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  1. Freedom and Enforcement in Action: A Study in Formal Action Theory.Janusz Czelakowski - 2015 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Situational aspects of action are discussed. The presented approach emphasizes the role of situational contexts in which actions are performed. These contexts influence the course of an action; they are determined not only by the current state of the system but also shaped by other factors as time, the previously undertaken actions and their succession, the agents of actions and so on. The distinction between states and situations is explored from the perspective of action systems. The notion of a situational (...)
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  • PDL with intersection of programs: a complete axiomatization.Philippe Balbiani & Dimiter Vakarelov - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (3-4):231-276.
    One of the important extensions of PDL is PDL with intersection of programs. We devote this paper to its complete axiomatization.
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  • Dynamic extensions of arrow logic.Philippe Balbiani & Dimiter Vakarelov - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):1-15.
    This paper is devoted to the complete axiomatization of dynamic extensions of arrow logic based on a restriction of propositional dynamic logic with intersection. Our deductive systems contain an unorthodox inference rule: the inference rule of intersection. The proof of the completeness of our deductive systems uses the technique of the canonical model.
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  • (1 other version)Complete Axiomatization of a Relative Modal Logic with Composition and Intersection.Philippe Balbiani & Luis Fariñas del Cerro - 1998 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8 (4):325-335.
    ABSTRACT We consider the question of the complete axiomatization of a relative modal logic with composition and intersection.
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  • A dynamic logic of action.Brigitte Penther - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (3):169-210.
    The paper presents a logical treatment of actions based on dynamic logic. This approach makes it possible to reflect clearly the differences between static and dynamic elements of the world, a distinction which seems crucial to us for a representation of actions.Starting from propositional dynamic logic a formal system (DLA) is developed, the programs of which are used to model action types. Some special features of this system are: Basic aspects of time are incorporated in DLA as far as they (...)
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  • Quantifier-free epistemic term-modal logic with assignment operator.Yanjing Wang, Yu Wei & Jeremy Seligman - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (3):103071.
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  • Modal logic with names.George Gargov & Valentin Goranko - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (6):607 - 636.
    We investigate an enrichment of the propositional modal language L with a "universal" modality ■ having semantics x ⊧ ■φ iff ∀y(y ⊧ φ), and a countable set of "names" - a special kind of propositional variables ranging over singleton sets of worlds. The obtained language ℒ $_{c}$ proves to have a great expressive power. It is equivalent with respect to modal definability to another enrichment ℒ(⍯) of ℒ, where ⍯ is an additional modality with the semantics x ⊧ ⍯φ (...)
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  • Propositional quantification in logics of contingency.Hans van Ditmarsch & Jie Fan - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (1):81-102.
    In this work we define contingency logic with arbitrary announcement. In contingency logic, the primitive modality contingency formalises that a proposition may be true but also may be false, so that if it is non-contingent then it is necessarily true or necessarily false. To this logic one can add dynamic operators to describe change of contingency. Our logic has operators for public announcement and operators for arbitrary public announcement, as in the dynamic epistemic logic called arbitrary public announcement logic. However, (...)
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  • Local properties in modal logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek & Barteld Kooi - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):133-155.
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  • Logic of transition systems.Johan Van Benthem & Jan Bergstra - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (4):247-283.
    Labeled transition systems are key structures for modeling computation. In this paper, we show how they lend themselves to ordinary logical analysis (without any special new formalisms), by introducing their standard first-order theory. This perspective enables us to raise several basic model-theoretic questions of definability, axiomatization and preservation for various notions of process equivalence found in the computational literature, and answer them using well-known logical techniques (including the Compactness theorem, Saturation and Ehrenfeucht games). Moreover, we consider what happens to this (...)
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  • Announcement as effort on topological spaces.Hans van Ditmarsch, Sophia Knight & Aybüke Özgün - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2927-2969.
    We propose a multi-agent logic of knowledge, public announcements and arbitrary announcements, interpreted on topological spaces in the style of subset space semantics. The arbitrary announcement modality functions similarly to the effort modality in subset space logics, however, it comes with intuitive and semantic differences. We provide axiomatizations for three logics based on this setting, with S5 knowledge modality, and demonstrate their completeness. We moreover consider the weaker axiomatizations of three logics with S4 type of knowledge and prove soundness and (...)
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  • Getting started: Beginnings in the logic of action.Krister Segerberg - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (3-4):347 - 378.
    A history of the logic of action is outlined, beginning with St Anselm. Five modern authors are discussed in some detail: von Wright, Fitch, Kanger, Chellas and Pratt.
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  • (1 other version)Strong Completeness and Limited Canonicity for PDL.Gerard Renardel de Lavalette, Barteld Kooi & Rineke Verbrugge - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):69-87.
    Propositional dynamic logic is complete but not compact. As a consequence, strong completeness requires an infinitary proof system. In this paper, we present a short proof for strong completeness of $$\mathsf{PDL}$$ relative to an infinitary proof system containing the rule from [α; β n ]φ for all $$n \in {\mathbb{N}}$$, conclude $$[\alpha;\beta^*] \varphi$$. The proof uses a universal canonical model, and it is generalized to other modal logics with infinitary proof rules, such as epistemic knowledge with common knowledge. Also, we (...)
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  • (1 other version)Strong Completeness and Limited Canonicity for PDL.Gerard Renardel de Lavalette, Barteld Kooi & Rineke Verbrugge - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (2):291-292.
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  • Logic of transition systems.Johan Benthem & Jan Bergstra - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (4):247-283.
    Labeled transition systems are key structures for modeling computation. In this paper, we show how they lend themselves to ordinary logical analysis (without any special new formalisms), by introducing their standard first-order theory. This perspective enables us to raise several basic model-theoretic questions of definability, axiomatization and preservation for various notions of process equivalence found in the computational literature, and answer them using well-known logical techniques (including the Compactness theorem, Saturation and Ehrenfeucht games). Moreover, we consider what happens to this (...)
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  • 'Knowable' as 'known after an announcement'.Philippe Balbiani, Alexandru Baltag, Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig, Tomohiro Hoshi & Tiago de Lima - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):305-334.
    Public announcement logic is an extension of multiagent epistemic logic with dynamic operators to model the informational consequences of announcements to the entire group of agents. We propose an extension of public announcement logic with a dynamic modal operator that expresses what is true after any announcement: after which , does it hold that Kφ? We give various semantic results and show completeness for a Hilbert-style axiomatization of this logic. There is a natural generalization to a logic for arbitrary events.
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  • Congruences of Conditional Algebras.Slava Meskhi - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (3):111-115.
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  • Formal learning theory.Oliver Schulte - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Formal learning theory is the mathematical embodiment of a normative epistemology. It deals with the question of how an agent should use observations about her environment to arrive at correct and informative conclusions. Philosophers such as Putnam, Glymour and Kelly have developed learning theory as a normative framework for scientific reasoning and inductive inference.
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