavelli’s Ambush: perspectives in an age of conspiracy.Karl Dahlquist - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-34.
    In this essay I revisit The Prince and the Discourses and argue that across the design of these two texts on the theme of conspiracy Machiavelli constructs an ambush on Medici princes. I reconsider Mary Dietz's (1986), and Langton's and Dietz's (1987) suggestion that Machiavelli's The Prince was a deceptive political act through an exploration of the link Dietz and Sheldon Wolin (2004) draw between Machiavelli's method and Renaissance artistry. I suggest that Machiavelli applied a one-point linear perspective – a (...)
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  • Burckhardt and the ideology of the past.Michael Ann Holly - 1988 - History of the Human Sciences 1 (1):47-73.
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  • On the Principle of Linear Perspective in Euclid's Optics.Wilbur R. Knorr - 1991 - Centaurus 34 (3):193-210.
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  • Post-metaphysical and radical humanist thought in the writings of Machiavelli and Nietzsche.Brook Montgomery Blair - 2001 - History of European Ideas 27 (3):199-238.
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  • Quakes of Development.Michael Cowen - 2000 - Historical Materialism 6 (1):149-214.
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  • Essay Review: Medieval Science Illustrated: Album of Science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages.Bruce Eastwood - 1986 - History of Science 24 (2):183-208.
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  • Architecture and Civilization: A Sketch.Peter R. Gleichmann - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (4):27-44.
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  • (1 other version)Sosyolojik Düşüncede Avrupa-merkezcilik, Ötekileştirme ve Oryantalist Söylem Üzerine Post-kolonyal Bir Okuma ve Eleştirisi.İrfan Kaya - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1973-2008.
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  • (1 other version)Sosyolojik Düşüncede Avrupa-merkezcilik, Ötekileştirme ve Oryantalist Söylem Üzerine Post-kolonyal bir Okuma ve Eleştirisi.İrfan Kaya - 2018 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 1 (1):163-188.
    Modernite, uzun bir zamandır tüm dünyada, Avrupa-merkezci bir ideolojiyle suç ortaklığı yapmasına ve özünde barındırdığı çelişkilerin bağdaşmazlığına rağmen, bilgi üretimi ve disiplinlerin teorik çerçevesini belirlemede hâkim paradigma olmayı sürdürmektedir. Avrupa-merkezci ideolojiyle girişilen suçun iştirakçilerinden bir diğeri de, modernliğin kendi kendini gözleme tarzı olarak ve onunla birlikte gelişen, aralarında totolojik bir görünüm sergileyen sosyolojidir.Modernitenin özünde barındırdığı çelişkilerin bağdaşmazlığı, yadsıma, inkâr vs. ötekileştirme nosyonunu kaçınılmaz kılar.Sosyolojik literatürde ötekileştirme, özcü bir yaklaşımla Batıda yaşanan tarihsel sürecin tek doğru ve evrensel olduğu iddiasıyla geliştirilen tarih (...)
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  • Resisting pictures : Representation, distribution and ontological politics.John Law & Ruth Benschop - 1997 - In Kevin Hetherington & Rolland Munro (eds.), Ideas of Difference: Social Spaces and the Labour of Division. Blackwell Publishers/the Sociological Review. pp. 158--82.
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  • Immersive ideals / critical distances : study of the affinity between artistic ideologies in virtual Reality and previous immersive idioms.Joseph Nechvatal (ed.) - 2010 - Berlin: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG.
    My research into Virtual Reality technology and its central property of immersion has indicated that immersion in Virtual Reality (VR) electronic systems is a significant key to the understanding of contemporary culture as well as considerable aspects of previous culture as detected in the histories of philosophy and the visual arts. The fundamental change in aesthetic perception engendered by immersion, a perception which is connected to the ideal of total-immersion in virtual space, identifies certain shifts in ontology which are relevant (...)
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  • Science in the age of mechanical reproduction: Moral and epistemic relations between diagrams and photographs. [REVIEW]Michael Lynch - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):205-226.
    Sociologists, philosophers and historians of science are gradually recognizing the importance of visual representation. This is part of a more general movement away from a theory-centric view of science and towards an interest in practical aspects of observation and experimentation. Rather than treating science as a matter of demonstrating the logical connection between theoretical and empirical statements, an increasing number of investigations are examining how scientists compose and use diagrams, graphs, photographs, micrographs, maps, charts, and related visual displays. This paper (...)
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  • Introduction: Sociological orientations to representational practice in science. [REVIEW]Michael Lynch & Steve Woolgar - 1988 - Human Studies 11 (2-3):99 - 116.
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  • The psychology of perspective and renaissance art. [REVIEW]Michael Ann Holly - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):383-384.
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