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Modulating the sense of agency with external cues.James W. Moore, Daniel M. Wegner & Patrick Haggard - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):1056-1064.details
Temporal binding, causation and agency: Developing a new theoretical framework.Christoph Hoerl, Sara Lorimer, Teresa McCormack, David A. Lagnado, Emma Blakey, Emma C. Tecwyn & Marc J. Buehner - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (5):e12843.details
How does it feel to act together?Elisabeth Pacherie - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):25-46.details
Time warp: Authorship shapes the perceived timing of actions and events.Jeffrey P. Ebert & Daniel M. Wegner - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):481-489.details
On the influence of causal beliefs on the feeling of agency.Andrea Desantis, Cédric Roussel & Florian Waszak - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1211-1220.details
The Senses of Agency and Ownership: A Review.Niclas Braun, Stefan Debener, Nadine Spychala, Edith Bongartz, Peter Sörös, Helge H. O. Müller & Alexandra Philipsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.details
Both motor prediction and conceptual congruency between preview and action-effect contribute to explicit judgment of agency.Atsushi Sato - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):74-83.details
How much does emotional valence of action outcomes affect temporal binding?Joshua Moreton, Mitchell J. Callan & Gethin Hughes - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:25-34.details
Experience of agency and sense of responsibility.Giovanna Moretto, Eamonn Walsh & Patrick Haggard - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1847-1854.details
The phenomenology of controlling a moving object with another person.John A. Dewey, Elisabeth Pacherie & Guenther Knoblich - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):383-397.details
Power to the will: How exerting physical effort boosts the sense of agency.Jelle Demanet, Paul S. Muhle-Karbe, Margaret T. Lynn, Iris Blotenberg & Marcel Brass - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):574-578.details
When moving without volition: implied self-causation enhances binding strength between involuntary actions and effects.Myrthel Dogge, Marloes Schaap, Ruud Custers, Daniel M. Wegner & Henk Aarts - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):501-506.details
The role of time perception in temporal binding: Impaired temporal resolution in causal sequences.Richard Fereday, Marc J. Buehner & Simon K. Rushton - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104005.details
The self in action effects: Selective attenuation of self-generated sounds.Carmen Weiss, Arvid Herwig & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2011 - Cognition 121 (2):207-218.details
Physical and mental effort disrupts the implicit sense of agency.Emma E. Howard, S. Gareth Edwards & Andrew P. Bayliss - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):114-125.details
Action and perception in social contexts: intentional binding for social action effects.Roland Pfister, Sukhvinder S. Obhi, Martina Rieger & Dorit Wenke - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.details
Action Choice and Outcome Congruency Independently Affect Intentional Binding and Feeling of Control Judgments.Zeynep Barlas & Stefan Kopp - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.details
Unravelling intention: Distal intentions increase the subjective sense of agency.Mikkel C. Vinding, Michael N. Pedersen & Morten Overgaard - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):810-815.details
Subjective agency and awareness of shared actions.Lars Strother, Kristin A. House & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):12-20.details
(1 other version)Motor-Sensory Recalibration Modulates Perceived Simultaneity of Cross-Modal Events at Different Distances.Brent D. Parsons, Scott D. Novich & David M. Eagleman - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.details
I could have done otherwise: Availability of counterfactual comparisons informs the sense of agency.Eugenia Kulakova, Nima Khalighinejad & Patrick Haggard - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:237-244.details
Intentional binding and higher order agency experience.James W. Moore & Patrick Haggard - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):490-491.details
Something from nothing: Agency for deliberate nonactions.Lisa Weller, Katharina A. Schwarz, Wilfried Kunde & Roland Pfister - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104136.details
Causally efficacious intentions and the sense of agency: In defense of real mental causation.Markus E. Schlosser - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):135-160.details
Exploring the Relation between the Sense of Other and the Sense of Us: Core Agency Cognition, Emergent Coordination, and the Sense of Agency.Judith Martens - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (1):38-60.details
When dyads act in parallel, a sense of agency for the auditory consequences depends on the order of the actions.John A. Dewey & Thomas H. Carr - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):155-166.details
Intentional binding effect in children: insights from a new paradigm.Annachiara Cavazzana, Chiara Begliomini & Patrizia S. Bisiacchi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.details
Sensation of agency and perception of temporal order.Jana Timm, Marc Schönwiesner, Iria SanMiguel & Erich Schröger - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:42-52.details
Assessing intentional binding with the method of constant stimuli.Sophie Nolden, Carola Haering & Andrea Kiesel - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1176-1185.details
Reflecting on the action or its outcome: Behavior representation level modulates high level outcome priming effects on self-agency experiences.Anouk van der Weiden, Henk Aarts & Kirsten I. Ruys - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):21-32.details
The impact of eye contact on the sense of agency.José Luis Ulloa, Roberta Vastano, Nathalie George & Marcel Brass - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 74:102794.details
When one’s sense of agency goes wrong: Absent modulation of time perception by voluntary actions and reduction of perceived length of intervals in passivity symptoms in schizophrenia.Kyran T. Graham-Schmidt, Mathew T. Martin-Iverson, Nicholas P. Holmes & Flavie A. V. Waters - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:9-23.details
Attribution of intentional agency towards robots reduces one’s own sense of agency.Francesca Ciardo, Frederike Beyer, Davide De Tommaso & Agnieszka Wykowska - 2020 - Cognition 194:104109.details
Cues for self-recognition in point-light displays of actions performed in synchrony with music.Vassilis Sevdalis & Peter E. Keller - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):617-626.details
Sense of agency in continuous action: Assistance-induced performance improvement is self-attributed even with knowledge of assistance.Kazuya Inoue, Yuji Takeda & Motohiro Kimura - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:246-252.details
(1 other version)The inevitable contrast: Conscious vs. unconscious processes in action control.Ezequiel Morsella & T. Andrew Poehlman - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.details
To follow or not to follow: Influence of valence and consensus on the sense of agency.Moritz Reis, Lisa Weller & Felicitas V. Muth - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102 (C):103347.details
Leveraging human agency to improve confidence and acceptability in human-machine interactions.Quentin Vantrepotte, Bruno Berberian, Marine Pagliari & Valérian Chambon - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):105020.details
Bias and learning in temporal binding: Intervals between actions and outcomes are compressed by prior bias.Andre M. Cravo, Hamilton Haddad, Peter Me Claessens & Marcus Vc Baldo - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1174-1180.details
Sense of agency, associative learning, and schizotypy.James W. Moore, Anthony Dickinson & Paul C. Fletcher - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):792-800.details
Sense of agency is related to gamma band coupling in an inferior parietal-preSMA circuitry.Anina Ritterband-Rosenbaum, Jens B. Nielsen & Mark S. Christensen - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.details
Audiomotor Temporal Recalibration Modulates Decision Criterion of Self-Agency but Not Perceptual Sensitivity.Yoshimori Sugano - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.details
The pre-reflective experience of “I” as a continuously existing being: The role of temporal functional binding.Peter A. White - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 31:98-114.details
What are animals conscious of?Alain Morin (ed.) - 2012 - Columbia Press.details
Common intentional binding effects across diverse sensory modalities in touch-free voluntary actions.Jiajia Liu, Lihan Chen, Jingjin Gu, Tatia Buidze, Ke Zhao, Chang Hong Liu, Yuanmeng Zhang, Jan Gläscher & Xiaolan Fu - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 123 (C):103727.details
Multi-scale control influences sense of agency: Investigating intentional binding using event-control approach.Devpriya Kumar & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:1-14.details
Self-ownership, not self-production, modulates bias and agency over a synthesised voice.Bryony Payne, Angus Addlesee, Verena Rieser & Carolyn McGettigan - 2024 - Cognition 248 (C):105804.details
Feelings of responsibility and temporal binding: A comparison of two measures of the sense of agency.John A. Dewey - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 117 (C):103606.details
What over When in causal agency: Causal experience prioritizes outcome prediction over temporal priority.Emmanuelle Bonnet, Guillaume S. Masson & Andrea Desantis - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 104 (C):103378.details