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Sociolinguistic Patterns

Foundations of Language 13 (2):251-265 (1975)

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  1. Sociolinguistic variation, slurs, and speech acts.Ethan Nowak - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I argue that the ‘social meanings’ associated with sociolinguistic variation put pressure on the standard philosophical conception of language, according to which the foremost thing we do with words is exchange information. Drawing on parallels with the explanatory challenge posed by slurs and pejoratives, I argue that the best way to understand social meanings is to think of them in speech act theoretic terms. I develop a distinctive form of pluralism about the performances realized by means of (...)
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  • Zero-stimulation for parameter setting.Robin Freidin & A. Carlos Quicoli - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):338-339.
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  • Is there a schizophrenic language?Steven Schwartz - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):579-588.
    Among the many peculiarities of schizophrenics perhaps the most obvious is their tendency to say odd things. Indeed, for most clinicians, the hallmark of schizophrenia is “thought disorder”. Decades of clinical observations, experimental research, and linguistic analyses have produced many hypotheses about what, precisely, is wrong with schizophrenic speech and language. These hypotheses range from assertions that schizophrenics have peculiar word association hierarchies to the notion that schizophrenics are suffering from an intermittent form of aphasia. In this article, several popular (...)
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  • The child's trigger experience: Degree-0 learnability.David Lightfoot - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):321-334.
    According to a “selective” (as opposed to “instructive”) model of human language capacity, people come to know more than they experience. The discrepancy between experience and eventual capacity (the “poverty of the stimulus”) is bridged by genetically provided information. Hence any hypothesis about the linguistic genotype (or “Universal Grammar,” UG) has consequences for what experience is needed and what form people's mature capacities (or “grammars”) will take. This BBS target article discusses the “trigger experience,” that is, the experience that actually (...)
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  • The role of attention in auditory information processing as revealed by event-related potentials and other brain measures of cognitive function.Risto Näätänen - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):201-233.
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  • Positive and negative evidence in language acquistion.Jane Grimshaw & Steven Pinker - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):341-342.
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  • Sociolinguistic Variation, Speech Acts, and Discursive Injustice.Ethan Nowak - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):1024-1045.
    Despite its status at the heart of a closely related field, philosophers have so far mostly overlooked a phenomenon sociolinguists call ‘social meaning’. My aim in this paper will be to show that by properly acknowledging the significance of social meanings, we can identify an important new set of forms that discursive injustice takes. I begin by surveying some data from variationist sociolinguistics that reveal how subtle differences in the way a particular content is expressed allow us to perform importantly (...)
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  • The Biology of Bird-Song Dialects.Myron Charles Baker & Michael A. Cunningham - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):85-100.
    No single theory so far proposed gives a wholly satisfactory account of the origin and maintenance of bird-song dialects. This failure is the consequence of a weak comparative literature that precludes careful comparisons among species or studies, and of the complexity of the issues involved. Complexity arises because dialects seem to bear upon a wide range of features in the life history of bird species. We give an account of the principal issues in bird-song dialects: evolution of vocal learning, experimental (...)
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  • Limits of Optimization.Cesare Carissimo & Marcin Korecki - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):117-137.
    Optimization is about finding the best available object with respect to an objective function. Mathematics and quantitative sciences have been highly successful in formulating problems as optimization problems, and constructing clever processes that find optimal objects from sets of objects. As computers have become readily available to most people, optimization and optimized processes play a very broad role in societies. It is not obvious, however, that the optimization processes that work for mathematics and abstract objects should be readily applied to (...)
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  • Complex societies.Peter J. Richerson & Robert Boyd - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (3):253-289.
    The complexity of human societies of the past few thousand years rivals that of social insect societies. We hypothesize that two sets of social “instincts” underpin and constrain the evolution of complex societies. One set is ancient and shared with other social primate species, and one is derived and unique to our lineage. The latter evolved by the late Pleistocene, and led to the evolution of institutions of intermediate complexity in acephalous societies. The institutions of complex societies often conflict with (...)
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  • Signalling games, sociolinguistic variation and the construction of style.Heather Burnett - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 42 (5):419-450.
    This paper develops a formal model of the subtle meaning differences that exist between grammatical alternatives in socially conditioned variation and how these variants can be used by speakers as resources for constructing personal linguistic styles. More specifically, this paper introduces a new formal system, called social meaning games, which allows for the unification of variationist sociolinguistics and game-theoretic pragmatics, two fields that have had very little interaction in the past. Although remarks have been made concerning the possible usefulness of (...)
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  • What does it mean for humans to be groupish?Cristina Moya - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (2):e12893.
    Perhaps because groupishness comes so easily to humans, clear operational definitions of the phenomena and justifications for the claim that it is deep‐seated are lacking in much of the literature. Furthermore, the assertion of human groupishness glosses over several important questions including which behaviors, which social boundaries, and which evolutionary processes make us groupish. In this paper I use an evolutionary lens, and cross‐species and cross‐cultural comparative examples to clarify the bases on which such a claim of particular human groupishness (...)
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  • Failure to establish appropriate response sets: An explanation for a range of schizophrenic phenomena?David R. Hemsley - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):599-599.
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  • Limited dispersal between dialects?: Hypotheses testable in the field.Donald E. Kroodsma - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):108-109.
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  • Studying dialects in songbirds: Finding the common ground.Meredith J. West & Andrew P. King - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):117-118.
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  • The evolution of subjective commitment to groups: A tribal instincts hypothesis.Peter Richerson - 2001
    Version 3.0 12/02/00. Submitted to R.M. Nesse The Evolution of Subjective Commitment, Russell Sage Foundation. Please do not cite without author’s permission.  by Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd. Comments welcome! Word count 14,487.
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  • Criteria for evaluating hypotheses regarding information processing and schizophrenia.Thomas F. Oltmanns - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):610-611.
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  • Algorithmic augmentation of democracy: considering whether technology can enhance the concepts of democracy and the rule of law through four hypotheticals.Paul Burgess - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):97-112.
    The potential use, relevance, and application of AI and other technologies in the democratic process may be obvious to some. However, technological innovation and, even, its consideration may face an intuitive push-back in the form of algorithm aversion (Dietvorst et al. J Exp Psychol 144(1):114–126, 2015). In this paper, I confront this intuition and suggest that a more ‘extreme’ form of technological change in the democratic process does not necessarily result in a worse outcome in terms of the fundamental concepts (...)
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  • Human Identity and the Evolution of Societies.Mark W. Moffett - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (3):219-267.
    Human societies are examined as distinct and coherent groups. This trait is most parsimoniously considered a deeply rooted part of our ancestry rather than a recent cultural invention. Our species is the only vertebrate with society memberships of significantly more than 200. We accomplish this by using society-specific labels to identify members, in what I call an anonymous society. I propose that the human brain has evolved to permit not only the close relationships described by the social brain hypothesis, but (...)
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  • Codeswitching: A Bilingual Toolkit for Opportunistic Speech Planning.Anne L. Beatty-Martínez, Christian A. Navarro-Torres & Paola E. Dussias - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Cognitive accessibility predicts word order of couples’ names in English and Japanese.Adele E. Goldberg & Karina Tachihara - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):231-249.
    We investigate the order in which speakers produce the proper names of couples they know personally in English and Japanese, two languages with markedly different constituent word orders. Results demonstrate that speakers of both languages tend to produce the name of the person they feel closer to before the name of the other member of the couple (N = 180). In this way, speakers’ unique personal histories give rise to a remarkably systematic linguistic generalization in both English and Japanese. Insofar (...)
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  • Experience With a Linguistic Variant Affects the Acquisition of Its Sociolinguistic Meaning: An Alien‐Language‐Learning Experiment.Wei Lai, Péter Rácz & Gareth Roberts - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12832.
    How do speakers learn the social meaning of different linguistic variants, and what factors influence how likely a particular social–linguistic association is to be learned? It has been argued that the social meaning of more salient variants should be learned faster, and that learners' pre‐existing experience of a variant will influence its salience. In this paper, we report two artificial‐language‐learning experiments investigating this. Each experiment involved two language‐learning stages followed by a test. The first stage introduced the artificial language and (...)
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  • Sociolinguistic Perception as Inference Under Uncertainty.Dave F. Kleinschmidt, Kodi Weatherholtz & T. Florian Jaeger - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):818-834.
    Social and linguistic perceptions are linked. On one hand, talker identity affects speech perception. On the other hand, speech itself provides information about a talker's identity. Here, we propose that the same probabilistic knowledge might underlie both socially conditioned linguistic inferences and linguistically conditioned social inferences. Our computational–level approach—the ideal adapter—starts from the idea that listeners use probabilistic knowledge of covariation between social, linguistic, and acoustic cues in order to infer the most likely explanation of the speech signals they hear. (...)
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  • Extending Situated Language Comprehension (Accounts) with Speaker and Comprehender Characteristics: Toward Socially Situated Interpretation.Katja Münster & Pia Knoeferle - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:284964.
    More and more findings suggest a tight temporal coupling between (non-linguistic) socially interpreted context and language processing. Still, real-time language processing accounts remain largely elusive with respect to the influence of biological (e.g., age) and experiential (e.g., world and moral knowledge) comprehender characteristics and the influence of the ‘socially interpreted’ context, as for instance provided by the speaker. This context could include actions, facial expressions, a speaker’s voice or gaze, and gestures among others. We review findings from social psychology, sociolinguistics (...)
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  • Deranging the Mental Lexicon.Endre Begby - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (1):33-55.
    This paper offers a defense of Davidson’s conclusion in ‘A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs’, focusing on the psychology and epistemology of language. Drawing on empirical studies in language acquisition and sociolinguistics, I problematize the traditional idealizing assumption that a person’s mental lexicon consists of two distinct parts—a dictionary, comprising her knowledge of word meanings proper, and an encyclopedia, comprising her wider knowledge of worldly affairs. I argue that the breakdown of the dictionary–encyclopedia distinction can be given a cognitive and functional (...)
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  • Probabilistic syntax.Christopher Manning - manuscript
    “Everyone knows that language is variable.” This is the bald sentence with which Sapir (1921:147) begins his chapter on language as an historical product. He goes on to emphasize how two speakers’ usage is bound to differ “in choice of words, in sentence structure, in the relative frequency with which particular forms or combinations of words are used”. I should add that much sociolinguistic and historical linguistic research has shown that the same speaker’s usage is also variable (Labov 1966, Kroch (...)
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  • The variation problem.Ashley Feinsinger - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (1):317-338.
    It is often assumed that two linguistic agents can come to understand one another in part because they use the same words. That is, many philosophical theories of communication posit an intersubjective same-word relation. However, giving an account of this relation is complicated by what I call “The Variation Problem”—a problem resulting from the fact that the same word can be pronounced differently. In this paper, I first argue that previous models of the same-word relation, including Kaplanian and Chomskyan models, (...)
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  • Sociology at the individual level, psychologies and neurosciences.Bernard Lahire - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):52-71.
    The French sociological tradition has long regarded the ‘individual’ as a reality situated outside its area of intellection and investigation. According to Durkheim, the individual is a psychological object par excellence. Sociology has thus long favored the study of collectives (groups, classes, categories, institutions, microcosms), suggesting that the individual was a reality which, in itself, fell short of the social. The article discusses a method from the mid-1990s of researching sociology at an individual scale. This approach is essentially embedded in (...)
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  • Institutional evolution in the holocene: The rise of complex societies.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    Summary: The evolution of complex societies began when agricultural subsistence systems raised human population densities to levels that would support large scale cooperation, and division of labor. All agricultural origins sequences postdate 11,500 years ago probably because late Pleistocene climates we extremely variable, dry, and the atmosphere was low in carbon dioxide. Under such conditions, agriculture was likely impossible. However, the tribal scale societies of the Pleistocene did acquire, by geneculture coevolution, tribal social instincts that simultaneously enable and constrain the (...)
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  • The Actions of Affect in Deleuze: Others using language and the language that we make ..David R. Cole - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):549-561.
    The actions of affect are prominent in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and can be broken down for the purposes of education into two roles. The first alludes to the history of philosophy and the ways in which affect has been used by Spinoza (Deleuze, 1992) Nietzsche (Deleuze, 1983) or Bergson (Deleuze, 1991). In this role, Deleuze reinvigorates and challenges definitions of affect that would place them into systems of understanding that could take paths to metaphysics or to becoming paradigms (...)
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  • Superseding structural linguistic injustice? Language revitalization and historically-sensitive dignity-based claims.Seunghyun Song - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):347-363.
    This article argues that linguistically endangered minority groups often face endangerment due to structural linguistic injustice that arises from past injustices and ongoing unjust social processes. Language revitalization is often a justified way of reforming unjust social structures. I connect this discussion to another debate, namely, whether historical injustice (and the requirement for its correction) may be superseded. I ask: which changing circumstances might lead to the supersession of structural linguistic injustice? Of the many reasons to reform unjust social structures, (...)
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  • Estimating the Relative Sociolinguistic Salience of Segmental Variables in a Dialect Boundary Zone.Carmen Llamas, Dominic Watt & Andrew E. MacFarlane - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Dynamic semiotics.Peter Bøgh Andersen - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (139):161-210.
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  • Automatic and attention-dependent processing of auditory stimulus information.Risto Näätänen - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):261-288.
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  • Repeat what after whom? Exploring variable selectivity in a cross-dialectal shadowing task.Abby Walker & Kathryn Campbell-Kibler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Sociophonetics: The Role of Words, the Role of Context, and the Role of Words in Context.Jennifer Hay - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):696-706.
    This paper synthesizes a wide range of literature from sociolinguistics and cognitive psychology, to argue for a central role for the “word” as a vehicle of language variation and change. Three crucially interlinked strands of research are reviewed—the role of context in associative learning, the word-level storage of phonetic and contextual detail, and the phonetic consequences of skewed distributions of words across different contexts. I argue that the human capacity for associative learning, combined with attention to fine-phonetic detail at the (...)
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  • Ethics and the Social Dimension of Research Activities.Isabella Paoletti - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (2):257-277.
    This study identifies some of the ethical issues that arise in the everyday practice of researching in collecting interactional data. A form of conceptualizing ethics in research is proposed as awareness of the social dimension of research practices and their transformative nature. The collection of ethnographic data—including interviewing, observing, audiovisual recording, and other methods—is achieved by means of social interactions that necessarily imply issues of face, relevance, appropriateness, politeness, and identity, to name a few. Research activities have an impact on (...)
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  • Story-telling at work: a complex discursive resource for integrating personal, professional and social identities.Janet Holmes - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (6):671-700.
    Workplace narratives are one means of satisfying the complex demands of identity construction at work. Following reference to the relevant literature, this article discusses the range of narratives identified in our extensive New Zealand corpus of workplace interactions, distinguishing between more socially-oriented ‘workplace anecdotes’, and more transactionally-oriented ‘working stories’. While both orientations are often relevant, the distinction is useful in examining how different types of narratives function in the construction of diverse facets of an individual's identity. In the final section, (...)
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  • Watered Down Essences and Elusive Speech Communities: Two Objections against Putnam's Twin Earth Argument.Witold M. Hensel - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 38:22-41.
    The paper presents two objections against Putnam’s Twin Earth argument, which was intended to secure semantic externalism. I first claim that Putnam’s reasoning rests on two assumptions and then try to show why these assumptions are contentious. The first objection is that, given what we know about science, it is unlikely that there are any natural-kind terms whose extension is codetermined by a small set of microstructures required by Putnam’s indexical account of extension determination. The second objection is that there (...)
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  • Modelling attention in man.K. Kranda - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):246-246.
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  • The case for precocious effects of attention on auditory processing.Bertram Scharf - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):252-253.
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  • Top-down fast-same, and acoustic perception.Rolf Verleger - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):257-258.
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  • Impact of age and gender on frequency of interruption in dyadic interviews.Mohammad Almoaily - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (2):187-199.
    This paper investigates whether the gender and/or age of interviewees in dyadic interviews influences frequency of speech interruption of young female interviewers. Forty female students at King Faisal University (KFU) and forty interviewees participated in the study. The author compared the number of interruptions per ten minutes of conversation made by interviewees belonging to four categories: young females, young males, older females, and older males. The author hypothesized that older male interviewees interrupt young female interviewers more than younger male and (...)
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  • Individuality in syntactic variation: An investigation of the seventeenth-century gerund alternation.Andrea Nini & Lauren Fonteyn - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):279-308.
    This study investigates the extent to which there is individuality in how structural variation is conditioned over time. Earlier research already classified the diachronically unstable gerund variation as involving a high fraction of mixed-usage speakers throughout the change, whereby the proportion of the conservative variant versus the progressive variant as observable in the linguistic output of individual language users superficially resembles the mean proportion as observable at the population level. However, this study sets out to show that there can still (...)
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  • Code-Switching Strategies: Prosody and Syntax.Rena Torres Cacoullos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:540547.
    The contentious question of bilingual processing cost may be recast as a fresh question of code-switching (CS) strategies—quantitative preferences and structural adjustments for switching at particular junctures of two languages. CS strategies are established by considering prosodic and syntactic variables, capitalizing here on bidirectional multi-word CS, spontaneously produced by members of a bilingual community in northern New Mexico who regularly use both languages (Torres Cacoullos and Travis, 2018). CS strategies become apparent by extending the equivalence constraint, which states that bilinguals (...)
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  • Seeking Systematicity in Variation: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations on the “Variety” Concept.Anne-Sophie Ghyselen & Gunther De Vogelaer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • The Sociolinguistic Repetition Task: A New Paradigm for Exploring the Cognitive Coherence of Language Varieties.Laurence Buson, Aurélie Nardy, Dominique Muller & Jean-Pierre Chevrot - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):803-817.
    Buson, Nardy, Muller & Chevrot (2018) report two experiments ‐ a repetition task and a judgment task ‐ based on the phenomenon of sociolinguistic restoration. When people repeat utterances mixing standard and non‐standard variants, they make them homogeneous. The results suggest that coherent cognitive representation of the sociolinguistic varieties influences the reconstruction of the mixed heard utterance during the repetition. Using the repetition task could help understanding how sociolinguistic cues are organized in memory.
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  • Alternative Solutions to a Language Design Problem: The Role of Adjectives and Gender Marking in Efficient Communication.Melody Dye, Petar Milin, Richard Futrell & Michael Ramscar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):209-224.
    A central goal of typological research is to characterize linguistic features in terms of both their functional role and their fit to social and cognitive systems. One long-standing puzzle concerns why certain languages employ grammatical gender. In an information theoretic analysis of German noun classification, Dye, Milin, Futrell, and Ramscar enumerated a number of important processing advantages gender confers. Yet this raises a further puzzle: If gender systems are so beneficial to processing, what does this mean for languages that make (...)
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  • The general will and the speech community: British Idealism and the foundations of politics.Janusz Grygieńć - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (4):660-680.
    ABSTRACTAlthough the British Idealists did not provide a systematic account of language as a distinct philosophical phenomenon, language is nonetheless a fundamental element of Idealist social and political philosophy. This is seen mostly in the Idealist treatment of the concept of general will, which resulted in a Hegelian theory of community, constituted by shared understandings and a shared account of the common good and common interest. This article contains analysis of the relations between language and socio-political institutions in British Idealist (...)
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  • Why possibly language evolved.Peter J. Richerson & Robert Boyd - unknown
    Human syntactic language has no close parallels in other systems of animal communication. Yet it seems to be an important part of the cultural adaptation that serves to make humans the earth’s dominant organism. Why is language restricted to humans given that communication seems to be so useful? We argue that language is part of human cooperation. We talk because others can normally trust what we say to be useful to them, not just to us. Models of gene-culture coevolution give (...)
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