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Introduction à la pensée complexe

ESF Editeur (1990)

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  1. Respect for Human Vulnerability: The Emergence of a New Principle in Bioethics.Henk ten Have - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):395-408.
    Vulnerability has become a popular though controversial topic in bioethics, notably since 2000. As a result, a common body of knowledge has emerged distinguishing between different types of vulnerability, criticizing the categorization of populations as vulnerable, and questioning the practical implications. It is argued that two perspectives on vulnerability, i.e., the philosophical and political, pose challenges to contemporary bioethics discourse: they re-examine the significance of human agency, the primacy of the individual person, and the negativity of vulnerability. As a phenomenon (...)
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  • Complexity and language contact: A socio-cognitive framework.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2017 - In Salikoko S. Mufwene, François Pellegrino & Christophe Coupé (eds.), Complexity in language. Developmental and evolutionary perspectives. Cambridge University Press. pp. 218-243.
    Throughout most of the 20th century, analytical and reductionist approaches have dominated in biological, social, and humanistic sciences, including linguistics and communication. We generally believed we could account for fundamental phenomena in invoking basic elemental units. Although the amount of knowledge generated was certainly impressive, we have also seen limitations of this approach. Discovering the sound formants of human languages, for example, has allowed us to know vital aspects of the ‘material’ plane of verbal codes, but it tells us little (...)
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  • (1 other version)Three Generations of Complexity Theories: Nuances and ambiguities.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):66-82.
    The contemporary use of the term ‘complexity’ frequently indicates that it is considered a unified concept. This may lead to a neglect of the range of different theories that deal with the implications related to the notion of complexity. This paper, integrating both the English and the Latin traditions of research associated with this notion, suggests a more nuanced use of the term, thereby avoiding simplification of the concept to some of its dominant expressions only. The paper further explores the (...)
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  • Challenging the Limits of Critique in Education Through Morin’s Paradigm of Complexity.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (5):477-490.
    The position adopted in this paper is inspired by Edgar Morin’s paradigm of complexity and his critique of scientific and philosophical forms of reductionism. This paper is based on research focusing on the diversity of conceptions of critique developed in academic discourses. It aims to challenge the fragmentation and the reduction framing the understanding of this notion in educational sciences. The reflection begins with the introduction of some of Morin’s assumptions concerning the paradigm of complexity. The next section provides a (...)
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  • Nonlinear synthesis and co‐evolution of complex systems.Helena Knyazeva & Sergei P. Kurdyumov - 2001 - World Futures 57 (3):239-261.
    Today a change is imperative in approaching global problems: what is needed is not arm-twisting and power politics, but searching for ways of co-evolution in the complex social and geopolitical systems of the world. The modern theory of self-organization of complex systems provides us with an understanding of the possible forms of coexistence of heterogeneous social and geopolitical structures at different stages of development regarding the different paths of their sustainable co-evolutionary development. The theory argues that the evolutionary channel to (...)
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  • Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Gabriel Vidor & José Luís Duarte Ribeiro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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  • Complexics as a meta-transdisciplinary field.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2019 - Congrès Mondial Pour la Pensée Complexe. Les Défis D’Un Monde Globalisé. (Paris, 8-9 Décembre. UNESCO).
    ‘Complexics’ denotes the meta-transdisciplinary field specifically concerned with giving us suitable cognitive tools to understand the world’s complexity. Additionally, the use of the adjective ‘complexical’ would avoid the common confusion caused by the adjective ‘complex’, which belongs to everyday usage and already has its own connotations of complication and confusion. Thus, ‘complexical’ thinking and ‘complexical’ perspective would provide clearer terms, be freer of confusion, and refer more precisely to epistemic elements in contrast to the ‘complexity’ typical of many phenomena of (...)
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  • Towards a complex-figurational socio-linguistics.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (3):55-75.
    As figurational sociologists and sociolinguists, we need to know that we currently find support from other fields in our efforts to construct a sociocultural science focused on interdependencies and processes, creating a multidimensional picture of human beings, one in which the brain and its mental and emotional processes are properly recognized. The paradigmatic revolutions in 20th-century physics, the contributions made by biology to our understanding of living beings, the conceptual constructions built around the theories of systems, self-organization and complexity, all (...)
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  • Plurilingualism as a Catalyst for Creativity in Superdiverse Societies: A Systemic Analysis.Enrica Piccardo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  • Exploring Factors that Influence Social Retail Investors’ Decisions: Evidence from Desjardins Fund.Dominique Diouf, Tessa Hebb & El Hadji Touré - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):45-67.
    Most studies on the choices, motivations and behavior of investors consist of segmentations focused on socio-demographic characteristics such as age, income, education level, etc. Such approaches seem to simplify, even mutilate, reality by aggregating data about observable variables and considering investors as homogeneous groups. These perspectives are inspired by a scientific approach that consists of separating in order to better understand the observed phenomena. By considering individual as a “homo economicus”, that is to say, a rational and autonomous individual who (...)
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  • The Emergence of Thought.Edgar Morin - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (155):135-146.
    If we consider human thought as the, so far, ultimate, if not supreme, stage in the evolution of life on Earth, we must also try to understand the evolutionary conditions that allowed it to emerge, and that leads us to look again at living organization.Whatever the origins of life (cf. the text of Jacques Reisse, p. 53), it is clear that the oldest living organization, that of a protobacteria, is extremely complex in its functional and complementary association of extremely diverse (...)
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  • Autonomous Systems and the Place of Biology Among Sciences. Perspectives for an Epistemology of Complex Systems.Leonardo Bich - 2021 - In Gianfranco Minati (ed.), Multiplicity and Interdisciplinarity. Essays in Honor of Eliano Pessa. Springer. pp. 41-57.
    This paper discusses the epistemic status of biology from the standpoint of the systemic approach to living systems based on the notion of biological autonomy. This approach aims to provide an understanding of the distinctive character of biological systems and this paper analyses its theoretical and epistemological dimensions. The paper argues that, considered from this perspective, biological systems are examples of emergent phenomena, that the biological domain exhibits special features with respect to other domains, and that biology as a discipline (...)
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  • Linguistic sustainability for a multilingual humanity.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2014 - Sustainable Multilingualism / Darnioji Daugiakalbystė 5:134-163.
    Transdisciplinary analogies and metaphors are potential useful tools for thinking and creativity. The exploration of other conceptual philosophies and fields can be rewarding and can contribute to produce new useful ideas to be applied on different problems and parts of reality. The development of the so-called 'sustainability' approach allows us to explore the possibility of translate and adapt some of its main ideas to the organisation of human language diversity. The concept of 'sustainability' clearly comes from the tradition of thinking (...)
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  • La situation professionnelle : moment critique dans l’action, Interface de la formation en alternance le cas particulier de la formation en soins infirmiers.Catherine Guillaumin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):21-39.
    The professional situation is considered a major interface of practicum training, here conceived as a School of conjunction, a school where one learns to make links, a foundation for the engineering of professionalization. The notion of situation is here developed based on the study of a data corpus elaborated during an experience with a practicum training model centred on writing and the construction of the professional situation by a subject-actor-author of the situation, in interaction with others, in the context of (...)
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  • Biological and linguistic diversity. Transdisciplinary explorations for a socioecology of languages.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2002 - Diverscité Langues 7.
    As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this chapter seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language = biological species" has become more widespread as a metaphorical source for conceptual renovation, and, at the same time, as a justification for the defense of language diversity. Language diversity would be protected in a way similar to the mobilization that has taken place (...)
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  • L’accompagnement socioprofessionnel : la complexité d’une situation professionnelle entre la complémentarité et/ou le télescopage des points de vue des acteurs.Driss Alaoui - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):5-20.
    This text examines the socio-professional guidance of Comorian migrants residing on La Réunion Island. It mainly questions the process whereby guidance is constructed as a professional situation. To apprehend the complexity of the process, we have drawn on an ethnographical procedure (Woods, 1990) based on a dual source of data—that of the guide and that of the guided—as well as a micro-sociological approach (Thomas, 1923 ; Goffman, 1993 ; Lapassade, 1997) allowing us to link the concepts of situation definition and (...)
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  • Community of Enquiry and Ethics of Responsibility.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (1):407-418.
    The article assumes that Lipman’s paradigm of ‘Philosophy for Children’ as a ‘Community of Inquiry’ is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to collective life as such. In particular, it examines the possible contribution of philosophy to the practical and ethical dynamics which, nowadays, seem to characterise many deliberative public contexts. Lipman’s idea of CI is an interesting interpretative key for such contexts. As a result, the article highlights the possibility (...)
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  • El proyecto del Buen Vivir y el tema de la centralidad de la vida.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2016 - In Camilo Valqui Cachi, Gilberto Garza Grimaldo, Jaime Salazar Adame, Medardo Reyes Salinas, Ángel Ascencio Romero & Cyntia Raquel Rudas Murga (eds.), Nuestra América: complejidad y unidad dialéctica de la humanidad y la naturaleza en el siglo XXI. Puebla, Pue., México: pp. 79-99.
    El trabajo argumenta el significado que ha de tener la centralidad de la vida en la construcción de un nuevo modelo de convivencia social basado en el "Buen Vivir", tal como hoy ya aparecen en las constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador. Se enfrenta críticamente aquellas posturas que niegan la centralidad del ser humano para afirmar la de la naturaleza en esos nuevos modelos sociales.
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  • Mise en mouvement et en image du processus de professionnalisation des Intervenants en milieu éducatif. Repérage d’une simultanéité de trois temps.Christine Gautier Chovelon - 2014 - Revue Phronesis 3 (4):13-25.
    This article leans on researchs which we led as coordinator and speaker of the course “intervention in Educational Midler” within the framework of a master’s degree “Education Teaching, Education Training”set up by the ESPE. The analysis of pratices by becoming a dynamic space, allowed to spot and to illustrate the simultaneity of three times occurring in the process of professionalization of the students. The object of this contribution is to operate a putting in the day for the links between this (...)
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  • Introducing Complexity Theory to Consider Practice-Based Teacher Education for Democratic Citizenship.Aviv Cohen & Tal Gilead - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (2):201-217.
    A growing body of literature focuses on practice as a central aspect of teacher education. Whereas this approach emerged mainly from teacher preparation programs in specific content areas such as math, science, and literacy studies, socially related educational fields have served as a peripheral player alone. Recently, however, scholars have suggested incorporating a practice-based approach to teacher education into the social studies. In this article, we draw on complexity theory to reexamine this proposal, evaluating the connections between teaching practices and (...)
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  • From language shift to language revitalization and sustainability. A complexity approach to linguistic ecology.Albert Bastardas-Boada - 2019 - Barcelona, Spain: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
    This book aims to contribute to the overall, integrated understanding of the processes of language contact and their evolution, be they the result of political or economic (dis)integrations or migrations or for technological reasons. Via an interdisciplinary, holistic approach, it also aims to aid the theoretical grounding of a unified, common sociolinguistic paradigm, based on an ecological and complexical perspective. This perspective is based on the fact that linguistic structures do not live in isolation from their social functions and must (...)
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  • Psychologie positive et spiritualité en psychothérapie.Christian R. Bellehumeur & Judith Malette (eds.) - 2019 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Peut-on entrevoir des liens fructueux entre la psychologie positive et la spiritualité en contexte psychothérapeutique? La thématique de cet ouvrage intéressera des chercheuses et des chercheurs, des cliniciens et des cliniciennes, des étudiantes et des étudiants des domaines de la psychothérapie et de la relation d’aide, ainsi que toute personne soucieuse de mieux comprendre la complexité de l’être humain. Tout au long de ce collectif, la lectrice ou le lecteur trouvera une pensée tissée serrée, sous forme parfois d’essais théoriques, de (...)
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  • From Eco’s Aperturato Fractal Narrative: Recursion as a Tool of Order in Contemporary Narratives.German A. Duarte - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (1):13-33.
    In 1962 Umberto Eco published his Opera aperta. Forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee, in which he dealt with the televised space and its influence on the development of plot in contemporary narratives. The analysis of the aesthetic of television led him to highlight the exclusive capacity of television to transmit events in real time: Live TV.Eco affirms in particular that through the editing in Live TV, the role of choice completely changes in comparison to what happens in the editing (...)
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  • New (Post-?) Textualities and the Autonomy Claim: Rethinking Law’s Quest for Normative Convergence in Dialogue with Law and Aesthetics’ Heterodoxy.Brisa Paim Duarte - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):231-258.
    Beginning by offering an overview on legal aesthetic humanisms as a specific embodiment of critical discourse, and discussing the ways the recreation of juridical experience, rationality, and culture underpinning such a criticism, leaving behind monolithic views on textuality, judgment, and subjectivity, positively contributes to unsettling the main assumptions underlying typical understandings of law’s autonomy—mostly those of formal specification of juridical “sources” and “scientific” isolation of legal thought—, this paper argues that simply reproducing aesthetic heterodoxy as the epitome of a humanist (...)
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  • Posiciones y Orientaciones Epistemológicas del Paradigma de la Complejidad.Luis M. Flores-González - 2008 - Cinta de Moebio 33:195-203.
    La tendencia natural de identificar complejidad con algo complicado y confuso, es una forma también natural de simplificar las redes complejas del fenómeno del conocimiento y de los saberes. En este artículo se presentan las orientaciones y puntos de partida del pensamiento complejo en la perspectiv..
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  • From Aesthetic to Epistemic Structures and back: Complex Dynamics between Art and Science.Fausto Fraisopi - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):41-54.
    We often forget that art and science are not dissociated, nor indeed antagonistic, but rather allow a creative interplay to emerge from which arises the generation of new forms of knowledge. According to Parkinson, “the analogy between the new painting and the new physics consists in that elements formerly held as cognitive or conceptual a-prioris enter as constitutive factors in the very structure of the edifices of art and science”. How exactly does it work? If for us nowadays it’s relatively (...)
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  • (5 other versions)Bibliographie partielle des oeuvres Philosophie en langue française pour l'année 1990.Pierrette Graindorge - 1992 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 4 (1):55-66.
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  • Redes sociales: Un nuevo paradigma en el horizonte sociológico.Paulo Henrique Martins - 2009 - Cinta de Moebio 35:88-109.
    La tesis central del presente texto es que la emergencia del nuevo paradigma de los movimientos sociales es verificada por la fuerza creciente de la idea de red social al interior de las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, entendemos que el reconocimiento más amplio de este nuevo paradigma es impedido p..
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  • Does a system of ideologies really exist ? A comparative approach to five ideological ideal-types.Dan Andrei Ilas - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):90-105.
    This article intends to show that ideology is always organized systemically by undertaking the opposition between conformity and diversity as its fundamental criterion. In order to underpin this hypothesis, the present article examines the inner structure of five classic ideologies, that can be understood as ideal ideological types. The analysis reveals that ideologies do not form a system because at the core of any ideology there is a key-concept not determined nor influenced by the key concepts of other ideologies.
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  • Ética: Indagações e Horizontes / Ethics: Inquires and Horizons.Paulo Jesus, Maria Formosinho & Carlos Reis (eds.) - 2018 - Coimbra: Coimbra University Press.
    A presente obra assume-se como um projeto genuinamente interdisciplinar de reflexão ética, interrogando os seus fundamentos e explorando as suas interseções com diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Reunindo especialistas de distintas áreas, oriundos de países diferentes, o livro tem como fio condutor um diálogo polifónico com o pensamento ético contemporâneo, enraizando-se na tradição crítica que procura refundar a racionalidade prática na construção humana de sentido e, por conseguinte, refutar o niilismo e o relativismo axiológico absoluto.
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  • A Systemic and Value-Based Approach to Strategic Reform of the Mental Health System.Michael McCubbin & David Cohen - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (1):57-77.
    Most writers now recognize that mental health policy and the mental health system are extremely resistant to real changes that reflect genuine biopsychosocial paradigms of mental disorder. Writers bemoaning the intransigence of the mental health system tend to focus on a small analytical level, only to find themselves mired in the rationalities of the existing system. Problems are acknowledged to be system-wide, yet few writers have used a method of analysis appropriate for systemic problems. Drawing upon the General System Theory (...)
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  • We are the Dance: Cinema, Death and the Imaginary in the Thought of Edgar Morin.Lorraine Mortimer - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 64 (1):77-95.
    A colleague of Roland Barthes at the CNRS in the 1950s and cowriter and friend of Cornelius Castoriadis until the latter's death, Edgar Morin has until recently been too little known in the English-speaking world. In an oeuvre that spans half a century, attempting to combine in ongoing dialogue the `humanities' and `sciences', Morin has written on scientific method, fundamental anthropology, politics, contemporary life and popular culture. He is an advocate of `complex' thought, thought which does not reduce, rationalize and (...)
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  • L'envergure et l'avenir de l'idiorrythmie.Nathalie Roelens - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a été publié dans Carnets, n° 6, janvier 2016 – Exotopies de Barthes, p. 130-142. Résumé : L'idiorrythmie, terme que Barthes emprunte au vocabulaire religieux des monastères et qui répond à son « fantasme d'une solitude collective », d'un compromis entre retrait et engagement, est, selon nous, en germe depuis les premiers travaux et sous-tend toute son écriture. Car, parmi le foisonnement de métaphores littéraires ou philosophiques mobilisées pour mener à bien son combat d'écrivain contre le - Poétique (...)
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  • Escritura creativa y neurociencia cognitiva.Manuel A. Vázquez-Medel, Francisco Mora & Antonio Acedo García - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a577.
    El desarrollo de la neurociencia ha permitido, en las últimas décadas, espectaculares avances en torno al mejor conocimiento de diferentes prácticas humanas desde las bases neurofisiológicas del funcionamiento cerebral. A pesar de que aún nos encontramos en la «prehistoria» del descifrado funcional del más complejo órgano que conocemos en el universo, es un momento adecuado para hacer un balance operativo, desterrando algunas falsedades y aprovechando algunos datos consolidados para su aplicación a la enseñanza y a la praxis de la escritura (...)
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  • (2 other versions)COVID-19 : comment résoudre la crise?Henri-Corto Stoeklé & Christian Hervé - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):108-109.
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  • A novel Holistic Risk Assessment Concept: The Epistemological Positioning and the Methodology.Carrodano Tarantino Cinzia - unknown
    Risk is an intrinsic part of our lives. In the future, the development and growth of the Internet of things allows getting a huge amount of data. Considering this evolution, our research focuses on developing a novel concept, namely Holistic Risk Assessment (HRA), that takes into consideration elements outside the direct influence of the individual to provide a highly personalized risk assessment. The HRA implies developing a methodology and a model. This paper is related to the epistemological positioning of this (...)
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  • Lingüística general: elementos para un paradigma integrador desde la perspectiva de complejidad.Albert Bastardas Boada - 2003 - LinRed 1:1-23.
    The 'complexity' approach can be positive and very helpful for General Linguistics theory because departs from: a) the idea that knowledge or meaning can exist without a being who produces them, b) the fragmented and reductionist view of reality and its too mechanistic oriented images, c) the 'linear' causality models, d) the tendency to dichotomise the categories about reality, e) the 'third excluded' Aristotelian principle (binary logic: if something is here it is not there), f) the disappearance of the mind (...)
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  • Co-emergences in life and science: a double proposal for biological emergentism. [REVIEW]Luisa Damiano - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):273-294.
    This article addresses the problem of emergence through a distinction, often neglected in the literature, between two different aspects of this issue: (1) the theoretical problem of providing modelizations able to explain the expression of emergent properties; (2) the epistemological problem of warranting the scientific value of the emergentist descriptions of nature. This paper considers this double issue with regard to the biological domain, and proposes a double solution (theoretical and epistemological) originally developed in early studies on self-organization. The underlying (...)
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  • Psychologie positive et psychothérapie positive.Christian R. Bellehumeur - 2019 - In Christian R. Bellehumeur & Judith Malette (eds.), Psychologie positive et spiritualité en psychothérapie. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 41-69.
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  • Is Communication Separable From Information?Philippe Dumas, Eric Boutin, Daphné Duvernay & Gabriel Gallezot - unknown
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  • Toward 'Complexics' as a transdiscipline.Albert Bastardas I. Boada - unknown
    The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together allcontemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchersspecifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and conceptsintended for transversal application that are aimed at understanding andexplaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. Our aimneeds to be, as Morin says, not “to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] totranslate complexity into theory”.New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data ofexperience will need to be devised to complement existing (...)
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