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Vorlesungen über die geschichte der philosophie

Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Hoffmeister, Johannes & [From Old Catalog] (1833)

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  1. De la vida histórica: Auge y aporías del historicismo decimonónico.Jethro Masís - 2009 - Konvergencias (21):208-250.
    This study deals with the philosophical problems of historical conscience which arose in conjunction with the wake of 19th century Historicism, whose aim was to do away with the metaphysical presuppositions of German Idealism. The heyday of the historicist movement will be dealt with as well as its vacillating contradictions (its metaphysics).
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  • Nishida and Plotinus.Ritsuko Okano - 2015 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9 (1):1-26.
    Kitarō Nishida is the most important and representative philosopher in modern Japan, who now attracts increasing attention internationally. He endeavored to give a logical foundation to the Eastern way of thinking through his confrontation with Western philosophers. The aim of this paper is to recover the modern and intercultural significance of Plotinus’ philosophy in the light of Nishida’s philosophy. Nishida refers to Plotinus repeatedly, expressing his deep empathy, though his philosophy, which professes itself to be highly critical, is not mysticism. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Suočenje zdravoga razuma i kritičkoga uma po Göttingenskoj recenziji Kritike čistoga uma.Ljudevit Fran Ježić - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (2):299-316.
    Sažetak Da postoji neka malena recenzija čuvene „Kritike čistoga uma“, na koju se Kant osjećao primoran tako odgovoriti da se od početka do kraja svojih „Prolegomena za svaku buduću metafiziku“ stalno s njome razračunava, moglo bi biti poznato boljiim poznavaocima Kantovih spisa, no bit će manje poznato da je ta recenzija – Göttingenska recenzija – ujedno dala povoda da se Kant javno postavi nasuprot onodobnoj filozofiji s kojom je njegova u više važnih pogleda bila srodna, naime škotskoj filozofiji zdravoga razuma. (...)
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  • La bellezza nella sparizione.Paulo Barone - 2022 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 18.
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  • Acheloios, Thales, and the Origin of Philosophy: A Response to the Neo-Marxians.Nicholas J. Molinari - 2022 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    This book presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios, a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life, was the most important cultic deity influencing the thinker, profoundly shaping his philosophical worldview. In doing so, it also weighs in on the metaphysical and epistemological dichotomy that seemingly underlies all academia—the antithesis of the methodological postulate of Marxian dialectical materialism vis-à-vis the Platonic idea of fundamentally real transcendental forms. (...)
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  • Seyn, ἕν, 道: Brevis tractatus meta-ontologicus de elephantis et testudinibus.Florian Marion - 2022 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (1):1-51.
    The question of ontological foundation has undergone a noteworthy revival in recent years: metaphysicians today quarrel about how exactly to understand the asymmetrical and hyperintensional relationship of grounding. One of the reasons for this revival is that the old quantificationalist meta-ontology inherited from Quine has been effectively criticised by leading philosophers favourable to a meta-ontology, the aim of which is to come to know “which facts/items ground (constitute the base of) which other facts/items”, thus to examine the relation of ontological (...)
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  • La intuición en la filosofía de Arthur Schopenhauer.Clara Zimmermann - 2021 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 137:6-29.
    In the present work, we will analyze the concept of intuition mainly in relation to the epistemological and the metaphysical theses of Schopenhauerian theory. In the first section, we will discuss the central axes of Schopenhauer’s metaphysical system, especially regarding the concept of will (Wille) and the relationship that this entails with his theory of knowledge. Then, we will examine the difference that the German philosopher establishes between representative —or mediated— rational knowledge and direct —or immediate— intuitive knowledge. Likewise, we (...)
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  • The (Meta)politics of Thinking: On Arendt and the Greeks.Jussi Backman - 2021 - In Kristian Larsen & Pål Rykkja Gilbert (eds.), Phenomenological Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy. Boston: BRILL. pp. 260-282.
    In this chapter, Jussi Backman approaches Hannah Arendt’s readings of ancient philosophy by setting out from her perspective on the intellectual, political, and moral crisis characterizing Western societies in the twentieth century, a crisis to which the rise of totalitarianism bears witness. To Arendt, the political catastrophes haunting the twentieth century have roots in a tradition of political philosophy reaching back to the Greek beginnings of philosophy. Two principal features of Arendt’s exchange with the ancients are highlighted. The first is (...)
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  • La Filosofía de la Historia de Hegel vista por Boaventura de Sousa.José Morales Fabero - 2019 - Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 86:137-166.
    Resumen Hegel se aleja de la idea propia de la Ilustración sobre el progreso e introduce una concepción teleológica acerca de la historia a nivel mundial. En ese sentido, el pensamiento ilustrado abogaba por el futuro desde la idea del progreso, mientras que el Romanticismo trataba de comprender el pasado a través de una mirada histórica donde Oriente se consideraba como la niñez de la humanidad. Por lo tanto, se entendía como un pueblo con un elevado despotismo y una ausencia (...)
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  • Sisäisyys ja suunnistautuminen. Inwardness and orientation. A Festchrift to Jussi Kotkavirta.Arto Laitinen, Jussi Saarinen, Heikki Ikäheimo, Pessi Lyyra & Petteri Niemi (eds.) - 2014 - SoPhi.
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  • Proč se hovoří o panteismu v renesanční filosofii?Tomáš Nejeschleba - 2018 - Pro-Fil 19 (1):2.
    Článek se zabývá pojmem panteismus v období renesance. Ačkoli termín panteismus se objevil až na konci 17. století a později v kontextu tzv. “Pantheismusstreit”, za předchůdce moderního panteistického myšlení byl označen renesanční filosof Giordano Bruno. Následně i Mikuláš Kusánský, a to jakožto pokračovatel myšlení Mistra Eckharta, začal být považován za panteistu. Jak Kusánský, tak Bruno v určitém smyslu obhajovali imanenci božského ve světě, avšak zároveň oba zdůrazňovali rozdíl mezi Bohem a přírodou a připisovali Bohu transcendenci nebo přinejmenším transcendentální aspekty. Toto (...)
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  • Zur Logik der Sprache: Hölderlin und Hegel.Johann Kreuzer - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (3):358-381.
    This paper “on the logics of language” discusses the fundamental role which the reality of language plays in the thinking of Hölderlin as well as in Hegel. Common to both is the emphasis on the ‘Wirklichkeit der Sprache’ – in the double sense of this phrase: the reality language is, and the reality language has. At the same time there is, of course, the great difference that for Hegel the logic of language fulfils itself in the ‘work of the concept(s)’ (...)
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  • The Practical Reformer: On Husserl’s Socrates.Daniele De Santis - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (2):131-148.
    The present essay offers a first, systematic reconstruction of Husserl’s understanding of Socrates’ philosophical position in the Ideengeschichte with a special focus on the Socratic method. Our goal is twofold. On the one hand, we aim to provide a clear presentation of the way in which Husserl himself conceives of the “beginning” of Western philosophy by tackling the specifically Socratic contribution to it. On the other hand, we will clarify in what sense, and to what extent, the assessment of Husserl’s (...)
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  • Wilhelm Windelband: The History of Philosophy as Organon and as Integral part of Philosophy.Sergii Secundant - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (2):62-92.
    The article analyzes Wilhelm Windelband’s views on the problem of the relation of philosophy to its history. Windelband’s essay “History of philosophy” (1905) is put as a starting point. The main motive for this research is the idea that the history of philosophy is an organon and a component of philosophy. The article critically examines Windelband’s interpretation of (1) Hegel’s conception of the history of philosophy, (2) the question about the grounds of philosophers’ interest in the history of philosophy, (3) (...)
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  • Observaciones a la concepción hegeliana de “alma bella” y la constitución de las subjetividades en Hesperus, de Jean Paul Richter.Carlos Alfaro - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):46-65.
    Hegel afirma que la perspectiva del “alma bella” es sostenida por seguidores de Fichte que confunden el Yo absoluto con el yo psicofísico. Estos pensadores y literatos son reconocidos como miembros del Romanticismo alemán. Curiosamente, Hegel no menciona la obra de Jean Paul Richter entre estos casos. Jean Paul sostiene la identificación entre el Yo absoluto fichteano y la conciencia individual. Además, el autor de Hesperus define a los personajes principales de su novela como “almas bellas” y les atribuye cualidades (...)
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  • Penser les Balkans aujourd'hui : l’orientalisme, le balkanisme, et la question de la modernité.Vladimir Milisavljevic - 2009 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2):249-271.
    This paper aims at investigating the positions of the Balkans in our contemporary world in its continuous change – for instance the rapid Europeanization for the protection of a common inheritance of Balkan countries. Moreover, this historical heritage is sometimes presented as a simple burden that should be overcome: the name Balkan has negative connotations, being associated with violence or primitivism. The criticism of this type of derogatory discourse called « Balkanism » is built on the deconstruction of Orientalism as (...)
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  • Tautologien und Trivialitäten? Logische Methoden in der Philosophie.Fabian Neuhaus, Uwe Scheffler & Yaroslav Shramko - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (3):412 - 430.
    Logiker würden doch nur Tautologien und Trivialitäten produzieren. Mit dieser Kritik werden Logiker an philosophischen Instituten oft konfrontiert. Es wird ebenfalls eingewendet, daß mathematische Methoden in der Philosophie unangemessen seien, daß man durch die Verwendung dieser Methoden auf eine bestimmte philosophische Position festgelegt sei und daß der philosophische Gewinn den mit einem logischen Apparat verbundenen Aufwand nicht rechtfertige. In der Arbeit wird dargelegt, inwieweit diese vier Vorwürfe berechtigt sind und inwieweit sie auf Mißver- ständnissen beruhen. Dazu werden folgende Fragen beantwortet: (...)
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  • The Subject’s New Clothes: Immanent Transcendence and the Moral Self in the Modern Confucian Discourses.Jana S. Rošker - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (4):346-362.
    In Modern Confucian philosophy the notion of the moral Self which is expressed through the natural moral substance represents both the foundation of each individual and the core of the universal reason. The indivisibility of the moral Self from its concrete activities within the social sphere differs in many various aspects from prevailing Western political and philosophical theories that are based on the separation of the empirical and transcendent subject. Hence, this holistic special feature of the moral Self is closely (...)
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  • On the Possibility of Mystery. Philosophy and Esotericism.Ioan Alexandru Tofan - 2009 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2):368-385.
    The aim of the present article is to show that the relation esoteric-exoteric is intrinsec to philosophy. For Hegel, mistery and esoterism are categories related to the finite and so, with the incomplete reflection of the spirit in himself. The speculative philosophy is oriented towards the ideal of complete revelation of the object and so, towards an intrinsec exoteric character of philosophical reflection.
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  • The Link between the Shape of the Spirit Known as “Beautiful Soul” and the “Bad Infinite” in the Philosophy of Hegel.Carlos Víctor Alfaro - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 30:158-181.
    Resumen: Varios comentaristas han sostenido que la ontología de la concepción hegeliana de “alma bella” se funda en la determinación conocida como “mal infinito”, desarrollada en la Doctrina del Ser. En correlación con lo antedicho, comentaristas como Paha, Hinchman, Solomon y Harris sostienen que Hegel pensaba en el sistema filosófico fichteano al momento de desarrollar su concepción de “alma bella”. Sin embargo, esta hipótesis de lectura adolece de algunas falencias que serán desarrolladas a continuación. En primer lugar, es necesario realizar (...)
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  • Tradition, Culture, and the Problem of Inclusion in Philosophy.Justin E. H. Smith - unknown
    Many today agree that philosophy, as an academic discipline, must, for the sake of its very survival, become more inclusive of a wider range of perspectives, coming from a more diverse pool of philosophers. Yet there has been little serious reflection on how our very idea of what philosophy is might be preventing this change from taking place. In this essay I would like to consider the ways in which our ideas about philosophy's relation to tradition, and its relation to (...)
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  • Modernization of Confucian ontology in Taiwan and mainland China.Jana S. Rošker - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (2):160-176.
    The present paper compares three models of modernized Confucian Ontology. The philosophers under debate belong to the most important, well-known and influential theoreticians in modern Taiwan and mainland China respectively. Through a contrastive analysis, the paper aims to critically introduce three alternative models of ontology, which have been developed from the Chinese philosophical tradition by the most well-known Taiwanese philosopher Mou Zongsan and by two most influential mainland Chinese theoreticians, Li Zehou and Chen Lai respectively. In this paper, I will (...)
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  • Stankevič and Hegel’s arrival in Russia.Victoria Frede - 2013 - Studies in East European Thought 65 (3-4):159-174.
    When Russia’s “Westernizers,” Nikolai Stankevič, Vissarion Belinskij, and Mikhail Bakunin first encountered Hegel’s ideas in the 1830s, they gravitated toward a conservative interpretation, centering on the proposition that the “rational is real.” This article studies the preconditions for that interpretation, demonstrating that it was grounded in the writings of the late Hegel and of the circle of adepts who popularized his ideas and writings immediately after his death. These adepts later came to be known as Center and Right Hegelians. They (...)
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  • The Third Age: Reflections on Our Hidden Material Core.Lenart Škof - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):83-94.
    This paper deals with the concept of three eras, as brought to us firstly in the Babylonian Talmud, and later reshaped and reformulated by Christian theologians Joachim of Fiore, Amalric of Bène, and finally by Luce Irigaray. In the first part, we start with the idea of the three eras. This is followed by a critical approach to Sloterdijk’s You must change your life in which religion is substituted by the anthropotechnics. We argue that even in these secular times, the (...)
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  • From the Introduction to Philosophy. Presented in Munich, most recently in 1836.Alexei Patkul - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):239-283.
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  • On the origin and foundation of the concept "The Person" metaphysical realism or interpersonal recognition?Karl-Heinz Nusser - 2008 - Sapientia 64 (224):51-64.
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  • Aquinas' transcendences to Aristotle in the doctrine of essence.Dezhi Duan - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (4):572-582.
    Aquinas’ philosophy is revolutionary, especially his doctrine of essence within the context of natural philosophy has transcended that of Aristotle. The principal distinctions between the doctrines of Aquinas and Aristotle are demonstrated in four layers which are entity-nature, compositeness, particularity and potentiality of essence. Aquinas not only overturns and reforms the Western traditional view of essence, but also constructs a prominent “joint” connecting essentialism to existentialism in Western philosophy.
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  • La Concepción hegeliana de la realidad efectiva Y la crítica de la metafísica.Andrés Felipe Parra Ayala - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 36:223-255.
    RESUMEN Este artículo presenta una reconstrucción argumentativa del primer capítulo de la tercera sección de la Doctrina de la Esencia de la Ciencia de la Lógica de Hegel, el cual lleva como título "Lo Absoluto". Su hipótesis es que la critica de la metafísica contenida en este capítulo no solo aboga por una ontología relacional del proceso, sino que también establece implícitamente una distinción entre una teoría de lo absoluto de primer orden y una de segundo orden. La teoría de (...)
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  • Piotra Chojnackiego teoria eklektycznej filozofii przyrody.Zenon E. Roskal - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):171-197.
    The article analyzes the theory of philosophy of nature presented by Piotr Chojnacki. This concept was an important component of the Leuven (neo)Thomism, developed also in the Polish Thomistic philosophical milieu, which since the beginning of the 20th century has been in crisis. I argue that the cause of this crisis was the eclectic nature of the Leuven Thomism as it was developed by Piotr Chojnacki. Although in contemporary philosophy eclecticism is being rehabilitated, due to the dominant scientism and naturalism, (...)
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  • Schelling y las tres Epochen del proceso de autodeterminación del absoluto en el System de 1800.Alejandro Rojas Jiménez - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 86:85-99.
    Estudio sobre las tres Epochen que distingue Schelling del autodesarrollo de la autoconciencia en el System des transzendentalen idealismus de 1800, poniéndolas en relación con su biografía personal y su periodo de formación filosófica. El objetivo es mostrar en qué sentido Schelling defiende en el System que es justamente en el esfuerzo por querer saber del filósofo que el absoluto acaba por tomar conciencia de sí mismo, no pues tanto en el concepto objetivo, sino en el querer saber y querer (...)
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  • The aesthetic realism of Mikhail Lifshits: art, history and the communist ideal.Andrey Maidansky - 2016 - Studies in East European Thought 68 (4):255-270.
    The aesthetics of Mikhail Lifshits may be characterised as a quest for pravda in art. The article discusses his assessment of the fate of art in the communist revolution and his view on revolution through the prism of classical art. Pondering the metaphysical foundations of his realist aesthetics, Lifshits offered a naturalistic version of the theory of reflection based on the contradistinction of “big” and “small” being.
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  • Sombras de la shöne Seele hegeliana en el Epipsychidion.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2020 - Endoxa 45:77.
    El Espíritu es enteramente individual y activo, no una abstracción de la naturaleza humana, y absolutamente vivo, una conciencia cuya existencia consiste en tenerse a sí misma por objeto -pontifica Hegel-, que se hace una determinada representación esencial de sí, en gemación como alma, latente inmaterialidad de la materia, vida psíquica difusiva en progreso desde el estado de conciencia oscura que transluce la sensación al imperio unilateral de exacerbados sentimientos de sí, estigmas de desorden en el despliegue del Espíritu, inadaptado (...)
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  • El dualismo cartesiano Y su relación con la nueva medicina a la Luz de su correspondencia.Alejandro Rojas Jiménez & Pedro J. Chamizo Domínguez - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (143):239-256.
    RESUMEN A pesar de que la reducción de R. Descartes de los animales a meras máquinas puede explicarse como una consecuencia lógica de su punto de partida metafísico y gnoseológico, se puede argüir que esta reducción parece muy difícil de defender, puesto que se nos antoja contradictoria con nuestra experiencia cotidiana. Por otra parte, uno de los propósitos de la filosofía de Descartes es la “conservación de la salud”, que puede conseguirse mediante el establecimiento de una medicina “fundada en demostraciones (...)
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  • Arte, superstição e “filosofia” no Renascimento.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 27 (42):895.
    As reflexões deste artigo têm como objetivo principal mostrar que, à diferença do que se pensa habitualmente, o período do Renascimento foi marcado por uma atmosfera de magia, de superstição, de medo e angústia em face do destino e da morte. Trata-se, pois, de um período em que floresceram, ou refloresceram, as letras e as artes, mas não propriamente a ciência e a filosofia. Na verdade, a própria ciência e o que se poderia denominar filosofia — representada principalmente por duas (...)
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  • The Rebirth of Descartes : The Nineteenth-Century Reinstatement of Cartesian Metaphysics in France and Germany. Zijlstra, Christiaan Peter - unknown
    Although the name of René Descartes (1596-1650) is familiar to anyone with the slightest affinity of philosophy and his ideas have become a commonplace to philosophers, it is not generally known, even amongst histiorians of philosophy, that his fame is actually the result of his revival in the nineteenth century. This thesis explains the historical and systematical reasons for the reinstatement of Descartes in France and Germany. It encounters psychological, religious and epistemological motives for the reinstatement of the ‘father of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Über die Gegenüberstellung des gemeinen Menschenverstandes und der kritischen Vernunft nach der Göttinger Rezension der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Ljudevit Fran Ježić - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (2):299-316.
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  • JG Fichte: l'affermazione dell'Assoluto.Daniel Gamarra - 1994 - Acta Philosophica 3 (2).
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