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Was heisst denken?

de Gruyter (1984)

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  1. Ricoeur’s Transcendental Concern: A Hermeneutics of Discourse.William D. Melaney - 1971 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Dordrecht,: Springer. pp. 495-513.
    This paper argues that Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical philosophy attempts to reopen the question of human transcendence in contemporary terms. While his conception of language as self-transcending is deeply Husserlian, Ricoeur also responds to the analytical challenge when he deploys a basic distinction in Fregean logic in order to clarify Heidegger’s phenomenology of world. Ricoeur’s commitment to a transcendental view is evident in his conception of narrative, which enables him to emphasize the role of the performative in literary reading. The meaning (...)
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  • Heideggerian Epistemology as a Source of Kuhn's Concept of the Growth of Knowledge.Rinat Nugayev & Tanzilia Burganova - 2016 - Italian Science Review 1 (34):156-167.
    The claim that we want to put forward is that Thomas Kuhn ’s growth of knowledge concept is drawn upon Heidegger’s epistemology. To bolster the tenet the corresponding works of both thinkers are considered. As a result, the one-to-one correspondence between the key propositions of Heideggerian epistemology and the basic tenets of Kuhn ’s growth of knowledge model is dawned. The tenets under consideration include the holistic nature of a paradigm, the incommensurability thesis, conventional status of a paradigm caused by (...)
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  • Four Things and Two Practices: Rethinking Heidegger Ex Oriente Lux.John Maraldo - 2012 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 4 (1):53-74.
    This article re-orients Heidegger's analyses of things to cast light on two distinct ways of relating to things, one at the root of technological use and the other crucial to artistic creation. The first way, which we may call instrumental practice, denotes the activity of using something to accomplish some goal or objective. This practice underlies the analysis of use-things [Zeuge] that Heidegger presents in Being and Time. Heidegger's contribution there is twofold: to show how understanding things as zuhanden, there (...)
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  • The Limits of Conceptual Thinking.Rudolf Bernet - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (3):219-241.
    Philosophers have thought more about the nature of thinking than about anything else. After Plato and Aristotle, philosophers’ main concern was to promote good, that is, correct, thinking. Because correct thinking was achieved best in propositional statements, thinking became a matter of logic, and logic became a discipline dealing with the formulation of true predicative sentences.In the twentieth century, many philosophers expressed their dissatisfaction with this view. Some, such as Heidegger, have pointed to the ontological presuppositions of a logic that (...)
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  • Social Representations Theory: A Progressive Research Programme for Social Psychology.Martin W. Bauer & George Gaskell - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):335-353.
    The study “Psychoanalysis—its image and its public” intimates that common sense is increasingly informed by science. But common sense asserts its autonomy and, in turn, may affect the trajectory of science. This is a process that leads to many differentiations—in common sense, in scientific innovation and in political and regulatory structures. Bauer and Gaskell's toblerone model of triangles of mediation provided a distillation of their reading of “La Psychanalyse.” Here it was argued that representations are multi-modal phenomena necessitating the use (...)
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  • Science as instrumental reason: Heidegger, Habermas, Heisenberg. [REVIEW]Cathryn Carson - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (4):483-509.
    In modern continental thought, natural science is widely portrayed as an exclusively instrumental mode of reason. The breadth of this consensus has partly preempted the question of how it came to persuade. The process of persuasion, as it played out in Germany, can be explored by reconstructing the intellectual exchanges among three twentieth-century theorists of science, Heidegger, Habermas, and Werner Heisenberg. Taking an iconic Heisenberg as a kind of limiting case of “the scientist,” Heidegger and Habermas each found themselves driven (...)
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  • (1 other version)Notes on Heidegger's authoritarian pedagogy.Thomas E. Peterson - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):599–623.
    To examine Heidegger's pedagogy is to be invited into a particular era and cultural reality—starting in Weimar Germany and progressing into the rise and fall of the Third Reich. In his attempt to reform the German university in a strictly hierarchical, authoritarian and nationalistic mold, Heidegger addressed one group of students and professors and not another. The petit‐bourgeois student and the future philosophers he invited with his ‘logic of recruitment’ into the corps of instructors, would share his coded language with (...)
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  • Olemisen ainutkertaisuudesta ainutkertaisuuden politiikkaan: Parmenides, Heidegger, Nancy.Jussi M. Backman - 2013 - Tiede Ja Edistys 38 (2):108-124.
    Kirjoitus tarkastelee Martin Heideggerin myöhäisajattelussa esiin nousevaa olemisen ainutkertaisuuden (Einzigkeit, Einmaligkeit) teemaa ja sen edelleenkehittelyä Jean-Luc Nancyn ajattelussa. Teeman osoitetaan kytkeytyvän Heideggerin välienselvittelyyn filosofian esisokraattisen alun, erityisesti Parmenideen ajattelun kanssa. Parmenides ajattelee olemista kaikkia yksittäisiä ilmentymiään, "kuolevaisten" äärellisiä "näkemyksiä" (doksai) yhdistävänä absoluuttisen homogeenisena ja itseidenttisenä ilmeisyytenä (alētheia), todellisuuden puhtaana läsnäolona ajattelulle. Tätä vasten Heidegger ajattelee olemisen nimenomaan yksittäisten ilmentymiensä kontekstuaalisena ainutkertaisuutena, mielekkyystilanteiden ainutkertaistavana kontekstualisoitumisena. Nancy jatkaa ajatusta kuvailemalla olemista "ainutkertaiseksi-monikolliseksi" (singulier pluriel), mutta täydentää Heideggerin ajatteluun tunnetusti jäänyttä aukkoa soveltamalla ajatusta (...)
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  • Образованието като философска тема. Гадамер за образованието.Vasil Penchev - 2004 - In Витан Стефанов, Алекси Апостолов, Тодор Тодоров & Николина Сретенова (eds.), КУЛТУРА. ФИЛОСОФИЯ. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. pp. 59-66.
    The text discusses philosophy of education from Gadamer's and Heidegger's point of view. Education undeceives people and humanity in accordance with their essence and nature in openness of progress. Education conceals the human being from and Ьу means of the truth in nature. lt is exhiblted the connection with the worldwiews of Platon, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and Dewey.
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  • Metafysiikan uskonnollinen loppu? Meillassoux ja fideismi.Jussi M. Backman - 2019 - Tiede Ja Edistys 44 (3):179-198.
    Artikkeli käy läpi Quentin Meillassoux’n Äärellisyyden jälkeen -teoksessa esittelemiä spekulatiivisen materialismin lähtökohtia: ajatuksen Kantin jälkeistä filosofiasta hallinneesta korrelationismista ja sen ”heikosta” ja ”vahvasta” muodosta sekä Meillassoux’n perusargumentin, jolla hän pyrkii osoittamaan vahvan korrelationismin pyrkimyksen absoluuttisista viitepiisteistä luopumiseen sisäisesti ristiriitaiseksi. Tarkastelun pääpaino on Meillassoux’n väitteessä, että ajattelun riisuminen kaikista absoluuttisista näkökohdista johtaa vahvan korrelationismin omaksumaan ”fideistisen”, uskon ja järjen erillisyyttä ja keskinäistä riippumattomuutta korostavan suhtautumisen uskonnolliseen uskoon. Tällainen fideismi voi Meillassoux’n mukaan suojella tai jopa palvella ”nykypäivän fanatismia”. Artikkeli esittää joukon kriittisiä (...)
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  • La Filosofía como descarga de la sobrecarga de innovación.José Antonio Marín-Casanova - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1):27-45.
    Resumen: Se ensaya la tesis de que no habiendo innovación sin tradición, la filosofía opera en un espacio en tensión entre estos dos polos. Se comienza trazando un recorrido por las distintas precomprensiones de la naturaleza y el conocimiento en la Antigüedad y en la Modernidad como esquemas del contraste entre tradición e innovación; a continuación, se acude a Ortega y Gasset y a Heidegger para precisar en qué consiste la innovación en filosofía y para explicitar su conexión con y (...)
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  • The Heideggerian approach on the inapparence in the Zähringen Seminar: “Diese Phänomenologie ist eine Phänomenologie des Unscheinbaren”.Hernán Inverso - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 39:75-92.
    Resumen Numerosas derivas de la fenomenología contemporánea, especialmente francesa, tematizaron fenómenos con excedencia que desafían la estructura husserliana de correlación intencional e impronta epistémica del polo subjetivo. La filosofía heideggeriana se pregunta sobre la facticidad y sus fundamentos, arribando al terreno en que el fenómeno se sustrae y resulta, por ello, inaparente, pero a la vez fundante de todo el ámbito del aparecer. En el presente trabajo estudiaremos en primer lugar el marco en que la filosofía de Heidegger tematiza la (...)
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  • Tales of Research Misconduct: A Lacanian Diagnostics of Integrity Challenges in Science Novels.Hub Zwart - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This monograph contributes to the scientific misconduct debate from an oblique perspective, by analysing seven novels devoted to this issue, namely: Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis (1925), The affair by C.P. Snow (1960), Cantor’s Dilemma by Carl Djerassi (1989), Perlmann’s Silence by Pascal Mercier (1995), Intuition by Allegra Goodman (2006), Solar by Ian McEwan (2010) and Derailment by Diederik Stapel (2012). Scientific misconduct, i.e. fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, but also other questionable research practices, have become a focus of concern for academic communities (...)
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  • Sócrates: gesto y palabra política.Gustavo Gómez Pérez - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (69):173-194.
    The main thesis of this paper is that for Socrates political virtue is accomplished exclusively in the sphere of pure language or gesture. The argument consists of three parts. First, following on from the lectures entitled What is Called Thinking?, I examine Heidegger’s interpretation of the figure of Socrates in relation to the themes of language and gesture. Following on from this analysis, I remark that Heidegger overlooks important aspects of Socrates’ understanding of the relation between political virtue and speech. (...)
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  • A Religious End of Metaphysics? Heidegger, Meillassoux and the Question of Fideism.Jussi Backman - 2016 - In Antonio Cimino & Gert-Jan van der Heiden (eds.), Rethinking Faith: Heidegger between Nietzsche and Wittgenstein. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-62.
    The paper analyzes Quentin Meillassoux’s conception of the fideistic approach to religious faith intrinsic to the “strong correlationism” that he considers pervasive in contemporary thought. Backman presents the basic elements of Meillassoux’s speculative materialism and especially the thesis according to which strong correlationism involves a “fideistic” approach to religiosity. In doing so, Backman critically examines Meillassoux’s notions of post-metaphysical faith, religious absolutes, and contemporary fanaticism, especially against the background of Heidegger’s philosophy. According to Backman, Meillassoux’s logical and conceptual critique of (...)
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  • How is the arrival of things possible?Hua’nan Gong - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (3):389-408.
    Ancient Chinese thought inquired primarily into how the achievement of things is possible rather than into what a thing as a thing is. It held that man should participate in the achieving or generation of things in order to realize his self-achievement. A thing is understood as an event. Because all things and man are united as one, it is possible for man to enter into things by tasting and feeling rather than by relying on the sense of sight. This (...)
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  • (1 other version)Zu einer hermeneutik naturwissenschaftlicher entdeckung.Theodore Kisiel - 1971 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 2 (2):195-221.
    A revisionist movement in Anglo-Saxon philosophy of science seeking to modulate the positivistic stress on formalized systems and to consider science as ongoing research in finite historical context strikes resonances with hermeneutical phenomenology , whose ontology likewise shifts the locus of truth from verification to discovery. Fusion of the two traditions is utilized to illuminate hitherto relatively unexplored facets of the logic and psychology of scientific discovery, as well as its ontology, here developed from the intentional intertwining of man and (...)
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  • Merleau-Ponty and the art of perception.Duane Davis (ed.) - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Philosophers and artists consider the relevance of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy for understanding art and aesthetic experience. This collection of essays brings together diverse but interrelated perspectives on art and perception based on the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Although Merleau-Ponty focused almost exclusively on painting in his writings on aesthetics, this collection also considers poetry, literary works, theater, and relationships between art and science. In addition to philosophers, the contributors include a painter, a photographer, a musicologist, and an architect. This widened (...)
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  • Acerca de la frase de Heidegger “La ciencia no piensa”.Gaston Giribet - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):47-64.
    En una de sus lecciones en Friburgo, hacia fines de 1951, Martin Heidegger pronunció una frase llamada a ser fuente de controversias y de exégesis inacabables: «La ciencia no piensa». La lección en la que aparece su frase provocadora se publicaría luego en su libro _¿Qué significa pensar?_, en 1954. En este trabajo analizamos las interpretaciones de esta frase, discutimos su dimensión política, y repensamos su significado en relación a su circularidad, i.e. a su carácter de dispositivo definitorio.
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  • Heidegger and the reminiscent thinking.Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 61.
    Within the variety of subjects considered by Heidegger after Being and time, the notion of ‘thinking’ stands out for its constant presence and for the central place it occupies in a large part of his later work. In fact, as a path towards overcoming metaphysics and as a means of rethinking the relationship between humans and being, distorted in the world of technique, Heidegger uses the exercise of thinking that is not only the heritage of philosophers, but is latent in (...)
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  • Derrida y la cuestión de la memoria: el porvenir de un pasado sin Versammlung.Pablo Bernardo Sánchez Gómez - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:63-75.
    La deconstrucción es la apertura al porvenir, hacia el otro como porvenir absoluto. Sin embargo, ese otro se encuentra ante nosotros y tras nosotros, es un pasado por venir, un pasado que nunca ha sido presente. De este modo, la obra de Derrida puede ser leída como la preocupación constante por esa memoria del porvenir, por la herencia y el duelo, por la apertura al acontecimiento. En este sentido, la memoria en Derrida no puede comprenderse como «reunión en el pensamiento», (...)
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  • Mission Impossible? Thinking What Must be Thought in Heidegger and Deleuze.Corijn Van Mazijk - 2013 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (2):336-354.
    In this paper, I discuss and compare the possibility of thinking that which is most worth our thought in Deleuze’s What Is Philosophy? and Heidegger’s course lectures in What Is Called Thinking?. Both authors criticize the history of philosophy in similar ways in order to reconsider what should be taken as the nature and task of philosophical thinking. For Deleuze, true thinking is the creation of concepts, but what is most worth our thought in fact cannot be thought. For Heidegger, (...)
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  • Being at Home Among Things.Nader El-Bizri - 2011 - Environment, Space, Place 3 (1):47-71.
    This article examines Heidegger’s account of dwelling while placing it in the broad context of a wide array of his lectures and the constellation of his collected writings. The focus on this question is primarily ontological in character, in spite of the spatial significance of the phenomenon of dwelling, and the bearings it has on a variety of disciplines that interrogate its essence, be it in architectural humanities and design or in geography, which probe the various elements of its architectonic (...)
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  • Praeteritio dei.Holger Schmid - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (3-4):335-351.
    Is it possible to think about “the Greeks” without exposing oneself to what they call their gods? Feeling called upon to respond to this question, precisely within the constellation of Europe’s most gloomy hour, Martin Heidegger employs the instruments that come to him through his own “turn,” but also from further back: the “Fourfold” and the “Holy” may thus be studied in their crucial confrontation with Parmenides. A corollary resides in the link with the famous problem of “Hellenization” in Christianity.
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  • Heidegger Teaching: An analysis and interpretation of pedagogy.Dawn C. Riley - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (8):797-815.
    German philosopher Martin Heidegger stirred educators when in 1951 he claimed teaching is more difficult than learning because teachers must ‘learn to let learn’. However in the main he left the aphorism unexplained as part of a brief four-paragraph, less than two-page set of observations concerning the relationship of teaching to learning; and concluded at the end of those observations that to become a teacher is an ‘exalted matter’. This paper investigates both of Heidegger's claims, interpreting letting learn in the (...)
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  • Frameworks & foundations: Heidegger's critique of technology and natorp's theory of science.Alan Kim - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (1):201 – 218.
    (2005). Frameworks & foundations. Angelaki: Vol. 10, continental philosophy and the sciences the german traditionissue editor: damian veal, pp. 201-218.
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  • The Game as Art “or” The Art in Play.Francesca Brezzi - 2018 - Critical Hermeneutics 1 (1):251-263.
    In this essay the Author traces the search for “truth” in the game of understanding, one of the central themes of Gadamerian hermeneutics. Starting from the well-known Gadamerian reading, she attempts an unfaithful reading, a sort of inverted hermeneutics, through which she will be able to demonstrate the ontological dignity of the game, of play as truth experience.
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger e o pensamento oriental: confrontações.João A. Mac Dowell Sj - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (2):19-38.
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  • Movement is our mother tongue: Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, The Corporeal Turn: An Interdisciplinary Reader. Exeter, UK, and Charlottesville, VA, USA: Imprint Academic. ISBN 9 781845 401535.Søren Overgaard - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (1):139-143.
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  • Why Heidegger wasn't shocked by the holocaust: Philosophy and its defense system.James R. Watson - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (4):545-556.
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  • The Place of Philosophy between Science and the Humanities.Young Ahn Kang - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (1-2):88-99.
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  • Tactile Cogito.Robert Switzer - 2016 - In Duane Davis (ed.), Merleau-Ponty and the art of perception. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 259-278.
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  • How Is the Arrival of Things Possible? — On Things and Their Arrival in Ancient Chinese Thought.Gong Hua'nan & Liu Liangjian - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (3):389 - 408.
    Ancient Chinese thought inquired primarily into how the achievement of things is possible rather than into what a thing as a thing is. It held that man should participate in the achieving or generation of things in order to realize his self-achievement. A thing is understood as an event. Because all things and man are united as one, it is possible for man to enter into things by tasting and feeling rather than by relying on the sense of sight. This (...)
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  • Notes on Abstract Hermeneutics.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):45-59.
    Using abstract art as a paradigm, this paper attempts to think, in a provisional manner, the parameters of what the author calls `abstract hermeneutics'—a way of thinking capable of responding to the withdrawing, or abstracting , movement of Being. Such abstract thinking—which is an abstracting thinking of the abstract—aims to step beyond objectivity precisely in order to return to phenomenological concreteness. Through an engagement with Heidegger's understanding of the formal indicative role of the human being as sign ( Zeichen ), (...)
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  • Nature and the holy: On Heidegger's interpretation of hölderlin's hymn "wie wenn am feiertage".André Schuwer - 1977 - Research in Phenomenology 7 (1):225-237.
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  • The Question of a Thing-Centred View of Education: Notes on Vlieghe and Zamojski’s Towards an Ontology of Teaching.Stefano Oliverio - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (1):103-107.
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  • Wassergeschichten: Für eine riskante historische Anthropologie in der ersten Person.Christopher Möllmann - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (1):227-240.
    Angesichts auseinanderdriftender historischer Forschungs- und Publikationsformen ist es an der Zeit, die ursprünglich-radikalen Züge einer historischen Anthropologie nochmals hervorzukehren und ihre Eigenarten am Rande des Akademischen zu dramatisieren, ohne den von ihr zwischen den Disziplinen beanspruchten Raum unruhigen, riskanten Denkens vorschnell einer sekundären Disziplinierung zu unterwerfen. Daher stellt der Text einige noch immer aufregende Einsätze historischer Anthropologie um 1980 vor, die gegenwärtigen fachhistorischen Neigungen zum Didaktischen, Marktgerechten und Neoprofessionellen zuwiderlaufen. Sie stehen für ein gleichermaßen intellektuelles wie existenzielles Abenteuer, das eine (...)
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  • Liberation—of Art and Technics: Artistic Responses to Heidegger’s Call for a Dialogue between Technics and Art.Susanna Lindberg - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 4 (2):139-154.
    This paper is motivated by Heidegger’s invitation to think the essence of technics through a dialogue between technics and art. This dialogue is approached with the help of several artworks belonging to what can be called the “technological turn” in art. First, I draw a schematic picture of notions of instrumentality, rationality, totality, and teleology inherited from classical philosophy of art and technology and challenged by contemporary art. I underline the Romantic claim that art overcomes these features thanks to its (...)
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  • Keep Smiling. Adornos Chaplin.Sulgi Lie - 2020 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 9 (1):263-276.
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  • Ist die Heideggersche Philosophie des Seyns Mystik?Łukasz Kołoczek - 2017 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 7 (2):311-331.
    In this article I examine whether late Heidegger’s philosophy can be called a mysticism. For serious reasons the answer should be negative. Heidegger’s early statements relating to the mystique are very unflattering. I try to grasp what the Heidegger’s exact attitude to the mystique is. Reflections on the mystique do not appear in late Heidegger’s philosophy. Heidegger treats the term “mysticism” as an objection to thinking, which consists in masking a lack of understanding of thinking. According to the immanent criteria, (...)
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  • Heidegger’s critique of the technology and the educational ecological imperative.Rauno Huttunen & Leena Kakkori - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):630-642.
    It is clear that we have to do something in our time concerning global warming yet before we can actually change the world, we must first understand our world. According to Heidegger, technology itself is not good or bad, but the problem is, that technological thinking (calculative thinking) has become the only form of thinking. Heidegger saw that the essence of technology nowadays is enframing – Ge-stell, which means that everything in nature is ‘standing-reserve’ (Bestand). Enframing (as apparatus) is one (...)
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  • Archipelagic System and Deleuze's Philosophy.Masato Gōda - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (2):283-301.
    In his essay on Herman Melville, Gilles Deleuze writes about an affirmation of the world as process and as archipelago. What does this mode of affirmation mean not only for the philosophy of Deleuze, but also for us all who live in this world today? This is the principal issue which I try to take up in my paper. Already in his text on David Hume, the young Deleuze was obliged to confront the problematics of the becoming-system of collection, which (...)
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  • (6 other versions)Quaderns de filosofia IV, 1.Quad fia - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1).
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  • Step Back and Encounter: From Continental to Comparative Philosophy.Bret Davis - 2009 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (1):9-22.
    By drawing on the insights of a number of continental as well as Asian thinkers, this article reflects on the "significance" of comparative philosophy—both in the sense of discussing the "meaning" and in the sense of arguing for the "importance" of this endeavor. Encountering another culture allows one to deepen one's self-understanding by learning to "see oneself from the outside"; this deeper self-understanding in turn allows one to listen to what the other culture has to say. These two moments, or (...)
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  • Fronteras táctiles. Perspectivas en torno a la mano y el tacto en elaboraciones de Husserl, Heidegger y Derrida.Luis Fernando Butierrez - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):333-353.
    En el presente artículo proponemos un abordaje de los análisis en torno al tacto y la mano en trabajos fundamentales de Husserl y Heidegger, en un diálogo con el análisis respectivos de J. Derrida. Por la vía de una lectura que reconoce continuidades y despliegues, buscaremos demostrar que las elaboraciones prácticas del tocar desarrolladas por Derrida articulan una comprensión en cierta continuidad con aquellas elaboraciones tradicionales, en el marco de una lectura singular de los textos respectivos.
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  • The leap of thinking: The phenomenological attitude that distances us from the metaphysical wandering.Juan Sebastián Ortiz López - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 61.
    Heidegger’s late writings make constant allusion to a way of thinking that differs from metaphysics. While in metaphysical thinking we wander away from being, in the new thinking we are only in relation to being. For Heidegger, the only way to get out of the first and reach the second one is through a leap. This paper aims to clarify why there is only one way to access this new way of thinking and to defend that this is the radicalization (...)
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger e o inevitável diálogo como pensamento oriental.Antonio Florentino Neto - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (2):39-62.
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  • Superação da metafísica, realidade técnica e espanto.Edgar Lyra - 2003 - Human Nature 5 (1):95-127.
    Trata-se da difícil questão do sentido em que, a partir de Heidegger, pode ser pensada uma superação da metafísica. O pano de fundo é a atualidade e a onipresença do seu acabamento técnico. A preocupação central é o problema do possível modo de ser - ou de sobreviver - de um pensamento que, imerso nessa onipresença, seja, ainda assim, capaz de interrogá-la. Questões como a do salto e da reviravolta revelam a espécie de contorcionismo envolvido nessa noção de superação, levando (...)
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger, Oriente e Tecnologia.Edgar Lyra - 2012 - Natureza Humana 14 (1):51-71.
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  • A noção de indicação formal: uma questão de método?Mario Fleig - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (2):116-126.
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