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  1. Critical Pragmatism: Dewey’s social philosophy revisited.Torjus Midtgarden - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4):505-521.
    Scholars like Alison Kadlec, Melvin Rogers and R.W. Hildreth have recently confronted the claim that Dewey’s pragmatism lacks resources to approach issues of power, but they have not given a unified account of what theoretical framework Dewey’s pragmatism provides to grapple with such issues and to articulate standards for social criticism. In this article, I explore one such framework: Dewey’s outline of a social philosophy developed in his Lectures in China. Here, Dewey derives immanent standards for social criticism through sociological (...)
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  • Radical Islamic Democracy.Karim Sadek - 2020 - International Journal of Political Theory 4 (1):32-53.
    Can democracy be at once radical and Islamic? In this paper I argue that it can. My argument is based on a comparison and contrast of certain aspects in the social-political thought of two contemporary authors: Axel Honneth who defends a particular conception of radical democracy, and Rached al-Ghannouchi who defends a particular conception of the Islamic state. I begin with Honneth’s early articulation of his model of radical democracy as reflexive cooperation, which he presents as an alternative that reconciles (...)
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  • John Dewey, individualismo y democracia.Juan G. MOráN - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:11-42.
    La filosofía pragmatista norteamericana ha adquirido en estos últimos tiempos una gran relevancia. En ese contexto destaca particularmente la figura de John Dewey. A partir de la reciente publicación en lengua española de dos de sus obras de filosofía social y política más significativas —Viejo y nuevo individualismo y La opinión pública y sus problemas—, este trabajo repasa sus ideas sobre el individualismo, el liberalismo, la comunidad, la opinión pública y la democracia, sin perder nunca de vista su pertinencia para (...)
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  • Taylor on Solidarity.Nicholas H. Smith & Arto Laitinen - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 99 (1):48-70.
    After characterizing Taylor’s general approach to the problems of solidarity, we distinguish and reconstruct three contexts of solidarity in which this approach is developed: the civic, the socio-economic, and the moral. We argue that Taylor’s distinctive move in each of these contexts of solidarity is to claim that the relationship at stake poses normatively justified demands, which are motivationally demanding, but insufficiently motivating on their own. On Taylor’s conception, we need some understanding of extra motivational sources which explain why people (...)
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  • Between Pragmatism and Critical Theory: Social Philosophy Today. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):57-82.
    This paper aims at renovating the prospects for social philosophy through a confrontation between pragmatism and critical theory. In particular, it contends that the resources of pragmatism for advancing a project of emancipatory social philosophy have so far been neglected. After contrasting the two major traditions in social philosophy—the analytical and the critical—I proceed to outline the main traits of a pragmatist social philosophy. By inscribing pragmatism within the tradition of social philosophy, my aim is to promote a new understanding (...)
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  • Marx, Honneth and the Tasks of a Contemporary Critical Theory.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):745-758.
    In this paper, I consider succinctly the main Marxist objections to Honneth’s model of critical social theory, and Honneth’s key objections to Marx-inspired models. I then seek to outline a rapprochement between the two positions, by showing how Honneth’s normative concept of recognition is not antithetical to functionalist arguments, but in fact contains a social-theoretical dimension, the idea that social reproduction and social evolution revolve around struggles around the interpretation of core societal norms. By highlighting the social theoretical side of (...)
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  • (1 other version)What Pragmatism means by Public Reason.Roberto Frega - 2010 - Etica and Politica / Ethics & Politics 12 (1):28-51.
    In this article I examine the main conceptions of public reason in contemporary political philosophy in order to set the frame for appreciating the novelty of the pragmatist understanding of public reason as based upon the notion of consequences and upon a theory of rationality as inquiry. The approach is inspired by Dewey but is free from any concern with history of philosophy. The aim is to propose a different understanding of the nature of public reason aimed at overcoming the (...)
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  • Herbert Marcuse's “Review of John Dewey's Logic: The Theory of Inquiry”.Herbert Marcuse & Phillip Deen - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2):258-265.
    Dewey’s book is the first systematic attempt at a pragmatistic logic (since the work of Peirce). Because of the ambiguity of the concept of pragmatism, the author rejects the concept in general. But, if one interprets pragmatism correctly, then this book is ‘through and through Pragmatistic’. What he understands as ‘correct’ will become clear in the following account. The book takes its subject matter far beyond the traditional works on logic. It is a material logic first in the sense that (...)
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  • Recognition, redistribution, and democracy: Dilemmas of Honneth's critical social theory.Christopher F. Zurn - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):89–126.
    What does social justice require in contemporary societies? What are the requirements of social democracy? Who and where are the individuals and groups that can carry forward agendas for progressive social transformation? What are we to make of the so-called new social movements of the last thirty years? Is identity politics compatible with egalitarianism? Can cultural misrecognition and economic maldistribution be fought simultaneously? What of the heritage of Western Marxism is alive and dead? And how is current critical social theory (...)
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  • The Structure of Human Action as a Criterion for Social Analysis.Francesca Sofia Alexandratos - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    This paper seeks to unveil and investigate the close bond existing between the critical project developed by Axel Honneth and Hans Joas in Social Action and Human Nature (1980) and John Dewey’s naturalistic humanism and social criticism. I will contend that these authors develop an original and compelling approach to the critique of the social world, which relies on a naturalistic redefinition of human beings with intersubjective premises. By reconsidering human beings in their continuity and discontinuity with nature, they attempt (...)
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  • The Crisis of Liberal Democracy and the Confucian Challenge: A Pragmatist Response.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2022 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 1 (1):14-29.
    In the current crisis of liberal democracy, Confucianism has been cited as offering superior alternative models of government. With the resources from Dewey’s Pragmatism, this paper defends democracy, which should not be equated to de facto liberal democracies, as desirable for Confucian societies. It examines the affinities between Confucian and Dewey’s conception of the person and community and argues for an understanding of democratic values that brings together Dewey’s democratic values and Confucian ideals of personal cultivation and virtuous governance.
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  • The Struggle for AI’s Recognition: Understanding the Normative Implications of Gender Bias in AI with Honneth’s Theory of Recognition.Rosalie Waelen & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2).
    AI systems have often been found to contain gender biases. As a result of these gender biases, AI routinely fails to adequately recognize the needs, rights, and accomplishments of women. In this article, we use Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition to argue that AI’s gender biases are not only an ethical problem because they can lead to discrimination, but also because they resemble forms of misrecognition that can hurt women’s self-development and self-worth. Furthermore, we argue that Honneth’s theory of recognition (...)
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  • Political Bioethics.Benjamin Gregg - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):516-529.
    If bioethical questions cannot be resolved in a widely acceptable manner by rational argument, and if they can be regulated only on the basis of political decision-making, then bioethics belongs to the political sphere. The particular kind of politics practiced in any given society matters greatly: it will determine the kind of bioethical regulation, legislation, and public policy generated there. I propose approaching bioethical questions politically in terms of decisions that cannot be “correct” but that can be “procedurally legitimate.” Two (...)
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  • (1 other version)Education and intelligence:reconstructing John Dewey’s theory of intelligence from an educational perspective.Veli-Mikko Kauppi - 2022 - Oulun yliopisto.
    This dissertation presents a philosophical inquiry into the concept of intelligence by reconstructing John Dewey’s theory of intelligence and investigating its educational implications. It presents three critiques of educational practices and theories that, from a Deweyan point of view, are built on misconceptions or oversimplifications of intelligence. While his theory of intelligence is primarily expressed in implicit terms, it offers a nuanced analysis of the sociality and contextuality of intelligence, questioning some of its traditional or mainstream conceptions. The reconstructed theory (...)
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  • Disrespect and political resistance.Renante D. Pilapil - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 114 (1):48-60.
    This article examines the critical potential of Honneth’s theory or ethics of recognition by raising two concerns as regards the success of such a project. Firstly, this article argues that Honneth’s ethical turn in critical theory might not be completely warranted and that there are good reasons to supplement his theory of recognition with an account of justificatory practices. Secondly, it argues that the complexity of the beginnings of political resistance proves that an explanative gap remains to be filled to (...)
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  • Work as a sphere of norms, paradoxes, and ideologies of recognition.Nicholas H. Smith - 2012 - In Nicholas H. Smith & Shane O'Neill (eds.), Recognition Theory as Social Research: Investigating the Dynamics of Social Conflict. Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 87-108.
    An analysis of how the sphere of work can be considered to instantiate norms of recognition, even when those norms give rise to paradoxes and ideologies surrounding how work ought to be done and the goods at stake in it.
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  • Pragmatism and Radical Democracy.Craig Browne - 2009 - Critical Horizons 10 (1):54-75.
    This paper suggests that pragmatism makes a distinctive contribution to the theory and practice of radical democracy. It investigates the relation ship between the renewal of interest in pragmatism and the recent attempts to develop radical democratic alternatives to political liberalism. With particular reference to the contemporary critical social theory of Habermas and Honneth, the paper outlines key dimensions of the civic republican, deliberative democratic and reflexive cooperative reconstructions of John Dewey's conception of democracy. These reconstructions are shown to have (...)
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  • Healthiness as a Virtue: The Healthism of mHealth and the Challenges to Public Health.Michał Wieczorek & Leon Walter Sebastian Rossmaier - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):219-231.
    Mobile health (mHealth) technologies for self-monitoring health-relevant parameters such as heart frequency, sleeping patterns or exercise regimes aim at fostering healthy behavior change and increasing the individual users to promote and maintain their health. We argue that this aspect of mHealth supports healthism, the increasing shift from institutional responsibility for public health toward individual engagement in maintaining health as well as mitigating health risks. Moreover, this healthist paradigm leads to a shift from understanding health as the absence of illness to (...)
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  • Methodologies Matter.Dirk Jörke & Philipp Wagenhals - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    This article compares Axel Honneth’s method of normative reconstruction with John Dewey's method of problem-solving. We argue that Dewey’s method is more open to “radical” measures of social transformation because it does not bear Honneth’s inherent conservative implications. Dewey’s “more radical” measures include, in particular, demands for a socialist transformation of the economy, whereas Honneth’s approach leads to mere reformist proposals within the existing property system, such as the introduction of a minimum wage. We situate this juxtaposition in the more (...)
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  • Reflexive cooperation between fraternity and social involvement.Roberto Frega - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (6):673-682.
    This article explores Axel Honneth’s long-standing philosophical interest for solidarity in the larger context of contemporary theories of democracy. It identifies three models to which Honneth res...
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  • Institutional Agonism: Axel Honneth’s Radical Democracy.Odin Lysaker - 2017 - Critical Horizons 18 (1):33-51.
    Axel Honneth may be criticised for reducing political philosophy to moral psychology. In what follows, I argue that if his theory of recognition is reframed as one of democracy, quite another picture will appear. To do this, I systematically reconstruct Honneth’s stance as a multidimensional version of radical democracy. The question I discuss is the manner in which this framework combines the three dimensions of democratic deliberation, culture, and conflict. I then discuss Honneth’s picture from both a deliberative and agonistic (...)
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  • Democratic Justice as Intersubjective Freedoms.Craig Browne - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 101 (1):53-62.
    According to Maria Markus, the development of a particularly open and interested moral-psychological disposition towards the other is critical to the endeavour of subjects to realize the decent society. Drawing on the work of George Herbert Mead, it will be argued that such a sense of decency involves not just a normative commitment to reciprocity but a reflexive appreciation of the significance of the other to the formation of the self. Meads sketches of intersubjective freedoms are shown to provide a (...)
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  • Pragmatist democracy and the populist challenge.Felix Petersen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1427-1444.
    This article intervenes in the debate on populism and democratic reform. Assuming that neither progressive populist counter-projects nor reforms broadening participation or deepening deliberation provide an immediate and realistic solution to the problematic political condition, the article engages with John Dewey’s work and presents a democratic praxis focused on problem solving as the most promising remedy to the populist challenge. The analysis shows that Dewey conceptualizes human action as inherently focused on problem solving, which allows him to think democracy as (...)
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  • Critical problems and pragmatist solutions.Felix Petersen, Hauke Brunkhorst & Martin Seeliger - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1341-1352.
    In this special issue, we draw on pragmatist political and social theory and philosophy to illustrate the creative potential of this intellectual tradition for thinking about the numerous crises that haunt liberal democratic societies today. The introduction identifies five overlapping problem constellations (demise of public power, lasting consequences of inequality, pluralization of society, return of authoritarian practices and globalization of the world) that have driven the recent rise of undemocratic or authoritarian patterns of social organization and political rule. Against this (...)
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  • Libertad en condiciones. A vueltas con Dewey y Lippmann.Ramón del Castillo - 2021 - Isegoría 64:20-20.
    We propose a reconsideration of John Dewey’s criticisms of Walter Lippmann’s ideas taking as guiding theme the arguments put forward in the successive reviews that Dewey wrote on Lippmann’s works. We maintain that the ideas that Dewey launched in these reviews pointed in a direction that became more explicit in the 1930s, when Dewey responded with socialist discourse to a Lippmann who appealed to something more that the authority of trained experts to counteract the drifts of democracy. According to our (...)
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  • An Aristotelian Defence of Affirmative Action: Alasdair MacIntyre, Sandra Day O'Connor and Grutter v. Bollinger.Neil Dhingra & Campbell Scribner - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):83-98.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 83-98, February 2021.
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  • The Fact of Sacrifice and Necessity of Faith: Dewey and the Ethics of Democracy.Melvin L. Rogers - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (3):274-300.
    “Faith makes us, and not we it, and faith makes its own forms.” Published in 1888, “The Ethics of Democracy” is John Dewey’s first and most underappreciated attempt to address a problem inherent to democracy.2 How do I consider myself a member of “the people” that rule, and yet belong to the political minority? By minority I do not simply mean as determined by an electoral process, but also those minorities that are identified as such because of inequity in political (...)
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  • Dewey's Progressive Historicism and the Problem of Determinate Oughts.Arto Laitinen - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (2):245-259.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that Dewey has a “progressive historicist” theory of ethics and social philosophy. That theory is here explicated with the notion of an “evaluative framework,” which can be embodied both implicitly in practice and in explicit theories and judgments. Such historicism, in which each stage has overcome the deficiencies of the previous stage, has ample resources to avoid unconstrained relativism, in terms of three aspects: the “dynamic,” the “dialogic,” and the “historical.” The article poses, however, a challenge (...)
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  • Feuerbach and the Philosophy of Critical Theory.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (6):1208-1233.
    It is a hallmark of the Frankfurt School tradition of critical theory that it has consistently made philosophical reflection a central component of its overall project. Indeed, the core identity that this tradition has been able to maintain arguably stems from the fact that a number of key philosophical assumptions have been shared by the generations of thinkers involved in it. These assumptions form a basic ‘philosophical matrix’, whose main aim is to allow for a ‘critique of reason’, the heart (...)
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  • Anthropology, social theory, and politics: Axel Honneth's theory of recognition.Carl-Göran Heidegren - 2002 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):433 – 446.
    This article presents and discusses Axel Honneth's theory of recognition as a specific constellation, i.e. as a theoretical endeavour spanning over and interrelating positions in the fields of anthropology, social theory, and politics. As essential components in this constellation I discern an anthropology of recognition, a social philosophy of different forms of recognition, a morality of recognition, a theory of democratic ethical life as a social ideal, and a notion of political democracy as an ambitious reflexive form of social cooperation. (...)
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  • Pragmatism, Critical Theory and Business Ethics: Converging Lines.Max Visser - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):45-57.
    There is a “Pragmatist turn” visible in the field of organization science today, resulting from a renewed interest in the work of Pragmatist philosophers like Dewey, Mead, Peirce, James and others, and in its implications for the study of organizations. Following Wicks and Freeman, in the past decade Pragmatism has also entered the field of business ethics, which, however, has not been uniformly applauded in that field. Some scholars fear that Pragmatism may enhance already existing positivist and managerialist tendencies in (...)
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  • Dewey's philosophy of questioning: science, practical reason and democracy.Nick Turnbull - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):49-75.
    John Dewey's ideas on politics derive from his epistemology of inquiry as practical problem-solving. Dewey's philosophy is important for democratic theory because it emphasizes deliberation through questioning. However, Dewey's philosophy shares with positivism the same conception of answering as exclusively the dissolution of questions. While Dewey's ideas are distinct from positivism in important respects, he rejects a constitutive role for questioning by constructing knowledge as problem-solving via experience. The problem-solving ideal lends itself to a scientific conception of politics. Applying Michel (...)
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  • John Dewey and Social Criticism: An Introduction.Arvi Särkelä & Justo Serrano Zamora - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (2):213-217.
    Critical social theories are generally understood to be distinct from other normative theories by their explicit orientation toward emancipation: they not only present normative criteria for assessing the legitimacy or justification of social institutions or merely inquire into the actualized freedom of a given form of social life but claim to point toward a “freedom in view”—an end that might aid those participating in social struggles to overcome the pathological, alienated, or ideological social order of the present. John Dewey’s social (...)
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  • Reflexive democracy: creating actionable knowledge through regional development coalitions. [REVIEW]Hans Chr Garmann Johnsen, Roger Normann & Jens Kristian Fosse - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (4):442-463.
    This article seeks to develop a new theory of reflexive democracy, based on practical cases of action research in regional development, with particular reference to regional development coalitions. Reflexive democracy is located in the context of the debate on Scandinavian worklife, emphasising knowledge, dialogue, and legitimacy.
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  • Citizenship goes public: The institutional design of anational citizenship.Theodora Kostakopoulou - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (3):275-306.
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  • Community, solidarity and care through data? An ethical analysis of the interpersonal dimension of self-tracking.Michał Wieczorek - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This paper discusses the interpersonal dimension of self-tracking technologies from the standpoint of Dewey’s pragmatist ethics. Users of self-tracking routinely exchange data with others, interact through social features embedded in their tools, and form communities focused on the sharing and discussion of data. I employ Dewey’s notion of transaction to discuss how self-quantification impacts users’ perception of others and how it mediates interpersonal relations. In Dewey’s ethics engagement with others is a fundamental part of moral life and individual flourishing can (...)
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  • (1 other version)Three approaches to social unity and solidarity.Tuğba Sevinç - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (4):459-479.
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  • The Dilemma of Postmodern Business Ethics: Employee Reification in a Perspective of Preserving Human Dignity.Jolita Vveinhardt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Management practices prevailing in business organizations receive considerable criticism for often treating the employee as one of many resources or an instrument to achieve the organization’s goals. As employee reification has so far been largely investigated in the scientific literature from the perspective of neo-Marxist approach, this article seeks to broaden the discussion by showing how social teaching of the Catholic Church can serve to solve the problem of reification. Although there is no doubt that universal norms of business ethics (...)
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  • Spotlight: Pragmatism in contemporary political theory.Matthew Festenstein - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (4):629-646.
    This article surveys recent work in pragmatism and political theory. In doing so, it shows both how recent work on pragmatism has secured the view that at its core is a set of arguments about the character of democracy – although the character of those arguments is open to debate and reimagination – and how pragmatist arguments have been reinterpreted and deployed to address contemporary concerns and approaches. This charts a terrain of live disagreements rather than settled opinion.
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  • (1 other version)Three approaches to social unity and solidarity.Tuğba Sevinç - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy:1-21.
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  • Normative engagement across difference: Pragmatism, dialogic inclusion, and social practices.Clayton Chin - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (3):302-325.
    This article addresses the problem of inter-normative engagement, of constructing dialogical interaction across substantive normative difference. Focusing on how this affects democratic and pluralistic contexts, it argues that a social-practice-based approach to normativity and reasoning offers unique resources to understand and frame such encounters. It specifically draws on pragmatism and the work of Richard Rorty to reframe normativity, authority, identity, and reason, linking these understandings to recent trends to deliberative political inclusivism in democratic theory. The upshot is that framing inter-normative (...)
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  • Dewey’s Notion of Intelligent Habit as a Basis for Ethical Assessment of Technology.Michał Wieczorek - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (4):356-377.
    This paper discusses how John Dewey’s notion of intelligent habit could contribute to technology ethics. For Dewey, intelligent (i.e., desirable) habits are reflective – arising from inquiry into the appropriate courses of action in each situation – and flexible – easily adaptable to the changing circumstances. We should strive to develop intelligent habits as they are the best tools for the achievement of our goals and are necessary for individual and societal flourishing. I argue that Dewey’s notion of intelligent habit (...)
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  • Solidarity as Social Involvement.Roberto Frega - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (2):179-208.
    This paper reclaims the concept of solidarity for democratic theory. It does this by proposing a theory of solidarity as social involvement that is construed through the integration of three better known conceptions of solidarity that have played an influential role in the political thought of the last two centuries. The paper begins by explaining why solidarity should receive more sustained attention from political theorists with an interest in democracy, and proceeds by presenting two indispensability arguments. Section three outlines the (...)
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  • Reactivar la democracia, un desafío ético y educativo: reflexiones urgentes a partir de la obra de John Dewey.Antonio Luzón Trujillo & Juan Carlos González Faraco - 2019 - Arbor 195 (792):512.
    Este artículo plantea una relectura de John Dewey con la intención de analizar y dar algunas respuestas a la actual crisis de la democracia representativa o liberal. Esta crisis guarda relación con procesos globalizadores contradictorios que, de un lado, alimentan una utopía futurista confiada en el progreso tecnológico, y de otro, el regreso “retrotópico”, nostálgico y emocional, a lo tribal. Esta relectura se centra en obras fundamentales de Dewey, pero especialmente Democracia y Educación y otros textos de carácter pedagógico. El (...)
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  • Post-sovereign power and leadership.Leslie Paul Thiele - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):158-179.
    Power and leadership are typically theorized as exercises of sovereignty in the western tradition of thought. This essay takes up Michel Foucault’s challenge to escape the ‘spell of monarchy’ in our thinking in order to move beyond sovereign models of power. Interdisciplinary scholarship on complex adaptive systems provides fertile ground for this endeavor, illustrating the dynamics of post-sovereign power and opportunities for post-sovereign leadership. Viewing human organizations as complex adaptive systems helps us to theorize leadership without over-simplifying its nature or (...)
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  • Expérience, idéaux et participation sociale.Anne-Sophie Lamine - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    This article discusses Dewey’s The Public and Its Problems (1927), Ethics (1932), “Theory of valuation” (1939), Art as Experience (1934) and A Common Faith (1934), for the socio-anthropological analysis of the religious, in a context of diversity and anxiety about identities. This pragmatist approach enables to consider religious in the making, experience and self-construction. The concept of ideal, taking into account intersubjectivity and context, allows treating aspirations and ideals. Finally, the idea of public and pre-political, permits to pay attention to (...)
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  • Political Resistance and the Constitution of Equality.Adam Benjamin Burgos - unknown
    In this dissertation I explore the conceptual relationship between equality and resistance in political philosophy. Through examination of the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, John Dewey, and Jacques Rancière, I formulate a position called Fractured Social Holism. This is a problematic that attempts to articulate core issues at stake in the debates surrounding the purposes, meanings, and possibilities for politics. Through Fractured Social Holism I articulate a theory of equality that emphasizes the communities upon which societys institutions intend to (...)
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  • The Work of Art in a Pragmatist Perspective, between Somaesthetics and Techno-aesthetics.Dario Cecchi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):87-99.
    John Dewey puts aesthetic experience at the center of his reflection on art and beauty, reconsidering it dynamically. Nowadays, this view opened the path to somaesthetics, a term coined by Richard Shusterman, and aesthetic anthropology. Here, it is argued that the contribution of pragmatist aesthetics could be further developed by exploring its analogies with techno-aesthetics, a paradigm proposed by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon in the early 1980s. Art occupies accordingly a special place within the different forms of aesthetic experience, being (...)
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  • The wide view of democracy.Roberto Frega - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 140 (1):3-21.
    This article compares the theories of democracy of John Dewey and Claude Lefort, identifying some common themes in their otherwise radically different philosophical outlooks. In so doing, it attempts to analyze the philosophical implications of a ‘democracy first’ approach to politics. It then explains in what sense Dewey’s idea of ‘democracy as a way of life’ and Claude Lefort’s conception of ‘democracy as a form of society’ provide the cornerstone of an original and so far insufficiently explored approach to political (...)
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  • Knowledge, Uncertainty and the Transformation of the Public Sphere.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (3):327-355.
    Radical uncertainty plays a major role in the transformation of the social production of knowledge by questioning the centrality of scientific-technical expertise. Important changes are occurring in the discursive and social divisions characterizing the production and management of knowledge, but the ability of these innovations to cope with the challenge of radical uncertainty is doubtful. This seems to call for a reassessment of the forms of knowledge-related social cooperation, but the late modern public sphere does not provide favourable conditions for (...)
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