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Everything you always wanted to know about structural realism but were afraid to ask.Roman Frigg & Ioannis Votsis - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):227-276.details
Ontic structural realism as a metaphysics of objects.Michael Esfeld & Vincent Lam - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 143-159.details
Identity and discernibility in philosophy and logic.James Ladyman, Øystein Linnebo & Richard Pettigrew - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):162-186.details
In defence of ontic structural realism.Steven French & James Ladyman - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 25-42.details
Identity, indiscernibility, and Ante Rem structuralism: The tale of I and –I.Stewart Shapiro - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (3):285-309.details
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What Are Structural Properties?†.Johannes Korbmacher & Georg Schiemer - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (3):295-323.details
On Kinds of Indiscernibility in Logic and Metaphysics.Adam Caulton & Jeremy Butterfield - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (1):27-84.details
Category theory as an autonomous foundation.Øystein Linnebo & Richard Pettigrew - 2011 - Philosophia Mathematica 19 (3):227-254.details
Logic in general philosophy of science: old things and new things.Hannes Leitgeb - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):339 - 350.details
The Structure of Causal Sets.Christian Wüthrich - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (2):223-241.details
On Non-Eliminative Structuralism. Unlabeled Graphs as a Case Study, Part B†.Hannes Leitgeb - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (1):64-87.details
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Collective Abstraction.Jon Erling Litland - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (4):453-497.details
Foundations for Mathematical Structuralism.Uri Nodelman & Edward N. Zalta - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):39-78.details
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The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered.Georg Schiemer & John Wigglesworth - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1201-1226.details
In search of (spacetime) structuralism.Hilary Greaves - 2011 - Philosophical Perspectives 25 (1):189-204.details
Scientific explanation and scientific structuralism.Mauro Dorato & Laura Felline - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of science. Springer. pp. 161--176.details
Ontic Structural Realism and the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles.Peter Ainsworth - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (1):67-84.details
The semantic plights of the ante-rem structuralist.Bahram Assadian - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (12):1-20.details
Structural Realism: a neo-Kantian perspective.Michela Massimi - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 1--23.details
Structural empiricism, again.Ot’Avio Bueno - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 81--103.details
Structuralism and Its Ontology.Marc Gasser - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2:1-26.details
The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered.Georg Schiemer & John Wigglesworth - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axy004.details
Entities Without Intrinsic Physical Identity.Vincent Lam - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):1157-1171.details
The Benacerraf Problem as a Challenge for Ontic Structural Realism.Majid Davoody Beni - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (1):35-59.details
Hilbertian Structuralism and the Frege-Hilbert Controversy†.Fiona T. Doherty - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):335-361.details
Identity and indiscernibility.Jeffrey Ketland - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):171-185.details
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Unsharp Humean Chances in Statistical Physics: A Reply to Beisbart.Luke Glynn, Radin Dardashti, Karim P. Y. Thebault & Mathias Frisch - 2014 - In M. C. Galavotti, New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 531-542.details
Haecceities and Mathematical Structuralism.Christopher Menzel - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):84-111.details
Structural realism and generative linguistics.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3711-3737.details
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Generic Structures.Leon Horsten - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):362-380.details
On the Exhaustion of Mathematical Entities by Structures.Adrian Heathcote - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (2):167-180.details
On Abstraction in Mathematics and Indefiniteness in Quantum Mechanics.David Ellerman - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (4):813-835.details
On the Logical Positivists' Philosophy of Psychology: Laying a Legend to Rest.Sean Crawford - 2014 - In Thomas Uebel, New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 711-726.details
Pluralists about Pluralism? Versions of Explanatory Pluralism in Psychiatry.Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2014 - In Thomas Uebel, New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 105-119.details
Structuralist approaches to physics: objects, models and modality.Katherine Brading - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 43--65.details
Structuralism, indiscernibility, and physical computation.F. T. Doherty & J. Dewhurst - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-26.details
Identifying finite cardinal abstracts.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1603-1630.details
Structuralism About Scientific Representation.Martin Thomson-Jones - 2011 - In Alisa Bokulich & Peter Bokulich, Scientific Structuralism. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 119--141.details
Algebraic structuralism.Neil Dewar - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1831-1854.details
On gauge symmetries, indiscernibilities, and groupoid-theoretical equalities.Gabriel Catren - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):244-261.details
Building blocks for a cognitive science-led epistemology of arithmetic.Stefan Buijsman - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1-18.details
Structuralism and Meta-Mathematics.Simon Friederich - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (1):67 - 81.details
Dispositional Monism and the Circularity Objection.Tomasz Bigaj - 2010 - Metaphysica 11 (1):39-47.details