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An Outline of Psychoanalysis

ePenguin (1940)

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  1. “Emperor Hundun 渾沌”: A Cultural Hermeneutic.Wu Kuang-Ming - 2007 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 6 (3):263-279.
    Among the four reading-levels, the textual and exegetical levels of Zhuangzi ’s Hundun-story are problem-free, and so we focus expository-wise on its conspicuous hospitality with nine implications. Then, hermeneutically, we see Hundun instructing us against clarity toward unclarity—cosmological, self-composing, cognitive, and communal—of kindly humus, in cosmic confusion, sleep and idleness, mist and pond-dragonfly, and non-ruling people-sovereignty. Pan-hospitality is our Emperor Hundun’s non-arbitrary imperative to nurture life.
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  • Ethical dilemmas in the treatment of adolescent gang members.Edmund M. Kearney - 1998 - Ethics and Behavior 8 (1):49 – 57.
    Therapists treating adolescent gang members face unique ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas arise directly from clinical issues that inevitably emerge in the treatment of this population. Clinical issues related to the adolescent gang member having great difficulty trusting, having experienced and observed much violence, and usually having participated in criminal activities are central to the treatment process. In this article I discuss the ethical problems that subsequently emerge: maintaining confidentiality, discharging one's duty to warn or protect, and imposing one's personal values. (...)
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  • Ajātasattu and the future of psychoanalytic anthropology. Part III: Culture, imagination, and the wish. [REVIEW]Dan W. Forsyth - 1998 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 2 (1):85-106.
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  • Ajātasattu and the future of psychoanalytic anthropology. Part I: The promise of a culture. [REVIEW]Dan W. Forsyth - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (1):141-164.
    Thus, we can see that Obeyesekere’s notion and usage of some psychoanalytic concepts is at variance with Freud’s formulations and with those of standard psychoanalytic theory. This divergence is also evident in Obeyesekere’s formulation of the concept of disconnection, which is arguably the most important construct in the first chapter of The work of culture. Space constraints prevent us taking-up this concept here. So let me now conclude this first part of the essay, and begin part 2 with an examination (...)
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  • Logic and language in defences.Harwood Fisher - 1973 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 3 (2):157–214.
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  • (1 other version)Conscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: A testable taxonomy.Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Lionel Naccache, Jérôme Sackur & Claire Sergent - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (5):204-211.
    Amidst the many brain events evoked by a visual stimulus, which are specifically associated with conscious perception, and which merely reflect non-conscious processing? Several recent neuroimaging studies have contrasted conscious and non-conscious visual processing, but their results appear inconsistent. Some support a correlation of conscious perception with early occipital events, others with late parieto-frontal activity. Here we attempt to make sense of those dissenting results. On the basis of a minimal neuro-computational model, the global neuronal workspace hypothesis, we propose a (...)
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  • Crossing the Threshold: An Epigenetic Alternative to Dimensional Accounts of Mental Disorders.Davide Serpico & Valentina Petrolini - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Recent trends in psychiatry involve a transition from categorical to dimensional frameworks, in which the boundary between health and pathology is understood as a difference in degree rather than as a difference in kind. A major tenet of dimensional approaches is that no qualitative distinction can be made between health and pathology. As a consequence, these approaches tend to characterize such a threshold as pragmatic or conventional in nature. However, dimensional approaches to psychopathology raise several epistemological and ontological issues. First, (...)
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  • On Wittgenstein’s Notion of a Surveyable Representation: The Case of Psychoanalysis.Nir Ben-Moshe - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 37 (4):391-410.
    I demonstrate that analogies, both explicit and implicit, between Wittgenstein’s discussion of rituals, aesthetics, and psychoanalysis (and, indeed, his own philosophical methodology) suggest that he entertained the idea that Freud’s psychoanalytic project, when understood correctly—that is, as a descriptive project rather than an explanatory-hypothetical one—provides a “surveyable representation” (übersichtliche Darstellung) of certain psychological facts (as opposed to psychological concepts). The consequences of this account are that it offers an explanation of Wittgenstein’s admiration for and self-perceived affinity to Freud, as well (...)
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  • Storytelling on Oral Grounds: Viewpoint Alignment and Perspective Taking in Narrative Discourse.Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this paper, we seek to explain the power of perspective taking in narrative discourse by turning to research on the oral foundations of storytelling in human communication and language. We argue that narratives function through a central process of alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, hearer/reader, and character and develop an analytical framework that is capable of generating general claims about the processes and outcomes of narrative discourse while flexibly accounting for the great linguistic variability both across and within (...)
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  • Tomboy resistance and conformity: Agency in social psychological gender theory.C. Lynn Carr - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (5):528-553.
    Using life history narratives, the present study investigates processes of agency and consciousness among 14 women who identified themselves as tomboys. Most informants shared two “moments” of consciousness—a rejection of femininity and a choice of masculinity. Participants also revealed two forms of agency—active gender resistance and conformity. Implications for building agentic understandings of gender identity are discussed. While agency appears to be an important factor in gender identification, it tends to be overlooked by individuals themselves, perhaps through a process of (...)
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  • A Touch of Doubt: On Haptic Skepticism.Rachel Aumiller - 2021 - Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter.
    A Touch of Doubt traces the theme of touch in the evolution of skepticism through Platonism, German idealism, Continental philosophy and psychoanalysis. Haptic Scepticism, the field of ethics emerging from this study, explores the grasp-ability of contradiction. Contradiction is a haptic marvel. We can cup it in our palms, press it against our lips, dip our toes into its coolness, and, if we are not careful, we may even burn ourselves on its surface.
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  • (1 other version)Beyond Argument: A Hegelian Approach to Deep Disagreements.Connie Wang - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Connie Wang ABSTRACT: Accounts of deep disagreements can generally be categorized as optimistic or pessimistic. Pessimistic interpretations insist that the depth of deep disagreements precludes the possibility of rational resolution altogether, while optimistic variations maintain the contrary. Despite both approaches’ respective positions, they nevertheless often, either explicitly or implicitly, agree on the underlying assumption that...
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  • (2 other versions)The Place of Psychoanalysis in the History of Ethics.Edward Harcourt - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (5):598-618.
    Psychoanalytic writing rarely features on university ethics curricula, so the idea that psychoanalysis has a place in the history of ethics may be a surprise. The aim of the paper is to show that it should not be. The strategy is to sketch in outline an enduring line of inquiry in the history of ethics, namely the Platonic-Aristotelian investigation of the relationship between human nature, human excellence and the human good, and to suggest that psychoanalysis exemplifies it too. But since (...)
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  • Implicit attitudes and awareness.Jacob Berger - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1291-1312.
    I offer here a new hypothesis about the nature of implicit attitudes. Psy- chologists and philosophers alike often distinguish implicit from explicit attitudes by maintaining that we are aware of the latter, but not aware of the former. Recent experimental evidence, however, seems to challenge this account. It would seem, for example, that participants are frequently quite adept at predicting their own perfor- mances on measures of implicit attitudes. I propose here that most theorists in this area have nonetheless overlooked (...)
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  • Dispositional mental states: Chomsky and Freud.Laird Addis - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 19 (1):1-17.
    Chomsky behauptet, daß das Bewußtsein die Struktur eines grammatischen Übersetzungsapparates hat, Freud dagegen betrachtet es als einen unbewußten Geisteszustand. Es wird gezeigt, wie sich diese Theorien innerhalb einer Metaphysik des Bewußtseins vereinbaren lassen, die nur bewußte Geisteszustände als grundlegend, Sinneswahrnehmungen, Bilder, Emotionen und dergleichen als sekundär, und veranlagungsbedingte Geisteszustände als tertiär bezeichnet. Hervorzuheben wäre, daß grammatische Übersetzungsapparate und unbewußte Geisteszustände, wie alle menschlichen Veranlagungen, als Eigenheiten des Körpers, welcher gewissen Gesetzen und Prinzipien unterliegt, zu analysieren sind.
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  • The Logic of Appearance: Dennett, Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis.Jasper Feyaerts & Stijn Vanheule - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Early Relationships, Pathologies of Attachment, and the Capacity to Love.Monique Wonderly - 2018 - In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophy. New York: Routledge Handbooks in Philoso. pp. 23-34.
    Psychologists often characterize the infant’s attachment to her primary caregiver as love. Philosophical accounts of love, however, tend to speak against this possibility. Love is typically thought to require sophisticated cognitive capacities that infants do not possess. Nevertheless, there are important similarities between the infant-primary caregiver bond and mature love, and the former is commonly thought to play an important role in one’s capacity for the latter. In this work, I examine the relationship between the infant-primary caregiver bond and love. (...)
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  • A self-determination theory account of self-authorship: Implications for law and public policy.Alexios Arvanitis & Konstantinos Kalliris - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (6):763-783.
    Self-authorship has been established as the basis of an influential liberal principle of legislation and public policy. Being the author of one’s own life is a significant component of one’s own well-being, and therefore is better understood from the viewpoint of the person whose life it is. However, most philosophical accounts, including Raz’s conception of self-authorship, rely on general and abstract principles rather than specific, individual psychological properties of the person whose life it is. We elaborate on the principles of (...)
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  • Citizen Skeptic: Cicero’s Academic Republicanism.Scott Aikin - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (3):275–285.
    The skeptical challenge to politics is that if knowledge is in short supply and it is a condition for the proper use of political power, then there is very little just politics. Cicero’s Republicanism is posed as a program for political legitimacy wherein both citizens and their states are far from ideal. The result is a form of what is termed negative conservatism, which shows political gridlock in a more positive light.
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  • Feminist phenomenology, pregnancy, and transcendental subjectivity.Stella Sandford - 2016 - In . pp. 51–69.
    In 1930 Husserl wrote that phenomenology is ‘a transcendental idealism that is nothing more than a consequentially executed self-explication in the form of an egological science, an explication of my ego as subject of every possible cognition, and indeed with respect to every sense of what exists, wherewith the latter might be able to have a sense for me, the ego.’ In transcendental-phenomenological theory, according to Husserl, ‘every sort of existent itself, real or ideal, becomes understandable as a “product” of (...)
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  • The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Robert Leech, Peter J. Hellyer, Murray Shanahan, Amanda Feilding, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Dante R. Chialvo & David Nutt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Mental States, Conscious and Nonconscious.Jacob Berger - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (6):392-401.
    I discuss here the nature of nonconscious mental states and the ways in which they may differ from their conscious counterparts. I first survey reasons to think that mental states can and often do occur without being conscious. Then, insofar as the nature of nonconscious mentality depends on how we understand the nature of consciousness, I review some of the major theories of consciousness and explore what restrictions they may place on the kinds of states that can occur nonconsciously. I (...)
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  • Depression: A neuropsychiatric perspective.Helen S. Mayberg - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss. pp. 197--229.
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  • Freud's (de)Construction of the Conflictual Mind.José Brunner - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 71 (1):24-39.
    Freud uses paradoxical and conflictual rhetoric to create an unstable and conflictual picture of the mind. Thus he diverges from both dominant traditions of thought in the West: the Judeo-Christian way of filling all gaps in meaning by putting a single omnipotent divinity in charge of them, and the Enlightenment quest for a final, causal language to describe reality. By both suggesting and displacing a plurality of perspectives on the unconscious, Freud’s text mirrors what it claims happens in our minds, (...)
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  • Attachment and the sources of behavioral pathology.Joseph K. Kovach - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):518-519.
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  • A psychobiological theory of attachment.Gary W. Kraemer - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):493-511.
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  • Discovery and proof in attachment research.Klaus E. Grossmann & Karin Grossmann - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):154-155.
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  • Freud’s dreams of reason: the Kantian structure of psychoanalysis.Alfred I. Tauber - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (4):1-29.
    Freud (and later commentators) have failed to explain how the origins of psychoanalytical theory began with a positivist investment without recognizing a dual epistemological commitment: simply, Freud engaged positivism because he believed it generally equated with empiricism, which he valued, and he rejected ‘philosophy’, and, more specifically, Kantianism, because of the associated transcendental qualities of its epistemology. But this simple dismissal belies a deep investment in Kant’s formulation of human reason, in which rationality escapes natural cause and thereby bestows humans (...)
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  • That obscure object of psychoanalysis.Dany Nobus - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (2):163-187.
    This essay examines how psychoanalytic conceptions of the subject and the object in the works of Freud and Lacan may contribute to a re-examination of the vexed issue of the subject–object relationship in science, philosophy and epistemology. For Freud, the ego is the essential subject, yet he regarded it as an always already objectified subject, which is objectively thinkable yet never subjectively knowable qua subject. Lacan conceptualised this Freudian principle of subjectivity with his notion of the divided (barred) subject, which (...)
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  • The Anna Karenina Theory of the Unconscious.Ned Block - 2011 - Neuropsychoanalysis 13 (1):34-37.
    The Anna Karenina Theory says: all conscious states are alike; each unconscious state is unconscious in its own way. This note argues that many components have to function properly to produce consciousness, but failure in any one of many different ones can yield an unconscious state in different ways. In that sense the Anna Karenina theory is true. But in another respect it is false: kinds of unconsciousness depend on kinds of consciousness.
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  • The evolutionary ecology of attachment organization.James S. Chisholm - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (1):1-37.
    Life history theory’s principle of allocation suggests that because immature organisms cannot expend reproductive effort, the major trade-off facing juveniles will be the one between survival, on one hand, and growth and development, on the other. As a consequence, infants and children might be expected to possess psychobiological mechanisms for optimizing this trade-off. The main argument of this paper is that the attachment process serves this function and that individual differences in attachment organization (secure, insecure, and possibly others) may represent (...)
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  • Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory: A New Synthesis.Jon Mills - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (3):233-245.
    ABSTRACTCritical Theory and contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives share many compatibilities in offering a constructive critique of society. Psychoanalysis teaches us that whatever values and ideals societies adopt, they are always mediated through unconscious psychic processes that condition the collective in both positive and negative ways, and in terms of relations of recognition and patterns of social justice. Contemporary critical theory may benefit from engaging post-classical and current trends in psychoanalytic thought that have direct bearing on the ways we conceive of and (...)
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  • Love: Through the Lens of Pitirim Sorokin.Joseph G. D'Ambrosio & Anna C. Faul - 2013 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 34 (2):36-46.
    Understanding the virtue of love has challenged scholars for centuries but in recent years science has produced substantial scholarship in understanding the complex meanings that we attribute to the word “love.” This article explores love through the lens of Pitirim Sorokin, an eminent Harvard sociologist, who developed an intricate framework to understand what he called “other-regarding or altruistic” love. It is proposed that his theoretical framework can act as a gauge of love-producing actions helping guide humans to more authentic, meaningful (...)
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  • Social Space and the Question of Objectivity/ Der soziale Raum und die Frage nach der Objektivität.James Mensch - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (2-3):249-262.
    In speaking of the social dimensions of human experience, we inevitably become involved in the debate regarding how they are to be studied. Should we embrace the first-person perspective, which is that of the phenomenologists, and begin with the experiences composing our directly experienced lifeworld? Alternately, should we follow the lead of natural scientists and take up the third-person perspective? This is the perspective that asserts that we must begin with what is true for everyone, i.e., with what is available (...)
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  • Nobody is as Blind as Those Who Cannot Bear to See: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Management of Emotions and Moral Blindness.J. J. de Klerk - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (4):745-761.
    Although apparently irrational, people with seemingly high moral standards routinely make immoral decisions or engage in morally questionable behavior. It appears as if under certain circumstances, people become in some enigmatic way blind to the immoral aspects of what they are doing or consequences of their immoral actions. This article focuses and reports on a psychoanalytic inquiry into the role of emotions and the unconscious management of unwanted emotions in promoting moral blindness. Emotions are essential to the conscience, self-sanctioning, and (...)
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  • Two Influential Theories of Ignorance and Philosophy's Interests in Ignoring Them.Sandra Harding - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):20-36.
    Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud provided powerful accounts of systematic interested ignorance. Fifty years ago, Anglo-American philosophies of science stigmatized Marx's and Freud's analyses as models of irrationality. They remain disvalued today, at a time when virtually all other humanities and social science disciplines have returned to extract valuable insights from them. Here the argument is that there are reasons distinctive to philosophy why such theories were especially disvalued then and why they remain so today. However, there are even better (...)
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  • The Psychology of Productive Dissociation, or What Would Schellingian Psychotherapy Look Like?Sean J. Mcgrath - 2014 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 6 (1):35-48.
    Schelling has been exploited for a variety of psychoanalytical projects, from Marquard’s revision of Freud, to various readings of Jung, to Žižek’s interpretation of Lacan. What we have not seen is an elaboration of the psycho-therapeutical implications of Schelling’s metaphysics on its own terms. What we find when we read Schelling as metapsychologist is a nonpathologizing theory of dissociation. Like anything that lives, the psyche dissociates for the sake of growth. The law of productive dissociation is the source of psyche’s (...)
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  • Sociophysiology and evolutionary aspects of psychiatry.Russell Gardner Jr & Daniel R. Wilson - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss.
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  • A wise child: Face perception by human neonates.Hadyn D. Ellis - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):514-515.
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  • Mental God-representation reconsidered: Probing collective representation of cultural symbol.Soo-Young Kwon - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):113-128.
    The current methods in psychoanalytic studies of God images and representations have focused almost exclusively on individual, internal processes. This article examines how psychological anthropologists go about formulating symbolic representations of deity in their research, in comparison with the object relations method of God- representations. Drawing on Melford Spiro's integrative proposal for interpreting the mental and collective representations in religious symbol systems, this paper proposes that there is a need for a comprehensive model of the representational process in the Eastern (...)
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  • On Inaccessibility and Vulnerability: Some Horizons of Compatibility between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis.C. Jason Throop - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (1):75-96.
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  • The Posthumanism to Come.Christopher Peterson - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):127-141.
    This essay aims to identify several related themes that regularly appear in posthumanist scholarship but which have not been theorized sufficiently, including the rhetoric of temporal and historical rupture, the logic of dialectical reversal, the effacement of human/animal difference, and above all the critical ascendancy of the term “posthumanism” itself. If one of the aims of posthumanism is to render the face of the human unknowable to itself, then to what extent does the human that re-names itself “posthuman” do so (...)
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  • The Self-Overcoming Subject: Freud's Challenge to the Cartesian Ontology.Steven Fowler - 2004 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 35 (1):97-109.
    Two strands of enlightenment rationality—the mechanistic/deterministic and the self-overcoming—are distinguished, and the presence of the later in the work of Sigmund Freud is delineated. Beginning with Freud's investigations of hysteria, Freud's view of the person as a self-overcoming entity is spelled out in his theory of the unconscious and his theory of sexuality. It is argued that Freud provides, in the realm of empirical science, evidence that converges with the ontological conception of the person as a "being-in-the-world" developed by Heidegger (...)
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  • The Experience of Pleasure: A Perspective Between Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis.Lorenzo Moccia, Marianna Mazza, Marco Di Nicola & Luigi Janiri - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:391970.
    Pleasure is more than a mere sensory event, but rather it can be conceptualized as a complex, multiform experience involving memory, motivation, homeostasis, and, sometimes, negative affects. According to Freud, affect is a perceptual modality that registers the internal drive state of the subject rather than the objective experience of the external world, and the quality of this perceptual modality is calibrated in degrees of pleasure and displeasure. Within this conceptual framework, the aim of drive is always pleasure, and objects (...)
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  • Foucault, Freud, and the Repessive Hypothesis.Deborah Cook - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (2):148-161.
    One aspect of Foucault's thought brings him much closer to Freud than many commentators believe. This Freudian “moment” in Foucault is formulated in the following dictum: the soul is the prison of the body. For Foucault, the modern soul is formed when the norms that govern disciplinary training and exercise are internalized. Once internalized, these norms affect our self-understanding and conduct. This paper focuses on Foucault's account of internalization. It shows that this Freudian moment in Foucault mitigates his criticisms of (...)
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  • Caveats on the use of evolutionary concepts.Peter H. Klopfer - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):156-157.
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  • Kant, Freud, and the ethical critique of religion.James DiCenso - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (3):161 - 179.
    This paper engages Freud’s relation to Kant, with specific reference to each theorist’s articulation of the interconnections between ethics and religion. I argue that there is in fact a constructive approach to ethics and religion in Freud’s thought, and that this approach can be better understood by examining it in relation to Kant’s formulations on these topics. Freud’s thinking about religion and ethics participates in the Enlightenment heritage, with its emphasis on autonomy and rationality, of which Kant’s model of practical (...)
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  • Psychoanalysis, religious experience, and the study of religion: Not “religious studies”.Marsha Aileen Hewitt - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (1):25-32.
    Psychoanalytic critical theory explores the dynamics of individual identity formation within specific cultural contexts. Freud understood that psychoanalysis is a critical social theory as well as a therapeutic practice. His studies on religion illustrate the depths of society and culture within the mind. Freud was thus able to respond to Romain Rolland's experience of an “oceanic” or mystical feeling in thoroughly explanatory psychoanalytic terms that led him to speculate about pre-Oedipal memories of maternal care. Freud made an important contribution to (...)
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  • Understanding the Ubiquity of the Intentionality of Consciousness in Commonsense and Psychotherapy.Ian Rory Owen - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (1):1-11.
    A formal and idealised understanding of intentionality as a mental process is a central topic within the classical Husserlian phenomenological analysis of consciousness. This paper does not define Husserl’s stance, because that has been achieved elsewhere (Kern, 1977, 1986, 1988; Kern & Marbach, 2001; Marbach, 1988, 1993, 2005; Owen, 2006; Zahavi, 2003). This paper shows how intentionality informs therapy theory and practice. Husserl’s ideas are taken to the psychotherapy relationship in order to explain what it means for consciousness to have (...)
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  • Is There an Ethics of Diabolical Evil? Sex Scandals, Family Romance, and Love in the School & Academy.Jan Jagodzinski - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (5-6):335-362.
    This essay attempts to examine the difficult question of sex scandals both in public school settings and in the academy. It raises issues over the way authority in the classroom is unequally exercised by both male and female teachers in terms of power and seduction. However, the Law remains explicit when it comes to judging who is at fault within a-student relationship that collapses into the bedroom. The ethics that surround such sexual affairs is raised through the psychoanalytic and philosophical (...)
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