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  1. A Study of Plato's Cratylus.Geoffrey Bagwell - 2010 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
    In the last century, philosophers turned their attention to language. One place they have looked for clues about its nature is Plato’s Cratylus, which considers whether names are naturally or conventionally correct. The dialogue is a source of annoyance to many commentators because it does not take a clear position on the central question. At times, it argues that language is conventional, and, at other times, defends the view that language is natural. This lack of commitment has led to a (...)
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  • Two Portraits of Protagoras in Plato: Theaetetus vs. Protagoras.Mateo Duque - 2023 - Illinois Classical Studies 47 (2):359-382.
    This article will contrast two portrayals of Protagoras: one in the "Theaetetus," where Socrates discusses Protagorean theory and even comes to his defense by imitating the deceased sophist; and another in the "Protagoras," where Socrates recounts his encounter with the sophist. I suggest that Plato wants listeners and readers of the dialogues to hear the dissonance between the two portraits and to wonder why Socrates so distorts Protagoras in the "Theaetetus." Protagoras in the "Protagoras" behaves and speaks in ways that (...)
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  • Uma reavaliação do papel de Hípias de Élis como fonte protodoxográfica.Gustavo Laet Gomes - 2023 - Dissertation, Federal University of Minas Gerais
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  • Philosophical Breakdowns and Divine Intervention.Thomas Slabon - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):89-118.
    This article investigates how Plato thinks we secure necessary motivational conditions for inquiry. After presenting a typology of zetetic breakdowns in the dialogues, I identify norms of inquiry Plato believes all successful inquirers must satisfy. Satisfying these norms requires trust that philosophy will not harm but benefit inquirers overall. This trust cannot be secured by protreptic argument. Instead, it requires divine intervention—an extra-rational foundation for rational inquiry.
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  • (6 other versions)Platon : La biographie.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    La principale source biographique sur Platon, selon le témoignage du néoplatonicien Simplicius, a été écrite par le disciple Xénocrate, mais malheureusement elle ne nous est pas parvenue. La première biographie de Platon à ce jour, De Platone et dogmate eius, est d'un auteur latin du IIe siècle, Apulée. Toutes les autres biographies de Platon ont été écrites plus de cinq cents ans après sa mort. L'historien grec Diogène (IIe et IIIe siècles) est l'auteur d'une série de biographies de philosophes grecs (...)
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  • Platon, La République : De la justice – Dialectique et éducation.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Platon s'est inspir? des travaux philosophiques de certains de ses pr?d?cesseurs, en particulier Socrate, mais aussi Parm?nide, H?raclite et Pythagore, pour d?velopper sa propre philosophie, qui explore les domaines les plus importants, notamment la m?taphysique, l'?thique, l'esth?tique et la politique. Avec son professeur Socrate et son ?l?ve Aristote, il pose les bases de la pens?e philosophique occidentale. Platon est consid?r? comme l'un des philosophes les plus importants et les plus influents de l'histoire humaine, ?tant l'un des fondateurs de la religion (...)
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  • The Case for the 399 BCE Dramatic Date of Plato's Cratylus.Colin C. Smith - 2022 - Classical Philology 117 (4):645-661.
    I here revive and support the hypothesis that Plato's Cratylus is set in 399 BCE, on the day of the Theaetetus and Euthyphro and before that of the Sophist and Statesman. To revive it, I suggest that the competing cases for other dramatic dates are weaker. To support it, I show that the connections between the Cratylus and Euthyphro warrant reconsideration, and I consider neglected dramatic details, the role of etymology in religious esotericism, and some missed connections between the philosophical (...)
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  • Can Flogging Make Us Less Ignorant?Freya Möbus - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):51-68.
    In the Gorgias, Socrates claims that painful bodily punishment like flogging can improve certain wrongdoers. I argue that we can take Socrates’ endorsement seriously, even on the standard interpretation of Socratic motivational intellectualism, according to which there are no non-rational desires. I propose that flogging can epistemically improve certain wrongdoers by communicating that wrongdoing is bad for oneself. In certain cases, this belief cannot be communicated effectively through philosophical dialogue.
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  • Socratic Methods.Eric Brown - 2024 - In Russell E. Jones, Ravi Sharma & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Socrates. Bloomsbury Handbooks. pp. 45-62.
    This selective and opinionated overview of English-language scholarship on the philosophical method(s) of Plato's Socrates discusses whether this Socrates has any expertise or method, how he examines others and why, and how he exhorts others to care about wisdom and the state of their soul.
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  • A temperança em diálogo no "Cármides".Bernardo C. D. A. Vasconcelos - 2017 - Contextura 9 (10):17-31.
    The article attempts to show how the dialog Charmides is a skillful and subtle response by Plato to the contradictions and challenges of his time and not, as one could assume, a fruitless search for a definition or a vain intellectual exercise. To do that, we’ll contextualize the dialog through a reconstruction of the historical and political conjuncture of the archaic and classical periods, using the notion of temperance (σωφροσύνη) as our guide.
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  • One Over Many: The Unitary Pluralism of Plato's World.Necip Fikri Alican - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Corrective intervention in Plato's metaphysics replacing the standard view of Plato as a metaphysical dualist with a novel and revolutionary paradigm of unitary pluralism in a single reality built on ontological diversity.
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  • Il Teeteto e il suo rapporto con il Cratilo.Aldo Brancacci - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (1):27-48.
    With the use of a particular metaphor, which appears at the end of the Cratylus and is taken up with perfect symmetry at the beginning of the Theaetetus, Plato certainly wanted to indicate the succession of Cratylus–Theaetetus as an order for reading the two dialogues, which Trasillus faithfully reproduced in structuring the second tetralogy of Platonic dialogues. The claim of the theory of ideas, with which the Cratylus ends, must therefore be considered the background in which to place not only (...)
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  • Teaching Ancient Women Philosophers: A Case Study.Sara Protasi - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (3).
    In this paper I discuss in some detail my experience teaching women philosophers in the context of a survey course in ancient Greek philosophy at a small liberal arts college. My aim is to share the peculiar difficulties one may encounter when teaching this topic in a lower-level undergraduate course, difficulties stemming from a multiplicity of methodological hurdles that do not arise when teaching women philosophers in other periods, such as the modern era. In the first section, I briefly review (...)
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  • Socrates' Lesson to Hippothales in Plato's Lysis.Matthew D. Walker - 2020 - Classical Philology 115 (3):551-566.
    In the opening of Plato’s Lysis, Socrates criticizes the love-besotted Hippothales’ way of speaking to, and about, Hippothales’ yearned-for Lysis. Socrates subsequently proceeds to demonstrate (ἐπιδεῖξαι) how Hippothales should converse with Lysis (206c5–6). But how should we assess Socrates’ criticisms of, and demonstration to, Hippothales? Are they defensible by Socrates’ own standards, as well as independent criteria? In this note, I first articulate and assess Socrates’ criticisms of Hippothales. Second, I identify, examine, and respond to puzzles to which Socrates’ demonstration (...)
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  • Demos, Polis, Versus.James Griffith - 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia: Krtika & Kontext. Edited by Dagmar Kusá & James Griffith.
    This is the Introduction to a collected volume.
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  • Annotated Bibliography on Plato's Phaedo.David Ebrey - 2017 - Oxford Bibliographies.
    8000 Word annotated bibliography on the Phaedo, with roughly 70 entries. Note that the subscription version is a bit easier to navigate. The hyperlinks work in this pdf, but you can not as easily jump to the different sections.
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  • Ontological Symmetry in Plato: Formless Things and Empty Forms.Necip Fikri Alican - 2017 - Analysis and Metaphysics 16:7–51.
    This is a study of the correspondence between Forms and particulars in Plato. The aim is to determine whether they exhibit an ontological symmetry, in other words, whether there is always one where there is the other. This points to two questions, one on the existence of things that do not have corresponding Forms, the other on the existence of Forms that do not have corresponding things. Both questions have come up before. But the answers have not been sufficiently sensitive (...)
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  • A Horse Is a Horse, of Course, of Course, but What about Horseness?Necip Fikri Alican - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant (eds.), Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 307–324.
    Plato is commonly considered a metaphysical dualist conceiving of a world of Forms separate from the world of particulars in which we live. This paper explores the motivation for postulating that second world as opposed to making do with the one we have. The main objective is to demonstrate that and how everything, Forms and all, can instead fit into the same world. The approach is exploratory, as there can be no proof in the standard sense. The debate between explaining (...)
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  • Expert Knowledge and Human Wisdom: A Socratic Note on the Philosophy of Expertise.Jörg Hardy & Margarita Kaiser - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):79-89.
    In this paper we attempt to understand what Socrates says about expertise and virtue in Plato’s dialogue Laches in the light of Socrates’ idea of “human wisdom” in the Apology of Socrates. Conducting a good life requires both “knowledge about good and bad things”, that is, knowledge about human well-being, and “human wisdom”. Socrates aspires to epistemic autonomy: Trust in your own reason, and don’t let any expert tell you anything about your own happiness.
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  • Rethinking Plato: A Cartesian Quest for the Real Plato.Necip Fikri Alican - 2012 - Amsterdam and New York: Brill | Rodopi.
    This book is a quest for the real Plato, forever hiding behind the veil of drama. The quest, as the subtitle indicates, is Cartesian in that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find him. The result of the quest is a complete pedagogical platform on Plato. This does not mean that the book leaves nothing out, covering all the dialogues and all the themes, but that it provides the full intellectual apparatus (...)
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  • (1 other version)Prosopografía y drama en Platón: una lectura cruzada entre República y Teeteto.Dennys Xavier García - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34).
    En este artículo, intentamos demostrar en qué medida la teoria platónica de lo escrito –cuyas reglas se encuentran, principalmente, en la parte conclusiva del Fedro y en el excursus filosófico de la Carta VII– sea instrumento fundamental para la comprensión de la estructura compositiva del Teeteto. Siendo esto así, reconstruimos, en perspectiva prosopográfica y en armonía con aquellas reglas –según las cuales el mensaje filosófico debe adecuarse a la capacidad de aprehensión del deuteragonista– los perfiles de los personajes centrales del (...)
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  • Hermes as Eros in Plato’s Lysis.John von Heyking - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (5):0952695113500799.
    This article examines how Plato uses mythological symbolisms in the Lysis, specifically those of Hermes, to show how our experience of the good makes possible our capacity to love our friend as an individual, and in so doing overturns the static dualities usually associated with Plato’s ‘metaphysics’. Instead of appealing to allegedly impersonal ideas, Plato refigures Greek mythological understandings of Hermes to signal, first, that friendship is a movement of divine love in which human beings participate and to which they (...)
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  • “Chalepa Ta Kala,” “Fine Things are Difficult”: Socrates’ Insights into the Psychology of Teaching and Learning. [REVIEW]Avi I. Mintz - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (3):287-299.
    The proverb “chalepa ta kala” (“fine things are difficult”) is invoked in three dialogues in the Platonic corpus: Hippias Major, Cratylus and Republic. In this paper, I argue that the context in which the proverb arises reveals Socrates’ considerable pedagogical dexterity as he uses the proverb to rebuke his interlocutor in one dialogue but to encourage his interlocutors in another. In the third, he gauges his interlocutors’ mention of the proverb to be indicative of their preparedness for a more difficult (...)
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  • Ancient political philosophy.Melissa Lane - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Socrates' Therapeutic Use of Inconsistency in the Axiochus.Tim O'Keefe - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):388-407.
    The few people familiar with the pseudo-Platonic dialogue Axiochus generally have a low opinion of it. It's easy to see why: the dialogue is a mish-mash of Platonic, Epicurean and Cynic arguments against the fear of death, seemingly tossed together with no regard whatsoever for their consistency. As Furley notes, the Axiochus appears to be horribly confused. Whereas in the Apology Socrates argues that death is either annihilation or a relocation of the soul, and is a blessing either way, "the (...)
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  • Socrates.Debra Nails - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Plato on rhetoric and poetry.Charles Griswold - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Sócrates, como Odiseo, invocador de las almas de los muertos.Francesc Casadesús Bordoy - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:177-190.
    The expression ψυχαγωγεῖ Σωκράτης used by Aristophanes in Birds has been interpreted in different ways. However, the fact that the comediographer compares the action of invoking the souls of the dead to Odysseus, ὥσπερ Οὑδυσσεύς, suggests that book 11 of the Odyssey was the model that inspired the scene. Many platonic passages from Protagoras, Republic, Gorgias, Phaedo and Apology explain which could have been the cause of the aristophanic parody: Socrates’ propensity to mention Odysseus in his descriptions of what is (...)
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  • The Virtue of Dialogue, Dialogue as Virtue in Plato's Protagoras.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (1):33-66.
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  • Límite de la téchne y virtud del diálogo según Platón.Cristián De Bravo Delorme - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (4):9-28.
    Resumen: El siguiente artículo parte reconociendo el carácter protector de la téchne y sus momentos constitutivos. De acuerdo a esta determinación es posible advertir el límite de la téchne a partir de la cuestión socrática de la virtud. La virtud, en la medida que no es un asunto análogo a los objetos de la téchne, precisa de un especial acceso. Desde la constatación del diálogo como el único modo de conocer la virtud, se pone de relieve su sentido comunitario y (...)
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  • Thrasymachus of Chalcedon on the Platonic stage.Dorota Zygmuntowicz - 2019 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 13 (1):1-39.
    The conviction that Plato manipulated Thrasymachus’ views is today accepted by the scholarly opinion. Given the absence of testimonies regarding the political and moral views held by the historical Thrasymachus, the degree of this manipulation can be gauged only by assessing the degree of incoherence and ambiguity in the views of the Platonic Thrasymachus. This perspective, of necessity a self-referential one, is overcome by the hypothesis presented in the following article, namely, that Plato manipulates not as much the views of (...)
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  • Avowal and Criminal Accusation.George Pavlich - 2016 - Law and Critique 27 (2):229-245.
    In his work on truth telling, avowal and juridical processes, Foucault alerts us to legal ‘apparatuses’ that demand certain ways of speaking the truth and the sorts of subjects these recursively produce. This paper explores the role of truth telling in a specific context; namely, ‘criminal’ accusation as instanced by the agora-like processes that enabled Socrates’ notorious accusation for impiety, his defence and the resultant death sentence. Through this analysis, I seek to highlight elements of truth telling required by accusatorial (...)
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  • Plato’s Theory of Language: the Isomorphism of Kosmos and Logos in the Timaeus.Alexey Pleshkov - 2017 - Problemos 91:128.
    The paper considers Plato’s theory of language through the prism of the Timaeus’ metaphysics. It is argued that the apparent contradictions of Plato’s philosophy of language are the consequence of the two-fold nature of language, and that the metaphysical scheme proposed by Plato in the Timaeus can shed a light on his coherent theory of language. The linguo-metaphysical isomorphism of the Timaeus presupposes that (1) words and material elements have their own meaning and nature respectively; (2) they can be reduced (...)
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  • Four Educators in Plato's Theaetetus.Avi I. Mintz - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (4):657-673.
    Scholars who have taken interest in Theaetetus' educational theme argue that Plato contrasts an inferior, even dangerous, sophistic education to a superior, philosophical, Socratic education. I explore the contrasting exhortations, methods, ideals and epistemological foundations of Socratic and Protagorean education and suggest that Socrates' treatment of Protagoras as educator is far less dismissive than others claim. Indeed, Plato, in Theaetetus, offers a qualified defence of both Socrates and Protagoras. Socrates and Protagoras each dwell in the middle ground between the extremes (...)
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  • Plato, the Poets, and the Philosophical Turn in the Relationship Between Teaching, Learning, and Suffering.Avi I. Mintz - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):259-271.
    Greek literature prior to Plato featured two conceptions of education. Learning takes place when people encounter “teacher-guides”—educators, mentors, and advisors. But education also occurs outside of a pedagogical relationship between learner and teacher-guide: people learn through painful experience. In composing his dramatic dialogues, Plato appropriated these two conceptions of education, refashioning and fusing them to present a new philosophical conception of learning: Plato’s Socrates is a teacher-guide who causes his interlocutors to learn through suffering. Socrates, however, is not presented straightforwardly (...)
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  • Early Education in Plato's Republic.Michelle Jenkins - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (5):843-863.
    In this paper, I reconsider the commonly held position that the early moral education of the Republic is arational since the youths of the Kallipolis do not yet have the capacity for reason. I argue that, because they receive an extensive mathematical education alongside their moral education, the youths not only have a capacity for reason but that capacity is being developed in their early education. If this is so, though, then we must rethink why the early moral education is (...)
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  • Why did Socrates Deny that he was a Teacher? Locating Socrates among the new educators and the traditional education in Plato’s Apology of Socrates.Avi I. Mintz - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (7):735-747.
    Plato’s Apology of Socrates contains a spirited account of Socrates’ relationship with the city of Athens and its citizens. As Socrates stands on trial for corrupting the youth, surprisingly, he does not defend the substance and the methods of his teaching. Instead, he simply denies that he is a teacher. Many scholars have contended that, in having Socrates deny he is a teacher, Plato is primarily interested in distinguishing him from the sophists. In this article, I argue that, given the (...)
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  • Socrates, Augustine, and Paul Gauguin on the Reciprocity between Speech and Silence in Education.Angelo Caranfa - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 47 (4):577-604.
    While most educational practices today place an excessive amount of attention on discourse, this article attaches great importance to the reciprocity between speech and silence by drawing from the writings of Plato's Socrates, Augustine, and Paul Gauguin for whom this reciprocity is of the essence in learning. These three figures teach that we learn to speak, listen, and act in relation with the silence of our thoughts. This article claims that Socrates' dialectic is nothing but inward or silent dialogue, which (...)
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  • Plato.Richard Kraut - 1981 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • (1 other version)Sókratovská pedagogika v Platónovom dialógu Menón.Matúš Porubjak - 2022 - Pro-Fil 23 (1):1-15.
    Štúdia sa zameriava na psychologické a didaktické metódy použité v Platónovom dialógu Menón. S využitím metódy dramatického čítania dialógu autor analyzuje dve kľúčové časti sokratovskej pedagogiky: negatívnu (aporetickú) charakterizovanú elenchom s cieľom nájsť a eliminovať chybné predpoklady, a pozitívnu (euporetickú), ktorej cieľom je pomôcť študentovi nájsť nové riešenia a prostredníctvom argumentácie ho priviesť k lepšiemu porozumeniu problému. V závere autor uvádza, že hlavným cieľom dialógu Menón je ukázať rozdiel medzi „sofistickým“ a „sókratovským“ spôsobom učenia. Zatiaľ čo prvý spočíva v memorovaní (...)
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  • Erôs and Education : Socratic Seduction in Three Platonic Dialogues.Hege Dypedokk Johnsen - 2016 - Dissertation, Stockholm University
    Plato’s Socrates is famous for claiming that “I know one thing: That I know nothing”. There is one subject that Socrates repeatedly claims to have expertise in, however: ta erôtika. Socrates also refers to this expertise as his erôtikê technê, which may be translated as “erotic expertise”. In this dissertation, I investigate Socrates’ erotic expertise: what kind of expertise is it, what is it constituted by, where is it put into practice, and how is it practiced? I argue that the (...)
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  • “Socratic Therapy” from Aeschines of Sphettus to Lacan.Kurt Lampe - 2010 - Classical Antiquity 29 (2):181-221.
    Recent research on “psychotherapy” in Greek philosophy has not been fully integrated into thinking about philosophy as a way of life molded by personal relationships. This article focuses on how the enigma of Socratic eros sustains a network of thought experiments in the fourth century BCE about interpersonal dynamics and psychical transformation. It supplements existing work on Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus with comparative material from Aeschines of Sphettus, Xenophon, and the dubiously Platonic Alcibiades I and Theages. In order to select (...)
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  • Index.Danielle S. Allen - 2012-12-10 - In Neville Morley (ed.), Why Plato Wrote. Blackwell. pp. 219–232.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Against Writing The Hole in the Argument Spotting the Defense of Philosophical Writing A Sociology of Symbols The Psychological Power of Symbols.
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  • (1 other version)El mito del anillo de Giges en la República de Platón.María Marcela Higuera Linares - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (67):73-102.
    En el presente artículo se indaga acerca del conocido “mito del anillo de Giges” en el libro II de la República de Platón, en el que se lleva al límite la noción degradada de la vida justa para plantear de forma radical el problema principal de este diálogo. Imágenes y reflexiones conforman la escena de esta alusión a la inquietud universal por la capacidad de elección humana y su responsabilidad con la justicia. Cuestiones de historia, política y economía hacen parte (...)
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  • Truth-telling in Foucault's “Le gouvernement de soi et des autres” and Persius 1: The Subject, Rhetoric, and Power.Paul Allen Miller - 2006 - Parrhesia 1:27-61.
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  • Education of courage: Plato’s Laches as the model of educational practice.Eduardo Salcedo Ortiz - 2016 - Ixtli 3 (6):217-236.
    The difficulty involved in knowledge and its practicality is accentuated when to understand the world around us and to act better on it, is considered the relevance of the study of classical thinkers like Plato. Indeed, it seems better referring to philosophers who have analyzed more closely and clear our reality more objectively respond to own problems. Such a course is by no means negligible. However, why cater to the philosophy of Plato? In this respect we should say that we (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Currency and Essence. A Reflection on Economy and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic.Alfonso Flórez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):143-154.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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  • Platón sobre la anomalía cívica del filósofo.Lavilla de Lera Jonathan - 2017 - Endoxa 39:53.
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  • Pardon the Interruption.Paul Allen Miller - 2022 - Classical Antiquity 41 (1):51-66.
    The Timaeus is a muthos that attempts to imagine a logos of the cosmos. Like the demiurge, readers are to be mimetic artists, poets, who move constantly between the intelligible essences and their likenesses in the world of appearance, experience, and becoming, occupying a third register that is neither and both. The cosmology of the Timaeus is both a likely story and an allegory of its own failure. It takes place within the nonspace of the khōra, a realm accessible only (...)
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  • Clitophon and Socrates in the Platonic Clitophon.Christopher Moore - 2012 - Ancient Philosophy 32 (2):257-278.
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