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Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?

Gallimard Education (1995)

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  1. The Embryo in Ancient Rabbinic Literature: Between Religious Law and Didactic Narratives: An Interpretive Essay.Etienne Lepicard - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (1):21-41.
    At a time when bioethical issues are at the top of public and political agendas, there is a renewed interest in representations of the embryo in various religious traditions. One of the major traditions that have contributed to Western representations of the embryo is the Jewish tradition. This tradition poses some difficulties that may deter scholars, but also presents some invaluable advantages. These derive from two components, the search for limits and narrativity, both of which are directly connected with the (...)
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  • Cultura y contracultura digital: un ensayo.Jorge Portilla - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39).
    Se intenta en este trabajo identificar y describir de algún modo, en caso de que exista, la contracultura digital de nuestro tiempo. Con tal propósito en mente, en primer lugar, el autor esboza sus presuposiciones con respecto la cultura, la tecnología digital, la cultura digital y la contracultura, bajo las ópticas que imponen la naturaleza de este artículo. Digital Culture and Counter-Culture: an Essay It is attempted in this work to identify and to describe somehow, in case it exists, the (...)
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  • Saber y razón en el neoplatonismo: hacia una nueva comprensión de la filosofía de Jámblico.María Jesús Hermoso - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):27-44.
    The complexity of the epistemological framework developed in the philosophy of Iamblichus does not allow to be captured from the polarity that underlies the categories of rational and irrational. After the projection of such categories, the core of this philosophy remains itself misunderstood. In this paper we intend to point to the need for a hermeneutic that respects the Neoplatonism that, from their own internal assumptions, display models that allow open understanding about the meaning and coherence of this thought. A (...)
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  • Philosophie als Medicina Mentis? Zu den Voraussetzungen und Grenzen eines umstrittenen Philosophiebegriffs.Ursula Renz - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (1):17-30.
    In ancient as well as in early modern theories of emotion, philosophy is often described as some kind of therapy. However, the assumption that philosophical reflection can influence our emotional life is only plausible, if the following requirements are met. First, one has to defend a realist account of self-knowledge. Second, one must allow for some kind of constructivism in regard to the description of one′s own experience. Finally, one has to maintain a strictly cognitivist conception of emotion. The article (...)
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  • Review of C. Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition. Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1).
    Koopman’s book revolves around the notion of transition, which he proposes is one of the central ideas of the pragmatist tradition but one which had not previously been fully articulated yet nevertheless shapes the pragmatist attitude in philosophy. Transition, according to Koopman, denotes “those temporal structures and historical shapes in virtue of which we get from here to there”. One of the consequences of transitionalism is the understanding of critique and inquiry as historical pro...
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  • Diez estudios de filosofía helenística y romana. La escuela italiana contemporánea.Maso Stefano (ed.) - 2022 - Madrid: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA.
    En la obra que ahora presentamos al público hispanoparlante, reunimos diez trabajos previamente publicados en lengua italiana que abordan importantes cuestiones que ocupan en este momento a los estudiosos de la filosofía helenística y romana. Sus autores son diez de los más importantes especialistas italianos actuales en el estudio de este periodo histórico.
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  • Filosofická praxe v České republice (Philosophical Practice in the Czech Republic).Lukáš Mareš, Václav Peltan & Eliška Havlová - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 12 (2):41-61.
    Pojem filosofie nabyl v průběhu historie řadu podob a významů. Kromě tradičního teoretického zaměření se lze setkat s přístupem, který vyzdvihuje praktický dopad filosofování na život člověka. Příspěvek představuje koncept filosofické praxe a reflektuje její současný stav na území České republiky. Autoři vymezují filosofickou praxi jako disciplínu filosofie, a načrtávají její možné dělení na dílčí oblasti. Nastíněny jsou její historické kořeny, které autoři identifikují v antickém Řecku. Dále se věnují systematickému představení doposud sepsaných materiálů k filosofické praxi a přehledu její (...)
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  • Acheloios, Thales, and the Origin of Philosophy: A Response to the Neo-Marxians.Nicholas J. Molinari - 2022 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    This book presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios, a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life, was the most important cultic deity influencing the thinker, profoundly shaping his philosophical worldview. In doing so, it also weighs in on the metaphysical and epistemological dichotomy that seemingly underlies all academia—the antithesis of the methodological postulate of Marxian dialectical materialism vis-à-vis the Platonic idea of fundamentally real transcendental forms. (...)
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  • God et al—World-Making as Collaborative Improvisation: New Metaphors for Open Theists.Mark Steen - 2022 - In K. J. Clark and J. Koperski (ed.), Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence. pp. 311-338.
    The Abrahamic traditions regard God as the world’s author. But what kind of author? A novelist? A playwright? Perhaps a composer of classical music? I will argue that it is best to regard God as like an improvisational play director or the leader of a jazz ensemble. Each determines the broad melodic contours or coarse-grained plot beforehand, while allowing their musicians or actors, and chance, to fill in the more fine-grained details. This analogy allows us to regard God as the (...)
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  • Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.) - 2021 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book promotes the research of present-day women working in ancient and medieval philosophy, with more than 60 women having contributed in some way to the volume in a fruitful collaboration. It contains 22 papers organized into ten distinct parts spanning the sixth century BCE to the fifteenth century CE. Each part has the same structure: it features, first, a paper which sets up the discussion, and then, one or two responses that open new perspectives and engage in further reflections. (...)
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  • Philosophical Ascesis and the Pact of Indifference. Around Peter Sloterdijk's Anthropotechnic Turn and Indian Spiritual Exercises.Raquel Ferrández Formoso - 2021 - In Luces en el Camino: Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales en Tiempos de Desconcierto. Madrid: Dykinson. pp. 74-91.
    In a recent work entitled You must change your life, Peter Sloterdijk explores the practising nature of philosophy and predicts the return of the “immunological”. There is currently a growing demand for anthropotechnics able to strengthen our immune-symbolic system (i.e. mental and physical methods that protect us against uncertainty, anguish, and death). The anthropotechnics that are being practiced worldwide, such as Yoga or Mindfulness, come originally from Indian philosophies and not from ancient Greek or Roman philosophy. Despite the work of (...)
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  • Phainomena e explicação na Ética Eudêmia de Aristóteles.Raphael Zillig - 2014 - In Zillig Raphael (ed.), Conocimiento, ética y estética en la Filosofía Antigua: Actas del II Simposio Nacional de Filosofía Antigua. Asociación Argentina de Filosofía Antigua. pp. 330-336.
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  • El Parménides de Platón y la comprensión del Uno en la filosofía de Plotino: ¿un olvido de Heidegger?María Jesús Hermoso Félix - 2016 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 49:71-90.
    El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de la exégesis que lleva a cabo Plotino en torno a la significación de la inefabilidad del uno, planteada en el Parménides platónico al hilo de la primera hipótesis. Este ubica a este primer uno inefable en el centro mismo de su sistema, lo que tendrá fuertes implicaciones tanto a nivel ontológico como por lo que respecta a la comprensión del lenguaje. la concepción de la realidad que se deriva de esta inefabilidad (...)
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  • Tonneau percé, tonneau habité - Calliclès et Diogène : les leçons rivales de la nature.Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:149-178.
    Comme de nombreux penseurs antiques avant et après eux et contrairement à Socrate, Calliclès et Diogène ont déclaré avoir fondé leur éthique sur l’observation de la nature. Et pourtant, les deux discours normatifs qui sont tirés d’une nature que l’on pourrait a priori croire être la même sont on ne peut plus opposés. Calliclès croit que l’homme est appelé à dominer autrui ; Diogène pense plutôt qu’il doit se dominer lui-même ; le premier est un hédoniste débridé, le second croit (...)
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  • El asesoramiento filosófico: ¿una terapia?Xavier Carbonell - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):81-99.
    La Práctica Filosófica tiene lugar en el asesoramiento que realiza un filósofo con un cliente que le plantea un problema vital suyo. Este encuentro se realiza siempre mediante el diálogo. Sin embargo, este diálogo siempre está condicionado por unos presupuestos metafísicos del filósofo asesor porque, de hecho, estos condicionan toda acción del filósofo. En este dialogar conjunto, el cliente clarifica su relación con el entorno y le permite comprenderlo mejor. Esta comprensión genera en él un bienestar. El bienestar que gana (...)
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  • (1 other version)Littérature et connaissance.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):121-138.
    À partir d’une typologie des formes de connaissance, je soutiens qu’il y a trois formes principales de connaissance littéraire : cognitive propositionnelle, affective et pratique. La conception propositionnelle est erronée : la littérature ne fournit pas directement une forme de savoir que. La conception affective ou expressiviste peut au mieux dire qu’il y a des effets cognitifs des oeuvres littéraires. La conception pratique a le plus de chances d’être correcte, mais seulement si l’on accepte l’idée que le savoir pratique est (...)
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  • Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children1.Marie-France Daniel & Emmanuelle Auriac - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):415-435.
    For centuries, philosophy has been considered as an intellectual activity requiring complex cognitive skills and predispositions related to complex (or critical) thinking. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach aims at the development of critical thinking in pupils through philosophical dialogue. Some contest the introduction of P4C in the classroom, suggesting that the discussions it fosters are not philosophical in essence. In this text, we argue that P4C is philosophy.
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  • This is (Not) a Philosopher: On Educational Philosophy in an Age of Psychologisation.Nancy Vansieleghem - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (6):601-612.
    Nowadays there is a renewed interest in philosophy as art-of-living. Several prominent authors have pointed out the return of the notion of the good life in philosophy, particularly understood as a form of normative ethics. Questions such as: how should I live have been taken up as a resistance against the dominances of a neo-liberal discourse in all areas of life. This paper is concerned with this renewed interest in philosophy as art-of-living and the form of education that supports this. (...)
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  • The Debt of the Living: Ascesis and Capitalism.Elettra Stimilli & Roberto Esposito - 2016 - New York: SUNY Press. Translated by Arianna Bove.
    An analysis of theological and philosophical understandings of debt and its role in contemporary capitalism. Max Weber’s account of the rise of capitalism focused on his concept of a Protestant ethic, valuing diligence in earning and saving money but restraint in spending it. However, such individual restraint is foreign to contemporary understandings of finance, which treat ever-increasing consumption and debt as natural, almost essential, for maintaining the economic cycle of buying and selling. In The Debt of the Living, Elettra Stimilli (...)
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  • Institutions et questions morales contemporaines: Continuités, ruptures, enjeux.Lise Demailly, Frédérique Giuliani, Louis Levasseur & Christian Maroy (eds.) - 2023 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
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  • Moral Practice in Late Stoicism and Buddhist Meditation.Michael Goerger - unknown
    I argue in this essay that Stoic philosophers in the late Greco-Roman period utilized philosophical exercises and spiritual technologies similar in form to a meditative exercise currently practiced in Buddhism. I begin with an in-depth discussion of moral development in the late Stoa, focusing particularly on their theories of cosmopolitanism and oikeiōsis. These theoretical commitments, I argue, necessitated the adoption of exercises and practices designed to guide practitioners toward the goal of universal moral concern. Using insights gained from Buddhist practice, (...)
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  • Moods Between Intelligibility and Articulability. Re-Examining Heidegger’s and Hegel’s Accounts of Affective States.Lucian Ionel - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1587-1598.
    Moods are usually taken to be pre-intentional affective states that tune our experience and cognition. Moreover, moods are sometimes considered to not only accompany cognitive acts, but to be understanding phenomena themselves. The following paper examines the assumption that moods represent a specific interpretative skill. Based upon that view, the semantic content of moods seems to be self-determining and to elude conceptual articulation. By contrast, I defend the thesis that the alleged inarticulable intelligibility of affective experiences is possible only due (...)
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  • Czesław Miłosz, la liberté intérieure et la sottise.Kevin Mulligan - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (1):107.
    Kevin Mulligan | : La philosophie des valeurs cognitives, et des vertus et des vices intellectuels, prête peu d’attention au phénomène de la liberté intérieure et de son rapport à la sottise. On doit au poète et penseur polonais, Czesław Miłosz, une étude classique de ce rapport, La pensée captive (1953), examinée ici. Il est aussi question ici de l’apport d’une autre analyse de Miłosz au sujet du coeur de Julien Sorel et du ressentiment à la philosophie de la sottise. (...)
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  • Theoretical and methodological elements for integrating ethics as a foundation into the education of professional and design disciplines.Philippe D’Anjou - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):211-218.
    The paper addresses the integration of ethics into professional education related to the disciplines responsible for the conception and creation of the artificial (artefactual or technology). The ontological-epistemological paradigm of those disciplines is understood within the frame of the sciences of the artificial as established by Herbert Simon (1969). According to that paradigm, those sciences include disciplines not only related to the production of artefacts (technology), such as engineering, architecture, industrial design, etc, but also disciplines related to devised courses of (...)
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  • Man, God and the Apotheosis of Man in Greek and Arabic Commentaries to the Pythagorean Golden Verses.Anna Izdebska - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (1):40-64.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 40 - 64 This paper focuses on the four preserved commentaries to a Pythagorean poem known as the _Golden Verses_. It deals with two Greek texts—Iamblichus’ _Protrepticus_ and Hierocles’ _Commentary to the Golden Verses_—as well as two commentaries preserved in Arabic, attributed to Iamblichus and Proclus. The article analyses how each of these commentators understood the relationship between man and god in the context of the eschatological vision presented in the poem. It also (...)
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  • Cynicism as a way of life: From the Classical Cynic to a New Cynicism.Dennis Schutijser - 2017 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 1:33-54.
    In light of the recent revival of interest for philosophy as a way of life, Cynicism has received relatively little attention. Classical cynicism, however, is a particularly rich and valuable school in this respect, offering a philosophy that is before anything else a way of life, combining philosophical reflection, a value system, and a practice of living. The present article articulates classical Cynicism as a philosophy as a way of life along these lines. Additionally, classical Cynicism offers a valuable contribution (...)
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  • Le Monde de Michel Serres.Luc Abraham - 1997 - Horizons Philosophiques 8 (1).
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  • The virtue of solitude and the vicissitudes of friendship.Horst Hutter - 1999 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 2 (4):131-148.
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  • Pardon the Interruption.Paul Allen Miller - 2022 - Classical Antiquity 41 (1):51-66.
    The Timaeus is a muthos that attempts to imagine a logos of the cosmos. Like the demiurge, readers are to be mimetic artists, poets, who move constantly between the intelligible essences and their likenesses in the world of appearance, experience, and becoming, occupying a third register that is neither and both. The cosmology of the Timaeus is both a likely story and an allegory of its own failure. It takes place within the nonspace of the khōra, a realm accessible only (...)
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  • Review Symposium. [REVIEW]Jean-Louis Fabiani - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (1):107-111.
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  • Xavier Pavie, Exercices spirituels. Leçons de la philosophie antique et Jean-François Balaudé, Le savoir-vivre philosophique. Empédocle, Socrate, Platon.Daniel Desroches - 2014 - PhaenEx 9 (1):161-179.
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  • A Civic Alternative to Stoicism: The Ethics of Hellenistic Honorary Decrees.Benjamin Gray - 2018 - Classical Antiquity 37 (2):187-235.
    This article shows how the public inscriptions of Hellenistic poleis, especially decrees in honor of leading citizens, illuminate Greek ethical thinking, including wider debates about questions of central importance for Greek ethical philosophers. It does so by comparing decrees' rhetoric with the ethical language and doctrines of different ancient philosophical schools. Whereas some scholars identify ethical views comparable to Stoic ideas in Hellenistic decrees, this article argues that there are more significant overlaps, especially in decrees from Asia Minor dating to (...)
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  • Montaigne : une anthropologie des passions.Emiliano Ferrari - 2014 - Paris, France: Classiques Garnier.
    This is the first study dedicated to Montaigne's philosophy of the passions. It presents the wisdom of the Essays in a new light. Theoretically original, Montaigne’s anthropology of the passions has a great impact on modern philosophers as Descartes and Hobbes.
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  • (1 other version)Os dois sentidos da crítica nietzscheana: Sócrates como um caso exemplar.Ana Carolina da Costa E. Fonseca - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (1).
    Toma-se a crítica de Nietzsche a Sócrates como um caso exemplar que mostra os dois sentidos fundamentais da crítica nietzscheana: (i) a crítica nietzscheana consiste em censura e em elogio de modo dual, ou seja, censura e elogio são aspectos da crítica; e (ii) ao criticar alguém, Nietzsche está, igualmente, se autocriticando.
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  • Normative approaches and activism in global bioethics.Bert Gordijn & Henk ten Have - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):293-294.
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  • Changing one’s own feelings : a posteriori self-knowledge and emotions in Spinoza and Shaftesbury.Ursula Renz - 2012 - In .
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  • Presentacion.Ruperto Arrocha & David De los Reyes - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39).
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  • Pierre Hadot e os exercícios espirituais: a filosofia entre a ação e o discurso.Fábio Ferreira de Almeida - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (32):99.
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  • Dix fenêtres sur l'aventure humaine.André Baril - 2021 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Deviendrai-je le héros de ma propre vie ou ce rôle sera-t-il tenu par un autre? Cette question, inspirée de la littérature, nous interpelle : tout être humain doit trouver sa propre voie, sa manière personnelle de participer à l’aventure humaine. Or, aucun de nous n’est vraiment préparé à se lancer dans un tel périple. Nous n’avons pas choisi notre milieu familial et culturel. Notre corps est fragile, notre pensée faillible. Puis, la route sera parsemée d’embûches de toutes sortes : précipitation, (...)
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  • Paul and the Athens Epicureans: Between Polytheisms, Atheisms and Monotheisms.Renée Koch Piettre - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):47-60.
    The paradoxical affinities that research has managed to identify between the Epicurean philosophical ‘sect’ and the Christian sect in the early centuries of our era are recalled, then examined in detail in relation to the first document that attests to a specific encounter between the two sects, the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, which shows Paul discussing with the Athens Epicureans and Stoics, then recovers for us Paul’s speech before the Areopagus in Athens. It seems that Paul sets (...)
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  • Legitimidad y posibilidad del pensamiento: Sobre dos modos de lectura según Gilles Deleuze.Germán Osvaldo Prósperi - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (57).
    En la famosa “Lettre à un critique sévère”, Gilles Deleuze sugiere que existen dos maneras de leer un libro: una que supone un proceso de interpretación y comentario y otra que supone un proceso de experimentación y devenir. En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar que la primera modalidad de lectura es característica de la filosofía entendida como especialización, mientras que la segunda es característica de la filosofía entendida como experimentación. Asimismo, mostraremos que la primera modalidad obedece a un impulso retrospectivo (...)
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  • Scepticisme et cynisme dans l’oeuvre de Pierre de Valence.John Laursen - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (1):187-206.
    This article explores the work of Pedro de Valencia (1555-1620) with the purpose of establishing his philosophical allegiances. On the basis of his only published work, theAcademicaof 1596, widely circulated and translated into French twice in the eighteenth century, some authors have assumed that he was an Academic skeptic. On the basis of his translations of Dio Chrysostome and Epictetus and other manuscripts in imitation of the literature of retirement of Greek cynicism, others have taken him for a cynic. Placing (...)
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  • Philosophie comme manière de vivre et exercices spirituels.Angelos Georgiou - 2014 - Ithaque 14:67-91.
    Étudier la philosophie antique exige une réflexion sur la conception même de la philosophie. Les travaux de Pierre Hadot montrent avec une lumière nouvelle la distance qui sépare la conception moderne de la philosophie de ses origines antiques. Sans prétendre saisir tous ses aspects et toutes ses implications philosophiques, ce qui est ici proposé est une initiation à la conception de la philosophie entendue comme manière de vivre, telle que développée par Hadot. Il s’agit d’explorer quelques principes et notions fondamentales (...)
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