Results for 'İrfan Kaya'

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  1. Spinoza’s Ethics - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
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  2. (1 other version)Narrative Explanations of Action. Narrative Identity with Minimal Requirements.Deniz A. Kaya - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1:1-17.
    In On Not Expecting Too Much from Narrative, Lamarque (2004) challenges theories of narrative identity. For while narrativity might tell us something of interest about our selves, the requirements for this would be so strong that theories of narrative identity would not be able to meet them. In contrast, he identifies minimal conditions for narrativity, so that our identity could be of a narrative nature as well. But in that case, the concept of narrativity would be so weak that it (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Heidegger’s Being and Time- Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Heidegger’s Being and Time - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  4. Reading Deleuze's Proust and Signs - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Reading Deleuze's Proust and Signs -Irfan Ajvazi.
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  5. Rancière’s The Emancipated Spectator - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Rancière’s The Emancipated Spectator - Irfan Ajvazi.
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    Ahmad Mahmoud Subhi's Life, Works and Contribution to Islamic Thought.İrfan Karadeniz - 2021 - Marifetname 8 (2):757-786.
    In the historical process, the importance of doing interdisciplinary work has been accepted in all social sciences and has become an undeniable phenomenon. The history of Islamic thought can undoubtedly be seen as a very fertile field for such a study. It is because many different disciplines start the historical formation process from the same point. In other words, they are historically constructed on a common narrative. In this respect, interdisciplinary reading can be most functional in the context of usûl-ı (...)
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  7. Why Aristotle Isn’t a Virtue Ethicist. Living Well and Virtuously in Aristotelian and Contemporary Aretaic Ethics.Deniz A. Kaya - 2024 - Topoi 1 (3):1-12.
    Drawing on Anscombe, in this essay I argue that we should not take Aristotle to be a moral philosopher, nor a virtue ethicist. This is because contemporary virtue ethics has little to do with Aristotelian ethics. While contemporary virtue ethics (or aretaic moral theory, as one may call it) operates on the level of moral and thus categorical norms, Aristotelian ethics—an aretaic life ethics—is primarily concerned with pragmatic norms. The main question for Aristotle is what a good general conduct of (...)
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  8. Sufi philosophy.Irfan Ajvazi - unknown
    The article entitled "Sufi Philosophy" in the famous 1967 edition of The Encyclopedia of Philosophy has long struck me as something of an enigma. It was authored by a William Gerber who, I suspect, was the author of an ambitious (but long forgotten) work of analytical philosophy entitled The Domain of Reality (1946). Why Gerber was selected by the editor of the Encyclopedia to contribute an article on Sufism is unclear. There are a variety of factual errors in the article (...)
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  9. İbnü’l-arabî’ni̇n di̇n ve i̇nançlara yaklaşiminin William Chittick ve Reza Shah-kazemi̇ perspekti̇fi̇yle evrenselci̇ yorumu.Emrah Kaya - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (33):53-73.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the statements of Ibn al-ʿArabî regarding religions and beliefs through the perspectives of William Chittick and Reza Shah-Kazemi comparatively. Even though his expressions are occasionally elaborated in the light of the theory of the religious pluralism based on Western-Christian thought, by considering the universal message of the Qur’ān Chittick and Shah-Kazemi identify these expressions with “universalism.” This universalist approach bases on the distinction between “ontological will” and “religious will,” and “submission” which is (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Vices in Gaming: Virtue Ethics and Endorsement View.Deniz A. Kaya - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-17.
    Can video games or the playing of such games be morally objectionable? Many attempts to justify our intuitions about the morality of certain games or game activities are either unsuccessful or fall short. This is mainly due to a normative gap between reality and virtuality that classical approaches to moral philosophy cannot bridge. I am investigating to what extent an accurate action analysis can help us to justify our intuitions that, in some cases, something is ethically wrong with video games. (...)
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  11. Morphometric and Morphological Evaluation of the Atlas: Anatomic Study and Clinical Implications.İrfan Küçükoğlu, Mustafa Orhan & İlhan Bahşi - 2022 - European Journal of Therapeutics 28 (2):96-101.
    Objective: Atlas is located at a critical point close to the vital centers of the medulla oblongata, which can be compressed by the dislocation of the atlantoaxial complex or instability of the atlantooccipital joint. This study aimed to determine in detail the morphometric and morphological characteristics of the atlas to guide the reduction of the risk of complications and increase the success rate in various surgical approaches for the craniovertebral junction. -/- Methods: In this study, 17 atlas vertebrae whose measurement (...)
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  12. Biobanking and risk assessment: a comprehensive typology of risks for an adaptive risk governance.Kaya Akyüz, Olga Tzortzatou, Łukasz Kozera, Melanie Goisauf, Signe Mezinska, Gauthier Chassang & Michaela Th Mayrhofer - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-28.
    Biobanks act as the custodians for the access to and responsible use of human biological samples and related data that have been generously donated by individuals to serve the public interest and scientific advances in the health research realm. Risk assessment has become a daily practice for biobanks and has been discussed from different perspectives. This paper aims to provide a literature review on risk assessment in order to put together a comprehensive typology of diverse risks biobanks could potentially face. (...)
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  13. Nietzsche and the Nietzschean Philosophy of Moraity - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Nietzsche and the Nietzschean Philosophy of Morality - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  14. Descartes’ Discourse on Method - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Descartes’ Discourse on Method - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  15. Reading Derrida’s Grammatology - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Reading Derrida’s Grammatology - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  16. Sonsuz Tecellî ve Daimî Yaratma: İbn Arabī ve İbn Teymiyye’nin Yaratma Meselesine Ezelî Fiil Olarak Bakışı.Emrah Kaya - 2016 - Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi 57 (2):69-96.
    Creation or becoming as a philosophical and theological problem has always been one of the main controversial issues of philosophers and theologians. It is sometimes defended that creation is an instant act or event; sometimes it is thought that creation is a process without a beginning. In this article, the approaches of Ibn Arabī and Ibn Taymiyya to the issue of creation are examined and compared. These two scholars mainly advocate that it is not possible for creation to begin at (...)
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  17. Reading Lyotard The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Reading Lyotard The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge - Irfan Ajvazi.
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    Homonymy Theory and Divine Attributes in Ibn Rushd.Irfan Karadeniz & Hüseyin Karaman - 2022 - BİNGÖL ÜNİVERSİTESİ İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ 1 (19):67-86.
    The relationship between philosophy and logic is handled within the concomitant-the implicant (al-lazim-al-malzum) relationship in classical philosophy, and the existence of one of them is denied unless the other one exists. Despite such a strong relationship, it is seen that the subjects, concepts and issues of the science of logic are often implicitly included in the texts of philosophers. In this study, it has been discussed how the science of logic plays a role in the discussion of attributes, which is (...)
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  19. Expanding Speculative Realism & Speculative Materialism Meillassoux, and Correlationism.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    This relationship between human and Cosmos, is what Meillassoux refers as “correlationism”. Humans can only establish a correlation with the world through representational structures, but never can they access the in itself. But if one can only experience the world from their own perspective and understand it through synthetic categories via languages, then what is reality “as such”? This is part of what a speculative realist attempts to answer. It is also here, as what pertains to this “real”, where Meillassoux (...)
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  20. What is Dialectical Materialism? - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
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  21. BOURDIEU's HOMO ACADEMICUS.Irfan Ajvazi - 2022 - Tesla Books 2 (Bourdieu and Sociology):10.
    Bourdieu argues that political inclination is dependent upon one's position in the academic field, and not vice versa. Distinguishing between three hierarchically arranged fields of power, he places the academic field in a middling position between the political and social fields. He posits a hierarchy of the faculties, in which those at the top are closer to political power. Bourdieu supports his argument using empirical data gathered through publicly available sources, presented in tabular form. University professors, Bourdieu argues, are subordinate (...)
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  22. Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -Irfan Ajvazi.
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  23. The Medieval Period.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    A set point in the historical time line stands as the medieval period. The medieval period in history was the era in European history – from around the 5th to the 15th century, coming after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and preceding the start of the early modern era. This historical time period has been long since been the victim of film directors and romantic novelists, which has lead to the common, but false, idea of the medieval period (...)
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  24. The Philosophy of Ideology - Reading Althusser and Machiavelli Politically - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    The Philosophy of Ideology - Reading Althusser and Machiavelli Politically - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  25. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  26. Guy Debord The Society of the Spectacle - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    The foundation of every society is the result of an arbitrary act: one of its parts takes control over the rest and (re)makes the world in its own image. Any sort of tribal, theocratic, feudal, political dimension in the history of our civilisation has indeed shaped reality according to its peculiar needs and aims, by means of a system of thought that could justify its permanence in time. The creation of artificial needs requires a distorted perception of inherent threshold values; (...)
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  27. Baudelaire and Modern Literature - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
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  28. Reading Lyotards Discourse, Figure - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
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  29. The Interpretations of Psychoanalysis - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
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  30. Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  31. Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Hikikomori (Social Withdrawal) Scale (HQ-25).Rabia Kaya, Derya Tanrıverdi & Safiye Özgüç - 2023 - European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (3):469-479.
    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Hikikomori (HQ-25) scale. -/- Participants: The sample of the study consisted of 418 nursing students. -/- Methods: Language and content validity and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used in the validity-reliability analysis of scale. In addition, Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, item-total score correlation, and test-retest reliability methods were used. CFA, it was observed that three-factor structure of scale was preserved in the Turkish sample (...)
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  32. Foucault‘s Discipline and Punish.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Foucault‘s Discipline and Punish - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  33. The Discourse of Universalism, Moral Relativism & Utilitarianism.Irfan Ajvazi - 2022 - Idea Books.
    The Discourse of Universalism , Moral Relativism & Utilitarianism Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Moral relativism: history and theory of moral relativism: Ancient Greece and Early Modern Era Chapter 2. Universalism and Relativism Chapter 3. Hume's Universalism Chapter 4. Plato's Universalism Chapter 5. Problems with Rawls Theory Chapter 6. Aristotle's Relativism Chapter 7. Is Aristotle an ethical relativist? Chapter 8. John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism Chapter 9. Mill and Principle of Utility Chapter 10. Kant and Moral Theory The historian Herodotus gives (...)
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  34. Demoethical Model of Sustainable Development of Society: A Roadmap towards Digital Transformation.Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Muhammad Irfan, Anna Shutaleva, Daniil Maksimov, Rimma Abdykadyrkyzy & Şahin Filiz - 2023 - Sustainability 15:12478.
    This study aims to explore a demoethical model for sustainable development in modern society. It proposes an approach that focuses on organizing activities to improve sustainable development. Specifically, it presents a demoethical model relevant to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 organizations. The objective is to identify demoethical values that can drive sustainable development in the era of digitalization. Through a literature review and analysis, this study identifies key components of the demoethical model and provides practical recommendations for stakeholders involved in (...)
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  35. Lucretius’ On the Nature of Things.Irfan Ajvazi - manuscript
    Lucretius On the Nature of Things draws heavily on Epicurus’s ideas, translating them from Greek into Latin and putting them into his own poetic voice. It is therefore the best source we have for the ideas of [classical Epicurean philosophy]. The atomic model is not more than a representational model of the physical universe up to a certain level of magnification. Modern science dives much deeper than atoms and ends up with no matter at all.
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  36. Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  37. Deleuze's 'Difference and Repetition -Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Deleuze's 'Difference and Repetition -Irfan Ajvazi.
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  38. Deleuze’s The Logic of Sense - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Deleuze’s The Logic of Sense- Irfan Ajvazi.
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  39. Foucault’s Discipline and Punish - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Foucault’s Discipline and Punish- Irfan Ajvazi.
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  40. Freud‘s Id, Ego and Superego - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Freud‘s Id, Ego and Superego - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  41. Freud’s Interpretations of Dreams - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Freud’s Interpretations of Dreams - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  42. (1 other version)Heidegger‘s What Is Metaphysics? - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Heidegger‘s What Is Metaphysics? - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  43. Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  44. Ranciere's Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art -Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Ranciere's Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art -Irfan Ajvazi.
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  45. Reading Derrida Margins of Philosophy - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Reading Derrida Margins of Philosophy - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  46. Reading Hegel‘s Science of Logic - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Reading Hegel‘s Science of Logic - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  47. Reading Ranciere's The Ignorant Schoolmaster - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Reading Ranciere's The Ignorant Schoolmaster - Irfan Ajvazi .
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  48. The Deconstruction of Philosophy : The Spectres of Jacques Derrida - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    The Deconstruction of Philosophy : The Spectres of Jacques Derrida - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  49. Theory of Ideology and Historical Materialist Thoughts An Essay on Althusser and Lenin by Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    Theory of Ideology and Historical Materialist Thoughts An Essay on Althusser and Lenin by Irfan Ajvazi.
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  50. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Hegel‘s Phenomenology of Spirit - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021 - Idea Books.
    The Philosophy of Hegel‘s Phenomenology of Spirit - Irfan Ajvazi.
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