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A Return to Musical Idealism.Wesley D. Cray & Carl Matheson - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):702-715.details
Descriptivism and Its Discontents.David Davies - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):117-129.details
The Ontology of Musical Works and the Role of Intuitions: An Experimental Study.Christopher Bartel - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):348-367.details
Creating abstract objects.David Friedell - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12783.details
Fictionalism about musical works.Anton Killin - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):266-291.details
The philosophy of music.Andrew Kania - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.details
Visibility, creativity, and collective working practices in art and science.Claire Anscomb - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-23.details
Multiplicity, Audibility, and Musical Continuity.Peter Alward - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (1):101-121.details
Musical Ontology and the Question of Persistence.Peter Alward - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (2):213-227.details
Two Concepts of Groove: Musical Nuances, Rhythm, and Genre.Evan Malone - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):345-354.details
Judging Covers.Cristyn Magnus, P. D. Magnus & Christy Mag Uidhir - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (4):361-370.details
Rock as a Three-Value Tradition.Christopher Bartel - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):143-154.details
Musical Types and Musical Flexibility.Peter Alward - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (2):355-369.details
A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - 2022 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers.details
Musical recordings.Andrew Kania - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (1):22-38.details
Listening to Other Minds: A Phenomenology of Pop Songs.Enrico Terrone - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4):435-453.details
Kind of Borrowed, Kind of Blue.P. D. Magnus - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):179-185.details
Jazz and Musical Works: Hypnotized by the Wrong Model.John Andrew Fisher - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (2):151-162.details
Some Ideas about the Metaphysics of Stories.Wesley D. Cray - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):147-160.details
Two Kinds of “Bad” Musical Performance: Musical and Moral Mistakes.Justin London - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (3):328-340.details
Works and performances in the performing arts.David Davies - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (5):744-755.details
Idealist Origins: 1920s and Before.Martin Davies & Stein Helgeby - 2014 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 15-54.details
Works, recordings, performances : classical, rock, jazz.Andrew Kania - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan (ed.), Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.details
Hardcore music ontologies.Tim Mahoney - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.details
Is Stand‐Up Comedy Art?Ian Brodie - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):401-418.details
L'ontologie du rock.Roger Pouivet - 2008 - Rue Descartes 60 (2):20.details
Types of Recording, Types of Performance and the Ontological Identity of Musical Works.Alessandro Arbo - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):24.details
Plato on the Stream. Platonism in the Age of Streaming.Frédéric Bisson - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):29-49.details
Digital Instances.Hetty Blades - 2015 - American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-Journal 7 (1).details
Do It Again: Repetition, Reproduction, Reenactment in Performance and Music.Christian Grüny - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):17.details
Making Movies with Song: Movement, Style, and the Invitations of Music.Thomas Rickert - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (1):28-44.details