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  1. (1 other version)Against Holism: Rethinking Buddhist Environmental Ethics.Simon P. James - 2014 - In J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.), Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought. SUNY Press. pp. 99-115.
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  • Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought.J. Baird Callicott & James McRae (eds.) - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Seminal essays on environmental philosophy from Indian, Chinese, and Japanese traditions of thought. Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought provides a welcome sequel to the foundational volume in Asian environmental ethics Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought. That volume, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames and published in 1989, inaugurated comparative environmental ethics, adding Asian thought on the natural world to the developing field of environmental philosophy. This new book, edited by Callicott and James McRae, includes (...)
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  • (1 other version)How Could We Drink up the Sea? From Technological Nihilism to Dwelling in the Anthropocene.Casey Rentmeester - 2021 - Das Questoes 13 (1):12-29.
    Humans face wide ranging and global challenges in the Anthropocene, the most prominent of which is anthropogenic climate change. One initial pivot towards sustainability, particularly in my home country of the United States, has been to rely heavily on technological innovation powered most obviously by engineers. Using the climate activist Greta Thunberg's speech at the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference as my inspiration, I try to show how some of the technology based solutions only entrench what I call the (...)
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  • Supernatural Will and Organic Unity in Process: From Spinoza’s Naturalistic Pantheism to Arne Naess’ New Age Ecosophy T and Environmental Ethics.Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2009 - In George Arabatzis (ed.), Studies on Supernaturalism. Logos Verlag. pp. 173-193.
    The most habitual and common use of the term natural corresponds to that which is – or could be – property of our experience, irrespective of whether that experience is mental or physical, viz. whatever can be known, perceived, determined and categorized by human mind, after it has bumped into and passed through the channels of our senses. The cooperation between our intellectual and sensual capabilities in relation to the usurpation of what is considered to be “natural”, is extremely crucial (...)
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  • Environmental Ethics: The Central Issues.Gregory Bassham - 2020 - Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Environmental Ethics_ provides an accessible, lively, and up-to-date introduction to the central issues and controversies in environmental ethics. Requiring no previous knowledge of philosophy or ethical theory, the book will be of interest to students, environmental scientists, environmental policy makers, and anyone curious to know what philosophers are saying today about the urgent environmental challenges we face. _ The book is divided into two parts. _Part One deals with theoretical issues in environmental philosophy, examining a variety of ethical and environmental (...)
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  • Love, Activism, and Social Justice.Barrett Emerick - 2021 - In Rachel Fedock, Michael Kühler & T. Raja Rosenhagen (eds.), Love, Justice, and Autonomy: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    This paper analyzes the relationship between love and social justice activism, focusing in particular on ways in which activists rely on either the union account of love (to argue that when one person is oppressed everyone is oppressed), the sentimentalist account of love (to argue that overcoming injustice is fundamentally about how we feel about one another), or love as fate (to argue that it is in love’s nature to triumph over hatred and injustice). All three accounts, while understandable and (...)
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  • The Foundation of Radical Ecological Philosophy in Karl Marx’s View of Nature.Elizabeth Marsis - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Rhode Island
    The three main non-traditional schools of environmental philosophy - social ecology, feminism and deep ecology - contain divergent views of and claims regarding the universalization of their particular world views. One example of this divergence of views concerns the status of human/non-human relationships. Like many other contemporary non-traditional liberation movements and theories, these three environmental movements and schools of thought have been influenced by the theories of Karl Marx. Therefore, in order to clarify and understand the way in which, and (...)
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  • (6 other versions)بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر: جنبشی علیه دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت و نقد آن.سیده معصومه موسوی - 2019 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 17 (1):211-232.
    هگل از جمله فیلسوفانی است که اخلاق کانت را به صورت‌گرایی متهم کرده و در آثار مختلفش، به ویژه در فلسفۀ حق و پدیدارشناسی روح، تلاش کرده نقد خود را صورت‌بندی کند و از ابعاد مختلف آن را توضیح دهد. مقصود هگل از صورت‌گرایی به عنوان نقدی بر اخلاق کانت آن است که از صورت قانون اخلاقی کانت نمی‌توان ماده‌ای اخلاقی استنتاج کرد. او در نقد خود از مفاهیمی همچون استعلایی بودن مفهوم آزادی، سلب و ایجاب‌های کاذب و یهودیت‌وارگی اخلاق (...)
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  • Humanism, Biocentrism, and the Problem of Justification.Landon Frim - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (3):243-246.
    Curren and Metzger’s work makes a bold, normative claim: The moral goal of sustainability is human flourishing. Their eudaimonic theory has as its summum bonum ‘living well’ according to the fundam...
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  • ASPECTOS HUMANÍSTICOS DE LA ECOLOGÍA.Miguel Acosta, Pablo Martínez de Anguita & Mª Angeles Martín (eds.) - 2006 - Madrid, España: Publicep.
    Estamos siendo testigos de grandes avances tecnológicos y, a la vez, de grandes desastres naturales y sociales que nos impulsan a plantearnos cuáles son las causas últimas de la degradación natural ecológica. El abuso en el uso de los recursos tal vez pueda tener relación con el abuso en el uso de la tecnología; incluso ser causa de la gran desigualdad social en el acceso a bienes necesarios para llevar una vida digna, raíz de muchos conflictos sociales. La ecología es (...)
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  • (1 other version)Against Holism: Rethinking Buddhist Environmental Ethics.Simon P. James - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (4):447-461.
    Environmental thinkers sympathetic to Buddhism sometimes reason as follows: (1) A holistic view of the world, according to which humans are regarded as being ‘one’ with nature, will necessarily engender environmental concern; (2) the Buddhist teaching of ‘emptiness’ represents such a view; therefore (3) Buddhism is an environmentally-friendly religion. In this paper, I argue that the first premise of this argument is false (a holistic view of the world can be reconciled with a markedly eco-unfriendly attitude) as is the second (...)
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  • The Status of Ecophilosophy and the Ideology of Nature.Nancy Huffman Shea - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts
    Ecophilosophy is an attempt to render a new philosophy of nature, generated by the need to liberate nature from the inherently domineering disposition of humankind. Although I am sympathetic to this effort, I believe that the current ambiguity of its content carries with it the potentiality for new forms of oppression. I argue that ecophilosophy suffers from a kind of Habermasian self-deception, taking on a vague concept of nature that deceptively appears to do the philosophical work of healing the epistemological (...)
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  • Merleau-Ponty and the Generation of Animals.Bryan Smyth - 2007 - PhaenEx 2 (2):170-215.
    Merleau-Ponty recognized that phenomenology's methodological coherence required that it reject anthropocentricity and extend its scope beyond the human realm. But he also recognized that this does not change the central role played by human consciousness in phenomenology, which he thus construed as a practical, humanistic project based on 'ontological faith'. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological contributions concerning animals, then, and in particular his notion of 'interanimality', need to be understood as 'generative' contributions toward the realization of a singular common world. While this does (...)
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  • The Troubled Marriage of Deep Ecology and Bioregionalism.Stewart Davidson - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (3):313-332.
    Bioregionalism is often presented as the politics of deep ecology, or deep ecology 's social philosophy. That the ties uniting these doctrines are rarely explored can be put down to a perception amongst commentators that such links are self-evident and therefore unworthy of closer examination. By arguing that the bonds between deep ecology and bioregionalism are more tenuous than has often been assumed, this paper addresses this theoretical lacuna. There is nothing exclusive to the central tenets of deep ecology which (...)
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  • Deep Ecology versus Ecofeminism: Healthy Differences or Incompatible Philosophies?Robert Sessions - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):90 - 107.
    Deep ecology and ecofeminism are contemporary environmental philosophies that share the desire to supplant the predominant Western anthropocentric environmental frameworks. Recently thinkers from these movements have focused their critiques on each other, and substantial differences have emerged. This essay explores central aspects of this debate to ascertain whether either philosophy has been undermined in the process and whether there are any indications that they are compatible despite their differences.
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  • Nature, Self, and Gender: Feminism, Environmental Philosophy, and the Critique of Rationalism.Val Plumwood - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):3 - 27.
    Rationalism is the key to the connected oppressions of women and nature in the West. Deep ecology has failed to provide an adequate historical perspective or an adequate challenge to human/nature dualism. A relational account of self enables us to reject an instrumental view of nature and develop an alternative based on respect without denying that nature is distinct from the self. This shift of focus links feminist, environmentalist, and certain forms of socialist critiques. The critique of anthropocentrism is not (...)
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  • (1 other version)Rethinking the Heidegger-Deep Ecology Relationship.Michael E. Zimmerman - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (3):195-224.
    Recent disclosures regarding the relationship between Heidegger’s thought and his own version of National Socialism have led me to rethink my earlier efforts to portray Heidegger as a forerunner of deep ecology. His political problems have provided ammunition for critics, such as Murray Bookchin, who regard deep ecology as a reactionary movement. In this essay, I argue that, despite some similarities, Heidegger’s thought and deep ecology are in many ways incompatible, in part because deep ecologists—in spite of their criticism of (...)
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  • Why Environmental Ethics Shouldn’t Give Up on Intrinsic Value.Katie McShane - 2007 - Environmental Ethics 29 (1):43-61.
    Recent critics (Andrew Light, Bryan Norton, Anthony Weston, and Bruce Morito, among others) have argued that we should give up talk of intrinsic value in general and that of nature in particular. While earlier theorists might have overestimated the importance of intrinsic value, these recent critics underestimate its importance. Claims about a thing’s intrinsic value are claims about the distinctive way in which we have reason to care about that thing. If we understand intrinsic value in this manner, we can (...)
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  • (1 other version)Environmental ethics.Andrew Brennan - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. This entry covers: (1) the challenge of environmental ethics to the anthropocentrism (i.e., humancenteredness) embedded in traditional western ethical thinking; (2) the early development of the discipline in the 1960s and 1970s; (3) the connection of deep ecology, feminist environmental ethics, and social ecology to politics; (4) the attempt to apply (...)
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  • On the intellectual origins of the ecological crisis: Towards a gestalt solution.Tatjana Kochetkova - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (1):95 – 111.
    What are the intellectual origins of the ecological crisis? Which approach can offer an alternative? In the first part of this paper, I argue that the crisis was caused not by faith in reason as such, but instead by distortions of reason. Further, I consider the intellectual prerequisites for ecological destruction, the ultimate cause of which can be seen in the transitional state of our civilisation from a dependent to an interdependent mode of interaction with the biosphere. A possible remedy (...)
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  • Deep Ecology.Freya Mathews - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson (ed.), A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 218–232.
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  • (25 other versions)بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر: جنبشی علیه دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت و نقد آن.احمد عبادی & محمد امدادی ماسوله - 2020 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 18 (1):131-154.
    دوگانه‌انگاری انسان/طبیعت دیدگاهی است که با تبیین خاصی از ارتباط میان انسان و طبیعت نقشی تعیین‌کننده و سرنوشت‌ساز در اخلاق زیست‌محیطی یافته است. در این دیدگاه، انسان به عنوان وجه برتر این تقسیم‌بندی حق هر گونه استفاده و رفتار با طبیعت را دارد. در نظر جنبش بوم‌شناسی ژرف‌نگر، به دلیل درهم‌تنیدگیِ انسان و طبیعت نمی‌توان این دو را مجزا از یکدیگر دانست. این نگرش به دلیل نقد تفکر دوگانۀ انسان/طبیعت دارای نکات مفید و سودمندی در باب اخلاق زیست‌محیطی است، که (...)
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  • Buddhist Philosophy and the Ideals of Environmentalism.Colette Sciberras - 2010 - Dissertation, Durham University
    I examine the consistency between contemporary environmentalist ideals and Buddhist philosophy, focusing, first, on the problem of value in nature. I argue that the teachings found in the Pāli canon cannot easily be reconciled with a belief in the intrinsic value of life, whether human or otherwise. This is because all existence is regarded as inherently unsatisfactory, and all beings are seen as impermanent and insubstantial, while the ultimate spiritual goal is often viewed, in early Buddhism, as involving a deep (...)
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  • (1 other version)Posthumanismo e hibridación.Luca Valera & José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2019 - Pensamiento 75 (283):307-319.
    Ha sido usual criticar el posthumanismo por ser una especulación puramente hipotética sin conexión con nuestras posibilidades técnicas y científicas. Se argumenta aquí, sin embargo, que los desarrollos recientes para la producción de diferentes tipos de híbridos —como híbridos de cerdohombre— abren posibilidades reales para el programa posthumanista. El posthumanismo debe ser tomado en serio. En este trabajo presentamos las líneas centrales de la ontología y la ética posthumanistas, y también algunas razones para resistir su programa de transformación social y (...)
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  • Bioethics and the Challenge of the Ecological Individual.Jonathan Beever & Nicolae Morar - 2016 - Environmental Philosophy 13 (2):215-238.
    Questions of individuality are traditionally predicated upon recognizing discrete entities whose behavior can be measured and whose value and agency can be meaningfully ascribed. We consider a series of challenges to the metaphysical concept of individuality as the ground of the self. We argue that an ecological conception of individuality renders ascriptions of autonomy to selves highly improbable. We find conceptual resources in the work of environmental philosopher Arne Naess, whose distinction between shallow and deep responses helps us rethink the (...)
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  • Home, Ecological Self and Self-Realization: Understanding Asymmetrical Relationships Through Arne Næss’s Ecosophy.Luca Valera - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (6):661-675.
    In this paper, we discuss Næss’s concept of ecological self in light of the process of identification and the idea of self-realization, in order to understand the asymmetrical relationship among human beings and nature. In this regard, our hypothesis is that Næss does not use the concept of the ecological self to justify ontology of processes, or definitively overcome the idea of individual entities in view of a transpersonal ecology, as Fox argues. Quite the opposite: Næss’s ecological self is nothing (...)
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  • Why utilize complexity principles in social inquiry?Lesley Kuhn - 2007 - World Futures 63 (3 & 4):156 – 175.
    Complexity is introduced as a fitting paradigmatic orientation to social inquiry. A complexity approach is compared and contrasted with other holistic social inquiry orientations and constructivist styles of thinking that have informed and guided the evolution of qualitative social inquiry.
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  • (1 other version)Saving ‘Disinterestedness’ in Environmental Aesthetics: A Defence against Berleant.Damla Dönmez - 2016 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):149-164.
    The old, historical concept of ‘disinterestedness’ has dominated the tradition of aesthetics for almost two centuries. In environmental aesthetics, a rather recent branch of aesthetics, some scholars such as Arnold Berleant have criticized disinterestedness, claiming that it is not a satisfactory criterion since it views the environment as an artwork. As an alternative, Berleant proposes a theory of the ‘aesthetics of engagement’. I claim that although his main intention is to introduce a comprehensive perception of nature, ‘appreciating nature as nature’, (...)
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  • The Power and the Promise of Ecofeminism, Reconsidered.Elizabeth Mayer '94 - unknown
    Ecofeminism is one of the newest varieties of feminism, and it seems to be one of the brightest. There's something appealing in combining feminist and ecological concerns, and something positively seductive in the implied possibility of one big solution out there somewhere that will end not only the oppression of women but the abuse of nature as well. There seems to be something right about ecofeminism too: it points out that our culture has formed a conceptual association between women and (...)
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  • Deep ecology or social ecology?Alan Carter - 1995 - Heythrop Journal 36 (3):328–350.
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  • The Metaphysics of Environmental Concern -- a Critique of Ecotheological Antidualism.Bronislaw Szerszynski - 1993 - Studies in Christian Ethics 6 (2):67-78.
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