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  1. (1 other version)Emotional responses to music: The need to consider underlying mechanisms.Patrik N. Juslin & Daniel Västfjäll - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):559-575.
    Research indicates that people value music primarily because of the emotions it evokes. Yet, the notion of musical emotions remains controversial, and researchers have so far been unable to offer a satisfactory account of such emotions. We argue that the study of musical emotions has suffered from a neglect of underlying mechanisms. Specifically, researchers have studied musical emotions without regard to how they were evoked, or have assumed that the emotions must be based on the mechanism for emotion induction, a (...)
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  • A perceptual theory of moods.Mauro Rossi - 2019 - Synthese 198 (8):7119-7147.
    The goal of this paper is to offer a new theory of moods, according to which moods are perceptual experiences that represent undetermined objects as possessing specific evaluative properties. I start by listing a series of features that moods are typically taken to possess and claim that a satisfactory theory of moods must be able either to explain why moods genuinely possess these features or to explain these appearances away in a non-ad hoc way. I show that my account provides (...)
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  • Implicit Bias, Moods, and Moral Responsibility.Alex Madva - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (S1):53-78.
    Are individuals morally responsible for their implicit biases? One reason to think not is that implicit biases are often advertised as unconscious, ‘introspectively inaccessible’ attitudes. However, recent empirical evidence consistently suggests that individuals are aware of their implicit biases, although often in partial and inarticulate ways. Here I explore the implications of this evidence of partial awareness for individuals’ moral responsibility. First, I argue that responsibility comes in degrees. Second, I argue that individuals’ partial awareness of their implicit biases makes (...)
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  • Mood Experience: Implications of a Dispositional Theory of Moods.Matthias Siemer - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):256-263.
    The core feature that distinguishes moods from emotions is that moods, in contrast to emotions, are diffuse and global. This article outlines a dispositional theory of moods (DTM) that accounts for this and other features of mood experience. DTM holds that moods are temporary dispositions to have or to generate particular kinds of emotion-relevant appraisals. Furthermore, DTM assumes that the cognitions and appraisals one is disposed to have in a given mood partly constitute the experience of mood. This article outlines (...)
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  • Moods in Layers.Achim Stephan - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1481-1495.
    The goal of this paper is to examine moods, mostly in comparison to emotions. Nearly all of the features that allegedly distinguish moods from emotions are disputed though. In a first section I comment on duration, intentionality, and cause in more detail, and develop intentionality as the most promising distinguishing characteristic. In a second section I will consider the huge variety of moods, ranging from shallow environmentally triggered transient moods to deep existential moods that last much longer. I will explore (...)
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  • Does Loving Longer Mean Loving More? On the Nature of Enduring Affective Attitudes.Aaron Ben-Ze’ev - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1541-1562.
    This article provides a conceptual map of the affective terrain while focusing on enduring positive affective attitudes, such as love and happiness. The first section of the article examines the basic characteristics of affective attitudes, i.e., intentionality, feeling, and dispositionality, and classifies the various affective attitudes accordingly. An important distinction in this regard is between acute, extended, and enduring affective attitudes. Then a discussion on the temporality of affective attitudes is presented. The second section discusses major mechanisms that enable long-lasting (...)
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  • Cross-Cultural Validation of Mood Profile Clusters in a Sport and Exercise Context.Alessandro Quartiroli, Renée L. Parsons-Smith, Gerard J. Fogarty, Garry Kuan & Peter C. Terry - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:408351.
    Mood profiling has a long history in the field of sport and exercise. Several novel mood profile clusters were identified and described in the literature recently ( Parsons-Smith et al., 2017 ). In the present study, we investigated whether the same clusters were evident in an Italian-language, sport and exercise context. The Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS; Quartiroli et al., 2017 ) was administered to 950 Italian-speaking sport participants (659 females, 284 males, 7 unspecified; age range = 16–63 year, M = (...)
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  • Semantic and affective manifestations of ambi.Oksana Itkes, Zohar Eviatar & Assaf Kron - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1356-1369.
    ABSTRACTPeople sometimes report both pleasant and unpleasant feelings when presented with affective stimuli. However, what is reported as “mixed emotions” might reflect semantic knowledge about the...
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  • Does Neutral Affect Exist? How Challenging Three Beliefs About Neutral Affect Can Advance Affective Research.Karen Gasper, Lauren A. Spencer & Danfei Hu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Why moods change: their appropriateness and connection to beliefs.Tatyana A. Kostochka - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11399-11420.
    There are many more philosophical discussions of emotions than of moods. One key reason for this is that emotions are said to have a robust connection to beliefs while moods are said to lack that connection. I argue that this view, though prevalent, is incorrect. It is motivated by examples that are not representative of how moods typically change. Indeed, once we examine the notion of belief-responsiveness and look at a wider range of examples, we can see that moods are (...)
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  • Music evoked emotions are different–more often aesthetic than utilitarian.Klaus Scherer & Marcel Zentner - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):595-596.
    We disagree with Juslin & Vll's (J&V's) thesis that music-evoked emotions are indistinguishable from other emotions in both their nature and underlying mechanisms and that music just induces some emotions more frequently than others. Empirical evidence suggests that frequency differences reflect the specific nature of music-evoked emotions: aesthetic and reactive rather than utilitarian and proactive. Additional mechanisms and determinants are suggested as predictors of emotions triggered by music.
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  • Determinants of Emotion Duration and Underlying Psychological and Neural Mechanisms.Philippe Verduyn, Pauline Delaveau, Jean-Yves Rotgé, Philippe Fossati & Iven Van Mechelen - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):330-335.
    Emotions are traditionally considered to be brief states that last for seconds or a few minutes at most. However, due to pioneering theoretical work of Frijda and recent empirical studies, it has become clear that the duration of emotions is actually highly variable with durations ranging from a few seconds to several hours, or even longer. We review research on determinants of emotion duration. Three classes of determinants are identified: features related to the (a) emotion-eliciting event (event duration and event (...)
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  • Can Positive Affective Variables Mediate Intervention Effects on Physical Activity? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Cheng Chen, Emily Finne, Alexandra Kopp & Darko Jekauc - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen, Francis Tuerlinckx, Kristof Meers & Hermina Van Coillie - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1427-1443.
    A full understanding of emotions and emotion characteristics can only be reached when their dynamic nature is taken into account. As such, a primary objective of the present study is to describe and account for variability in temporal profiles of experienced emotional intensity. Participants were asked to make detailed drawings of intensity profiles of recently experienced episodes of anger, sadness, joy and affection. Functional data analysis revealed three features that together accounted for 84% of the total variability: (i) steepness at (...)
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  • The relation between social sharing and the duration of emotional experience.Karen Brans, Iven Van Mechelen, Bernard Rimé & Philippe Verduyn - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1023-1041.
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  • Emotional Induction Through Music: Measuring Cardiac and Electrodermal Responses of Emotional States and Their Persistence.Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, Flávia Heloísa Santos, Pedro Barbas Albuquerque & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Determinants of the shape of emotion intensity profiles.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen & Evelien Frederix - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1486-1495.
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  • Development and Initial Validation of the Italian Mood Scale (ITAMS) for Use in Sport and Exercise Contexts.Alessandro Quartiroli, Peter C. Terry & Gerard J. Fogarty - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • A Positive Role of Negative Mood on Creativity: The Opportunity in the Crisis of the COVID-19 Epidemic.Ying Du, Yilong Yang, Xuewei Wang, Cong Xie, Chunyu Liu, Weiping Hu & Yadan Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 epidemic is associated with negative mood, which has the potential to be a powerful driver of creativity. However, the influence of negative mood on cognitive creativity and emotional creativity remains elusive. Previous research has indicated that self-focused attention is likely to be related to both negative mood and creativity. The current study introduced two self-focused attention variables to explore how negative mood might contribute to cognitive creativity and emotional creativity. Based on a sample of 351 participants, our study (...)
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  • A Little Mood Music: On the Relationship between Musical and Psychological Moods.Tatyana Kostochka - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    We regularly talk about music as if it has moods or, at least, expresses moods. However, the relationship between psychological and musical moods remains mysterious. Music doesn’t have feelings, so how could it have moods? To make up for that, many philosophers have provided theories of expression that don’t rely on music actually possessing anything mood-like. In this paper, I argue that if we take seriously an account of psychological moods that includes patterns of attention as part of the mood (...)
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  • Emotions in the Christian tradition.Robert Roberts - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Emotion Regulation Versus Mood Regulation.Samuel Meyers & Maya Tamir - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (3):151-161.
    Emotions and moods have been distinguished in the literature. If they are distinct, we may expect emotion regulation and mood regulation to be distinct too. We show that although emotion regulation and mood regulation are considered theoretically distinct, they are often confounded empirically. We review characteristics proposed to distinguish emotions from moods by different theoretical approaches to emotion. We also review challenges to these propositions, suggesting that one valid distinction involves intentionality. Building on the above, we discuss possible differences between (...)
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  • Systema Temporis: A time-based dimensional framework for consciousness and cognition.Lachlan Kent, George Van Doorn & Britt Klein - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73 (C):102766.
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  • The Somatic Appraisal Model of Affect: Paradigm for educational neuroscience and neuropedagogy.Kathryn E. Patten - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):87-97.
    This chapter presents emotion as a function of brain-body interaction, as a vital part of a multi-tiered phylogenetic set of neural mechanisms, evoked by both instinctive processes and learned appraisal systems, and argues to establish the primacy of emotion in relation to cognition. Primarily based on Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis, but also incorporating elements of Lazarus' appraisal theory, this paper presents a neuropedagogical model of emotion, the somatic appraisal model of affect (SAMA). SAMA identifies quintessential components, facets, and functions of (...)
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  • Curiosity about a positive or negative event prolongs the duration of emotional experience.Michihiro Kaneko, Yuka Ozaki & Kazuya Horike - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):600-607.
    Some researchers claim that uncertainty prolongs the duration of emotional experiences because uncertainty toward an emotion-eliciting event prolongs attention to that event. However, some results contradict this claim. We assumed that curiosity rather than uncertainty prolongs the duration of emotional experience via attention, and that attention and emotional experience are prolonged only when uncertainty elicits curiosity. This assumption is based on the information gap theory, which proposes that curiosity increases with uncertainty, but that curiosity decreases at a certain level of (...)
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  • Self-Reported Depression Is Associated With Aberration in Emotional Reactivity and Emotional Concept Coding.Himansh Sheoran & Priyanka Srivastava - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive impairment, alterations in mood, emotion dysregulation are just a few of the consequences of depression. Despite depression being reported as the most common mental disorder worldwide, examining depression or risks of depression is still challenging. Emotional reactivity has been observed to predict the risk of depression, but the results have been mixed for negative emotional reactivity. To better understand the emotional response conflict, we asked our participants to describe their feeling in meaningful sentences alongside reporting their reactions to the (...)
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  • Positive mood boosts the expression of a dispositional need for closure.Małgorzata Kossowska & Yoram Bar-Tal - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1181-1201.
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  • Theoretical, and epistemological challenges in scientific investigations of complex emotional states in animals.Yury V. M. Lages, Daniel C. Mograbi, Thomas E. Krahe & J. Landeira-Fernandez - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84 (C):103003.
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  • Building a house of sentiment on sand: Epistemological issues with contempt.Heather C. Lench, Shane W. Bench & Kenneth A. Perez - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  • Melancholy as Responding to Reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):331-350.
    This paper explores the nature and value of melancholy and the rationality of being in such a state. I defend a view of melancholy as a highly complex mood-like state. This complexity shows itself...
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  • Gratitude as Mood Mediates the Effects of a 6-Weeks Gratitude Intervention on Mental Well-Being: Post hoc Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Ernst Bohlmeijer, Jannis Kraiss, Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra & Peter ten Klooster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There is a gap of knowledge about the extent to which gratitude is indeed the working mechanism of change in gratitude interventions aiming to promote mental well-being. This study explores the mediational role of gratitude as mood in the context of a recently conducted randomized controlled trial on the effects of a 6-week gratitude intervention on mental well-being in comparison with a waitlist control group. Gratitude as mood was measured at 2, 4, and 6 weeks. Both simple and multiple mediation (...)
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  • Rejoinder to Ainslie, Bourke, Gjelsvik, and Moene.Jon Elster - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (3):365-381.
    ABSTRACT This Rejoinder to the comments in the Symposium on my Article focuses on the nature of emotion in general; on specific emotions, notably anger, enthusiasm, and love; and on the relation between emotions and rationality. It also expands on some themes from the Article, notably by providing historical evidence for the claim that enthusiasm can generate inaction-aversion.
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  • Sense of Coherence as a Mediator in the Association Between Empathy and Moods in Healthcare Professionals: The Moderating Effect of Age.Miyo Hori, Eisho Yoshikawa, Daichi Hayama, Shigeko Sakamoto, Tsuneo Okada, Yoshinori Sakai, Hideomi Fujiwara, Kazue Takayanagi, Kazuo Murakami & Junji Ohnishi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While empathy is considered a critical determinant of the quality of medical care, growing evidence suggests it may be associated with both one’s own positive and negative moods among healthcare professionals. Meanwhile, sense of coherence plays an essential role in the improvement of both psychological and physical health. Reportedly, individual SOC reaches full stability after around age 30. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the mediatory role of SOC on the association between empathy and individual moods among (...)
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  • If I want to perform better, then how should I feel?Andrew M. Lane - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):130-136.
    Research indicates that emotions are predictive of sports performance. The application of emotion research to practice is that intervention strategies can be used to change emotions to enhance performance. The present study examined emotional profiles associated with successful performance. A review of studies indicate that there are general trends, that is, high activation emotions such as excitement and vigor tend to associate with good performance and low activation unpleasant emotions such as depression and dejection tend to associate with poor performance. (...)
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  • Clouded judgments? The role of virtual weather in word valence evaluations.Francisco Rocabado & Jon Andoni Duñabeitia - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Exploring the dynamic interface of environmental psychology and psycholinguistics, this investigation delves into how simulated weather conditions – sunny versus rainy – affect emotional perceptions of linguistic stimuli within a Virtual Reality (VR) framework. Participants assessed words’ emotional valence being exposed to these distinct environmental simulations. Contrary to expectations, we found that while rainy conditions modestly prolonged response times, they did not significantly alter the emotional valence attributed to words. Our study shows that weather can affect emotional cognition, but intrinsic (...)
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  • Another Ambiguous Expression by Leonardo da Vinci.Alessandro Soranzo - 2022 - Gestalt Theory 44 (1-2):41-60.
    The Mona Lisa is probably the most celebrated example of ambiguous expression in art. Soranzo and Newberry demonstrated that a similar ambiguity can be perceived also in La Bella Principessa, another portrait credited to Leonardo da Vinci by many. The paper aims to show that an ambiguous expression can be perceived in a further painting attributed to Leonardo: The Lady with Dishevelled Hair, or La Scapigliata. An experiment was conducted whereby participants rated on a 7-point Likert scale the perceived level (...)
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  • Negative Moods as the Only Possible Locus of Ontological Experience.Leo Luks - 2020 - Problemos 98:83-93.
    This article is a Heideggerian inquiry into the possibility of ontological experience, that is, the possibility of experiencing the ontological difference, something wholly distinct from beings. Heidegger, as we know, articulated this as the question of Being. It is a paradoxical question that cannot, at first sight, be answered phenomenologically : if any conscious experience presupposes the constitution of an intentional object in the act of experience, there must be something in any experience. In this article, I set out to (...)
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  • Procrastination as a Form of Misregulation in the Context of Affect and Self-Regulation.Anna Pietrzak & Aleksandra Tokarz - 2016 - Studia Humana 5 (3):70-82.
    This article aims in situating procrastination, as a specific form of affect regulation failure in context of general affect and self-regulation literature. This will be brought starting with definition of the phenomenon and its’ various forms and perspectives. Next, giving an insight into affect regulation literature. In the third step we will focus on elaborating the picture of procrastination and its’ underlying mechanisms in order to locate it in a broader domain of affect regulation as a specific form of self-regulatory (...)
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