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  1. Performative transcendental arguments.Adrian Bardon - 2005 - Philosophia 33 (1-4):69-95.
    ‘Performative’ transcendental arguments exploit the status of a subcategory of self-falsifying propositions in showing that some form of skepticism is unsustainable. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between performatively inconsistent propositions and transcendental arguments, and then to compare performative transcendental arguments to modest transcendental arguments that seek only to establish the indispensability of some belief or conceptual framework. Reconceptualizing transcendental arguments as performative helps focus the intended dilemma for the skeptic: performative transcendental arguments directly confront the (...)
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  • Descartes’s Clarity First Epistemology.Elliot Samuel Paul - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    Descartes has a Clarity First epistemology: (i) Clarity is a primitive (indefinable) phenomenal quality: the appearance of truth. (ii) Clarity is prior to other qualities: obscurity, confusion, distinctness – are defined in terms of clarity; epistemic goods – reason to assent, rational inclination to assent, reliability, and knowledge – are explained by clarity. (This is the first of two companion entries; the sequel is called, "Descartes's Method for Achieving Knowledge.").
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  • L’ ego et les deux sens de la substance.Dan Arbib - 2021 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 296 (2):7-25.
    À partir de l’indécision apparente du concept de substance dans le corpus cartésien, on formule l’hypothèse que le « traité de la substance » des Principia I peut jeter une lumière sur les Meditationes (§ 1) ; en effet les Principia I développent deux définitions de la substance, tantôt comme chose existante par soi, tantôt comme support des attributs (§ 2) ; or ces deux définitions correspondent exactement aux deux lieux des Meditationes mobilisant la substance : la Meditatio III recourt (...)
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  • Can an Atheist Know that He Exists? Cogito, Mathematics, and God in Descartes’s Meditations.Jan Forsman - 2019 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 9 (2):91-115.
    Descartes’s meditator thinks that if she does not know the existence of God, she cannot be fully certain of anything. This statement seems to contradict the cogito, according to which the existence of I is indubitable and therefore certain. Cannot an atheist be certain that he exists? Atheistic knowledge has been discussed almost exclusively in relation to mathematics, and the more interesting question of the atheist’s certainty of his existence has not received the attention it deserves. By examining the question (...)
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  • The Eightfold Way: Why Analyticity, Apriority and Necessity are Independent.Douglas Ian Campbell - 2017 - Philosophers' Imprint 17:1-17.
    This paper concerns the three great modal dichotomies: (i) the necessary/contingent dichotomy; (ii) the a priori/empirical dichotomy; and (iii) the analytic/synthetic dichotomy. These can be combined to produce a tri-dichotomy of eight modal categories. The question as to which of the eight categories house statements and which do not is a pivotal battleground in the history of analytic philosophy, with key protagonists including Descartes, Hume, Kant, Kripke, Putnam and Kaplan. All parties to the debate have accepted that some categories are (...)
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  • The Aristotelian Prescription: Skepticism, Retortion, and Transcendental Arguments.Adrian Bardon - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):263-276.
    From a number of quarters have come attempts to answer some form of skepticism—about knowledge of the external world, freedom of the will, or moral reasons—by showing it to be performatively self-defeating. Examples of this strategy are subject to a number of criticisms, in particular the criticism that they fail to shift the burden of proof from the anti-skeptical position, and so fail to establish the epistemic entitlement they seek. To these approaches I contrast one way of understanding Kant’s core (...)
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  • Авто-референтність і авто-афекційність як альтернативні моделі прочитання Декартової концепції cogito: трансцендентально-феноменологічний контекст.Anna Ilyina - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):69-96.
    Статтю присвячено дослідженню альтернативних можливостей інтерпретації Декартової концепції cogito: як авто-референтної структури і як авто-афекційності. Контекстом аналізу виступає трансцендентально-феноменологічний ракурс погляду на картезіанську філософію як на засновок трансцендентального мотиву. Визначено роль принципу авто-референтності в трансцендентальному дискурсі. На ґрунті розгляду перспектив тлумачення картезіанського підходу, запропонованих М. Анрі й Ж.-Л. Марйоном, виявлено моменти іррелевантності авто-афекційної настанови вимогам трансцендентального мислення і втомивовано адекватність авто-референтної моделі його засадам. Авторка доходить висновку, що, попри позірну пріоритетність авто-афекційності для трансцендентального дискурсу, пов’язану насамперед з притаманною їй радикалізацією (...)
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  • God and Cogito: Semen Frank on the ontological argument.Paweł Rojek - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (2):119-140.
    Semen Frank (1877–1950) was one of the first and most ardent advocates of the ontological argument in the twentieth century. He proposed an original interpretation of the ontological argument based on its analogy to Descartes’ Cogito. Frank believed that it is possible to develop Cogito ergo sum into Cogito ergo est ens absolutum. In this paper, I analyze his version of the ontological argument. First, I propose a simple reconstruction of his reasoning, paying attention to its hidden premise. Second, departing (...)
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  • «Cogito Ergo Sum» and Philofsophy of Action.Anna Laktionova - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):88-99.
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  • Thought Experiment Analyses of René Descartes' Cogito.C. P. Hertogh - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (3):9-22.
    ABSTRACT: René Descartes' Cogito is an example of a paradigmatic thought experiment, herald of both subjectivism and new science in Europe's Modern Age, that seems to have escaped the attention of thought experiment philosophers. On deep analysis, the Cogito appears as universal instantiation. The Cogito has strong rhetorical effects for it narratively generalizes from I to all human kind, and its historical and philosophical success can be explained from its concise enthymematic structure that rings true in many possible senses. We (...)
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  • Cogito, ergo sum : induction et déduction.Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 67 (1):51-63.
    Le « cogito, ergo sum » cartésien apparaît depuis quarante ans comme « inférence et performance » (J. Hintikka). Mais de quelle inférence s'agit-il précisément ? Pour le savoir, cet article poursuit deux objectifs : d'abord, montrer que la question pertinente à laquelle il s'agit de répondre ne concerne pas la relation logique interne qui lie le cogito au sum, et qui est une intuition, mais celle, externe, qui lie le « cogito, ergo sum » tout entier au « quicquid (...)
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  • Performative and Existential Self-Verifyingness.Douglas Walton - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (1):128-138.
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  • O powodach irytacji Kartezjusza stanowiskiem Gassendiego.Jerzy Kopania - 2015 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 27:13-40.
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  • Performative contradiction and the regrounding for philosophical paradigms.Donghui Han - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (4):607-621.
    As a unique method of philosophical argument, performative contradiction attracted general attention after the change in direction of pragmatics in the twentieth century. Hintikka used this method to conduct an in-depth analysis of Descartes’ proposition “I think, therefore I am,” providing a proof which is a model in the philosophical history; Apel absorbed performative contradiction into his own framework of a priori pragmatics; and Habermas introduced it into the theory of formal pragmatics and rendered it an effective weapon of debate. (...)
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  • Réflexions sur les critiques transcendantales du substantialisme cartésien.Dominique Pradelle - 2021 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 296 (2):109-127.
    Le cogito cartésien a fait l’objet de critiques essentielles de la part de Kant et Husserl : Descartes aurait substantialisé, réifié et mondanisé le cogito au lieu de la saisir dans sa pureté transcendantale. Nous faisons ici retour aux textes cartésiens, afin de déterminer si ces critiques sont légitimes ou si la pensée cartésienne a davantage anticipé la pensée transcendantale que ne l’estimaient Kant et Husserl.
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