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A commentary on Heidegger's Being and time

Dekalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press. Edited by Martin Heidegger (1989)

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  1. The Management of Time: New Orders for Executive Education.T. Thompson - unknown
    The non-credit bearing and ongoing education and development of mid- to late-career corporate executives is known by the compound term executive education. Reductively stated, executive education, for its corporate consumers and its business school providers, is predicated on the relationship between an order and its execution ; a relationship I call the “order-execution cognate”. With the word execution derived from Greek for sequence, and with the sequence of an execution following-on from its corresponding order, sequentiality is the essence of execution, (...)
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  • Truth, or the futures of philosophy of religion.N. N. Trakakis - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (5):366-390.
    Philosophy of religion, in both its analytic and Continental streams, has been undergoing a renewal for some time now, and I seek to explore this transformation in the fortunes of the discipline by looking at how truth – and religious truth in particular – is conceptualised in both strands of philosophy. I begin with an overview of the way in which truth has been commonly understood across nearly all groups within the analytic tradition, and I will underscore the difficulties and (...)
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  • Disentangling Heidegger’s transcendental questions.Chad Engelland - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (1):77-100.
    Recapitulating two recent trends in Heidegger-scholarship, this paper argues that the transcendental theme in Heidegger’s thought clarifies and relates the two basic questions of his philosophical itinerary. The preparatory question, which belongs to Being and Time , I.1–2, draws from the transcendental tradition to target the condition for the possibility of our openness to things: How must we be to access entities? The preliminary answer is that we are essentially opened up ecstatically and horizonally by timeliness. The fundamental question, which (...)
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  • A critique of Baudrillard's hyperreality: Towards a sociology of postmodernism.Anthony King - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):47-66.
    Through the critical examination of Baudrillard's concept of hyperreality, this article seeks to make a wider contribution to contempor ary debates about postmodernism. It draws on a post-Cartesian, Heideg gerian philosophy to demonstrate the weakness of the concept of hyperreality and reveal its foundation in a Cartesian epistemology. The article goes on to claim that this same Heideggerian tradition suggests a way in which the concept of hyperreality and nihilistic postmodern sociologies more generally might be dialectically superseded. Instead of these (...)
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  • Heidegger e a linguagem: do acolhimento do ser ao acolhimento do outro.André Duarte - 2005 - Human Nature 7 (1):129-158.
    Este texto investiga as implicações éticas pós-metafísicas da concepção heideggeriana da linguagem, partindo de Ser e Tempo para, então, discutir as obras da maturidade de Heidegger, elaboradas nos anos 50. Organiza-se em torno de duas hipóteses complementares: em primeiro lugar, a de que os traços fundamentais da concepção heideggeriana madura da linguagem já se encontravam delineados em Ser e Tempo, a despeito de ainda não estarem plenamente desenvolvidos àquela época. A segunda hipótese é a de que o acolhimento do ser, (...)
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  • “the last god” in Heidegger’s contributions to philosophy.Moses Aaron Angeles - 2020 - Scientia, San Beda University 9 (2):76-85.
    In the years after 1919, Heidegger began to call for a “deconstruction” (Abbau) or “destruction” (Destruktion) of Western intellectual traditions in an attempt to “save culture.” He proposed that the “deconstruction” and “destruction” of intellectual traditions should proceed from a re-examination of the original Greek interpretation of Being, which had been misunderstood completely and utterly trivialized. From hereon, he began to articulate Being within the sphere of the world; Being as unveiled and revealed in Dasein. But the investigation of Being (...)
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  • Heideggerian phenomenology: an approach to understanding family caring for an older relative.Ursula Marie Kellett - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (1):57-65.
    Recent research has found diat family caregivers do not discuss their caregiving in terms of tasks but instead describe their care as shaped by concerns, commitments and goals. The purpose of this paper is to challenge the ways in which nurses approach die family caregiving process and to explore possibilities for evolving nursing knowledge by questioning existing practice in die light of developing insight into die ways in which being a family caregiver is meaningful. A critique of die philosophical orientations (...)
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  • Embodied Cognition, Representationalism, and Mechanism: A Review and Analysis.Jonathan S. Spackman & Stephen C. Yanchar - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (1):46-79.
    Embodied cognition has attracted significant attention within cognitive science and related fields in recent years. It is most noteworthy for its emphasis on the inextricable connection between mental functioning and embodied activity and thus for its departure from standard cognitive science's implicit commitment to the unembodied mind. This article offers a review of embodied cognition's recent empirical and theoretical contributions and suggests how this movement has moved beyond standard cognitive science. The article then clarifies important respects in which embodied cognition (...)
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  • Heidegger on death as a deficient mode.Mark Tanzer - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (1):19-33.
    Heidegger conceives Dasein’s death as a peculiar type of negation, i.e., a negation that is not simple disappearance, and so is, in some sense, survived by Dasein. This paper argues that Heidegger’s technical terminology for this type of negation is the “deficient mode.” The ontological structure of the deficient mode is characterized by Heidegger as a mode of the “nur noch,” which is a way of just being. And to just be, in the sense that deficient modes just are, is (...)
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  • Resolución precursora y temporalidad: el horizonte originario de la mismidad en Ser y Tiempo.Juan José Garrido Periñán - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):37-59.
    El presente artículo intenta explorar una relación metódica y temática entre dos existenciarios: mismidad y temporalidad, en sus respectivos límites de aparición, en una obra de gran complejidad como Ser y Tiempo, a fin de poder captar, con la radicalidad que solo la fenomenología permite hacer valer, la unidad integral del ser del Dasein, un ente caracterizado y señalado, a diferencia de los demás entes intramundanos, por la existencia de un modo raigal, ontológico. La conclusión apuntará a vertebrar el análisis (...)
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  • Towards an ontological theory of wellness: A discussion of conceptual foundations and implications for nursing.Sandra Mackey - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (2):103-112.
    In this article a discussion of the phenomenon of wellness and its relevance to contemporary nursing practice is developed. Drawing on phenomenology, the research literature and the author's own wellness research, an exposition of the concept of wellness is presented. It is proposed that the experience of being well is lived as a continuity of time and that it involves both a taking-for-granted of the body and containment of the horizon of concern. The state of actually being well is also (...)
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  • The culmination: Heidegger, German idealism, and the fate of philosophy.Robert B. Pippin - 2024 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Heidegger claimed that Western philosophy ended, failed even, in the German Idealist tradition. In The Culmination, Robert B. Pippin explores the ramifications of this charge through a masterful survey of Western philosophy, especially Heidegger's critiques of Hegel and Kant. Pippin argues that Heidegger's basic concern was to determine sources of meaning for human life, particularly those that had been obscured by Western philosophy's attention to reason. The Culmination offers a new interpretation of Heidegger, German Idealism, and the fate of Western (...)
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  • Fundamental Ontology and Kurdish experience toward an Openness (in Kurdish).Dara Mostowfi - 2022 - academia.
    The Fundamental Ontology and Kurdish experience toward an openness is the title of the webinar series which was held by Radio Kurdistan in August 1,5 and 9, 2021. Here is a brief introduction of the whole text in English. This project aimed to familiarize those interested and to provide basic ideas about phenomenological research. Now this book consists of four contiguous sections:.
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  • Oneness and particularity in chinese natural cosmology: The notion tianrenheyi.Ralph Weber - 2005 - Asian Philosophy 15 (2):191 – 205.
    The sensibilities suggested by the notion tianrenheyi have pervaded the Chinese philosophical narrative since, at the earliest, the Spring and Autumn Period, triggering ever novel and enriching interpretations. This paper, far from searching for some ostensible essence of the notion, engages tianrenheyi philosophically from a contemporary perspective. Investigating, inter alia, the kind of unity stipulated by the notion, its moral and spiritual entailments, as well as its relation to transcendence clears the way - now freed from some metaphysical barriers - (...)
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  • Heidegger's Metaphysics of Material Beings.Kris McDaniel - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (2):332-357.
    Heidegger distinguishes between things that are present-at-hand and things that are ready-to-hand. I argue that, in Heidegger, this distinction is between two sets of entities rather than between two ways of considering one and the same set of entities. I argue that Heidegger ascribes distinct temporal, essential, and phenomenological properties to these two different kinds of entities.
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  • Heidegger and the ‘There Is’ of Being.Kris Mcdaniel - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):306-320.
    Heidegger also famously says that Being depends on Dasein, even though beings in general do not. This is perplexing. “Heidegger and the “There Is” of Being” offers an interpretation of what’s going on in the passages in which this sort of assertion is made.
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  • Dwellness: A radical notion of wilderness.Martin J. Wortman - unknown
    The contemporary concept of wilderness, which is central to environmental theory and activism, is both a help and a hindrance to government policy and to popular environmental beliefs. The Judeo-Christian religious tradition and Locke's property theory provides much of the western cultural and historical basis of humans' environmental attitudes that basically engender exploitation. I argue that a more precise interpretation of Genesis and of Locke reveals that both sources actually promote environmental stewardship while decrying ecological abuse. Next I analyze the (...)
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  • Philosophical hermeneutics and the project of Hans Georg Gadamer: implications for nursing research.Kenneth Walsh - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (4):231-237.
    The paper begins with an overview of the historical roots of philosophical hermeneutics grounded in the work of Husserl and Heidegger. It goes on to explore the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans Georg Gadamer as a philosophy useful to nursing research. The four concepts of prejudice, the fusion of horizons, the hermeneutic circle and play are discussed, as are the implications these concepts have for nursing research. These concepts have been utilized in the author's own research and examples from this research (...)
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  • Constituting community: Heidegger, mimesis and critical belonging.Louiza Odysseos - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):37-61.
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  • What is a Good Death?Christine M. J. Kelly - 2014 - The New Bioethics 20 (1):35-52.
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  • Discontinuity as theoretical foundation to pedagogy:existential phenomenology in Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s philosophy of education.Jani Koskela - unknown
    This study examines German educational philosopher Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s (1903–1991) existential-hermeneutic theory of discontinuous forms of education, unstetige formen der Erziehung. At the core of this theory is a view of human being subjected to education that appears disruptive and critical, influencing the development of disclosing the true powers of a person and unfolding of truths about oneself that could not be uncovered otherwise. Typically, this theory has been interpreted on the continuum of hermeneutic philosophy, as hermeneutic pedagogy with an (...)
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  • Journey to become a nurse leader mentor: past, present and future influences.Andrea McCloughen, Louise O'Brien & Debra Jackson - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):301-310.
    Mentorship, often viewed as a central capacity of leadership, is acknowledged as influential in growing nurse leaders. Mentoring relationships are perceived as empowering connections offering a dynamic guided experience to promote growth and development in personal and professional life. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach informed by Heidegger and Gadamer was used to explore understandings and experiences of mentorship for nurse leadership by 13 Australian nurse leaders. We found that learning and transformation associated with becoming a nurse leader mentor was experienced as (...)
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  • The experience of the tacit in multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration.David A. Stone - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):289-308.
    In exploring his concept of interactional expertise in the context of managers of big science projects, Collins identifies the development and deployment tacit knowledge as central, but acknowledges that sociologically, he cannot probe the concept further in developmental or pedagogical directions. In using the term tacit knowledge, Collins relies on the concept as articulated by Michael Polanyi. In coining the term, Polanyi acknowledges his reliance on Heidegger’s concept of being-in-the-world. This paper explores how Polanyi, and so Collins, fails to adequately (...)
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