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  1. Some Philosophical Uses of "To Be" in Plato.Charles H. Kahn - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (2):105 - 134.
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  • Existence Is Not Relativistically Invariant—Part 1: Meta-ontology.Florian Marion - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (3):479-503.
    Metaphysicians who are aware of modern physics usually follow Putnam (1967) in arguing that Special Theory of Relativity is incompatible with the view that what exists is only what exists now or presently. Partisans of presentism (the motto ‘only present things exist’) had very difficult times since, and no presentist theory of time seems to have been able to satisfactorily counter the objection raised from Special Relativity. One of the strategies offered to the presentist consists in relativizing existence to inertial (...)
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  • The Late-Learners of the School of Names: Sph. 251a8-c6: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος (the good man) and 白馬 (white horse).Florian Marion - 2024 - In Brisson Luc, Halper Edward & Perry Richard (eds.), Plato’s Sophist. Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum. Baden Baden: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 227-236.
    The focus on this contribution is on the ‘late-learners’ digression. In Sph. 251a8-c6, the Eleatic Stranger briefly discusses the view of some ‘young and old late-learners’ who hold that, from a logico-metaphysical point of view, unlike ‘a man is a man’ or ‘a good is good’, the statement ‘a man is good’ is neither a well-formed nor a grammatical sentence. Usually, modern commentators devote little energy to interpreting this passage since they are content to note that it suffices to discriminate (...)
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  • Essence and existence in Plato and Aristotle.M. J. Cresswell - 1971 - Theoria 37 (2):91-113.
    Truth of x (independently of any description of x) that it is f. A property f which holds of x but is not per se of x is said to hold per accidens of x. The essence of an individual is the sum of its per se properties. We can formulate the following: doctrine a: concrete individuals do not have essences though abstract entities do. Doctrine b: concrete individuals have essences but they do not individuate, whereas abstract entities have essences (...)
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  • Being measured: truth and falsehood in Aristotle's Metaphysics.Mark Richard Wheeler - 2019 - Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
    On the basis of careful textual exegesis and philosophical analysis, and contrary to the received view, Mark R. Wheeler demonstrates that Aristotle presents and systematically explicates his definition of the essence of the truth in the Metaphysics. Aristotle states the nominal definitions of the terms "truth" and "falsehood" as part of his arguments in defense of the logical axioms. These nominal definitions express conceptions of truth and falsehood his philosophical opponents would have recognized and accepted in the context of dialectical (...)
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  • Platonic and Neoplatonic Terminology for Being in Arabic translation.Cristina D’Ancona - 2011 - Studia Graeco-Arabica 1:23-46.
    The Arabic version of the Enneads is the earliest datable text in which appears the term "anniyya", that features in Avicenna’s metaphysics and lies in the background of the Latin definition of the Causa prima as esse tantum, typical of the Liber de Causis. This paper examines some examples of the use of "to be" in the Arabic translation of the Enneads. It also discusses the description of the First Cause as ‘pure Being’ or ‘first Being’ in the Arabic Plotinus, (...)
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  • Can disembodied persons be spatially located?Brian Smart - 1971 - Analysis 31 (4):133-138.
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  • Only Half the Truth. Proclus on Aristotle’s Deficient Metaphysics.Rareș Ilie Marinescu - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (4):438-466.
    In this paper I argue that Proclus’ criticism of the causality of Aristotle’s intellect is part of a general attack on Aristotle’s metaphysics. I show how Proclus criticises Aristotle for rejecting the One as a metaphysical principle and the metaphysical confusion that arises from this. Additionally, I claim that for Proclus Aristotle’s understanding of efficient causality differs from Plato’s and I discuss two of his arguments that Aristotle should have accepted the intellect as an efficient cause. As I show throughout, (...)
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  • Parmenides on Possibility and Thought.Owen Goldin - 1993 - Apeiron 26 (1):19 - 35.
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  • Interpreting Plato’s Republic: Knowledge and Belief.David C. Lee - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (10):854-864.
    A distinction between knowledge and belief is set out and justified at the end of Book V of Plato’s Republic. The justification is intended to establish the claim of the philosophers to rule in an ideal state. I set out the argument and explain why considerable disagreement remains about the nature of the distinction and the assumptions on which it rests. I discuss the main options for interpreting the justification, briefly assessing their strengths and weaknesses. I conclude with comments on (...)
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  • What is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? A brief journey through the Treatise, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of Helen.Erminia Di Iulio - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    Assuming that a nihilist reading of Gorgias’ thought is to be ruled out, the issue of ‘not being’ remains one of the thorniest in his philosophy; indeed, it is fair to conclude that Gorgias is deeply concerned with ‘not being’. But what, after all, is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? This paper aims to answer this crucial question, by taking into consideration Gorgias’ main texts. Each of them provides a serious – although not always explicit – account of ‘not being’. Overall, the (...)
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  • NONEXISTENCE - A comparative-historical analysis of the problem of nonbeing.Michael D. Bakaoukas - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-25.
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  • Commentary on Kurt Pritzl: Aristotle on the conditions of thought.Victor Caston - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):202-212.
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  • A Study of Plato's Cratylus.Geoffrey Bagwell - 2010 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
    In the last century, philosophers turned their attention to language. One place they have looked for clues about its nature is Plato’s Cratylus, which considers whether names are naturally or conventionally correct. The dialogue is a source of annoyance to many commentators because it does not take a clear position on the central question. At times, it argues that language is conventional, and, at other times, defends the view that language is natural. This lack of commitment has led to a (...)
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  • Parmenides and the Question of Being in Greek Thought.Raul Corazzon - unknown
    This page is dedicated to an analysis of the first section of Parmenides' Poem, the Way of Truth, with a selection of critical judgments by the most important commentators and critics. In the Annotated Bibliography I list the main critical editions (from the first printed edition of 1573 to present days) and the translations in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, with a selection of studies on Parmenides; in future, a section will be dedicated to an examination of some critical (...)
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  • (1 other version)Robert Kilwardby on Negative Judgement.José Filipe Silva - 2018 - Topoi:1-11.
    In this article, I discuss Robert Kilwardby’s theory of judgement and consider its implications for his view of truth and falsity. I start by considering Kilwardby’s claim that truth and falsity are primarily found in composite thought, i.e. judgement. I then examine his distinction between two different kinds of being, namely real and conceptual, arguing that different kinds of true judgement, according to Kilwardby, have different kinds of existential import, either real or merely conceptual. Since Kilwardby develops his position by (...)
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  • Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: The Role of Judgement in Light of Thirteenth-Century Semantics.Rosa Vargas Della Casa - unknown
    Aquinas’ famous comments in his early Scriptum on the Sentences (In I Sent., d. 38, q. 1, a. 3) regarding the intellect’s apprehension of essence and esse have traditionally been interpreted as grounding Aquinas’ doctrine on the judgment of esse. For Aquinas, it appears, what the intellect apprehends in a simple concept is essence. Since esse, for him, is not an essence, it cannot, on the received view, be the object of conceptualization. Therefore, esse is grasped by the intellect only (...)
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  • Partikularitet og universalitet I Aristoteles' formlære- skitse af en position.Morten Hansen - 2004 - Res Cogitans 1 (1).
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  • An ontological inquiry in early Qur'ān commentaries.Arzu Meral - unknown
    This study examines the influence of Qur'anic teachings on the development of falsafa on the one hand, and the position of tafsirs in the intellectual history of Islam on the other. To do so, in the introduction it attempts to situate the place of falsafa and its connections with kalam and tafsir, and to explain the approach that will be followed in this research. In the first part it treats some of the ontological vocabulary of the Qur'an, while in the (...)
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  • Esencia y causas en y a través de los movimientos naturales. Desde Aristóteles y en diálogo con Alicia Juarrero.Miguel Martí Sánchez - 2014 - Scientia et Fides 2 (2):67-92.
    Essence and causes in and through the movements in Nature. From Aristotle and in dialogue with Alicia Juarrero: According to Aristotle there is an intrinsic relation between ordinary language, logic and ontology, which is a key element for the knowledge of reality. Such a relation is applied by the Stagirite in the sphere of nature as support for the analysis made by the incipient natural sciences of his time. Thus, Aristotle provided a unitary conception of nature and the sciences which (...)
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  • The notion of homonymy, synonymy, multivocity, and pros hen in Aristotle.Niels Tolkiehn - 2019 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    This doctoral thesis addresses a group of conceptual instruments that are central to Aristotle's philosophy, namely, the concepts of pros hen, homonymy, synonymy and multivocity. These instruments are crucial to many of Aristotle's works as he devotes himself to analysing the key notions in each of his investigations using these instruments. Despite the undisputable importance of these instruments, they display severe interpretative problems, which this thesis critically evaluates. The currently established view on the relationship between homonymy and multivocity is discussed (...)
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  • Reviews. [REVIEW]Andrew Barker - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):465-469.
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  • Review of Plato's Sophist by Eva Brann, Peter Kalkavage, and Eric Salem. [REVIEW]Owen Goldin - unknown
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  • Review of Essays on Plato and Aristotle by J. L. Ackrill. [REVIEW]Owen Goldin - unknown
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  • (1 other version)Reviews. [REVIEW]Hans Sluga - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):469-473.
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