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  1. Social Evil.Ted Poston - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 5:209-233.
    Social evil is any pain or suffering brought about by game-theoretic interactions of many individuals. This paper introduces and discusses the problem of social evil. I begin by focusing on social evil brought about by game-theoretic interactions of rational moral individuals. The problem social evil poses for theism is distinct from problems posed by natural and moral evils. Social evil is not a natural evil because it is brought about by the choices of individuals. But social evil is not a (...)
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  • Reformed and evolutionary epistemology and the noetic effects of sin.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):49-66.
    Despite their divergent metaphysical assumptions, Reformed and evolutionary epistemologists have converged on the notion of proper basicality. Where Reformed epistemologists appeal to God, who has designed the mind in such a way that it successfully aims at the truth, evolutionary epistemologists appeal to natural selection as a mechanism that favors truth-preserving cognitive capacities. This paper investigates whether Reformed and evolutionary epistemological accounts of theistic belief are compatible. We will argue that their chief incompatibility lies in the noetic effects of sin (...)
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  • Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism.Eric Steinhart - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):1-22.
    Teilhard is among the first to seriously explore the future of human evolution. He advocates both bio-technologies (e.g. genetic engineering) and intelligence technologies. He discusses the emergence of a global computation - communication system (and is said by some to have been the first to have envisioned the Internet). He advocates the development of a global society. He is almost surely the first to discuss the acceleration of technological progress to a Singularity in which human intelligence will become super-intelligence. He (...)
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  • Animals and the Problem of Evil in Recent Theodicies.Mark Maller - 2009 - Sophia 48 (3):299-317.
    Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
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  • Theism, Possible Worlds, and the Multiverse.Klaas J. Kraay - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 147 (3):355 - 368.
    God is traditionally taken to be a perfect being, and the creator and sustainer of all that is. So, if theism is true, what sort of world should we expect? To answer this question, we need an account of the array of possible worlds from which God is said to choose. It seems that either there is (a) exactly one best possible world; or (b) more than one unsurpassable world; or (c) an infinite hierarchy of increasingly better worlds. Influential arguments (...)
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  • Does It Matter that Nothing We Do Will Matter in a Million Years?Skott Brill - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (1):3-25.
    ABSTRACT: People have inferred that our lives are absurd from the supposed fact that nothing we do will matter in a million years. In this article, I critically discuss this argument for absurdity. After explaining how two refutations in the literature fail to undermine the best version of the argument, I produce several considerations that together do take much of the force out of the argument. I conclude by suggesting that these considerations not only refute this argument for absurdity, but (...)
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  • Holistic Free Will: Bridging Autonomy, Ethics, and Structured Reality.Juan Chavez - manuscript
    This paper introduces Holistic Free Will (HFW), a transformative framework that reconceptualizes autonomy as a dynamic, relational, and ethically aspirational process embedded within structured realities. Distinct from traditional theories like libertarian free will and compatibilism, HFW integrates interdisciplinary insights from neuroscience, moral philosophy, and cultural traditions to provide a comprehensive understanding of free will that aligns individual agency with systemic and relational contexts. HFW emphasizes structured reality as comprising four dimensions—natural laws, human constructs, social norms, and personal histories—that act not (...)
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  • Conspiracy Theories and Religion: Reframing Conspiracy Theories as Bliks.Glenn Y. Bezalel - 2019 - Episteme:1-19.
    Conspiracy theories have largely been framed by the academy as a stigmatised form of knowledge. Yet recent scholarship has included calls to take conspiracy theories more seriously as an area of study with a desire to judge them on their own merits rather than an a priori dismissal of them as a class of explanation. This paper argues that the debates within the philosophy of religion, long overlooked by scholars of conspiracy theories, can help sow the seeds for re-examining our (...)
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  • Soul‐Making, Theosis, and Evolutionary History: An Irenaean Approach.James Henry Collin - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):523-541.
    In Romans 5, St. Paul claims that death came into the world through Adam's sin. Many have taken this to foist on us a fundamentalist reading of Genesis. If death is the result of human sin, then, apparently, there cannot have been death in the world prior to human sin. This, however, is inconsistent with contemporary evolutionary biology, which requires that death predates the existence of modern humans. Although the relationship between Romans 5, Genesis, and contemporary science has been much (...)
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  • Defining atheism, theism, and god.Bruce Milem - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 85 (3):335-346.
    At first glance, atheism seems simple to define. If atheism is the negation of theism, and if theism is the view that at least one god exists, then atheism is the negation of this view. However, the common definitions that follow from this insight suffer from two problems: first, they often leave undefined what “god” means, and, second, they understate the scope of the disagreement between theists and atheists, which often has as much to do with the fundamental character of (...)
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  • The problem of religious evil: Does belief in God cause evil?Lloyd Strickland - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (2):237-250.
    Daniel Kodaj has recently developed a pro-atheistic argument that he calls “the problem of religious evil.” This first premise of this argument is “belief in God causes evil.” Although this idea that belief in God causes evil is widely accepted, certainly in the secular West, it is sufficiently problematic as to be unsuitable as a basis for an argument for atheism, as Kodaj seeks to use it. In this paper I shall highlight the problems inherent in it in three ways: (...)
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  • Argumentando Dios desde la filosofía analítica: Cracovia, Oxford y los comienzos de una nueva disciplina.Alejandro Pérez - 2017 - Quarentibus 9:68-87.
    El presente artículo introduce el lector a la filosofía analítica de la religión desde un punto de vista histórico y haciendo énfasis en su evolución. El objetivo es doble: primero dar a conocer una nueva disciplina que se ha desarrollado de manera notoria dentro del habla inglesa pero que ha sido ignorada dentro de la filosofía de habla hispana; segundo, comprender su nacimiento y algunas de sus principales características.
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  • Exaltation and atrocity: why kenotic humility can’t justify divine concurrence of evil.Jill Hernandez - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (5):493-506.
    ABSTRACT‘Exaltation views’ of humility are grounded on a kenotic view of humility, such that divine blessing comes proportionate to the extent to which an agent humbles herself. This article rejects exaltation views of humility which define humility kenotically, justify their arguments from a divine hiddenness perspective, and which conclude that divine concurrence with evil is justified as long as all humble believers eventually are exalted and blessed. Rather, I will contend that exaltation views misunderstand the meaning of both ‘humility’ and (...)
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  • The Problem of Evil in Virtual Worlds.Brendan Shea - 2017 - In Mark Silcox (ed.), Experience Machines: The Philosophy of Virtual Worlds. London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 137-155.
    In its original form, Nozick’s experience machine serves as a potent counterexample to a simplistic form of hedonism. The pleasurable life offered by the experience machine, its seems safe to say, lacks the requisite depth that many of us find necessary to lead a genuinely worthwhile life. Among other things, the experience machine offers no opportunities to establish meaningful relationships, or to engage in long-term artistic, intellectual, or political projects that survive one’s death. This intuitive objection finds some support in (...)
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  • Infinite Value and the Best of All Possible Worlds.Nevin Climenhaga - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (2):367-392.
    A common argument for atheism runs as follows: God would not create a world worse than other worlds he could have created instead. However, if God exists, he could have created a better world than this one. Therefore, God does not exist. In this paper I challenge the second premise of this argument. I argue that if God exists, our world will continue without end, with God continuing to create value-bearers, and sustaining and perfecting the value-bearers he has already created. (...)
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  • Why Are Religious Reasons Dismissed? Euthanasia, Basic Goods, and Gratuitous Evil.Stephen Napier - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (3):276-300.
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  • God and Gratuitous Evil (Part I).Klaas J. Kraay - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):905-912.
    In contemporary analytic philosophy, the problem of evil refers to a family of arguments that attempt to show, by appeal to evil, that God does not exist. Some very important arguments in this family focus on gratuitous evil. Most participants in the relevant discussions, including theists and atheists, agree that God is able to prevent all gratuitous evil and that God would do so. On this view, of course, the occurrence of even a single instance of gratuitous evil falsifies theism. (...)
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  • Revisiting the Logical Problem of Evil and Swinburne’s Greater Goods Theodicy.Tavakkol Kouhi Giglou & Javad Danesh - 2015 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 13 (1):149-164.
    The problem of evil is challenging the belief in the omniscient, omnipotent, and wholly good God. In its logical sense and deductive form, it claims that there are some pointless evils and myriads of life disorderliness with the existence of which God’s existence and his positive attributions are inconsistent. Needless to say, the reliability of this argument is based on the trueness or at least probable trueness of the concrete statement. Nevertheless, some philosophers like Swinburne have tried to deny the (...)
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  • On the concept of evil: An analysis of genocide and state sovereignty.Jason J. Campbell - unknown
    The history of ideas and contemporary genocide studies conjointly suggests a meaningful secular conception of evil. I will show how the history of ideas supplies us with a cumulative pattern, or an eventual gestalt, of the sought-for conception of universal secular evil. This gestalt is a result of my examination of the history of ideas. The historical analysis of evil firmly grounds my research in the tradition of philosophical inquiry, where I shift the focus from the problem of evil, which (...)
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  • La justificación de la presencia del mal en el mundo desde la estética agustiniana.David Ezequiel Téllez Maqueo - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 51:191-210.
    La posibilidad de establecer una conciliación entre Dios como principio absoluto de bondad, y el mal presente en la realidad en sus más diversas manifestaciones, ha sido una preocupación constante en la historia del pensamiento occidental. Si Dios existe, ¿cómo puede suceder que exista mal en el mundo? Para dar una respuesta racional satisfactoria se han planteado diversas respuestas. Agustín de Hipona representa una de las primeras respuestas dominantes de la historia occidental, por lo que el conocimiento de su postura (...)
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  • Organic Unities.Graham Floyd - 2019 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 3 (2).
    The principle of organic unities is a metaphysical claim regarding the nature of moral value. It states that the value of the whole is not equal to the summation of its parts. Even though this principle has a major impact on moral theory, it has been neglected in the consideration of the problem of God and evil. I claim that the theist can utilize the principle of organic unities to undermine the problem of evil. First, I explain the principle of (...)
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  • The Character Development Defense to the Argument from Evil Is Logically Inconsistent.Randall S. Firestone - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (5):444-465.
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  • Religious Epistemology in John Hick’s Philosophy: A Nigerian Appreciation.Olusegun Noah Olawoyin - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):201-206.
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