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  1. Discussion on the foundation of mathematics.John W. Dawson - 1984 - History and Philosophy of Logic 5 (1):111-129.
    This article provides an English translation of a historic discussion on the foundations of mathematics, during which Kurt GÖdel first announced his incompleteness theorem to the mathematical world. The text of the discussion is preceded by brief background remarks and commentary.
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  • Skolem and the löwenheim-skolem theorem: a case study of the philosophical significance of mathematical results.Alexander George - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):75-89.
    The dream of a community of philosophers engaged in inquiry with shared standards of evidence and justification has long been with us. It has led some thinkers puzzled by our mathematical experience to look to mathematics for adjudication between competing views. I am skeptical of this approach and consider Skolem's philosophical uses of the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem to exemplify it. I argue that these uses invariably beg the questions at issue. I say ?uses?, because I claim further that Skolem shifted his (...)
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  • Turing and Von Neumann: From Logic to the Computer.B. Jack Copeland & Zhao Fan - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):22.
    This article provides a detailed analysis of the transfer of a key cluster of ideas from mathematical logic to computing. We demonstrate the impact of certain of Turing’s logico-philosophical concepts from the mid-1930s on the emergence of the modern electronic computer—and so, in consequence, Turing’s impact on the direction of modern philosophy, via the computational turn. We explain why both Turing and von Neumann saw the problem of developing the electronic computer as a problem in logic, and we describe their (...)
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  • Popper’s Theory of World 3 and the Evolution of the Internet.Peter Backes - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (3):265-287.
    While developing his theory of world 3, Popper rejects two claims made by Plato: first, that the inhabitants of world 3, ideas, are a source of ultimate explanation, a divine revelation of truth, and second, that these ideas are unchanging. I will rehabilitate the second claim. Man does not construct world 3 by creating his theories, nor is it a source of ultimate truth. Instead, world 3 is discovered by man, and it destroys some of his theories: destructive Platonism. I (...)
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  • Learning Logical Tolerance: Hans Hahn on the Foundations of Mathematics.Thomas E. Uebel - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (3):175-209.
    Hans Hahn's long-neglected philosophy of mathematics is reconstructed here with an eye to his anticipation of the doctrine of logical pluralism. After establishing that Hahn pioneered a post-Tractarian conception of tautologies and attempted to overcome the traditional foundational dispute in mathematics, Hahn's and Carnap's work is briefly compared with Karl Menger's, and several significant agreements or differences between Hahn's and Carnap's work are specified and discussed.
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  • When Logic Meets Engineering: Introduction to Logical Issues in the History and Philosophy of Computer Science.Liesbeth De Mol & Giuseppe Primiero - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (3):195-204.
    The birth, growth, stabilization and subsequent understanding of a new field of practical and theoretical enquiry is always a conceptual process including several typologies of events, phenomena an...
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  • Hilbert's 'Verunglückter Beweis', the first epsilon theorem, and consistency proofs.Richard Zach - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (2):79-94.
    In the 1920s, Ackermann and von Neumann, in pursuit of Hilbert's programme, were working on consistency proofs for arithmetical systems. One proposed method of giving such proofs is Hilbert's epsilon-substitution method. There was, however, a second approach which was not reflected in the publications of the Hilbert school in the 1920s, and which is a direct precursor of Hilbert's first epsilon theorem and a certain "general consistency result" due to Bernays. An analysis of the form of this so-called "failed proof" (...)
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  • Hilbert's Programs: 1917–1922.Wilfried Sieg - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):1-44.
    Hilbert's finitist program was not created at the beginning of the twenties solely to counteract Brouwer's intuitionism, but rather emerged out of broad philosophical reflections on the foundations of mathematics and out of detailed logical work; that is evident from notes of lecture courses that were given by Hilbert and prepared in collaboration with Bernays during the period from 1917 to 1922. These notes reveal a dialectic progression from a critical logicism through a radical constructivism toward finitism; the progression has (...)
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  • (1 other version)Moderne Wissenschaft und moderne Dichtung Hermann Brochs Beitrag zur Beilegung der „Grundlagenkrise“ der Mathematik.Carsten Konnexer - 1999 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 73 (2):319-351.
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  • Hilbert's axiomatic method and Carnap's general axiomatics.Michael Stöltzner - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 53:12-22.
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