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The Epistemic Predicament of a Pseudoscience: Social Constructivism Confronts Freudian Psychoanalysis.Maarten Boudry & Filip Buekens - 2011 - Theoria 77 (2):159-179.details
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Conditions of Science: The Three-Way Tension of Freedom, Accountability and Utility.Torsten Wilholt & Hans Glimell - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 351--370.details
Bringing the Marketplace into Science: On the Neoliberal Defense of the Commercialization of Scientific Research.Justin Biddle - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 245--269.details
Knowledge, politics, and commerce: Science under the pressure of practice.Martin Carrier - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 11--30.details
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Transforming Objects into Data: How Minute Technicalities of Recording “Species Location” Entrench a Basic Challenge for Biodiversity.Ayelet Shavit & James Griesemer - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 169--193.details
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The Cognitive, Instrumental and Institutional Origins of Nanoscale Research: The Place of Biology.Anne Marcovich & Terry Shinn - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 221--242.details
Between the Pure and Applied: The Search for the Elusive Middle Ground.Margaret Morrison - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 31--45.details
Expertise in Methods, Methods of Expertise.Carsten Reinhardt - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 143--159.details
Multi-level complexities in technological development: Competing strategies for drug discovery.Matthias Adam - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 67--83.details
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