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  1. Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):1-14.
    Contemporary mate preferences can provide important clues to human reproductive history. Little is known about which characteristics people value in potential mates. Five predictions were made about sex differences in human mate preferences based on evolutionary conceptions of parental investment, sexual selection, human reproductive capacity, and sexual asymmetries regarding certainty of paternity versus maternity. The predictions centered on how each sex valued earning capacity, ambition— industriousness, youth, physical attractiveness, and chastity. Predictions were tested in data from 37 samples drawn from (...)
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  • Human inbreeding avoidance: Culture in nature.Pierre L. van den Berghe - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):91-102.
    Much clinical and ethnographic evidence suggests that humans, like many other organisms, are selected to avoid close inbreeding because of the fitness costs of inbreeding depression. The proximate mechanism of human inbreeding avoidance seems to be precultural, and to involve the interaction of genetic predispositions and environmental conditions. As first suggested by E. Westermarck, and supported by evidence from Israeli kibbutzim, Chinese sim-pua marriage, and much convergent ethnographic and clinical evidence, humans negatively imprint on intimate associates during a critical period (...)
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  • Précis of The evolution of human sexuality.Donald Symons - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):171-181.
    Patterns in the data on human sexuality support the hypothesis that the bases of sexual emotions are products of natural selection. Most generally, the universal existence of laws, rules, and gossip about sex, the pervasive interest in other people's sex lives, the widespread seeking of privacy for sexual intercourse, and the secrecy that normally permeates sexual conduct imply a history of reproductive competition. More specifically, the typical differences between men and women in sexual feelings can be explained most parsimoniously as (...)
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  • Evolving resolve.Walter Veit & David Spurrett - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The broad spectrum revolution brought greater dependence on skill and knowledge, and more demanding, often social, choices. We adopt Sterelny's account of how cooperative foraging paid the costs associated with longer dependency, and transformed the problem of skill learning. Scaffolded learning can facilitate cognitive control including suppression, whereas scaffolded exchange and trade, including inter-temporal exchange, can help develop resolve.
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  • On Anthropological Knowledge.Dan Sperber - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    What can be understood of other cultures? And what can we learn about people in general from the study of other cultures? In the three closely related essays that constitute this book and which have already created considerable controversy in their original French versions, and been rewritten and expanded for this edition, Dan Sperber discusses these fundamental issues of anthropology. In the first essay he analyses the way in which anthropology is written and read. In the second, he offers a (...)
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  • Mate selection: Economics and affection.Kim Wallen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):37-38.
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  • Male aggression against women.Barbara Smuts - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (1):1-44.
    Male aggression against females in primates, including humans, often functions to control female sexuality to the male’s reproductive advantage. A comparative, evolutionary perspective is used to generate several hypotheses to help to explain cross-cultural variation in the frequency of male aggression against women. Variables considered include protection of women by kin, male-male alliances and male strategies for guarding mates and obtaining adulterous matings, and male resource control. The relationships between male aggression against women and gender ideologies, male domination of women, (...)
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  • All Gifts Large and Small: Toward an Understanding of the Ethics of Pharmaceutical Industry Gift-Giving.Jon F. Merz, Arthur L. Caplan & Dana Katz - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (10):11-17.
    Much attention has been focused in recent years on the ethical acceptability of physicians receiving gifts from drug companies. Professional guidelines recognize industry gifts as a conflict of interest and establish thresholds prohibiting the exchange of large gifts while expressly allowing for the exchange of small gifts such as pens, note pads, and coffee. Considerable evidence from the social sciences suggests that gifts of negligible value can influence the behavior of the recipient in ways the recipient does not always realize. (...)
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  • All Gifts Large and Small.Dana Katz, Arthur L. Caplan & Jon F. Merz - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):39-46.
    Much attention has been focused in recent years on the ethical acceptability of physicians receiving gifts from drug companies. Professional guidelines recognize industry gifts as a conflict of interest and establish thresholds prohibiting the exchange of large gifts while expressly allowing for the exchange of small gifts such as pens, note pads, and coffee. Considerable evidence from the social sciences suggests that gifts of negligible value can influence the behavior of the recipient in ways the recipient does not always realize. (...)
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  • An evolutionary analysis of rules regulating human inbreeding and marriage.Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):247-261.
    Evolutionary theory predicts that humans should avoid incest because of the negative effects incest has on individual reproduction: production of defective offspring. Selection for the avoidance of close-kin mating has apparently resulted in a psychological mechanism that promotes voluntary incest avoidance. Most human societies are thought to have rules regulating incest. If incest is avoided, why are social rules constructed to regulate it? This target article suggests that incest rules do not exist primarily to regulate close-kin mating but to regulate (...)
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  • The psychology of human mate preferences.Donald Symons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):34-35.
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  • Culture in whales and dolphins.Luke Rendell & Hal Whitehead - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):309-324.
    Studies of animal culture have not normally included a consideration of cetaceans. However, with several long-term field studies now maturing, this situation should change. Animal culture is generally studied by either investigating transmission mechanisms experimentally, or observing patterns of behavioural variation in wild populations that cannot be explained by either genetic or environmental factors. Taking this second, ethnographic, approach, there is good evidence for cultural transmission in several cetacean species. However, only the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops) has been shown experimentally to (...)
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  • The evolutionary origins of patriarchy.Barbara Smuts - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (1):1-32.
    This article argues that feminist analyses of patriarchy should be expanded to address the evolutionary basis of male motivation to control female sexuality. Evidence from other primates of male sexual coercion and female resistance to it indicates that the sexual conflicts of interest that underlie patriarchy predate the emergence of the human species. Humans, however, exhibit more extensive male dominance and male control of female sexuality than is shown by most other primates. Six hypotheses are proposed to explain how, over (...)
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  • Intersocietal variation in the mate preferences of males and females.Norval D. Glenn - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-23.
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  • Missing link in mate preference studies: Reproduction.Brian A. Gladue - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-21.
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  • Mating preferences surveys: Ethnographic follow-up would be a good next step.William Irons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):24-24.
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  • Homo sapiens: A good fit to theory, but posing some enigmas.Janet L. Leonard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):26-27.
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  • The sociobiology of human mate preference: On testing evolutionary hypotheses.Nadav Nur - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):28-29.
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  • Darwinism versus neo-Darwinism in the study of human mate preferences.Michael T. Ghiselin - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):20-20.
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  • Mating behavior: Moves of mind or molecules?Helmuth Nyborg & Charlotte Boeggild - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):29-30.
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  • Evolutionary theories must fit the data better than other theories.P. A. Russell - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):277-278.
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  • When does the intentional stance work?Daniel C. Dennett - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):763-766.
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  • Evolutionary causation: how proximate is ultimate?Richard E. Whalen - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):202-203.
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  • Fitness, function, fidelity, fornication, and feminine philandering.Jack P. Hailman - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):189-189.
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  • Hypotheses are like people — some fit, some unfit.Ray H. Bixler - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):104-105.
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  • A Maussian bargain: Accumulation by gift in the digital economy.Daniel N. Kluttz & Marion Fourcade - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    The harvesting of data about people, organizations, and things and their transformation into a form of capital is often described as a process of “accumulation by dispossession,” a pervasive loss of rights buttressed by predatory practices and legal violence. Yet this argument does not square well with the fact that enrollment into digital systems is often experienced as a much more benign process: signing up for a “free” service, responding to a “friend’s” invitation, or being encouraged to “share” content. In (...)
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  • On Patriarchy.Veronica Beechey - 1979 - Feminist Review 3 (1):66-82.
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  • Global Strategic Partnerships between MNEs and NGOs: Drivers of Change and Ethical Issues.Carla C. J. M. Millar, Chong Ju Choi & Stephen Chen - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):395-414.
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  • Rethinking Incest Avoidance: Beyond the Disciplinary Groove of Culture-First Views.Robert A. Wilson - 2020 - Biological Theory 16 (3):162-175.
    The Westermarck Effect posits that intimate association during childhood promotes human incest avoidance. In previous work, I articulated and defended a version of the Westermarck Effect by developing a phylogenetic argument that has purchase within primatology but that has had more limited appeal for cultural anthropologists due to their commitment to conventionalist or culture-first accounts of incest avoidance. Here I look to advance the discussion of incest and incest avoidance beyond culture-first accounts in two ways. First, I shall dig deeper (...)
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  • Pathways to Lasting Cross-Sector Social Collaboration: A Configurational Study.Christiana Weber, Helen Haugh, Markus Göbel & Hannes Leonardy - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):613-639.
    Cross-sector social collaborations are increasingly recognised as valuable inter-organizational arrangements that seek to combine the commercial capabilities of private sector companies with the deep knowledge of social and environmental issues enrooted in social sector organizations. In this paper we empirically examine the configurations of conditions that lead to lasting cross-sector social collaboration. Situating our enquiry in Schütz’s theory of life-worlds and the reciprocity literature, we employ fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to analyse data gathered from 60 partners in 30 cross-sector social (...)
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  • Gatekeepers and Gated Communities.Massimiliano Simons - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (4):763-779.
    In his 2018 essay Down to Earth, the French philosopher Bruno Latour proposes a hypothesis that connects a number of contemporary issues, ranging from climate denialism to deregulation and growing inequality. While his hypothesis, namely that the elites act as if they live in another world and are leaving the rest of the world behind, might seem like a conspiracy theory, I will argue that there is a way to make sense of it. To do so, I will turn to (...)
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  • Social networks, support cliques, and kinship.R. I. M. Dunbar & M. Spoors - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (3):273-290.
    Data on the number of adults that an individual contacts at least once a month in a set of British populations yield estimates of network sizes that correspond closely to those of the typical “sympathy group” size in humans. Men and women do not differ in their total network size, but women have more females and more kin in their networks than men do. Kin account for a significantly higher proportion of network members than would be expected by chance. The (...)
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  • Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):95-107.
    The article argues that altruistic giving based on anonymity, which is expected to promote social solidarity and block trade in human body parts, is conceptually defective and practically unproductive. It needs to be replaced by a more adequate notion which responds to the human practices of giving and receiving. The argument starts with identification of the main characteristics of the anonymous altruistic donation: social separation of the organ donor from the recipient, their mutual replaceability, non-obligatoriness of donation, and non-obligatoriness of (...)
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  • A Social Exchange Perspective on Business Ethics: An Application to Knowledge Exchange.Stephen Chen & Chong Ju Choi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (1):1-11.
    An extensive body of literature in sociology and anthropology has shown that different societies have developed different structures for exchange of items such as goods, status and information. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how social exchange theory can help illuminate many of the underlying bases of different ethical perspectives in debates about social exchanges. Social exchange theory is applied to three common types of knowledge exchange – R&D joint ventures, commercial intellectual property exchange and academic exchange. Two (...)
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  • ‘Ghastly marionettes’ and the political metaphysics of cognitive liberalism: Anti-behaviourism, language, and the origins of totalitarianism.Danielle Judith Zola Carr - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):147-174.
    While behaviourist psychology had proven its worth to the US military during the Second World War, the 1950s saw behaviourism increasingly associated with a Cold War discourse of ‘totalitarianism’. This article considers the argument made in Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism on totalitarianism as a form of behaviourist control. By connecting Arendt’s Cold War anti-behaviourism both to its discursive antecedents in a Progressive-era critique of industrial labour, and to contemporaneous attacks on behaviourism, this paper aims to answer two interlocking (...)
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  • Language co-evolved with the rule of law.Chris Knight - 2007 - Mind and Society 7 (1):109-128.
    Many scholars assume a connection between the evolution of language and that of distinctively human group-level morality. Unfortunately, such thinkers frequently downplay a central implication of modern Darwinian theory, which precludes the possibility of innate psychological mechanisms evolving to benefit the group at the expense of the individual. Group level moral regulation is indeed central to public life in all known human communities. The production of speech acts would be impossible without this. The challenge, therefore, is to explain on a (...)
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  • Giving as Loving: a requiem for the gift?Joseph Rivera - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (3):349-366.
    The fruit borne of the debate concerning the economy of the gift carried out between Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion in the 1990s continues to ripen into the present with publications like Anthony Steinbock’s lucid It’s not about the Gift: From Givenness to Loving. I challenge and qualify the fundamental argument of this book in dialogue with two principal French proponents of givenness, Michel Henry and Jean-Luc Marion, against whom Steinbock promotes his strategy of the gift. While Steinbock wishes to (...)
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  • Group Structure and Female Cooperative Networks in Australia’s Western Desert.Brooke Scelza & Rebecca Bliege Bird - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):231-248.
    The division of labor has typically been portrayed as a complementary strategy in which men and women work on separate tasks to achieve a common goal of provisioning the family. In this paper, we propose that task specialization between female kin might also play an important role in women’s social and economic strategies. We use historic group composition data from a population of Western Desert Martu Aborigines to show how women maintained access to same-sex kin over the lifespan. Our results (...)
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  • Basic conceptual domains.Scott Atran - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (1-2):7-16.
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  • Thinking Feminism with and against Bourdieu.Terry Lovell - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (1):11-32.
    This article argues that a positive engagement between Bourdieu’s sociology of practice and contemporary feminist theory would be mutually profitable. It compares Bourdieu’s account of the social construction of the human subject through practice with Butler’s account of subjectivity as performance. While the one, through the concept of habitus, tends towards an ‘overdetermined’ view of subjectivity in which subjective dispositions are too tightly tied to the social practices in which they were forged, the other pays insufficient attention to the social (...)
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  • Human kinship, from conceptual structure to grammar.Doug Jones - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (5):367-381.
    Research in anthropology has shown that kin terminologies have a complex combinatorial structure and vary systematically across cultures. This article argues that universals and variation in kin terminology result from the interaction of (1) an innate conceptual structure of kinship, homologous with conceptual structure in other domains, and (2) principles of optimal, “grammatical” communication active in language in general. Kin terms from two languages, English and Seneca, show how terminologies that look very different on the surface may result from variation (...)
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  • Piaget's social psychology.Richard F. Kitchener - 1981 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 11 (3):253–277.
    Piaget's social psychology is not widely discussed among psychologists, partly because much of it is still contained in untranslated French works. In this article I summarize the main lines of Piaget's social psychology and briefly indicate its relation to current theories in social psychology. Rejecting both Durkheim's sociological holism and Tarde's individualism, Piaget advances a sociological relativism in which all social facts are reducible to social relations and these, in turn, are reducible to rules, values and signs. Piaget's theory of (...)
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  • Manufacturing national attachments: gift-giving, market exchange and the construction of Irish and Zionist diaspora bonds.Dan Lainer-Vos - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):73-106.
    This article explores nation building as an organizational accomplishment and uses the concept of boundary object to explain how the groups that compose the nation cooperate. Specifically, the article examines the mechanisms devised to secure a flow of money from the Irish-American and Jewish-American diasporas to their respective homelands. To overcome problems associated with conventional philanthropy, Irish and Jewish nationalists issued bonds and sold them to their American compatriots as a hybrid of a gift and an investment. In the Irish (...)
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  • On a Source of Social Capital: Gift Exchange.Wilfred Dolfsma, Rene van der Eijk & Albert Jolink - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):315 - 329.
    The concept of social capital helps to explain relations within and between companies but has not crystallized yet. As such, the nature, development, and effects of such relations remain elusive. How is social capital created, how is it put to use, and how is it maintained? Can it decline, and if so, how? We argue that the concept of social capital remains a black box as the mechanisms that constitute it remain underdeveloped and that it is a black hole as (...)
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  • Leaving gift-giving behind: the ethical status of the human body and transplant medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):221-230.
    The paper argues that the idea of gift-giving and its associated imagery, which has been founding the ethics of organ transplants since the time of the first successful transplants, should be abandoned because it cannot effectively block arguments for (regulated) markets in human body parts. The imagery suggests that human bodies or their parts are transferable objects which belong to individuals. Such imagery is, however, neither a self-evident nor anthropologically unproblematic construal of the relation between a human being and their (...)
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  • (1 other version)Is science sexist?Michael Ruse - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):197-198.
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  • Toward an evolutionary psychology of human mating.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):39-49.
    Contemporary mate preferences can provide important clues to human reproductive history. Little is known about which characteristics people value in potential mates. Five predictions were made about sex differences in human mate preferences based on evolutionary conceptions of parental investment, sexual selection, human reproductive capacity, and sexual asymmetries regarding certainty of paternity versus maternity. The predictions centered on how each sex valued earning capacity, ambition— industriousness, youth, physical attractiveness, and chastity. Predictions were tested in data from 37 samples drawn from (...)
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  • Theories of Sexual Stratification: Toward an Analytics of the Sexual Field and a Theory of Sexual Capital.John Levi Martin & Matt George - 2006 - Sociological Theory 24 (2):107-132.
    The American tradition of action theory failed to produce a useful theory of the possible existence of trans-individual consistencies in sexual desirability. Instead, most sociological theorists have relied on market metaphors to account for the logic of sexual action. Through a critical survey of sociological attempts to explain the social organization of sexual desiring, this article demonstrates that the market approach is inadequate, and that its inadequacies can be remedied by studying sexual action as occurring within a specifically sexual field (...)
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  • Uncritical periods and insensitive sociobiology.Patrick Bateson - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):102-103.
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  • Mechanisms matter: The difference between socioblology and evolutionary psychology.Linnda R. Caporael - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):17-18.
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