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The Sleepwalkers

Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):228-229 (1959)

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  1. The rationality of belief and other propositional attitudes.Thomas Kelly - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 110 (2):163-96.
    In this paper, I explore the question of whether the expected consequences of holding a belief can affect the rationality of doing so. Special attention is given to various ways in which one might attempt to exert some measure of control over what one believes and the normative status of the beliefs that result from the successful execution of such projects. I argue that the lessons which emerge from thinking about the case ofbelief have important implications for the way we (...)
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  • Scientific realism and the stratagema de divide et impera.Timothy D. Lyons - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (3):537-560.
    In response to historical challenges, advocates of a sophisticated variant of scientific realism emphasize that theoretical systems can be divided into numerous constituents. Setting aside any epistemic commitment to the systems themselves, they maintain that we can justifiably believe those specific constituents that are deployed in key successful predictions. Stathis Psillos articulates an explicit criterion for discerning exactly which theoretical constituents qualify. I critique Psillos's criterion in detail. I then test the more general deployment realist intuition against a set of (...)
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  • From knowledge to wisdom: a revolution in the aims and methods of science.Nicholas Maxwell - 1984 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    This book argues for the need to put into practice a profound and comprehensive intellectual revolution, affecting to a greater or lesser extent all branches of scientific and technological research, scholarship and education. This intellectual revolution differs, however, from the now familiar kind of scientific revolution described by Kuhn. It does not primarily involve a radical change in what we take to be knowledge about some aspect of the world, a change of paradigm. Rather it involves a radical change in (...)
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  • International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching.Michael R. Matthews (ed.) - 2014 - Springer.
    This inaugural handbook documents the distinctive research field that utilizes history and philosophy in investigation of theoretical, curricular and pedagogical issues in the teaching of science and mathematics. It is contributed to by 130 researchers from 30 countries; it provides a logically structured, fully referenced guide to the ways in which science and mathematics education is, informed by the history and philosophy of these disciplines, as well as by the philosophy of education more generally. The first handbook to cover the (...)
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  • Chance in social affairs.Vilhelm Aubert - 1959 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 2 (1-4):1 – 24.
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  • On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory.Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 2012 - Economic Thought 1 (1).
    The value of rational choice theory for the social sciences has long been contested. It is argued here that, in the debate over its role, it is necessary to distinguish between claims that people maximise manifest payoffs, and claims that people maximise their utility. The former version has been falsified. The latter is unfalsifiable, because utility cannot be observed. In principle, utility maximisation can be adapted to fit any form of behaviour, including the behaviour of non-human organisms. Allegedly 'inconsistent' behaviour (...)
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  • The metaphysical standing of the human: A future for the history of the human sciences.Steve Fuller - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (1):23-40.
    I reconstruct my own journey into the history of the human sciences, which I show to have been a process of discovering the metaphysical standing of the human. I begin with Alexandre Koyré’s encounter with Edmund Husserl in the 1930s, which I use to throw light on the legacy of Kant’s ‘anthropological’ understanding of the human, which dominated and limited 19th-century science. As I show, those who broke from Kant’s strictures and set the stage for the 20th-century revolutions in science (...)
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  • Analogy and creativity in the works of Johannes Kepler.Dedre Gentner, Sarah Brem, Ron Ferguson, Philip Wolff, Arthur B. Markman & Ken Forbus - 1997 - In T. B. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid (eds.), Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes. American Psychological Association.
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  • Between science and technology.Joseph Agassi - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (1):82-99.
    Basic research or fundamental research is distinct from both pure and applied research, in that it is pure research with expected useful results. The existence of basic or fundamental research is problematic, at least for both inductivists and instrumentalists, but also for Popper. Assuming scientific research to be the search for explanatory conjectures and for refutations, and assuming technology to be the search of conjectures and some corroborations, we can easily place basic or fundamental research between science and technology as (...)
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  • The poverty of constructivism.Derek Louis Meyer - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (3):332-341.
    Constructivism claims to be a postepistemology that replaces 'traditional' concepts of knowledge. Supporters of constructivism have argued that progress requires that pre-service teachers be weaned off traditional approaches and that they should adopt constructivist views of knowledge. Constructivism appears to be gaining ground rapidly and should no longer be viewed as an exercise in radical thinking primarily aimed at generating innovative teaching. It has become an integral part of the pedagogic mainstream. Close examination of the theoretical foundations of constructivism, however, (...)
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  • Re-modelling scientific change: complex systems frames innovative problem solving.Cliff Hooker - 2018 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 5 (1):4-12.
    Complex systems are used, studied and instantiated in science, with what con-sequences? To be clear and systematic in response it is necessary to distin-guish the consequences, for science, of science using and studying complex systems, for philosophy of science, of science using and studying complex systems, for philosophy of science, of philosophy of science modelling sci-ence as a complex system. Each of these is explored in turn, especially. While has been least studied, it will be shown how modelling science as (...)
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  • Conceptual tensions between theory and program: The chromosome theory and the Mendelian research program.Gerrit Van Balen - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):435-461.
    Laudan's thesis that conceptual problem solving is at least as important as empirical problem solving in scientific research is given support by a study of the relation between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian research program. It will be shown that there existed a conceptual tension between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian program. This tension was to be resolved by changing the constraints of the Mendelian program. The relation between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian program is shown to (...)
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  • Kepler's Resolution of Individual Planetary Motion.A. E. L. Davis - 1992 - Centaurus 35 (2):97-102.
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  • Pythagoreanism.Carl Huffman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Pythagorean heuristic in physics.Sorin Bangu - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (4):387-416.
    : Some of the great physicists' belief in the existence of a connection between the aesthetical features of a theory (such as beauty and simplicity) and its truth is still one of the most intriguing issues in the aesthetics of science. In this paper I explore the philosophical credibility of a version of this thesis, focusing on the connection between the mathematical beauty and simplicity of a theory and its truth. I discuss a heuristic interpretation of this thesis, attempting to (...)
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  • ``Why study history for science?''.Jane Maienschein - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (3):339-348.
    David Hull has demonstrated a marvelous ability to annoy everyone who caresabout science (or should), by forcing us to confront deep truths about howscience works. Credit, priority, precularities, and process weave together tomake the very fabric of science. As Hull's studies reveal, the story is bothmessier and more irritating than those limited by a single disciplinaryperspective generally admit. By itself history is interesting enough, andphilosophy valuable enough. But taken together, they do so much in tellingus about science and by puncturing (...)
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  • Biology Clearly Needs Morphometrics. Does Morphometrics Need Biology?Charles Oxnard & Paul O’Higgins - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (1):84-97.
    It is now well documented that biology needs morphometrics. Morphometrics can provide useful and often unexpected information about development and growth, functional—especially mechanical—adaptation, and evolutionary difference and relationship. Such studies often apply coordinate data from anatomical landmarks. Recently semi-landmarks and sliding landmarks increase information content, especially of apparently featureless regions . Yet, how we landmark our materials limits the results we get and the questions we ask. Here we show different landmarking schemes leading to different equivalences between specimens and different (...)
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  • Lines of Descent: Kuhn and Beyond.Friedel Weinert - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (4):331-352.
    Thomas S. Kuhn is famous both for his work on the Copernican Revolution and his ‘paradigm’ view of scientific revolutions. But Kuhn later abandoned the notion of paradigm in favour of a more ‘evolutionary’ view of the history of science. Kuhn’s position therefore moved closer to ‘continuity’ models of scientific progress, for instance ‘chain-of-reasoning’ models, originally championed by D. Shapere. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate around Kuhn’s new ‘developmental’ view and to evaluate these competing (...)
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  • Taking Responsibility for the Implications of Science.Wytze Brouwer - 1994 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 14 (4):192-202.
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  • Unistus tõelisest teadusest.Enn Kasak - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 1 (3):61-80.
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  • The Moral Underpinnings of Popper's Philosophy.Noretta Koertge - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen (eds.), Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 323--338.
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  • Galileo and Copernican Astronomy: A Scientific World View Defined.Clive Morphet - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (5):429-502.
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  • Más allá de la representación. ¿Es visible la realidad?Josep Maria Català - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):485.
    El trabajo de la ciencia con las imágenes nos muestra procedimientos que se alejan, por un lado, de los rigores del estricto método científico, y que crean, por el otro, innumerables paradojas, cuya intensidad se acrecienta a medida que aumenta la complejidad del objeto estudiado. A las operaciones simbólicas y retóricas configuradoras de las imágenes científicas, la mayoría de carácter tecnológico, se añaden los procesos de visualización que ponen en escena, en muy diversos niveles, las relaciones fundamentales de aquellas. Los (...)
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  • Why, and to What Extent, May a False Hypothesis Yield the Truth?Stefano Gattei - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen (eds.), Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 47--61.
    Some of Kepler's works seem very different in character. His youthful Mysterium cosmographicum (1596) argues for heliocentrism on the basis of metaphysical, astronomical, astrological, numerological and architectonic principles. By contrast, Astronomia nova (1609) is far more tightly argued on the basis of only a few dynamical principles. In the eyes of many, such a contrast embodies a transition from Renaissance to early modern science. I suggest that Karl Popper's fallibilist and piecemeal approach, and especially his theory of errors, might prove (...)
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  • A Theory of the Knowledge Industry.Hisham Ghassib - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (4):447-456.
    This article deals with the social production of knowledge in the exact sciences. After defining the term ?exact science?, it delineates the broad dynamic of its history. It, then, offers a socio-economic historical explanation of why the production of knowledge has become a major industry, if not the largest industry, in the last hundred years. The article concludes by drawing a detailed blueprint of the components, mechanisms, and specificities of the knowledge industry.
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  • Economics and the laboratory: some philosophical and methodological problems facing experimental economics.Francesco Guala - 1999 - Dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science
    Laboratory experimentation was once considered impossible or irrelevant in economics. Recently, however, economic science has gone through a real ‘laboratory revolution’, and experimental economics is now a most lively subfield of the discipline. The methodological advantages and disadvantages of controlled experimentation constitute the main subject of this thesis. After a survey of the literature on experiments in philosophy and economics, the problem of testing normative theories of rationality is tackled. This philosophical issue was at the centre of a famous controversy (...)
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  • C. P. Snow’s The Two Cultures: Michael Polanyi’s Response and Context.Struan Jacobs - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (3):172-178.
    C. P. Snow’s “The Two Cultures” controversially contrasted science and literature, suggesting that neither scientists nor literary intellectuals have much in common with, and seldom bother speaking to, the other. Responding to Snow, Michael Polanyi argued that specialization has made modern culture, not twofold but manifold. In his major work, Personal Knowledge, Polanyi explained that branches of modern culture have personal knowing and knowledge in common, and there is extensive cross-pollination of ideas. He also, in this book, saw the branches (...)
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  • Relentless writing and the death of memory in elementary education.David W. Jardine & Pam Rinehart - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (2):127-137.
    This paper explores the relentless character of writing in elementary education. We begin with the reflections of a Grade Three teacher on incidents in her classroom regarding writing and the leaving of traces, followed with a consideration of the deep cultural investment we have in leaving such traces. A brief examination of the latest work by Lucy Calkins is followed by a discussion of the paradoxical relations between writing, remembering and forgetting and the forging of community as an “order of (...)
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  • An evolutionary view of science: Imitation and memetics.Aharon Kantorovich - 2014 - Social Science Information 53 (3):363-373.
    Scientific thought is characterized in general as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering and imitation, rather than so-called rational thought, characterizes it. All these kinds of acts, which are considered to be a-rational, are related to an evolutionary view of science. I will deal here with a version of evolutionary epistemology as applied to science, integrated with the concept uf "meme". Richard Dawkins, who coined (...)
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  • Evolutionary Epistemology: Random Change in Science.Aharon Kantorovich - unknown
    Scientific thought is generally characterized as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering and imitation, rather than so-called rational thought, characterizes it. All these kinds of acts, which are considered to be a-rational, are related to an evolutionary view of science. I will deal here with a version of evolutionary epistemology as applied to science. The combination of variation and competition for survival is analogous to (...)
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  • A Twentieth Century Renaissance? The Price and Promise of Cultural Change.Robert Artigiani - 1993 - Diogenes 41 (163):89-112.
    European intellectuals diagnosed the end of the nineteenth century as “the sickness of an age.” Schopenhauer's pessimistic books suddenly became popular; Nietzsche announced the “death of god”; and Max Nordeau's Degeneration was an international best seller. To be sure, this mood of despair was initially limited to a handful of poets and philosophers. But once the outbreak of World War I revealed what “the treacherous years were all the while making for and meaning,” the sense that the West had somehow (...)
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  • Artificial Knowledge: Assembling and Automating Parametric Epistemic Things : Beyond Endurance Model.Magnus Larsson - unknown
    A parallel reading of ten powerful works of conceptual and analytical originality yields a novel epistemological method based on the possibility of automated experimentation in engineering and architecture. An initial protocol for Parametric Epistemic Things, a particular kind of assemblage (as postulated by DeLanda following Deleuze & Guattari) that builds on Rheinberger’s ideas of Epistemic Things, is outlined and conceptualised to allow for the possibility of such automation. Following the interpretations of fragments from the texts, a discussion examines future potentials (...)
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  • Dissolving some dilemmas for acquaintance foundationalism.Ryan Daniel Cobb - unknown
    This essay purports to be a “negative” defense of acquaintance foundationalism. It is “negative” in that I do not do much in the way of advancing novel argument for the position, nor do I extend the position very much. Rather, I focus on demonstrating that the position has the resources to overcome objections that have been proposed to it. In particular, I argue that it can overcome the dilemma proposed by Wilfrid Sellars and developed by Laurence BonJour against foundationalism, as (...)
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  • Conceptual tensions between theory and program: The chromosome theory and the Mendelian research program. [REVIEW]Gerrit Balen - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):435-461.
    Laudan's thesis that conceptual problem solving is at least as important as empirical problem solving in scientific research is given support by a study of the relation between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian research program. It will be shown that there existed a conceptual tension between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian program. This tension was to be resolved by changing the constraints of the Mendelian program. The relation between the chromosome theory and the Mendelian program is shown to (...)
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  • Review of Maurice A. Finocchiaro: Defending Copernicus and Galileo: Critical Reasoning in the Two Affairs. [REVIEW]Peter Slezak - 2011 - Science & Education 20 (1):71-81.
    In reviewing Finocchiaro's book, I argue that Galileo deserved to be found guilty for the charges against him. A measure of Finocchiaro's scrupulously fair-minded presentation of the issues surrounding the Galileo Affair is the fact that a contrary case against his own exculpatory evaluation may be inferred from his meticulous scholarship. Specifically, to acknowledge that the standards of evaluation and judgment have changed since 1633 is not in any way to diminish Galileo's greatness but, on the contrary, to recognize his (...)
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