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[author unknown]
In . Morcelliana. pp. 5-34 (2011)

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  1. Antonio Gramsci: Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism.Renate Holub - 1992 - Routledge.
    This book provides the first detailed account of Gramsci's work in the context of current critical and socio-cultural debates. Renate Holub argues that Gramsci was ahead of his time in offering a theory of art, politics and cultural production. Gramsci's achievement is discussed particularly in relation to the Frankfurt School (Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Bloch, Habermas), to Brecht's theoretical writings and to thinkers in the phenomenological tradition especially Merleau-Ponty. She argues for Gramsci's continuing relevance at a time of retreat from Marxist (...)
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  • Psicologismo Logico E Logiche Psicologistiche.Massimo Libardi - 1997 - Axiomathes 8 (1-3):307-366.
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  • La logica dei processi culturali. Jürgen Habermas tra filosofia e sociologia.Luca Corchia - 2010 - Genova: ECIG.
    Al centro della riflessione della filosofia e delle scienze sociali, il concetto di cultura ha assunto uno spettro di significati difficilmente riassumibile in una definizione che non sia multidimensionale. Numerose sono le province di significato in cui tale concetto ricorre riflessivamente portando in primo piano ordini di realtà e punti di vista analitici differenziati. Oltre all’identità multiforme le analisi della cultura presentano sul piano storico un contesto di genesi prettamente moderno la cui rilevanza è crescente. Accanto alla coltivazione dello “spirito”, (...)
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  • Alessandro Tassoni and His World: Science and Knowledge in Early Modern Italy.Valentina Vignieri - 2022 - Dissertation, Durham University
    This thesis examines the evolution of cosmology in the first half of the seventeenth century through a case study of the erudite Alessandro Tassoni and his Pensieri diversi, an encylopedia covering scientific, literary, historical, and philosophical topics. Highly successful during the seventeenth century, read even by Galileo Galilei, the Pensieri diversi has received little scholarly attention. However, it offers a significant contribution to our understanding of the evolution of early modern cosmology because it was published during the early seventeenth century (...)
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  • El miʿrāǧ de Muḥammad según Baldassarre Loyola Mandes S.J. (1631-1667).Fuentes, controversia y cristianización de una tradición islámica. [REVIEW]Federico Stella - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (2):18-18.
    The article deals with an unknown Latin version of the miʿrāǧ the author has discovered in the Archive of the Pontifical Gregorian University within an booklet written by Baldassarre Loyola Mandes S.J., a Moroccan Muslim prince converted to Christianity who then joined the Society of Jesus. The aim of the article will be to demonstrate how this Latin miʿrāǧ relied on an Arabic source related to the ḥadīṯ literature. As a method for reaching our aim, we will make a comparative (...)
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  • Nietzsche, die homerische Frage und die Dialektik der Aufklärung.Susanna Zellini - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):1-25.
    It seems obvious that Nietzsche has influenced the Dialectic of Enlightenment (1947). The extent to which Adorno and Horkheimer base their argument on Nietzsche, however, remains controversial. By analyzing an early draft of the first excursion of the Dialectic of Enlightenment from 1943, this article demonstrates that Nietzsche was more important for the development of its main concepts than has been assumed, in particular his analysis of myth and enlightenment. In the earlier version of the Ulysses-chapter Nietzsche, together with Rudolf (...)
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  • "Ubi fracassorium, ibi fuggitorium": Pulcinella e l’enigma della ricapitolazione del tempo.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:303-315.
    Who is Pulcinella? What does his laughter have to say about the "end of time" and the end of life of Giandomenico Tiepolo? How can the end of a life make anyone laugh like Carnival’s popular mask does? This article tries to answer such questions. By unfolding the tools that come from the realm of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy – notably the notion of "recapitulation of time" in its relation to comedy – we will trace a path which links Michail Bachtin’s (...)
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  • La Disputatio de divina existentia et subsistentia: un testo emblemático del pensiero suareziano.Mauro Mantovani - 2017 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 44:55-70.
    In questo contributo si intende evidenziare la rilevanza e l’importanza della Disputatio XI, De divina existentia et subsistentia, all’interno della produzione di Francisco Suárez. Il maestro spagnolo tratta in essa di questioni metafisiche fondamentali relative alla sussistenza e all’esistenza divina, facendo riferimento ai principali dogmi della fede cristiana, quali soprattutto i misteri della Santissima Trinità e dell’Incarnazione del Verbo. La sua pro-spettiva teoretica sul modo di concepire Dio e la sua interpretazione del nome divino Qui est lo colloca in un (...)
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  • Il segreto dell'altruismo.Matteo Aria & Fabio Dei - 2016 - Jura Gentium 13 (S1):53-75.
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  • Meredith K. Ray, Daughters of Alchemy. Women and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015). [REVIEW]Maria Vittoria Comacchi - 2016 - Philosophical Readings 8 (2):121-124.
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  • L'intercampo.Antonio Chiocchi - 2015 - Avellino, Italia: Associazione culturale Relazioni.
    La problematica dell'intercampo, descritta nelle sue principali sfaccettature oltre le teorie "del" e "di" campo, seguendone gli archetipi, la simbolica e la semantica.
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  • Dilemmi del politico, vol. II.Antonio Chiocchi - 2020 - Biella, Italia: Lavoro diricerca.
    La libertà sotto il tiro incrociato dei poteri globali.
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  • Logica ermeneutica e dialettica del Sè.Luca Arduin - unknown
    Beginning from a preliminary question on the meanings of the word "logic" in the expression "hermeneutic logic" used by Ricoeur in a well-known essay of his, the first aim of our research (Part I) was to investigate the origin, the structure and the speculative meaning of Ricoeur's "methodical hermeneutics" following the progressive elaboration of Ricoeur's method through the texts in which Ricoeur himself has explained it, through a dialogue with those authors (Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer) who have been more influential on (...)
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  • Recensione di: Thomas Höwing, The Highest Good in Kant’s Philosophy, De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2016. [REVIEW]Silvia Petronzio - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 4:380-390.
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  • Temporalities and fractures in post-Napoleonic Italy : Leopardi and Vico's legacy.Martina Piperno - unknown
    This dissertation discusses whether Giacomo Leopardi can be considered a philosophical heir of Giambattista Vico, as some scholars retain, despite the fact that there is no evidence that Leopardi read Vico’s New Science or other works until late ; too late to demonstrate a direct influence of the philosopher’s thought on the deepest nexuses of Leopardi’s reflection. This dissertation clarifies how Leopardi responded to Vico-related questions characterizing the culture of his time through an innovative methodology that looks at the diffraction (...)
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  • Michel Foucault: archeologia, governamentalità, governo di sè.Pierpaolo Cesaroni - unknown
    The topic of the present thesis is the conception of thinking in Michel Foucault, in both its theoretical and practical dimension, from the archaeological works of the Sixties to the ethical problems of the last years. The text is organized in two parts. The first part (chapp. I-II) investigates the connections between thinking, philosophy and history in the archaeological works. Starting from Madness and Civilization and from a comparison with Bataille and Derrida, it is possible to identify the difference as (...)
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  • The Ungovernable.Nicholas Heron - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (2):159-174.
    This article seeks to deepen Giorgio Agamben’s brief investigation of the Foucauldian technical term dispositif, by locating it (and the triple structure which articulates it) in the larger context of his own contribution to the genealogy of “governmentality.” Following Agamben’s reconstruction of the Christian paradigm for the divine government of the world, it explores the singular relation between governmental dispositifs and concurrent modes of subjectivation. It argues that the contingency of human action must first be secured for the governmental machine (...)
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  • Towards a more natural structure of Italy? The federalist thought of Carlo Cattaneo, Giuseppe Ferrari, Alberto Mario and Gaetano Salvemini.Rafał Lis - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (4):421-437.
    ABSTRACT The article presents the federalist thought of Carlo Cattaneo, Giuseppe Ferrari and Alberto Mario and Gaetano Salvemini. Referring briefly to the recognised failures of the federal idea in Italy and the corresponding difficulties with its territorial puzzle’ as well, the author proposes to analyse their argumentation through the prism of their attempts to find a proper federal structure for this country. The article shows that despite their eagerness to make Italy perfectly compatible with its ‘natural’ diversity, they gave different (...)
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  • Hans Jonas And His Critics.Wellistony Carvalho Viana - 2014 - Aufklärung 1 (1):51-74.
    This paper presents two more elaborate criticism of the Jonas´ project, namely that taken from the transcendental-pragmatic of K.O-Apel and taken from the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur. The two philosophers are confronted with the Jonas´ principle of responsibility, indicating its shortcomings and limitations. The purpose of the paper is a glimpse of the way that the principle of responsibility has to follow in order to better respond to the demands of ethical foundation of our time.
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  • Pia de Fidio – Clara Talamo , Eforo di Cuma nella storia della storiografia greca. Atti dell'Incontro Internazionale di Studi. 2008. [REVIEW]Claudio Biagetti - 2018 - Klio 100 (1):329-339.
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  • Virtude, vício e pecado nas obras éticas de Pedro Abelardo.Pedro Rodolfo Fernandes da Silva - 2009 - Dissertatio 29:135-160.
    O presente artigo aborda a concepção de virtude, vício e pecado nas obras Dialogus inter philosophum, Iudaeum et Christianum ou Collationes e Ethica ou Scito te Ipsum, ambas escritas por Pedro Abelardo, o qual, além de contribuir para o desenvolvimento da lógica medieval, também inovou com sua pesquisa ética à medida que distinguiu o vício do pecado, afirmando ser o primeiro uma enfermidade da alma e o segundo fruto do consentimento no mal o qual reside na intenção do agente.
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  • Ecstatic Time: Japanese Rites and Prayers.Tiziano Tosolini - 2018 - Culture and Dialogue 6 (1):9-34.
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  • (1 other version)From an outsider's point of view: Lorenzo valla on the soul.Lodi Nauta - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (3):368-391.
    In his Repastinatio . . . Lorenzo Valla launched a heavy attack on Aristotelian-scholastic thought. While most of this book is devoted to metaphysics, language and argumentation, Valla also incorporates chapters on the soul and natural philosophy. Using as criteria good Latin, common sense and common observation, he rejected much of standard Aristotelian teaching on the soul, replacing the hylopmorphic account of the scholastics by an Augustinian one. In this article his arguments on the soul's autonomy, nobility and independency from (...)
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  • F. Verde, Elachista: La dottrina dei minimi nell’Epicureismo.Francesca Masi - 2016 - Elenchos 37 (1-2):263-274.
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  • M. Bonazzi-P.L. Donini-F. Ferrari (a cura di), Sistema, tradizioni, esegesi. Il Medioplatonismo.Francesco Fronterotta - 2016 - Elenchos 37 (1-2):274-278.
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  • The Radical Right in Postwar Italy.Franco Ferraresi - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (1):71-119.
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  • Pessimismo E eudemonologia: Schopenhauer entre pessimismo metafísico E pessimismo pragmático.Vilmar Debona - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):781-802.
    RESUMO Como entender uma teoria da felicidade enquanto sabedoria de vida, elaborada a partir de noções como as de uso prático da razão e de caráter adquirido, no pensamento do grande metafísico pessimista que certamente foi Schopenhauer? O presente artigo sustenta a hipótese de que o pessimismo schopenhaueriano pode ser melhor compreendido se considerado, por um lado, como um pessimismo metafísico, e, por outro, como um pessimismo pragmático. Para tanto, procuro mostrar em que medida a consideração da peculiar eudemonologia do (...)
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  • Governing the passions: Sketches on Lodovico Antonio Muratori's moral philosophy.Chiara Continisio - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (4):367-384.
    Muratori has often been portrayed as a moral philosopher who represented the traditional neo-Aristotelian mainstream of Italian intellectual life in the early part of the eighteenth century. His loyalty to Christianity as a basis from which societies ought to be reformed has determined his reputation as a ‘pre-enlightened’ thinker. Yet, it is argued here that not only was Muratori very much in touch with the state of the art of early eighteenth-century moral philosophy, but also that he was really a (...)
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  • The Politicus Myth (268D-274E) and the History of Religion.Giovanni Casadio - 1995 - Kernos 8:85-95.
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  • Pervasive Prevention.Mariachiara Bossi - 2012 - Jura Gentium 9 (2):87-89.
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  • The Georg Henrik Von Wright-bibliography.Editorial Board - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (1):155-210.
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  • L’immagine del potere e il potere della lettura.Peter Szendy - 2018 - la Deleuziana 7:185-202.
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  • Cultura e traduzione.Leonardo Marchettoni - 2009 - Jura Gentium 6 (1):116-172.
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  • Carl Schmitt, il giurista e I suoi arcani.Elena Paola Carola Alessiato - 2016 - Jura Gentium 13 (1):93-102.
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  • Popolo sovrano e governo del popolo. Saggio su Robespierre.P. Perenzin - unknown
    The purpose of this essay is to consider Robespierre’s ideas of people and government, under a conceptual history point of view. Robespierre, like Rousseau, tries to find out how the command can be really political: Government as guide, as cure, as direction for the political body opposed to the absolute monarchy’s despotic rule and opposed to the Feuillants’ and Girondists’ concept of representation. These conditions are established with one consent between people and government, which can be achieved by a strong (...)
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  • Utilitarismo e sentimentalismo in David Hume.Juan Andrés Mercado - 2005 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 14 (2):203-232.
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