- Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):1-14.details
Mate selection: Economics and affection.Kim Wallen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):37-38.details
The psychology of human mate preferences.Donald Symons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):34-35.details
Intersocietal variation in the mate preferences of males and females.Norval D. Glenn - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-23.details
Missing link in mate preference studies: Reproduction.Brian A. Gladue - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-21.details
Homo sapiens: A good fit to theory, but posing some enigmas.Janet L. Leonard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):26-27.details
Mating preferences surveys: Ethnographic follow-up would be a good next step.William Irons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):24-24.details
The sociobiology of human mate preference: On testing evolutionary hypotheses.Nadav Nur - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):28-29.details
Darwinism versus neo-Darwinism in the study of human mate preferences.Michael T. Ghiselin - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):20-20.details
Mating behavior: Moves of mind or molecules?Helmuth Nyborg & Charlotte Boeggild - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):29-30.details
In defense of Bacon.Alan Soble - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (2):192-215.details
Gender, Metaphor, and the Definition of Economics.Julie A. Nelson - 1992 - Economics and Philosophy 8 (1):103-125.details
From Aperspectival Objectivity to Strong Objectivity: The Quest for Moral Objectivity.Jennifer Tannoch-Bland - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (1):155 - 178.details
Toward an evolutionary psychology of human mating.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):39-49.details
Mechanisms matter: The difference between socioblology and evolutionary psychology.Linnda R. Caporael - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):17-18.details
The innate versus the manifest: How universal does universal have to be?John Tooby & Leda Cosmides - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):36-37.details
The Feminist Production of Knowledge: Is Deconstruction a Practice for Women?Kate Nash - 1994 - Feminist Review 47 (1):65-77.details
Behavior depends on context.Robert W. Smuts - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):33-34.details
Corporeal Archetypes and Power: Preliminary Clarifications and Considerations of Sex.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):39 - 76.details
Sex, wealth, and productivity: The neo-Darwinian way.C. J. Barnard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):14-15.details
Diversity: A historical/comparative perspective.Ray H. Bixler - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):15-16.details
Typology and human mating preferences.Gerald Borgia - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):16-17.details
Deep Ecological Science.Steve Breyman - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):325-332.details
Sex differences in life histories: The role of sexual selection and mate choice.Charles Crawford - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):18-18.details
Aggregates, averages, and behavioral plasticity.Mildred Dickemann - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):18-19.details
Spouse preference shifts with age.Susan M. Essock - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):19-20.details
Authority in Transformation.Elisabeth Gulbrandsen & Lena Trojer - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (2):131-147.details
Too many P's in the pod.John Hartung - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):23-23.details
Time to integrate sociobiology and social psychology.Douglas T. Kenrick & Richard C. Keefe - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):24-26.details
Another intriguing data bank for use in testing culture-related hypotheses.Walter J. Lonner - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):27-28.details
Some psychoanalytic considerations.Daniel Rancour-Laferriere - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):30-30.details
Preference for mates: Cultural choice or natural desire?David C. Rowe - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):30-31.details
Epigenesis and social preference.J. Philippe Rushton - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):31-32.details
Homo sociobiologicus not found.R. J. H. Russell & J. Bartrip - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):32-33.details
Characteristics of female desirability: Facultative standards of beauty.Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):35-36.details
Mate preference is not mate selection.Ada Zohar & Ruth Guttman - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):38-39.details
Between “truth” and “difference”: Poststructuralism, law and the power of feminism. [REVIEW]Ralph Sandland - 1995 - Feminist Legal Studies 3 (1):3-47.details
The storied nature of agriculture and evaluation: A conversation. [REVIEW]Yvonna S. Lincoln, Laurie G. Thorp & Craig Russon - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):267-276.details