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  1. The quest for optimality: A positive heuristic of science?Paul J. H. Schoemaker - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):205-215.
    This paper examines the strengths and weaknesses of one of science's most pervasive and flexible metaprinciples;optimalityis used to explain utility maximization in economics, least effort principles in physics, entropy in chemistry, and survival of the fittest in biology. Fermat's principle of least time involves both teleological and causal considerations, two distinct modes of explanation resting on poorly understood psychological primitives. The rationality heuristic in economics provides an example from social science of the potential biases arising from the extreme flexibility of (...)
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  • The Freedom–Responsibility Nexus in Management Philosophy and Business Ethics.Claus Dierksmeier - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):263-283.
    This article pursues the question whether and inasmuch theories of corporate responsibility are dependent on conceptions of managerial freedom. I argue that neglect of the idea of freedom in economic theory has led to an inadequate conceptualization of the ethical responsibilities of corporations within management theory. In a critical review of the history of economic ideas, I investigate why and how the idea of freedom was gradually removed from the canon of economics. This reconstruction aims at a deconstruction of certain (...)
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  • General Relativity, Mental Causation, and Energy Conservation.J. Brian Pitts - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1931-1973.
    The conservation of energy and momentum have been viewed as undermining Cartesian mental causation since the 1690s. Modern discussions of the topic tend to use mid-nineteenth century physics, neglecting both locality and Noether’s theorem and its converse. The relevance of General Relativity has rarely been considered. But a few authors have proposed that the non-localizability of gravitational energy and consequent lack of physically meaningful local conservation laws answers the conservation objection to mental causation: conservation already fails in GR, so there (...)
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  • Einstein׳s physical strategy, energy conservation, symmetries, and stability: “But Grossmann & I believed that the conservation laws were not satisfied”.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 54 (C):52-72.
    Recent work on the history of General Relativity by Renn, Sauer, Janssen et al. shows that Einstein found his field equations partly by a physical strategy including the Newtonian limit, the electromagnetic analogy, and energy conservation. Such themes are similar to those later used by particle physicists. How do Einstein's physical strategy and the particle physics derivations compare? What energy-momentum complex did he use and why? Did Einstein tie conservation to symmetries, and if so, to which? How did his work (...)
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  • A Burgessian Critique of Nominalistic Tendencies in Contemporary Mathematics and its Historiography.Karin Usadi Katz & Mikhail G. Katz - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):51-89.
    We analyze the developments in mathematical rigor from the viewpoint of a Burgessian critique of nominalistic reconstructions. We apply such a critique to the reconstruction of infinitesimal analysis accomplished through the efforts of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass; to the reconstruction of Cauchy’s foundational work associated with the work of Boyer and Grabiner; and to Bishop’s constructivist reconstruction of classical analysis. We examine the effects of a nominalist disposition on historiography, teaching, and research.
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  • Cauchy's Continuum.Karin U. Katz & Mikhail G. Katz - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (4):426-452.
    One of the most influential scientific treatises in Cauchy's era was J.-L. Lagrange's Mécanique Analytique, the second edition of which came out in 1811, when Cauchy was barely out of his teens. Lagrange opens his treatise with an unequivocal endorsement of infinitesimals. Referring to the system of infinitesimal calculus, Lagrange writes:Lorsqu'on a bien conçu l'esprit de ce système, et qu'on s'est convaincu de l'exactitude de ses résultats par la méthode géométrique des premières et dernières raisons, ou par la méthode analytique (...)
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  • Einstein׳s Equations for Spin 2 Mass 0 from Noether׳s Converse Hilbertian Assertion.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:60-69.
    An overlap between the general relativist and particle physicist views of Einstein gravity is uncovered. Noether's 1918 paper developed Hilbert's and Klein's reflections on the conservation laws. Energy-momentum is just a term proportional to the field equations and a "curl" term with identically zero divergence. Noether proved a \emph{converse} "Hilbertian assertion": such "improper" conservation laws imply a generally covariant action. Later and independently, particle physicists derived the nonlinear Einstein equations assuming the absence of negative-energy degrees of freedom for stability, along (...)
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  • The physics and the philosophy of time reversal in standard quantum mechanics.Cristian López - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14267-14292.
    A widespread view in physics holds that the implementation of time reversal in standard quantum mechanics must be given by an anti-unitary operator. In foundations and philosophy of physics, however, there has been some discussion about the conceptual grounds of this orthodoxy, largely relying on either its obviousness or its mathematical-physical virtues. My aim in this paper is to substantively change the traditional structure of the debate by highlighting the philosophical commitments underlying the orthodoxy. I argue that the persuasive force (...)
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  • Ten Misconceptions from the History of Analysis and Their Debunking.Piotr Błaszczyk, Mikhail G. Katz & David Sherry - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):43-74.
    The widespread idea that infinitesimals were “eliminated” by the “great triumvirate” of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass is refuted by an uninterrupted chain of work on infinitesimal-enriched number systems. The elimination claim is an oversimplification created by triumvirate followers, who tend to view the history of analysis as a pre-ordained march toward the radiant future of Weierstrassian epsilontics. In the present text, we document distortions of the history of analysis stemming from the triumvirate ideology of ontological minimalism, which identified the continuum (...)
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  • Conservation of Energy: Missing Features in Its Nature and Justification and Why They Matter.J. Brian Pitts - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):559-584.
    Misconceptions about energy conservation abound due to the gap between physics and secondary school chemistry. This paper surveys this difference and its relevance to the 1690s–2010s Leibnizian argument that mind-body interaction is impossible due to conservation laws. Justifications for energy conservation are partly empirical, such as Joule’s paddle wheel experiment, and partly theoretical, such as Lagrange’s statement in 1811 that energy is conserved if the potential energy does not depend on time. In 1918 Noether generalized results like Lagrange’s and proved (...)
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  • Absolute Time: The Limit of Kant's Idealism.Marius Stan - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):433-461.
    I examine here if Kant can explain our knowledge of duration by showing that time has metric structure. To do so, I spell out two possible solutions: time’s metric could be intrinsic or extrinsic. I argue that Kant’s resources are too weak to secure an intrinsic, transcendentally-based temporal metrics; but he can supply an extrinsic metric, based in a metaphysical fact about matter. I conclude that Transcendental Idealism is incomplete: it cannot account for the durative aspects of experience—or it can (...)
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  • Making Visible.M. Norton Wise - 2006 - Isis 97 (1):75-82.
    ABSTRACT An overview of some of the main modes of making images of natural objects and processes, as they have appeared in the history of science, leads to two main conclusions. First, the dichotomies that have traditionally distinguished, for example, art from science, museums from laboratories, and geometrical from algebraic methods have produced a poverty of understanding of visualization. It is at the intersections of these dichotomies where much of the creative work of science occurs, and it is into those (...)
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  • Work for the workers: Advances in engineering mechanics and instruction in France, 1800–1830.I. Grattan-Guinness - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (1):1-33.
    An account is given of the emergence of the concept of work as a basic component of mechanics. It was largely an achievement of engineer savants in France during the Bourbon Restoration , with Navier, Coriolis and Poncelet playing the major roles. Some aspects of the eighteenth-century prehistory are described, and also concurrent developments in French engineering. The principal problem areas were friction, hydraulics, machine performance and ergonomics, and especially in the last context the developments became involved with social and (...)
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  • The calculus as algebraic analysis: Some observations on mathematical analysis in the 18th century.Craig G. Fraser - 1989 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (4):317-335.
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  • Lagrange’s theory of analytical functions and his ideal of purity of method.Marco Panza & Giovanni Ferraro - 2012 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 66 (2):95-197.
    We reconstruct essential features of Lagrange’s theory of analytical functions by exhibiting its structure and basic assumptions, as well as its main shortcomings. We explain Lagrange’s notions of function and algebraic quantity, and we concentrate on power-series expansions, on the algorithm for derivative functions, and the remainder theorem—especially on the role this theorem has in solving geometric and mechanical problems. We thus aim to provide a better understanding of Enlightenment mathematics and to show that the foundations of mathematics did not, (...)
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  • J. L. Lagrange's changing approach to the foundations of the calculus of variations.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 32 (2):151-191.
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  • Euler, Newton, and Foundations for Mechanics.Marius Stan - 2018 - In Chris Smeenk & Eric Schliesser (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Isaac Newton. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-22.
    This chapter looks at Euler’s relation to Newton, and at his role in the rise of ‘Newtonian’ mechanics. It aims to give a sense of Newton’s complicated legacy for Enlightenment science, and to raise awareness that some key ‘Newtonian’ results really come from Euler.
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  • A gênese da causalidade física.Michel Paty - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (1):9-32.
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  • The reception of Newton's gravitational theory by huygens, varignon, and maupertuis: How normal science may be revolutionary.Koffi Maglo - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (2):135-169.
    : This paper first discusses the current historical and philosophical framework forged during the last century to account for both the history and the epistemic status of Newton's theory of general gravitation. It then examines the conflict surrounding this theory at the close of the seventeenth century and the first steps towards the revolutionary shift in rational mechanics in the eighteenth century. From a historical point of view, it shows the crucial contribution of the Cartesian mechanistic philosophy and Leibnizian analytic (...)
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  • Intended and Unintended Mathematics: The Case of the Lagrange Multipliers.Daniele Molinini - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (1):93-113.
    We can distinguish between two different ways in which mathematics is applied in science: when mathematics is introduced and developed in the context of a particular scientific application; when mathematics is used in the context of a particular scientific application but it has been developed independently from that application. Nevertheless, there might also exist intermediate cases in which mathematics is developed independently from an application but it is nonetheless introduced in the context of that particular application. In this paper I (...)
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  • On the necessary truth of the laws of classical mechanics.Olivier Darrigol - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):757-800.
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  • Against Symmetry Fundamentalism.Cristian Lopez - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-25.
    Symmetry fundamentalism claims that symmetries should be taken metaphysically seriously as part of the fundamental ontology. The main aim of this paper is to bring some novel objections against this view. I make two points. The first places symmetry fundamentalism within a broader network of philosophical commitments. I claim that symmetry fundamentalism entails idealization realism which, in turn, entails the reification of further theoretical structures. This might lead to an overloaded ontology as well as open the way to criticisms from (...)
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  • On the Concept of Force: How Understanding its History can Improve Physics Teaching.Ricardo Lopes Coelho - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (1):91-113.
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  • The infinite regress of optimization.Philippe Mongin - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):229-230.
    A comment on Paul Schoemaker's target article in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14 (1991), p. 205-215, "The Quest for Optimality: A Positive Heuristic of Science?" (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X00066140). This comment argues that the optimizing model of decision leads to an infinite regress, once internal costs of decision (i.e., information and computation costs) are duly taken into account.
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  • Is the statement of Murphy's law valid?Atanu Chatterjee - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):374-380.
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  • Piola’s contribution to continuum mechanics.Giuseppe C. Ruta & Danilo Capecchi - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (4):303-342.
    This paper examines the contribution of Gabrio Piola to continuum mechanics.Though he was undoubtably a skilled mathematician and a good mechanician, little is commonly known about his papers within the international scientific community, principally because a large part of the Italian school of mechanics was isolated in the first half of the XIXth century.We examine and comment on Piola’s most important papers, and compare them with those of his contemporaries Cauchy, Poisson and Kirchhoff.
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  • The strategy of optimality revisited.Paul J. H. Schoemaker - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):237-245.
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  • Babbage's Mathematics in its Time.I. Grattan-Guinness - 1979 - British Journal for the History of Science 12 (1):82-88.
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  • Canonical transformations from Jacobi to Whittaker.Craig Fraser & Michiyo Nakane - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (3):241-343.
    The idea of a canonical transformation emerged in 1837 in the course of Carl Jacobi's researches in analytical dynamics. To understand Jacobi's moment of discovery it is necessary to examine some background, especially the work of Joseph Lagrange and Siméon Poisson on the variation of arbitrary constants as well as some of the dynamical discoveries of William Rowan Hamilton. Significant figures following Jacobi in the middle of the century were Adolphe Desboves and William Donkin, while the delayed posthumous publication in (...)
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  • A Study of Time in Modern Physics.Peter W. Evans - 2011 - Dissertation,
    This thesis is a study of the notion of time in modern physics, consisting of two parts. Part I takes seriously the doctrine that modern physics should be treated as the primary guide to the nature of time. To this end, it offers an analysis of the various conceptions of time that emerge in the context of various physical theories and, furthermore, an analysis of the relation between these conceptions of time and the more orthodox philosophical views on the nature (...)
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  • Extremum descriptions, process laws and minimality heuristics.Elliott Sober - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):232-233.
    The examples and concepts that Shoemaker cites are rather heterogeneous. Some distinctions need to be drawn. An optimality thesis involves not just an ordering of options, but a value judgment about them. So let us begin by distinguishing minimality from optimality. And the concept of minimality can play a variety of roles, among which I distinguish between extremum descriptions, statements hypothesizing an optimizing process, and methodological recommendations. Finally, I consider how the three categories relate to Shoemaker’s question that “Who is (...)
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  • Should the quest for optimality worry us?Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):231-231.
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  • Optimality and human memory.John R. Anderson - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):215-216.
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  • Optimality as an evaluative standard in the study of decision-making.Jonathan Baron - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):216-216.
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  • Optimality as a mathematical rhetoric for zeroes.Fred L. Bookstein - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):216-217.
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  • George Boole.Stanley Burris - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The quest for plausibility: A negative heuristic for science?R. W. Byrne - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):217-218.
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  • Criteria for optimality.Michel Cabanac - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):218-218.
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  • Some optimality principles in evolution.James F. Crow - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):218-219.
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  • Natural selection doesn't have goals, but it's the reason organisms do.Martin Daly - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):219-220.
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  • Organisms, scientists and optimality.Michael Davison - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):220-221.
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  • Vaulting optimality.Peter Dayan & Jon Oberlander - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):221-222.
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  • Optimality and constraint.David A. Helweg & Herbert L. Roitblat - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):222-223.
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  • Types of optimality: Who is the steersman?Michael E. Hyland - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):223-224.
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  • Natural science, social science and optimality.Oleg Larichev - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):224-225.
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  • Why optimality is not worth arguing about.Stephen E. G. Lea - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):225-225.
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  • The example of psychology: Optimism, not optimality.Daniel S. Levine - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):225-226.
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  • Straining the word “optimal”.James E. Mazur - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):227-227.
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  • A Ciência Pensa?Gilles Gaston Granger - 1993 - Discurso 22:197-204.
    Tratamos neste artigo de algumas questões concernentes aos aspectos do pensamento nas obras científicas e à relação entre ciência e filosofia.
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  • Maurice Janet’s algorithms on systems of linear partial differential equations.Kenji Iohara & Philippe Malbos - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (1):43-81.
    This article describes the emergence of formal methods in theory of partial differential equations in the French school of mathematics through Janet’s work in the period 1913–1930. In his thesis and in a series of articles published during this period, Janet introduced an original formal approach to deal with the solvability of the problem of initial conditions for finite linear PDE systems. His constructions implicitly used an interpretation of a monomial PDE system as a generating family of a multiplicative set (...)
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