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Thesen über Feuerbach (con trad.it.)

Nóema 5 (1):299-302 (2014)

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  1. Universalism in cultural history and the meaning of the Russian Revolution: on some aspects of cultural theory in the work of Mikhail Lifšic.Annett Jubara - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (3-4):299-314.
    Mikhail Lifsic is one of the most contradictory and to this date poorly understood authors of the Soviet era. He represented an independent Marxist position, but one internally characterized by the tense relationship between Marxism and the philosophy of Hegel. This relationship, concerning historical philosophical questions, is the subject of this essay. In the 1930s, as "historical materialism" was canonized in the USSR, a development that Soviet civilization understood as the "beginning of the end of history ", Lifsic drafted a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Schmitt e o problema da democracia: nostalgia da transcendência ou a representação como questão para a democracia.Cássio Corrêa Benjamin - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 49 (118):417-441.
    O artigo analisa a questão da democracia em Carl Schmitt. Para tanto, retoma seu conceito de forma política que inclui identidade e representação. Após apresentar uma distinção fundamental para a noção de democracia, deriva algumas conseqüências do contraste com as idéias de Schmitt. A representação e a identidade como formas políticas constituiriam, então, uma impossibilidade para a democracia. This article analyses the question of democracy in Schmitt's work. For this purpose, it reviews his concept of political form which includes identity (...)
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  • Aportes de Leonidas Proaño para la interpretación de la crisis educativa.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha - 2022 - In Experiencias docentes en tiempo de pandemia. Quito: Abya-yala. pp. 95-124.
    Los autores realizan una breve contextualización de la situación mundial y de las grandes incertidumbres generadas por la pandemia de la COVID 19 que han transformado la dinámica de las sociedades rompiendo con la acostumbrada normalidad que para el caso de América Latina puso de manifiesto las desigualdades existentes en el campo educativo fundamentalmente. En el caso ecuatoriano y debido a que un alto número de personas es población indígena y en condiciones de pobreza, para superar en algo la situación (...)
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  • Estética y Filosofía de la praxis. Homenaje a Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez.José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo (ed.) - 2021 - Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente.
    A 10 años de su fallecimiento, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez (1915-2011), sigue siendo el mismo ejemplo de pensador creativo y crítico que fue en vida. Es momento oportuno para cristalizar un homenaje que, como él mismo nos enseñara, más que meras palabras de elogio, entrañe un acercamiento reflexivo, valorativo y desarrollador a su legado, una contribución colectiva y diversa que muestre la vigencia de su pensamiento. El presente libro comenzó a germinar en junio de 2016 en un coloquio dedicado al maestro. (...)
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  • Creativity and Master Trends in Contemporary Sociological Theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (4):467-484.
    This article considers whether there exists today a movement of similar strength to the synthetic 'new theoretical movement' of the mid-1980s. The author argues that one main trend in sociological theory today is the notion of creativity and efforts to understand it conceptually. The contemporary growth of contingency, it is claimed, is closely related to this creative perspective. After examining Parsons's notion of 'double contingency', the article suggests that neither rationality nor normativity alone is able to dampen recognition of the (...)
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  • Subjetividad social y objetividad científica. Apuntes sobre la epistemología política de Antonio Gramsci.Miguel Candioti - 2009 - Forma 1:39.
    La “filosofía de la praxis” de Antonio Gramsci se caracteriza, por un lado, por sus críticas a lo que él denomina el “materialismo metafísico” propio del positivismo y del sentido común, y por otro, por una concepción no dogmática de la ciencia y sus condiciones de posibilidad en el terreno de las superestructuras de una sociedad desgarrada en grupos con intereses antagónicos. En su ataque contra el “materialismo metafísico” Gramsci confunde el objetivismo de las posturas deterministas con el “materialismo” sin (...)
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  • Die barmhartige God, regverdiging en goeie werke deur Luther.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):3-21.
    Martin Luther het as monnik getwyfel of hy ooit genoeg goeie werke sou kon doen en daarom nie genade by God sou kon vind nie. Danksy sy noukeurige bestudering van Paulus se briewe het hy ontdek dat God, die Vader van Jesus Christus, nie die toornige God is wat net wil straf nie, maar die barmhartige Vader is wat genade wil betoon. Die boodskap oor God se barmhartigheid sien Luther saamgevat in die begrip 'geregtigheid van God'. God se geregtigheid bestaan (...)
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  • Technische Fiktionen: Zur Ontologie und Ethik der Gestaltung.Michael Kuhn - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Unentwegt werden neue technische Produkte gestaltet. Doch was macht die technische Gestaltung aus? Wie lässt sich ihr Gegenstand - (noch) nicht existierende Artefakte - adäquat auf den Begriff bringen? Michael Kuhn begreift technische Ideen vor ihrer Realisierung als Fiktionen. Er bietet eine fiktionstheoretische Rekonstruktion der Gestaltungstätigkeit und entwickelt hieraus eine Ethik der Gestaltung. Der stark interdisziplinäre Zugang zwischen Technikphilosophie und Ingenieurwissenschaften liefert neue Erkenntnisse für beide Fachrichtungen und stellt wertvolle Grundlagen bereit.
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  • Que mane la sangre. La politización del dolor como conciencia y resistencia en Adorno.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1):1-19.
    Adorno considera que el injusto dolor físico e individual producido por el sistema de dominio ha sido ocultado y silenciado por la filosofía de la identidad hegeliana, por una parte, y por la industria cultural, por otra. Al contrario, Adorno cree que es necesario darle voz, porque esa conciencia, como resistencia que es, es la única esperanza utópica de salvación que tiene la humanidad. Esto es politizar el dolor. Hacerlo es la tarea que asigna al arte auténtico y a la (...)
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  • Life and Truth.Hugo Strandberg - 2019 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8:131-140.
    The “post-truth” phenomenon is not primarily a cognitive problem, but a moral or existential problem, a problem of self-deception. But what does this mean? In order to clarify that, two things need to be discussed. First, if the conception of belief is rejected according to which a belief has sense in isolation from the roles it, and the holding of it, plays in our lives, then the problem of self-deception needs to be met as a problem of life. Second, a (...)
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  • Naturalmente artificiale. Natura e cultura a volo d’uccello.Paola Bozzi - 2015 - Flusser Studies 19 (1).
    What can still be defined as ‘authentic’ in our world today? Is it true that we are interested only in the ‘authentic’ nature? What does ‘authentic’ mean in relation to nature? In the essays of Vogelflüge, published for the first time in São Paulo in 1979 under the title Natural: mente, Vilém Flusser investigates the paradoxical connection between the concepts of authenticity and artificiality, proposing the cultural form of nature as a model of the natural form of culture. As occasional (...)
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  • Voorwoord.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5).
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  • Openheid, geslotenheid en moontlikheid: Die reformatore en ander godsdienste.Jaco Beyers - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):173-192.
    Inter-godsdienstige verhoudinge was nog altyd problematies. Teologie van godsdiens en teologie van godsdienste is die wyse waarop die Christendom oor die teenwoordigheid en aard van ander godsdienste besin. Die kerkhervormers het ook 'n bepaalde verstaan van die bestaan van en verhouding tussen die Christendom en nie-Christelike godsdienste gehad. Hierdie bydrae probeer aantoon hoe die kerkhervormers verskil het in hulle benadering tot ander godsdienste. Martin Luther en Philipp Melanchthon het die moontlikheid van verhoudinge met ander godsdienste, in besonder Jode en Moslems (...)
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  • Die ontstaan en belang van Calvyn se eerste drie publikasies.Wim A. Dreyer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):40-52.
    Gedurende 2017 herdenk Lutherse en Calvinistiese kerke die Kerkhervorming wat 500 jaar gelede plaasgevind het. Hierdie hoofstuk fokus op Johannes Calvyn se eerste publikasies, dit wil sê publikasies wat verskyn het voordat hy met sy bediening in Genève begin het. Die fokus val op die drie belangrikste publikasies in hierdie periode, te wete sy 'Kommentaar op Seneca se De Clementia', die 'De Psychopannychia' en die eerste uitgawe van sy 'Christianae Religionis Institutio'. In hierdie eerste drie publikasies is 'n jeugdige Calvyn (...)
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  • On the dialectical justification of ontology.Andriy Bogachov - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):30-49.
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  • Doing Logic with a Hammer: Wittgenstein's Tractatus and the Polemics of Logical Positivism.Martin Puchner - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (2):285-300.
    This essay situates Wittgenstein's Tractatus and other writings of the Vienna Circle in the context of various political and artistic avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century. Despite the Circle's emphasis on logical analysis, its writings were drawn into the polemics that characterized avant-garde groups, in particular their reliance on manifestos. The essay uses the manifestos of the Vienna Circle as a lens through which to uncover the polemical and performative nature of central texts of logical positivism, including the Tractatus, (...)
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  • Not just a liberal – Social philosophy as antiauthoritarian and utopian social criticism: Richard Rorty’s Achieving Our Country today.Hauke Brunkhorst - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1353-1368.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 10, Page 1353-1368, December 2022. Rorty understands pragmatism in philosophy and social science, literature and art, to be intertwined with the political project of changing the world. Achieving Our Country, together with a lecture on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, has become Rorty’s political testament. Rorty understands the leftist American project as the incomplete one of all those who fight for a classless society of boundless diversity. At the centre of Achieving (...)
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  • Von der Erkenntnistheorie der Natur zur Idee der Praxis — Eine marxsche Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturphilosophie Demokrits und Epikurs.Guli-Sanam Karimova - 2018 - In Dominik Novkovic & Alexander Akel (eds.), Karl Marx – Philosophie, Pädagogik, Gesellschaftstheorie und Politik. Kassel: Kassel University Press. pp. 141-157.
    Eine der frühesten Schriften des jungen Karl Marx — die Dissertationsschrift „Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Naturphilosophie“ — legt wichtige Fundamente für das gesamte Marx’sche Denken. In der Dissertationsschrift versucht Marx anhand des Vergleichs der antiken Naturphilosophien Demokrits und Epikurs grundlegende Erkenntnisse der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie in einem komplexen, von Hegel inspirierten ontologischen System zu verbinden. Aus dieser kritischen Synthese antiker Naturphilosophien entsteht so eine auf Hegelschen Begriffen basierende, aber gleichzeitig reformierte Idee der Praxis. Auf diesen Grundlagen sowie mit (...)
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  • Adrianus van Selms as reformatoriese teoloog.Piet B. Boshoff - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):69-90.
    Adrianus van Selms as protestantse Teoloog. Van Selms het in 1938 vanaf Nederland na Suid-Afrika toe gekom om Semitiese Tale te doseer in die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy het ook deeltyds in die Fakulteit Teologie doseer. Die Universiteit van Pretoria het hom as een van denkleiers van die 20ste eeu aan die universiteit erken. Hy het geslagte van teologiese studente beïnvloed tydens sy amptelike dienstydperk aan die universiteit, vanaf 1938 tot 1971. Meer as 300 (...)
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  • Verskuiwing van teologiese denke oor die huwelik vanaf Luther tot vandag.Annelie Botha - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):113-130.
    In hierdie hoofstuk word Luther se teologiese denke oor die huwelik en seksualiteit bespreek. Luther se invloed op teologiese denke oor die huwelik word aangetoon. Die hoofstuk wys daarop dat sedert Luther tot vandag, seksuele verskille 'n belangrike kwessie is wanneer daar vanuit 'n teologiese perspektief oor die huwelk nagedink word. 'n Hermeneutiek van suspisie word gebruik om die skeppingsorde teologie sowel as die begrip 'mens as geskape na die beeld van God', wat tradisioneel gebruik word in die nadenke oor (...)
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  • Martin Luther en Johannes Calvyn oor die Christelike vryheid.Ignatius W. C. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):22-39.
    Vryheid is naas regverdiging een van die belangrikste temas van die Reformatoriese teologie. Luther se geskrif 'Oor die vryheid van 'n Christenmens' is een van sy hoofgeskrifte. In hierdie geskrif beskryf hy die vryheid van die innerlike en die uiterlike mens. Die innerlike mens is vry en niemand se onderdaan nie. Die uiterlike mens is weer elke ander mens se onderdaan en dienskneg. Die Christen dien sy medemens deur die liefde. Luther se verstaan van naasteliefde word vanuit ander geskrifte toegelig. (...)
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  • Karl Marx o la subjetividad práctica como fundamento.Miguel Candioti - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:86-96.
    En las breves notas conocidas más tarde como Tesis sobre Feuerbach (1845), Marx apuntó algunas ideas importantes, la mayoría de las cuales empezaría a desarrollar durante el mismo año en La ideología alemana. Lamentablemente, estas dos obras no se hicieron públicas al mismo tiempo, porque cuando Engels decidió publicar las Tesis, en 1888, descartó la edición de La ideología alemana. Así, la lectura de las sucintas y a veces equívocas Tesis sin la posibilidad de compararlas con ese otro texto importante, (...)
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  • Commentary: The Concept of a Bewusstseinskultur.Sascha Benjamin Fink - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:351152.
    Thomas Metzinger has diagnosed the need for a Bewusstseinskultur, a ‘consciousness culture’: a culturally implemented way in which a society as a whole engages with the dawning natural science of consciousness, with phenomenal experiences themselves, and with our increasing capability to manipulate them. A Bewusstseinskultur is an achievement, built by a society-wide orientation on empirical evidence, thorough scientific theorizing and rational deliberation. It affects a broad range of issues from animal ethics, drug policy, end-of-life-care, and robo-ethics to post-humanism. However, this (...)
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  • Left-Kantianism in the Marburg School.Elisabeth Theresia Widmer - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Widmer sheds light on a neglected aspect of the Western philosophical tradition. Following an era of Hegelianism, the members of the neo-Kantian "Marburg School," such as Friedrich Albert Lange, Hermann Cohen, Rudolf Stammler, Paul Natorp, and Ernst Cassirer defended socialism or left-wing ideals on Kantian principles. In doing so, Widmer breaks with two mistaken assumptions. First, Widmer demonstrates that the left-Hegelian and Marxist traditions were not the only significant philosophical sources of socialist critique in nineteenth-century Germany, as the left-Kantians identified (...)
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  • A Story of a Science: On the Evolution of Chemistry.Rein Vihalemm - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (2):7-179.
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  • Usus politicus evangelii.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):131-152.
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  • Mistifikasie en geloof: Dekonstruksie van geloofsverstaan in kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):153-172.
    Die voortgesette proses van implementering van nuwe materiaal wat gebruik word vir katkisasie in die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika vertoon 'n besondere trajek. Die proses het, in terme van geloof, begin met die formalisering van sowel die geloofsbegrip as die beskrywing van die inhoud van geloof. Dit is voortgesit deur 'n proses van die objektivering van die inhoud van geloof tot feite wat geleer kan word en is uiteindelik voltrek deur die implementering van 'n pragmatiese opvoedkundige doelwit waarin geloof (...)
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  • Reconnaissances of Marx.Philippe-Joseph Salazar - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (4):413-427.
    Recognition is used here in its military sense of “reconnaissance”: reconnaissance is about territory and how, survey done and maps out on the table, one will proceed methodically, strategically to seize and control. Counterterrorism and surveillance protocols have been feeding on this basic idea without giving it any more thought than the addition of technologies.1 A couple of provisos: I do not use the word “recognition” in its Aristotelian sense of “anagnôrisis”, a dramatic catastrophe, a turning on its head of (...)
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  • Praxis and Practice: Ways of Distinguishing.Ирина Янушевна Мацевич-Духан - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (3):50-79.
    The article exposes diverse historical-philosophical meanings of the concepts of praxis and practice. Using the works of Aristotle, I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx, H. Lotze, and H. Arendt, the author demonstrates the main ways of distinguishing between these two notions. The article clarifies meanings of praxis and prudence in Aristotle’s philosophy. The crucial transformation of the sense of practice in classical German philosophy, its further neo-Kantian and neo-Hegelian interpretations are also considered. The author reveals a range of categorical forms (...)
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  • Calvin, Van Lodenstein and Barth: Three perspectives on the necessity of church reformation.Wim A. Dreyer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (5):53-65.
    During 2017, churches with their roots in the 16th-century Reformation, will be celebrating the legacy of the Reformation. It affords theologians and churches the opportunity to reflect on the principles of the Reformation and its relevance at the start of the 21st century. This contribution reflects on the question of the necessity of church reformation, based on three texts from different periods in the history of the church. Firstly and primarily, Calvin's 'De necessitate reformandae ecclesiae' of 1543 sheds light on (...)
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  • Dievo pėdsakai pasaulyje ir lietuviška krikščionybė.Augustinas Dainys - 2015 - Žmogus ir Žodis 17 (4).
    Straipsnyje, pasitelkus tiesioginę esaties ontologiją, mėginama apmąstyti Dievo pėdsakus pasaulyje. Pats Dievo pėdsakas dar nėra duotas gamtos dėl daikto tiesioginės intuicijos, bet yra mąstomas tada, kai per tiesioginį patyrimą susikuriama Dievo pėdsako idėja. Pasak R. Otto, žmoguje turi būti aprioriškai įdėtas grožio elementas, kad atpažintų gamtos grožį. Egzistencija yra ne žmogiškasis, bet dieviškasis predikatas: Kūrėjas priskiria egzistenciją daiktams ir taip jie tveria. Straipsnyje atribojami moralės ir religijos dalykai ir teigiama, kad religinis santykis su pasauliu atveria esmišką nesaugumą. Įvedama teogoninės vietovės (...)
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  • Enculturating Algorithms.Rafael Capurro - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (2):131-137.
    The paper deals with the difference between who and what we are in order to take an ethical perspective on algorithms and their regulation. The present casting of ourselves as homo digitalis implies the possibility of projecting who we are as social beings sharing a world, into the digital medium, thereby engendering what can be called digital whoness, or a digital reification of ourselves. A main ethical challenge for the evolving digital age consists in unveiling this ethical difference, particularly when (...)
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  • Nuo dalyvavimo proto sąvokoje prie dalyvavimo pasaulio įvykyje.Augustinas Dainys - 2013 - Žmogus ir Žodis 15 (4).
    Straipsnyje aptariami du alternatyvūs žmogiškosios būtybės buvimo būdai: dalyvavimas proto sąvokoje ir dalyvavimas pasaulio įvykyje. Teigiama, kad tradicinė Vakarų filosofija nuo Parmenido ir Platono iki R. Descarteso, I. Kanto ir G. Hegelio gali būti apibūdinama kaip dalyvavimas proto sąvokoje. Šiai tradicijai būdingas siekis pasaulio daiktus pajungti proto sąvokai ir pagal jos projektą perdaryti, keisti pasaulį. Tai nulėmė ekologinę katastrofą. Šią katastrofą galima įveikti tik pakeitus paradigmą ir perėjus prie dalyvavimo pasaulio įvykyje paradigmos. Remiamasi A. Badiou įvykio samprata, kuri priešinama Descarteso (...)
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  • The concerted praxis of being human: A philosophico-anthropological essay on being and provocation.Rasmus Dyring - 2014 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 18 (1).
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  • Noëtic and paradigmatic trends in philosophy: an outline.Dirk Pereboom - unknown
    This study shows that philosophy uses mainly two different methods and that each method has its own field of research. Using the wrong method leads to false conclusions. Whoever wants to do philosophy has to know, and state, the method he uses.
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