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  1. Objects with a past: Husserl on “ad-memorizing apperceptions”.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):171-188.
    In a late notation from 1932, Husserl emphasizes the fact that a broad concept of “apperception” should also include, alongside his usual examples, the apprehension of objects as bearers of an individual or inter-subjective past, specifically “indicated” with them; thus, he distinguishes between apperceptions “appresenting” a simultaneous content (co-presentations), anticipatory apperceptions pointing to future incidents, and retrospective apperceptions referring to “ad-memorized” ( hinzuerinnert , ad - memoriert ) features and events. The latter sort of apperceptions are involved not only in (...)
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  • Science and experience/science of experience: Gestalt psychology and the anti-metaphysical project of the Aufbau.Uljana Feest - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (1):1-25.
    : This paper investigates the way in which Rudolf Carnap drew on Gestalt psychological notions when defining the basic elements of his constitutional system. I argue that while Carnap's conceptualization of basic experience was compatible with ideas articulated by members of the Berlin/Frankfurt school of Gestalt psychology, his formal analysis of the relationship between two basic experiences ("recollection of similarity") was not. This is consistent, given that Carnap's aim was to provide a unified reconstruction of scientific knowledge, as opposed to (...)
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  • Interpreting Heisenberg interpreting quantum states.Simon Friederich - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (1):85-114.
    The paper investigates possible readings of the later Heisenberg's remarks on the nature of quantum states. It discusses, in particular, whether Heisenberg should be seen as a proponent of the epistemic conception of states – the view that quantum states are not descriptions of quantum systems but rather reflect the state assigning observers' epistemic relations to these systems. On the one hand, it seems plausible that Heisenberg subscribes to that view, given how he defends the notorious "collapse of the wave (...)
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  • The Way of Nonacquisition: Jizang's Philosophy of Ontic Indeterminacy.Chien-Hsing Ho - 2014 - In Chen-Kuo Lin & Michael Radich (eds.), A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism. Hamburg University Press. pp. 397-418.
    For Jizang (549−623), a prominent philosophical exponent of Chinese Madhyamaka, all things are empty of determinate form or nature. Given anything X, no linguistic item can truly and conclusively be applied to X in the sense of positing a determinate form or nature therein. This philosophy of ontic indeterminacy is connected closely with his notion of the Way (dao), which seems to indicate a kind of ineffable principle of reality. However, Jizang also equates the Way with nonacquisition as a conscious (...)
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  • ‘Metamathematics’ in Transition.Matthias Wille - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (4):333 - 358.
    In this paper, we trace the conceptual history of the term ?metamathematics? in the nineteenth century. It is well known that Hilbert introduced the term for his proof-theoretic enterprise in about 1922. But he was verifiably inspired by an earlier usage of the phrase in the 1870s. After outlining Hilbert's understanding of the term, we will explore the lines of inducement and elucidate the different meanings of ?metamathematics? in the final decades of the nineteenth century. Finally, we will investigate the (...)
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  • Is Affectivity Passive or Active?Robert Zaborowski - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):541-554.
    In this paper I adopt Aquinas’ explanation of passivity and activity by means of acts remaining in the agent and acts passing over into external matter. I use it to propose a divide between immanent-type and transcendent-type acts. I then touch upon a grammatical distinction between three kinds of verbs. To argue for the activity and passivity of affectivity I refer to the group that includes acts of transcendent-type and whose verbs in both voices possess affective meaning. In the end (...)
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  • Vorausschauendes Denken: Philosophie Und Zukunftsforschung Jenseits von Statistik Und Kalkül.Bruno Gransche - 2015 - Transcript Verlag.
    Der soziotechnische Wandel bringt neue Phänomene des Zufalls hervor, die sich den üblichen Strategien des Umgangs mit Risiken und Unsicherheit entziehen. Diese Akzidenzphänomene sind prinzipiell unvorhersehbar und in ihrer komplexen Effektgesamtheit jenseits von Kalkulation und Antizipation. Eine allgemeine Verzukünftigung unseres Weltbezuges mit spezifischen weitreichenden Problemen ist die Folge und lässt klassische Agenturen des Risikomanagements und der Unsicherheitsbewältigung an ihre Leistungsgrenzen stoßen. Bruno Gransche zeigt, dass Philosophie und Zukunftsforschung gemeinsam großes Potenzial aufweisen, hier zu helfen.
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  • A Complementary Approach to Aristotle’s Account of Definition and Carnap’s Account of Explication.Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla - 2019 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 22 (1):19-40.
    In this paper it is argued that there are relevant similarities of Aristotle's account of definition and Carnap's account of explication. To show this, first, Aristotle's conditions of adequacy for definitions are provided and an outline of the main critique put forward against Aristotle's account of definition is given. Subsequently, Carnap's conditions of adequacy for explications are presented and discussed. It is shown that Aristotle's conditions of extensional correctness can be interpreted against the backdrop of Carnap's condition of similarity once (...)
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  • Medizinische Diagnostik und das Problem der Darstellung: Methoden der Evidenzerzeugung.Heiner Fangerau & Michael Martin - 2015 - Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 2 (1):38-68.
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  • From Intentionality To Formal Semantics (From Twardowski To Tarski.Jan Woleñski - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (1):9-27.
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  • La evidencia y su prueba. Diseño de un test de evidencia y su aplicación en el derecho.Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez Villalba - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):17-48.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es diseñar un método para detectar qué cosas pueden considerarse “evidentes”. Comienza analizando cómo se ha entendido la evidencia en la tradición aristotélica y tomista hasta nuestros días. Después del estudio histórico, en el Capítulo III se procede a realizar un análisis sistemático de la noción de evidencia y sus clases. En este trabajo se descubren diez características que aparecen en las cosas evidentes (en las ideas, en los primeros principios, nociones más básicas, pruebas, (...)
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  • The Antinomies and Kant's Conception of Nature.Idan Shimony - 2013 - Dissertation, Tel Aviv University
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  • Beyond Legal Minds: Sex, Social Violence, Systems, Methods, Possibilities.William Allen Brant (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    In this book, William Brant inquires how violence is reduced. Social causes of violence are exposed. War, sexual domination, leadership, propagandizing and comedy are investigated. Legal systems are explored as reducers and implementers of violence and threats.
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  • Literaturberichte.J. J., Dt, H. E., S., Bla, M., B., L., Wck, H., Selbstanzeige, Gbü, Boe, Schu, L. Bla, Ba, G., Snz, E. Becher, H. Brock, Gni & V. - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7 (1):3-188.
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  • Kant’s Theory of Genius: Some Questions of Sources Reconstruction.Vitali Terletsky - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):29-53.
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  • La pensée d'Aristote s'organisait-elle en système? Réflexions sur l'exégèse d'un philosophe.Richard Bodéüs - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (3):477-.
    Nous savons bien aujourd'hui que, dès l'Antiquité, leCorpus Aristoteli-cuma été constitué, mis en ordre et commenté de manière à faire ressortir, en tout, la cohérence des doctrines du Stagirite, dont ses écrits, tels qu'il nous les a laissés, ne portaient pas la marque évidente. Le sentiment que ce travail de mise en forme, poursuivi par la tradition, devait avoir oblitéré quelque chose de la nature de la pensée aristotélicienne conduisit à soulever la question qui sert d'intitulé à la présente étude.
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  • The Politicization of the Educable Child Through Aethereal Power.Franz Kasper Krönig - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-16.
    The paper argues that a prevalent conception of power in the educational sciences is detrimental to pedagogy both as a field of practice and as a discipline and inept as a scientific concept from an epistemological standpoint. The designation of this power concept as ‘aethereal’ can provide the education theoretical discourses with a means to analyze and criticize positions and arguments that have undermined the autonomy of education since the establishment of Foucauldian thinking in the educational sciences. First, this article (...)
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  • La costituzione ‘pragmatica’ della realtà in Kant.Francesco Valerio Tommasi - 2018 - Quaestio 18:277-292.
    Two terms in the Kantian lexicon derives from the Latin metaphysical tradition of the res: Realität and Wirklichkeit. The first one expresses one of the categ...
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  • Töne sehen? Zur Visualisierung Akustischer Phänomene in der Herzdiagnostik.Michael Martin & Heiner Fangerau - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (3):299-327.
    During the nineteenth century physiologists and clinicians developed several graphical recording systems for the mechanical registration of heart sounds. However, none of these replaced traditional methods of auscultation. The paper describes criticism of the aural sense as one of the driving forces behind the development of phonocardiography and analyses its variants from a technological and clinical perspective. Against the background of the physiological “method of curves,” the parameters that prevented the implementation of phonocardiography against overwhelming odds are highlighted. Contemporaries denied (...)
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  • Knowledge of art vs. artistic knowledge. II. The GAKhN “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology”.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):241-260.
    In this second article, I look at the history of the creation of the “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology” within the State Academy of the Artistic Sciences. I analyze various versions of the encyclopedia’s conception proposed by Wassily Kandinsky and Gustav Shpet and also at the theoretical bases for these conceptions. I then show how the work on the Encyclopedia was connected with the institutional transformations in the Academy. A key factor in the work on the Encyclopedia was the extensive discussions (...)
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  • The Meaning of “Inhibition” and the Discourse of Order.Roger Smith - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):237-263.
    The ArgumentThe history of psychology, like other human science subjects, should attend to the meaning of words understood as relationships of reference and value within discourse. It should seek to identify and defend a history centered on representations of knowledge. The history of the word “inhibition” in nineteenth-century Europe illustrates the potential of such an approach. This word was significant in mediating between physiological and psychological knowledge and between technical and everyday understanding. Further, this word indicated the presence of a (...)
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  • Forms and Movements of Life.Zuzana Svobodová - 2020 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):89-105.
    Based on an analysis of the theory of the movement of existence, this paper answers the following question: Where can one see the most important connections of philosophical and religious language in the most re-thought part of Jan Patočkaʼs thinking? The third movement of life is seen as a form of the true philosophical life, but also as a form with metaphysical responsibility. The movement of breakthrough, or actual self-comprehension, is the most important, because it leads to care for the (...)
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  • Кантова теорія генія: Деякі питання джерельної реконструкції.Віталій Терлецький - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):29-53.
    The article deals with Kant’s doctrine of genius, presented in the Critique of the Power of Judgment, in connection with the latest discussion of which author of that time could have a decisive influence on Kant’s conception. In the first section, I reconstruct the line of Kant’s argument in CPJ §§ 46-50 where he explicates the nature of genius and show that its characteristics such as contrast to rules, the complementarity of taste, spirit as a principle of aesthetic ideas, the (...)
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  • El doble rechazo de la reflexión en Ser y tiempo. Un análisis a partir de la dimensión histórico-conceptual del concepto.David Hereza - 2021 - Studia Heideggeriana 10:139-154.
    El objetivo del siguiente artículo consiste en aclarar el rechazo heideggeriano de la idea de reflexión como método del filosofar. La necesidad de tal elucidación radica en lo contraintuitivo de esta tesis y en los problemas interpretativos que esta crítica presenta en Ser y tiempo. Para resolverlos el artículo realiza un breve examen histórico-conceptual de la reflexión mediante el cual se diferencian dos sentidos del concepto: el sentido psicológico y trascendental. Gracias a esta distinción se confía exponer sistemáticamente la doble (...)
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